2006-07-17-Mind Of Christ, Yesterday & Forever
Topic: Mind of Christ, Yesterday & Forever
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Michael
TR: Joyce Brenton
Session 1
Michael: "I ask you today, My Brothers and Sisters, to live in happy gratitude, for indeed, you have the opportunity to bring a healing measure of our Father’s Love into every segment of your day.
"You are His Love Potion. You smile at such a thought but you know that Love is the healing medicine this wounded weary world is so in need of. And you are His Doctors of Love.
"Our Father needs every one of you, My Beloveds, as active partners in His healing ministry. Faithfully follow His Will that all may receive healing.
"Today we continue onward recognizing that every challenge we receive is simply a call to love. Give freely to every one and be ever aware that His supply of this healing love potion is never-ending and most certainly ever flowing.
"You are His healing Hands, and your voice speaks His Healing Words. Love is a grand medicine. And it is His Answer to this world’s ills we eagerly dispense today. Love is a potion of perfect healing Power."
Session 2
September 8, 2006 I Am Your Example
Michael: "I am your Example. I represented our Father’s Presence in human form, and I expect you all to do the same, My brothers and sisters.
"You need look no further for a personal guru to follow. The truths I conveyed to you centuries ago have withstood the test of time. Your holy book professes to enlighten this world with My Words. Ah, but there have been countless receivers of these words without there being a great deal of follow through from them.
"My true disciples do hear My Words, and are proficient doers of My Words. Yes, as My beloved followers you do what I say.
"Is this too simple a philosophy? Are My expectations too high? Not really, and all My Words are very worthy of serious contemplation.
"Are you My disciples? Of course you are! For you, My disciples of truth, there is no condemnation in My Words for those who are merely ‘hearers’ of My Words, but who take no action.
"Ah, My beloveds, you both hear and do, and for that I Am eternally grateful. Your consistent, active participation as doers will indeed change this world."
Session 3
September 14, 2006 Shine!
Michael: "These moments we spend together each day, My Beloveds, are so very important. We come together to center our minds on the essential part we all play in our Father’s Perfect Plan to bring peace on earth. Daily we advance His Will for the brotherhood of all mankind.
"I have said, ‘Be in the world, but not a part of its chaos.’ We dwell in His Kingdom now, and we are not a part of this world’s chaotic happenings. We are a great people of Inner Kingdom dwellers, perfecting ourselves daily by our focus upon our beloved Father’s Loving Image.
"Do not become discouraged by what appears as an endless struggle of our Father’s Will against the darkness. Light will triumph. You are the lights that are our Father’s Assurance of Victory against all darkness.
"Shine, as you all were created to shine! Be all that you can be."
Session 4
September 14, 2006 You Are the Generation Long Awaited
Michael: "This is, indeed, a great time to be the living representatives of our Father’s Will in the earth dimension, My brothers and sisters. You are the generation that both clearly envisions and actively brings to fruition the eternal plan of our Father’s great love command for brotherhood.
"Feel the excitement of knowing that you, My beloveds, are His instruments for such a grand era as the present.
"There is excitement beyond anything you can imagine in the entire collection of boundless universes, as mankind’s collective consciousness joyously responds to the birthing of our Father’s universal expressions of Love. Yes, our Father’s essence expressed through each of you will create a brotherhood of His Love as the only reality.
"Witness as the boundless love of our Beloved Father energizes in totality every aspect of His Creation. See with the vision of who you are, and Who you represent. You are the generation long awaited. Rejoice in the privilege of your participation."
Session 5
September 20, 2006 Happy Endings
Michael: "Fill your minds with thoughts of beauty, love, harmony and peace. This is our Beloved Father’s perfect Will for all His beloved children.
"Do you remember as a child the stories with happy endings? Do you desire a happy ending to your own life experience? Yes, of course you do! Well, our Father’s Will is for your heart’s desires to manifest in this life experience.
"I tell you this truth. There is no other way to manifest lasting happiness without a total, wholehearted alignment with our Father’s Good Will Plan for all mankind. Any semblance of ill will has no part in His Perfect Plan.
"Would you serve His Will for peace on earth -- good will toward all mankind? Then daily serve no other will but His. Give no place to ill will and you will become perfected servants. Isn’t that truly your heart’s desire, My beloveds?"
Session 6
September 22, 2006 Good will Triumph
Michael: "Those who clothe themselves in the love energy of our Father’s boundless Good Will, will find themselves wrapped in an impenetrable garment untouched by mankind’s ignorant, ill will philosophies.
"These beloved children are stalwart, totally focused on Father’s Love Energy as the driving force behind their every action, and they are consistently fortified by a consuming knowledge and enlightened wisdom that our Father’s Love is mankind’s only hope for survival.
"These Love Warriors courageously infiltrate every pocket of antagonistic humanity, and remain unscathed by its malicious environments.
"Our impenetrable armor is unceasingly fortified from our Source of ever-flowing goodness. We are ambassadors of Good Will. And our consistent application of our Father’s boundless Love will ultimately triumph over every ill-willed circumstance."