1998-01-17-Male & Female Teachers?
Topic: Male & Female Teachers?
Group: Half Moon Bay TeaM
Teacher: Tarkas
TR: Susan Kimsey
Student: Can I ask a question?
Tarkas: Certainly.
The Teachers
K: When a Teacher is assigned to an individual, when you talk about companionship, does the Teacher have past experiences that are in accordance with the individual that he’s assigned to that gives them understanding of the human that they are guiding? Is there some kind of relationship between the Teacher and the individual they’re assigned to hat they have something in common from their life experiences, or why s a certain Teacher assigned to an individual? What characteristics are there? Do you understand my question?
Tarkas: I do understand your question, my dear. And, I would say, that the greatest common denominator in terms of Teacher-student assignment is that this has been Prince Machiventa’s choice. There are many reasons why certain assignments are made. They surround issues of compatibility, common interest, or appropriate challenge for the Teacher. There is, always, a desire to assign Teachers who will be perceived by the students as appealing. But, remember that Teachers are also to be task-makers. They are to encourage the best within their students, and therefore, many other factors enter into a decision as to which Teacher will be assigned either, personally, or to a group. Is this sufficient information for you?
Student: Yes. Thank you.
Tarkas: You are welcome.
Student 2: Tarkas, I’d like to follow up a little bit, since we’re in this general vicinity. What were the qualifications that were given for those who wanted to volunteer to participate as Teachers? And, part two of that question is, could you describe the volunteer qualification and selection process?
Tarkas: The basis on which a participant was chosen for this Teaching Mission was the willingness to serve. This was the primary criteria necessary for their involvement. The process of evaluation of any particular participant’s capacity to carry out their assignment is a rather difficult concept for S to convey in any real detail, at this time. May we instead, perhaps, conserve her energy for other questions which might be more all-encompassing?
Student 2: Yes.
Tarkas: Fine.
Student 2: You’d mentioned a few moments ago that many planets were involved in the rebellion, and that for each planet there was a custom program, or some type of a customized program of ministry. Could you enlighten us as to what some of the variables were, relative to this planet, that determine that customization?
Tarkas: Your planet draws much of its solace from a humorous perspective upon life. Therefore, one criteria was to devise a plan which would allow for the sense of irony which exists upon this world--the mix of pathos and bathos which, which has expressed itself so often in the cultures of this world. There are many powerful feminine Teachers in our Mission here on Urantia. Your charming Teacher, Olfana, is one of these. And, I am sure you can already see she is an appealing expression of strength and softness mixed together. Is this not so?
Student 2: Yes.
Tarkas: Then, this, indeed, was an important criteria. There was a concern for the experimental status which exists on this decimal planet. There is much flexibility and latitude allowed in the evolution of this particular Mission, because it suits the manner in which many other patterns occur on this planet. Is this a sufficient delineation?
Student 2: Yes. Except for your first one. Could you enlighten me a little bit more on that one, and that is the consideration of the bathos and pathos, the irony, the humor factors. I don’t understand that.
Tarkas: As a Teacher who comes from a planet of Light and Life, I can tell you that there are moments that still, indeed, startle me, at times, when I realize the "mixed perspective" from which you all come. There needs to be a high tolerance level of patience in the Teachers assigned to work with Urantians because there can be such fluctuation in your own emotions. The element of humor can, so often, soften any of these moments of inconsistent participation that can occur among those of you who participate in this Teaching Mission. Many of the Teachers who are here desire to see this expression of humor on the rebellion planet and, indeed, wish to cultivate their own capacity for good humor in themselves. Is this sufficiently explained?
Student 2: Yes. Thank you. Half Moon Bay, CA Teaching Mission Group
Also, Steve Tiller asks: It seems somewhat odd to me that sexual orientation of energies would survive into the spirit realm. perhaps the question we should ask ourselves rather that what is the sex of the teachers -is what significance or role does sexual orientation play that the universe needs to continue this polarity of energies? I find it interesting that the energies are so clearly and easily identified in the guides and teachers around us. Do most personal guides match the sex of the one being guided?
Susan responds: Olfana has mentioned a number of times that the Teachers are "feminine" or "masculine," but those terms are not quite as loaded as our sense of these traits as "sexual energies." She and Tarkas both have also said that because of the extreme -imbalance- in our world cultures of male power/politics that Christ Michael has asked for many strong and powerful feminine personalities to volunteer as Teachers for this particular Teaching Mission. I would say that Teachers such as Will, Olfana, Signa, & Althena (to name just a few) are beautiful examples of powerful feminine leadership in this Mission. Hope this helps!