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alteration of Middle English demayne, from Anglo-French demeine, from Latin dominium, from dominus
- Date: 15th century
- b : land so owned
- 2 : a territory over which dominion is exercised
- 3 : a region distinctively marked by some physical feature <the domain of rushing streams, tall trees, and lakes>
- 4 : a sphere of knowledge, influence, or activity <the domain of art>
- 5 : the set of elements to which a mathematical or logical variable is limited; specifically : the set on which a function is defined
- 6 : any of the small randomly oriented regions of uniform magnetization in a ferromagnetic substance
- 7 : integral domain
- 8 : the highest taxonomic category in biological classification ranking above the kingdom
- 9 : any of the three-dimensional subunits of a protein that are formed by the folding of its linear peptide chain and that together make up its tertiary structure
- 10 : a subdivision of the Internet consisting of computers or sites usually with a common purpose (as providing commercial information) and denoted in Internet addresses by a unique abbreviation (as com or gov); also : domain name