Trinity Teacher Sons

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When the progress of events on an evolutionary world indicates that the time is ripe to initiate a spiritual age, the Trinity Teacher Sons always volunteer for this service. You are not familiar with this order of sonship because Urantia has never experienced a spiritual age, a millennium of cosmic enlightenment. But the Teacher Sons even now visit your world for the purpose of formulating plans concerning their projected sojourn on your sphere. They will be due to appear on Urantia after its inhabitants have gained comparative deliverance from the shackles of animalism and from the fetters of materialism.

Trinity Teacher Sons have nothing to do with terminating planetary dispensations. They neither judge the dead nor translate the living, but on each planetary mission they are accompanied by a Magisterial Son who performs these services. Teacher Sons are wholly concerned with the initiation of a spiritual age, with the dawn of the era of spiritual realities on an evolutionary planet. They make real the spiritual counterparts of material knowledge and temporal wisdom.

For lessons on the topic of the Trinity Teacher Sons, follow this link.

The Trinity Teacher Sons

These highly personal and highly spiritual Paradise Sons are brought into being by the Paradise Trinity. They are known in Havona as the order of Daynals. In Orvonton they are of record as Trinity Teacher Sons, so named because of their parentage. On Salvington they are sometimes denominated the Paradise Spiritual Sons.

In numbers the Teacher Sons are constantly increasing. The last universal census broadcast gave the number of these Trinity Sons functioning in the central and superuniverses as a little more than twenty-one billion, and this is exclusive of the Paradise reserves, which include more than one third of all Trinity Teacher Sons in existence.

The Daynal order of sonship is not an organic part of the local or superuniverse administrations. Its members are neither creators nor retrievers, neither judges nor rulers. They are not so much concerned with universe administration as with moral enlightenment and spiritual development. They are the universal educators, being dedicated to the spiritual awakening and moral guidance of all realms. Their ministry is intimately interrelated with that of the personalities of the Infinite Spirit and is closely associated with the Paradise ascension of creature beings.

These Sons of the Trinity partake of the combined natures of the three Paradise Deities, but in Havona they seem more to reflect the nature of the Universal Father. In the superuniverses they seem to portray the nature of the Eternal Son, while in the local creations they appear to show forth the character of the Infinite Spirit. In all universes they are the embodiment of service and the discretion of wisdom.

Unlike their Paradise brethren, Michaels and Avonals, Trinity Teacher Sons receive no preliminary training in the central universe. They are dispatched directly to the headquarters of the superuniverses and from there are commissioned for service in some local universe. In their ministry to these evolutionary realms they utilize the combined spiritual influence of a Creator Son and the associated Magisterial Sons, for the Daynals do not possess a spiritual drawing power in and of themselves.

Their Local Universe Ministry

The Paradise Spiritual Sons are unique Trinity-origin beings and the only Trinity creatures to be so completely associated with the conduct of the dual-origin universes. They are affectionately devoted to the educational ministry to mortal creatures and the lower orders of spiritual beings. They begin their labors in the local systems and, in accordance with experience and achievement, are advanced inward through the constellation service to the highest work of the local creation. Upon certification they may become spiritual ambassadors representing the local universes of their service.

The exact number of Teacher Sons in Nebadon I do not know; there are many thousands of them. Many of the heads of departments in the Melchizedek schools belong to this order, while the combined staff of the regularly constituted University of Salvington embraces over one hundred thousand including these Sons. Large numbers are stationed on the various morontia-training worlds, but they are not wholly occupied with the spiritual and intellectual advancement of mortal creatures; they are equally concerned with the instruction of seraphic beings and other natives of the local creations. Many of their assistants are drawn from the ranks of the creature-trinitized beings.

The Teacher Sons compose the faculties who administer all examinations and conduct all tests for the qualification and certification of all subordinate phases of universe service, from the duties of outpost sentinels to those of star students. They conduct an agelong course of training, ranging from the planetary courses up to the high College of Wisdom located on Salvington. Recognition indicative of effort and attainment is granted to all, ascending mortal or ambitious cherubim, who complete these adventures in wisdom and truth.

In all universes all the Sons of God are beholden to these ever-faithful and universally efficient Trinity Teacher Sons. They are the exalted teachers of all spirit personalities, even the tried and true teachers of the Sons of God themselves. But of the endless details of the duties and functions of the Teacher Sons I can hardly instruct you. The vast domain of Daynal-sonship activities will be better understood on Urantia when you are more advanced in intelligence, and after the spiritual isolation of your planet has been terminated.

Their planetary service

When the progress of events on an evolutionary world indicates that the time is ripe to initiate a spiritual age, the Trinity Teacher Sons always volunteer for this service. You are not familiar with this order of sonship because Urantia has never experienced a spiritual age, a millennium of cosmic enlightenment. But the Teacher Sons even now visit your world for the purpose of formulating plans concerning their projected sojourn on your sphere. They will be due to appear on Urantia after its inhabitants have gained comparative deliverance from the shackles of animalism and from the fetters of materialism.

Trinity Teacher Sons have nothing to do with terminating planetary dispensations. They neither judge the dead nor translate the living, but on each planetary mission they are accompanied by a Magisterial Son who performs these services. Teacher Sons are wholly concerned with the initiation of a spiritual age, with the dawn of the era of spiritual realities on an evolutionary planet.

They make real the spiritual counterparts of material knowledge and temporal wisdom.

The Teacher Sons usually remain on their visitation planets for one thousand years of planetary time. One Teacher Son presides over the planetary millennial reign and is assisted by seventy associates of his order. The Daynals do not incarnate or otherwise so materialize themselves as to be visible to mortal beings; therefore is contact with the world of visitation maintained through the activities of the Brilliant Evening Stars, local universe personalities who are associated with the Trinity Teacher Sons.

The Daynals may return many times to an inhabited world, and following their final mission the planet will be ushered into the settled status of a sphere of light and life, the evolutionary goal of all the mortal-inhabited worlds of the present universe age. The Mortal Corps of the Finality has much to do with the spheres settled in light and life, and their planetary activities touch upon those of the Teacher Sons. Indeed, the whole order of Daynal sonship is intimately connected with all phases of finaliter activities in the evolutionary creations of time and space.

The Trinity Teacher Sons seem to be so completely identified with the regime of mortal progression through the earlier stages of evolutionary ascension that we are often led to speculate regarding their possible association with the finaliters in the undisclosed career of the future universes. We observe that the administrators of the superuniverses are part Trinity-origin personalities and part Trinity-embraced ascendant evolutionary creatures. We firmly believe that the Teacher Sons and the finaliters are now engaged in acquiring the experience of time-association which may be the preliminary training to prepare them for close association in some unrevealed future destiny. On Uversa it is our belief that, when the superuniverses are finally settled in light and life, these Paradise Teacher Sons, who have become so thoroughly familiar with the problems of evolutionary worlds and have been so long associated with the career of evolutionary mortals, will probably be transferred to eternal association with the Paradise Corps of the Finality.[1]


Our labor extends from Paradise to these outermost boundaries of the Grand Universe, and as you discerned, we represent the various personalities of the Trinity beginning with the representation of the Infinite Spirit in this realm, The (Eternal) Son as we advance toward the center but still within the boundaries of the Superuniverse, and the (Universal) Father as we work in (Havona) the central creation. And, yes, you have wondered about our liaison with Inspired Trinity Spirits. You know that these are not well understood by even those whose experience is far greater than any mortal living upon the realm of their nativity. Nevertheless, we do share the service to the Trinity, teaching the wonder of its truth, the way that our family is governed. We work as advisers.

Our activity presupposes the minds’ being settled in the circuit of spirit, the heart being enjoined in the heart of our Father. Our associate Paradise Sons, those of the Michael and Avonal orders have unique roles. You know of course, those of the Michael order have their role as Creators representing our Father to the local creations, and you on this world have been blessed to know your Creator as your human friend, Jesus of Nazareth. Those of the Avonal order typically will be involved in the adjudications which occur periodically as we observe the motions of time, and normally, will be serving as the Bestowal Son upon any realm prepared by their previous visits, coordinating the successful work of a Planetary Prince and Material Son and Daughter. It us upon the success of all of these that our order depends to begin our work of guiding you into the wonder of the knowledge arising from a deep communion with our Father. Yes, it is we who will typically inaugurate a spiritual age. As you discern, your realm has suffered some irregularities that have you wobbling rather much as a world, but we look upon this sphere with great interest for while our work in the main must be deferred until such time as these irregularities, these imbalances are brought into a state of correction, nonetheless, we will gladly work with any who would receive us to begin to prepare for just such correction knowing it is well underway.

The Teaching Mission which you have known has been a compensation and will continue, compensating for the loss of your Planetary Headquarters preparing you to receive the same, only fully restored. At the moment your Magisterial Son prepares to walk upon your world and labors as one with Machiventa, for yes, his administration, his mission is an overlay of your planetary administration. It is as if an additional covering, an additional infusion of light is injected from Paradise joining your labors in this administration directed by Machiventa. The ascendant mortals who constitute the members of the Teacher Corps rejoice to be here, witnessing the rare opportunities that such an irregular sphere provides. The curriculum of the Melchizedeks is itself a unique culture of Nebadon as these are the teachers of Nebadon, but they work with us as one for we supply the patterns of Paradise for their use, for their interpretation and application to any local sphere or area of interest. These are your siblings of Nebadon who have much to give you, and how they have longed to be in closer contact with their mortal friends.

Do not trouble yourself with knowing how and when these who have been promised will inaugurate this adjustment of your formerly isolated culture to the culture of your universe family. Your Magisterial Son knows well the difficulties of this kind of adjustment, and yes, you have felt his hand upon your heart, and you can understand how the heart of the world will feel likewise. We, the Teacher Sons, are here to participate in this reunion. We will, as I have said previously, be re-minding those who become preoccupied with what they can see walking upon their world, the wonder of our Father in the form that mortals can recognize as their own. So, we have this task together, to re-mind those who become enthralled with the spectacle of one such as your Magisterial Son and his team of Melchizedeks accompanying him. We are here to alert those to the reality of our Father who remains unseen and will always be unseen to the mortal eye, the gift of his divine presence is that which invites the mortal mind to let go of its hold, its insistence upon seeing. You as Agondonters, soon to become no more, will become much at home in this arena which we will represent, but due to the deficit of your encounters with terrestrial representatives of Universe government, there will be a time when you surrender to fascination, yes, to what we would call a spectacle, and when you have satiated yourselves upon this reality, one that is customary upon most worlds, you may turn to us and rediscover the gift that you bring into the larger family of our Master Universe, the gift of knowing by faith, a vision without material sight, hearing by means that are not defined by the mortal ear, and indeed, touching with your mortal hand, and yet, a touch that is not limited to your skin but your souls which touch us deeply with the depth of your desire to honor our Father, to relish his affection and the gift of your own to him and to us, to all of your siblings who so gladly welcome you home.[2]