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Old English coss = Old Frisian kos, Old Saxon cos, kus (Middle Dutch cus, cuss, Dutch kus), Old High German chus (Middle High German kus, kos, German kuss), Old Norse koss < Old Germanic *kuss-oz. Middle English cuss /kʊs/ was apparently developed < coss, as it appears to have had /ʊ/ not /ʏ/ , and occurs in texts which do not use cusse (cüsse) for the vb. The modern English form (like Danish kys, Swedish kyss) is from the verb


  • 1: to touch with the lips especially as a mark of affection or greeting <kissed his wife good-bye>
  • 2: to touch gently or lightly <wind gently kissing the trees>


A kiss is the act of pressing one's lips against the lips or other body parts of another or of an object. Cultural connotations of kissing vary widely. Depending on the culture and context, a kiss can express sentiments of love, passion, affection, respect, greeting, friendship, and good luck, among many others. In some situations a kiss is a ritual, formal or symbolic gesture indicating devotion, respect or greeting, as in the case of a bride and groom kissing at the conclusion of a wedding ceremony or national leaders kissing each other in greeting, and in many other situations.

Depending on the culture, relationship and context, a person may kiss another on their lips, cheek, head, hand and each of these gestures may carry a different social meaning.


The ceremony of adoption consisted in drinking each other's blood. In some groups saliva was exchanged in the place of blood drinking, this being the ancient origin of the practice of social kissing. And all ceremonies of association, whether marriage or adoption, were always terminated by feasting.[1]


To kiss the face of God is to recognize the dynamic nature of individual interaction and shared vulnerability and intimacy. Where spirit meets the willing personality is in the daring efforts of realizing the commonness between individual wills. This may seem vast in scope, but in reality your comprehension of personal relations with God is greatly amplified in your willingness to interact with other personalities. - [2]