1979-11-27-At the Bent Tree
Topic: At the Bent Tree
Group: At Large
Teacher: 0802-AB-Jack
Contact Personality: Alan
0802-AB Jack here. Some time has gone by since we last talked. I hope you feel you have advanced since then. Your trip to Europe was a good education for you, but you could have done a little more to "spread the word." Do keep up your correspondence with those folk over there.
Do you have any plans for the future now? And if so, what are they? Can you conceive of yourselves being more aggressive with your work regarding the Book? Nothing, I suggest, in any way implies that you should do anything which would infringe on the copyrights.
Don't put yourself in the position of being too controversial, and don't encourage open confrontations. You may wish to back off a little with V.M. before you shut the doors where you might otherwise need them open.
Why don't you take a part-time job while you are getting "things" together? That way, like Karen, you won't have to make any "long-term" commitments.
You could easily work with Karen on a writing project or two with the remaining portion of your time. You may not feel that stuffing envelopes will be rewarding. These are just my thoughts and not "gospel." But a lot of your spare time should be spent reading the Book. You have reached the point where you could gain better understanding of it. Try it. You'll like it.
More later.