2006-09-01-Expect Father's Blessings

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Topic: Expect Father's Manifold Blessings

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Michael

TR: Joyce Brenton



Michael: “There are so many gifts which you have so generously received from our Beloved Father and Myself, My brothers and sisters. Friendship,Love, Attention, Understanding, Respect . . . Ah, and the list goes on and on!

“These are the gifts you too can give to your brothers and sisters. Of course, never with an expectation for any return, but do not be surprised by thebountiful inflow from your committed extension of the self same gifts you have so generously received in this life experience.

“For in truth, isn’t your purpose to bless one another in total alignment with that of our Beloved Father?

“Father’s extension of Himself is never ending. He gives and gives and gives, ever blessing Himself in that giving. Thus we, too, extend all that weare, and we can expect His manifold blessings to continue uninterrupted throughout all eternity.

“Yes, it is more blessed to give than to receive, and yet giving without receiving in return is impossible. That is our Father’s Universal Law.”