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Middle English weven, from Old English wefan; akin to Old High German weban to weave, Greek hyphainein to weave, hyphos web


  • 1a : to form (cloth) by interlacing strands (as of yarn); specifically : to make (cloth) on a loom by interlacing warp and filling threads
b : to interlace (as threads) into cloth
c : to make (as a basket) by intertwining
  • 2: spin 2 —used of spiders and insects
  • 3: to interlace especially to form a texture, fabric, or design
  • 4a : to produce by elaborately combining elements : contrive
b : to unite in a coherent whole
c : to introduce as an appropriate element : work in —usually used with in or into
  • 5: to direct (as the body) in a winding or zigzag course especially to avoid obstacles


Weaving is a method of fabric production in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced at right angles to form a fabric or cloth. The other methods are knitting, lace making and felting. The longitudinal threads are called the warp and the lateral threads are the weft or filling. (Weft is an old English word meaning "that which is woven".) The method in which these threads are inter woven affects the characteristics of the cloth.

Cloth is usually woven on a loom, a device that holds the warp threads in place while filling threads are woven through them. A fabric band which meets this definition of cloth (warp threads with a weft thread winding between) can also be made using other methods, including tablet weaving, back-strap, or other techniques without looms.[3]

The way the warp and filling threads interlace with each other is called the weave. The majority of woven products are created with one of three basic weaves: plain weave, satin weave, or twill. Woven cloth can be plain (in one color or a simple pattern), or can be woven in decorative or artistic designs.[1]