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Noun - thing (plural: things; diminutives: thingy / thingie, thingo [Aus])
- 1. That which is considered to exist as a separate entity, quality or concept.
- 2. A word, symbol, sign or other referent that can be used to refer to any entity.
- 3. An individual object.
- 4. (law) whatever can be owned.
- 5. the latest fad or fashion.
- 6. (in plural) clothes, possessions or equipment.
- 7. A unit.
Get me a thing of apple juice at the store.[1]
Education is the business of living; it must continue throughout a lifetime so that mankind may gradually experience the ascending levels of mortal wisdom, which are:
- 1. The knowledge of things.
- 2. The realization of meanings.
- 3. The appreciation of values.
- 4. The nobility of work--duty.
- 5. The motivation of goals--morality.
- 6. The love of service--character.
- 7. Cosmic insight--spiritual discernment.