1983-07-03-In Our Minds
Topic: In Our Minds
Group: At Large
Teacher: 0802-AB-Jack
Contact Personality: Alan
Q: Hello. I want to say a few things here and my question was do you know what goes on in our minds or what we think about?
JACK: Oh, yes, I know about the matters you think and wonder about. Your good friends had some good input for you. Those issues you will want to work out soon enough. A full life - well-balanced and productive - is the ticket.
Tomorrow is U.B. I don't suggest you involve Edith in this. She is not a candidate at her age.
[Good friends Murray and Jerry just left, after playing poker and having dinner]
First question.
Tom: How do we start to bridge the gaps between time and eternity, as we talked about yesterday? Where do we begin?
JACK: You started tonight by being friendly, warm, unassuming and free to be yourselves. This builds peoples' Confidence in you slowly but surely. Then when they see your spiritual maturity at work, the "bridge is set." You will know when that happens and can gently speak in Michael's name. Understand that you have a grasp and knowledge of Him that not too many have.
Tom: I'd like to ask if you can help us to see and understand our character defects and also if we can see how our defects can hurt or affect other people and what can we do to overcome or work out our defects.
JACK: Yes, but they should be taken one at a time in order of pressing issue. For instance, "lust." you both have it. Lust can involve you both and has. With unprogressive types the involvement of which retards your growth if not actually setting you back and taking time from other important matters. Then it leads to personal
dishonesty. You can only overcome lust by earnestly wanting and working for higher spiritual values in your life. It is not wise to try to ignore it, suppress it or condemn yourself for it.
Tom: Can our defects become less and less and less and not remain or can they be suppressed or lessened in any way?
JACK: By degrees they will evaporate. Remember, you will eventually fuse with your Thought Adjuster. Some can work for you, some will wait until the Mansion Worlds, but those you will have learned to deal with. Comprende?
Tom: How do we deal with potato farmers? Do we ignore them? or do we not f**k around with them? or just — can we help them in any way?
JACK: Tolerance is a mark of spiritual maturity. Some need your help. Others you can do nothing about. The trick is to learn to know the difference.
Tom: Does it bother you if I cuss? Swear?
JACK: No. I recognize origin.
Tom: I'd like to know about those kids down at the YBCA. Are there any of them kids that are possibly going to learn anything from us or go with us through our sojourns or not? Can they comprehend the spiritual life? The new way of life? Or are we just wasting our time down there?
JACK: As you know, God is no respecter of man. You are planting seeds. Today. Under the circumstances that is a lot. You must use experiences such as those to help "learn and know the difference." Comprende?
Alan: Are the instructions you gave at the very beginning of our conversation — could be used in this particular experience. The instructions are "You started tonight by being friendly, warm, unassuming and free to be yourselves. This builds peoples' confidence in you slowly but surely. Then when they see your spiritual maturity at work, the "bridge is set." You will know when that happens and can gently speak in Michael's name. Understand that you have a grasp and knowledge of Him that not too many have."
JACK: Well, I'm glad to see Alan came to life. Of course. Simple, isn't it.
Tom: I'd like to know why I was chosen to be going through this experience instead of say, for instance, my twin brother or my other brothers or somebody else. What is special— What is so different about me? Or so special about me? What do I have that they don't?
JACK: Remember the formula. However, I'm happy you mentioned your twin brother again. I have a few comments. Here's a perfect example of duplicity of creation which for all it's "Look-alikes," is vastly different in personality expression. Now, when you better understand personality expression you will grow in knowledge of all your "brothers". You (refer to formula again) have (l) a Supreme Adjuster and now the opportunity to so learn and experience culture and civilization such as he has not and probably will not. That can eventuate in your Thought Adjuster's becoming self-acting (which it stands hovering ready to do). It is the result again of seraphic action in your lives. You were receptive. There is much, much more. Take what you are receiving and discontinue making too many comparisons unless you need to solve a certain problem or question.
Alan: Jack, I think we need — if you could illuminate us a bit about this business of culture and civilization because I think you're saying that Tom is now — which means today — whatever's happening around him today — he is soaking up, experiencing and learning culture and civilization. Doing that can eventuate in his Thought Adjuster's becoming self-acting. Did you— (l) Is that right? (2) Could you explain that a little.
JACK: Yes, it is right. "Potato farmers" know not culture or a darn thing about civilization, its history, happenings and lessons. The reference is all-encompassing because "culture" includes social usages, mores, and how to eat at the dinner table and maintain intelligent conversation without drooling. Comprende?
Tom: Do you think that the saint should know about this? Should — that St. Saneto [an associate] should have anything to do with it or is he too far gone?
JACK: Please, spare us all. Good night.