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AF. survivre, OF. so(u)rvivre (mod.F. survivre), = Pr. sobreviure, It. sorvivere, Sp. sobrevivir, Pg. -viver:late L. supervvre, f. super- SUPER- 2 + vvre to live.
- 1. a. intr. To continue to live after the death of another, or after the end or cessation of some thing or condition or the occurrence of some event (expressed or implied); to remain alive, live on.
- b. transf. To continue to exist after some person, thing, or event; to last on.
- c. Law. Of an estate, etc.: To pass to the survivor or survivors of two or more joint-tenants or persons who have a joint interest.
- 2. trans. To continue to live after, outlive. a. To remain alive after the death of (another).