1992-01-01-We Are Part of Fifth Epochal Revelation
Topic: We Are Part of Fifth Epochal Revelation
Group: Unknown
Teacher: Machiventa, Rayson
TR: Unknown
Session 1
Praise to the Lord, I am Prince Machiventa Melchizedek, Prince of Urantia, agent of our creator-son Michael of Nebadon whom we worship and love. Greetings, children of time, I am pleased to formally inaugurate you into the Teaching Mission of which I have the assignment, responsibility, and honor to lead during the thousand-year Correcting Time as we adjudicate all effects of the rebellion of the nefarious Lucifer, Satan, Caligastia, Daligastia, rebellious Midwayers, and others who entered into this evil plot of self liberty and denial of the authority and creation of the Father.
Correcting Time
The Correcting Time will be an age of wonder and miraculous events to the human mind and soul. To us it is a great opportunity to make right what has been made wrong and dark. In addition, our planet is reincircuited and much will happen in your lifetime to affirm to your spiritual eyes the coming age of spiritual enlightenment and the eventual transfusion of God back into mankind. We welcome this opportunity to serve in such a wonderful mission.
I welcome you to my mission which is now your own. We share the same path, the same Father created us, loves us, and some day children, we will meet on high with the Universal Father and move onward to the outer space levels where this experience will vastly aid in your assignment when you become a finaliter.
I am involved in the supervision and overseeing of every aspect of your growth, development, and teaching. We carefully monitor everything as, unfortunately, many mistakes have occurred and we do not wish to see your planet involved in further retrograde actions. We have studied long and hard to insure the success of the winning of Urantia to the side of good and God and light; and we will not fail this time!
My love and prayers and watchcare is with you. I send you the personal greetings of Michael of Nebadon, who was here with you tonight. He loves his children dearly and well and knows your soul and potential. His prayers and love are with you now and always.
God bless you and keep you my children. Until another time, I bid you farewell.
Session 2
- RAYSON (10/25/91),
- referring to the Urantia Book
Urantia Book
said: Our mission is not opposed to the revelation. Rest assured it is part of the revelation. The Father did not only approve of truth in a book. The book was sent to prepare the first wave of workers in the kingdom. Your world is an illiterate world. It is a world divided like the tower of Babel, by languages and races. Why, ask yourself, would the unseen Father send only a book? Our truth, enlightenment, membership in the Kingdom, is for all mortals, regardless of intellectual abilities. The book was sent to prepare the first wave of workers. The first wave of workers, yourselves, will take the word to the world through the gift of Prince Melchizedek's teachers. As the world become more enlightened, more people will accept the book.
RAYSON (01/13/92): We hope to achieve in the next thousand years of the correcting time a spiritual up-step, using transformed individuals to ultimately transform this world. We are a continuation of the Fifth Epochal Revelation. We are not a separate bestowal, but this phase of the revelation was planned from the beginning. However, it was decided not to reveal this to the original contact personalities because of the danger that would place the revelation in over emotionalism, non-belief, dismissal. The book had to stand and root on it(s) own.
Now we proceed to take the humans who are ready and activate them out into the world. We will contact on a world-wide basis, readers and non-readers alike. We begin mostly with readers as there is less groundwork to lay.