1983-07-06-Sessions with Tom
Topic: Sessions with Tom
Group: At Large
Teacher: 0802-AB-Jack
Contact Personality: Alan
Session 1
Tom: Hi, Jack. Busy evening, huh?
0802-AB, Jack here.
Tom: Hi, Jack. Hello? I'm sure you've heard the dissertation of the last hour.
JACK: Oh, yes, indeed.
Tom: What is your opinion? How do you feel?
JACK: Well, I'm always a little saddened when these problems come up. I think Alan used the word "slip." It's an emotional slip; a momentary lack of faith, I suppose, would be the gentlest way for me to state it at this time.
Tom: Do you think it's on both of our parts?
JACK: Well, I think in your Alcoholics Anonymous program you have a statement that says, "We're not marriage counselors." Now, I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. It always — in these situations where there are two people involved — both parties are at fault. Both parties are involved. Both parties are this, that and so forth. The scale is always tipped in favor of one person then the other person. It seldom is ever totally balanced.
You know you-- On your dollar bills, your monetary systems, your bills and in your courts, there is the lady with the scales? The Scales of Justice is what she represents? Well, if you can think in terms of those scales — always swinging, tipping back and forth — in the human relationship these scales seldom ever remain balanced at all times
Tom: Will they ever be balanced? Or close?
JACK: They will be balanced in time. I don't think that you can anticipate it being such for too great a period of time on your planet as it is today. One of the problems (and there is validity to what Alan says -- you verified that, if I heard your conversations correctly -- and I'm speaking now with permission from both of your seraphic guardians), one of the most difficult and tragic situations on your planet is this inability of the mortal to demonstrate and receive love. So you're both "at fault." It's an evolutionary process that you're both going through. You both recognize it, I believe.
Tom: Is this part of our Ph.D?
JACK: Oh, sure, you can count this one up.
You know, there's nothing wrong with taking a good hard look at these problems. The fact that you both demonstrate sufficient courage and trust to be able to put yourselves out there to discuss these things as openly as you do today, speaks very well for you. As long as you don't sit in judgment on the other person's problem.
Tom: Would you please answer Alan's question?
JACK: Well, there is some validity to it. We have been slightly remiss in taking care of this aspect of, I think you recognized it when you said, "Yes, but will it also be necessary for Karen when she's here?" Not one of you can be overlooked in this case, in a situation like this. Again, we look for balance.
In many respects, since we are dealing with a sensitive one, sometimes we'll have to opt for the Sensitive. We'll have to tip the scales a little bit; we'll have to put our toes on the scales and tip them occasionally. I hate to say that, but it's true. I'm not sure it's anything we're going to want to have to emphasize, re-emphasize or necessarily even make such a demonstration to the Sensitive in a manner that we could be accused of patronizing but there is an edge of consideration there.
Now, Tom and Karen, you're both going to have to be aware that what we've got to do is have this Sensitive as unconcerned with the procedures as he possibly can be. The more self-concern he demonstrates regarding the procedures, regarding this entire issue and everybody's place in it, or not in it, or the degrees of it, etc., the more problems we're going to have with the channel, with keeping the channel open and keeping it effective.
Now, we have to, from time to time, tip the scales a little bit. His Thought Adjuster is making this possible. His Thought Adjuster will not allow anything to interfere with the physical mechanics of his brain at this point and, believe me, when you begin to understand better the electrochemical procedures that take place when this channel is open and in use, the position that his Thought Adjuster is taking in regards to his position residing within his brain, the stands, the position that his seraphim must take, et cetera, you would see-- If we could send you a photograph of this, you would see instantly the potential danger he is in at this very moment.
Tom: Do you think that will answer his question?
JACK: Well.... (long pause) I've hesitated here for a moment to not disturb the channel. I have been assured that his guardian seraphim is going to minister to him. (Long pause) When he has had sufficient experience with this, he will lose a great deal of his self-consciousness. When he reaches that point, you are going to see a tremendous change in him and in these entire proceedings.
Right now it's my opinion that a great deal of — there is truth in what he said, Tom, but also there was a lot of — he was seeking for compensation. He's been under a great deal of stress. He cannot in these early stages help but to feel and experience a certain amount of stress until he becomes unconcerned about the proceedings.
Tom: How does he do that? Just by practice?
JACK: Practice. Practice, practice, practice. So a lot of these experiences, messages, tapes or whatever are occurring here. They're all valuable because they're giving the channel experience. Be very careful about downgrading them in front of him.
Tom: Could you answer his question about the Project? He wants to know: What is the Project? Am I right in what I say?
JACK: Yes, you are right in what you say. I'm going to qualify one little portion of your statement, but before I do that, let me tell you that this is a prime example of his — the necessity for his reaching a point of being totally unconcerned with the proceedings. He took it upon himself today to feel responsible for the loss of the information. That's what you were looking at.
Tom: I see.
JACK: Now, the one little variation, qualification on your statement regarding "the Project" is [that] Machiventa Melchizedek will be coming to this planet to do more than open up the channels [circuits]. It is a voluntary manifestation on his part to help to bring this planet back into, not only the fold when Lucifer's rebellion is adjudicated, but to help involve the planet, as quickly as possible, to its natural, what would be normal evolutionary state in its progression to light and life, which directly or indirectly makes the planet, creates the stage, for the return of Michael.
Tom: That is "the Project"?
JACK: That is the Project. This entire Project, which will start with lessons in Human Associations I is, guess what? Do you have a guess?
Tom: I'm blank.
JACK: The brotherhood of man.
Session 2
JACK: I apologize for the delay. I'd like to talk to Karen for a few minutes.
Karen: I'm listening.
Tom: You want me to leave?
Karen: (Indicates 'no')
JACK: From time to time I find it necessary to delve into personal situations. I'd like to ask how your work on your book is coming along.
Karen: (Long pause) I'd say it was 75% completed.
JACK: Very good. I would urge you to get as much of it done as quickly as you can. Finish it!
I have in mind a project for you in terms of your creative talents. You are witness to a story that if properly handled would be of merit. That's the story of Tom and Alan, and if you were an investigative reporter and changed the names and the circumstances to protect the innocent, you might have yourself a blockbuster.
Karen: The timing certainly would be right.
JACK: That's why I wanted to bring this out the very first session so that you could, from a secondary observational point —
Karen: Take notes.
JACK: — take notes.
Karen: Thank you.
JACK: Whenever you have an opportunity, you might want to do your background material information. I would suggest that you write it in the form of a long short story or a story that you can determine for yourself as to content, submit it to your larger magazines and watch it sell.
Now, that's taking the most material, perhaps professional crafts point of view regarding it. There are a lot of morals to the issue, a lot of morals to the story; a great deal of philosophies involved. I would suggest that you ask for some of the tapes that are here so that you can listen to them (inaudible). Some of them are a little more personal. I think that by the time that you reach that state in your investigation, after Alan has heard this communication, he might be less reticent to know. The only reason I feel that you probably haven't heard the tapes to this date is not a matter of just time, but his reticence.
If you handle this discreetly it will help to build a great deal of confidence and trust in this touchy 3-some. (Long pause) I'm ready for questions now.
Karen: I listened to the earlier tape having to do with "the Project" and I need to ask. You make reference to other people's involvement, and eventually throughout the world and the nation or the universe also being involved in "the Project." This lady in Texas that has written a letter to the Circles, who advertises herself as being, shall we say, a contact personality, is she, in fact, part of the program and might we write to her, and…?
JACK: Yes, she is part of the program. I suggest that you write to her.
Karen: Okay.
JACK: If you continue to encounter too much reticence on Alan's part, just go ahead and write the letter.
Karen: Okay. We'll write the letter. We'll deal with that. And you say there are others who may be aware already. That lady, putting herself out on front street the way she did, I would anticipate that she will be getting input such as the letter that we intend to write. Do you predict that?
JACK: There will come a time when you will be able to write such a letter, such a form of communication.
Karen: I also remember in reviewing the last tape, the discourse with Alan and with Tom that I was going to have somehow a role to play in bringing some of these other personalities together. Is this letter the manner in which you're talking?
JACK: Yes. Very much like a disinterested third party, would be the initial approach. Interested but disinterested. Not a part of the immediate, well— you don't live under the roof.
Karen: I see. Yes. I've been working already, I want you to know. I mean, I'm sure you know. And finally, for this phase of questioning, I want to be considered a graduate of Human Associations I. Might I ask where I'm failing?
JACK: (Long pause) I ask myself many times questions such as these: When will I, Jack, reach a point when I do not have to spend so much of my time being the diplomat, mending broken bridges, covering or cleaning up the mud spilled from potholes? Such as that. We'll reach a point where we don't have to spend too much time soothing all of our ruffled feelings.
Human Associations course Number 1 — Diplomacy.
In the U.B. it says, "You simply must have tact and tolerance." It was tactless on Tom's part to say what he did in the manner in which he did, yet if we were to look beyond the tactless statement, abrupt manner of presentation, two things would be learned: (1) how unimportant, how unnecessary our egos are, and (2) the better way of saying the same thing. There isn't anyone in this room, there isn't anybody under this roof that can't learn more in terms of lesson number one: tact and tolerance. And tolerance is the ability to stand the assaults that occur without having hurt feelings, or without being ruffled. So at this point I'd have to say that it's a good thing it came up, because we're having an opportunity to review some very basic fundamental things.
I expect that when the Sensitive hears the tape, and I'm sure he will, [he] will be urged by his Thought Adjuster and seraphim to immediately find examples for himself of — tact and tolerance. Eliminate the ego is probably the first step (inaudible). Now, this is outside my lesson plan. So even we midwayers have to learn adaptability. Lesson Number 2 -adaptability.
Now before I go on, or before we get involved in anything else, I would like to answer some of your general questions. The channel finally is beginning to operate properly. This is a good opportunity for everyone to relax, feel a little personal or interpersonal, ask some questions, general questions if you wish; whatever; and we'll have a — give and take. We'll lighten up a little bit. If we can't enjoy the session, there's no fun in having it.
Karen: I'm smiling.
Tom: Do you think it's a good idea for me and Alan to take my motorcycle on our vacation?
JACK: Why not?
Tom: I was thinking maybe it could be a disaster or something.
JACK: You're free to burden yourselves to any degree you wish.
Karen: While they're on vacation -- and their vacation in and of itself is none of my business what they do but -- I was wondering in terms of the channel, what do you think about them taking a true holiday and leaving their paper and pencil at home? Of course, they don't use paper and pencil any more.
JACK: Ah!!! Times have changed. (Laughter) I'm selfish. I like to have this channel working.
Karen: Yes, I can understand that.
JACK: And, well, I think the channel likes to have the channel working.
Karen: Yes.
JACK: And all my friends like to have the channel working as best they can, so perhaps some repetition could be —
Karen: — without distraction.... You bet.
JACK: I think we're all anticipating a spiritual communion.
Karen: Indeed.
JACK: I suggested that they go on vacation so that they could learn, get to know each other on a new level, and part of this is learning how to deal with this between the two of them.
Karen: I should say. What does Athena think of my book?
Tom: Who's Athena?
Karen: Athena is a celestial artisan.
JACK: (Checking) She prompted me to encourage you to get it finished. She's of the opinion that it has merit in today's market. She's naturally concerned with the utilization of your craft.
Karen: Yes.
JACK: The more you write the better you get. It's like the channel. The more the channel works, the better the channel gets. The more I can learn myself to communicate by these methods, the better I get. The more the observers learn and can take back with them, the more everyone advances, the more easy the work of the seraphim becomes and the closer they get, you all get, to ultimate oneness with your Thought Adjusters. So all these things eventuate.
It takes discipline. All of these things take a great amount of discipline, establishment of priorities, elimination of the trifles in your lives, the trivia of living, uh—
Karen: The extra burdens.
JACK: -- the extra burdens, which can be eliminated. This is one of the biggest problems which people have when they make money. Now here I am interfering in you people's lives. I'm interfering.
Karen: We welcome you here, Jack. You're not interfering.
JACK: I'm interfering in your careers. I'm interfering and suggesting and doing all these things regarding methods and means and manners by which you people can become independently wealthy.
Karen: You're absolutely right. You're a terrible interference.
Tom: Really.
JACK: But I have a purpose and I am not interfering and suggesting and working with you to do things that are inimical to your well-being or to the wishes and urgings of your Thought Adjuster.
Karen: I'm sure.
JACK: You people, but, [back to] Human Associations — efforts that it takes to do these things will be a burden if your motivations are wrong.
Karen: Of course.
JACK: If you become greedy, if you become self-seeking, if you become covetous, you will destroy yourselves and everything that is trying to be done. Now if you overburden yourselves with things as a result of the monies you receive, then you have defeated the purpose of my interfering with your lives to help you to become independently wealthy, and you become prisoners again.
Karen: 10-4.
JACK: And if you're going to become prisoners again, you might just as well stay right where you are and trudge on, day after day after day after day, burdened down, tired, exhausted, worn out,...
Karen: Are you saying that this is our current state?
JACK: You just all - every one of you - came out. Just now are beginning to see some light.
Karen: You're right.
JACK: You're just now beginning to find the crack—
Karen: It really was a dry and dreary season for awhile.
JACK: But you see? You see, I can stimulate your imaginations and I can encourage you into projects that I can encourage you to do things and if they don't work: 'Oh, why did Jack to that? Why did he tell me that?' Where taking the long-range point of view, taking the light-hearted point of view, taking the non-burdened point of view, you are experiencing and perfecting your crafts. Your crafts at making money, crafts at becoming financially independent.
Karen: True.
JACK: Your crafts — the things that you're doing, the things that I try to help you to do.
Karen: The facts of life.
JACK: Absolutely. Detach. Treat them lightly but treat them with a great deal of prayer.
Karen: Conscientious application.
JACK: Jesus came to lighten our burdens, not add to them. I hope I got that thought across.
Karen: I believe so. I feel better.
JACK: Now what happens? Human Associations. If you start to put yourself into a prison and get yourselves tied up and tied down because your money is buying you all these things, now you have to take care of them. Then what happens to your Human Associations? 'I'd better be careful; they might steal my money. I'd better be careful; I've got to go to the bank. I'd better be careful; I've got to get more insurance to cover all of these things.' You're trapped.
Karen: More burglar alarms.
JACK: You're trapped. Trapped. So all of your energies and all of your time, all of your thoughts, suddenly become diverted from the potential usage of that money to the most fundamental, rudimentary mundane standardized all-American mediocre approach to having bucks.
Karen: If that's the case, I don't want bucks. Mediocrity is boring.
JACK: It's interesting that no one has asked me yet, why is Jack asking us to become financially independent?
Karen: To have our computer. So that we can travel.
JACK: To support the cause.
Karen: Feed the poor.
JACK: And you cannot do that if you're in jail.
Karen: Or poverty-stricken.
JACK: Exactly. They're both equally bad. When Jesus said, whatever your hands find to do, do that to your utmost, and do it in my name -- Human Associations — the ability as a human to go with Jesus.
Tom: How do we start this? How do we know what is going to be the beginning of our financial independence? Or how do we get off? Will we just know? Will it just come to us?
JACK: Maybe by listening to this tape.
Tom: Yeah? You aren't going to give us any exact details or anything?
JACK: Of course. I can't sit here and talk about these things and not have something up my sleeve.
Karen: Tom, I think you're a seeker of signs.
Tom: (Laughter) Am I Jack?
JACK: Yeah.
Tom: Is that bad or good?
Karen: That's human.
JACK: When you (inaudible) you will realize that I'm just one shade away (inaudible).
Mr. T: Will my impatience prevent the Project? Of can it retard it?
JACK: Your greed could destroy it.
Mr. T: What about my impatience?
JACK: When we bump into greed we always find impatience. They go hand in hand. They are compatible bed partners. You find impatience, you're going to find greed; you find greed, you're going to find impatience. Think about that.
Tom: I want it now. I want more. Makes sense.
Why do you talk so slow? Does it take time for you to transmit or translate?
JACK: It's mechanics, yes.
Karen: I would have thought that it would have something to do with your censor.
JACK: That's part of it.
Mr. T: A lack of experience?
Karen: And that we are a dense system here in the flesh and that our time/space framework is not like yours. Perhaps to you you're not speaking slowly.
JACK: I-- (pause) I'd like to send you a photograph so I could just show you.
Here's the brain, through which we operate. Here's your seraphim. And over here, [is where] his Thought Adjuster has gone. Now, I receive messages from his Thought Adjuster through his seraphim to — primarily it comes through the surrounding (inaudible). And over here sits a vast array of planetary communications, constant input of information from my immediate superiors who are coding and censoring all of these communications, ready at an instant to classify — all of this is happening and all of these things are being filtered through, (inaudible) so I'm literally talking to, receiving, sorting countless input here.
Now, I take this... send what I am to say... through the brain. As soon as I enter, with the help of the power directors, as soon as I enter, we have to — the power directors start to change, imprint, manipulate, stimulate those portions of the brain, electrochemical censors, so that it will transmit through and out in as close a form of language that you will understand.
The delay starts here.
Karen: That was an incredible description of what happens.
JACK: Now, the ultimate, the final and constant — Remember, the Thought Adjuster — in an instant, ... pre-known, pre-understood, pre-conceived, pre-analyzed, pre-determined -- is ready to act in an instant before I would even know if anything that was occurring was amiss.
Sometimes you wonder why I run into delays; sometimes you wonder why there are things that aren't coming through at a determination that you, in your prejudices, are pre-conceived to be receiving. You get what you get.
Karen: We'll take it.
Tom: When we get it. (Laughter)
JACK: Questions?
Tom: Do you ever get angry at us?
JACK: Yes.
Tom: When do you get angry at us?
JACK: Oh, I'll always let you know.
Tom: Yeah? How do you let us know? Do you cause conflict?
JACK: I like to make you think.
Tom: Yeah.
Karen: I understand our Tom here has blasted through into the third psychic circle.
JACK: We all celebrated.
Karen: I should say!
Tom: We had a "pah-tay."
Karen: A party! It is a momentous day.
JACK: It was a very, very, very busy time.
Karen: Fourth of July, too. Fireworks.
JACK: Thrilling for everybody. We knew something was afoot because we saw all the seraphim coming and going, coming and going, coming and going, observing, checking, and of course we knew then that they were in the process of volunteering.
Karen: I was very impressed that he had the courage-- or the naivete, I'm not sure which -- to ask what level he was on.
JACK: That is impressive, isn't it?
Karen: It really is. I still am afraid to ask.
JACK: You're on the third.
Karen: Thank you. I suspected as much but I was afraid I might still be on the seventh. (Laughter)
Tom: Karen, do you know what your seraphim's name is?
Karen: No.
Tom: Why don't you ask?
Karen: Can I know the name of my seraphim? (Long pause)
JACK: Yes.
Karen: What is it? (Long pause) Please.
JACK: Nelonia.
Karen: Nelonio?
Tom: Nelonia. Right? Spell it.
Karen: Spell it.
JACK: N-E-L-0-N-I-A.
Karen: Nelonia.
JACK: Nelonia.
Karen: Nelonia.
JACK: You are familiar with one by the name of Solonia?
Karen: Yes.
Tom: Who's Solonia?
Karen: The 'Voice in the Garden'.
JACK: And yours is Elonia.
Tom: Is Alan's similar to that too? (Inaudible)
JACK: You'll find that there is a similarity.
Tom: But you won't tell us unless he asks?
JACK: Not unless he asks.
Karen: Jack, the "ia" — Urantia, Satania, Edentia, Nelonia — "ia" is obviously one of the sounds in the universal language that we probably won't learn until we get to the third Mansion World.
JACK: You might be learning it right now.
Karen: I was wondering. "ia" might indicate an attitude?
JACK: "ia" (sounds like "yeah")
Karen: Yeah.
Tom: What type of an attitude?
JACK: Ministry... harmony ... harmonious... harmony... universal harmony... harmony of the brotherhood of man... harmony of love... harmony of (inaudible)
Tom: Sure isn't even close to "Jack" is it? (Laughter)
Karen: It's probably "Jackia."
Tom: Is it "Jackia?" (Laughter)
Karen: Speaking of Jackia, Jack. Jacks... Jacques Weiss. How is he?
JACK: I would have to find out.
Karen: Oh. At your leisure.
JACK: I think it's time for us to stop for a moment. Perhaps you would like to review the tape.