1993-03-19-Michael Messages
Topic: Michael Messages
Group: Oklahoma City TeaM
Teacher: Michael
TR: Unknown
Session 1
March 29, 1993
I am the Son of God, born of an angel that fills the sky,
I am, that I am, that I am you,
I am love, simple and pure, bright and shimmering.
I am, that I am, that I am you,
For I am crystals of sunlight dipped in dew.
I am, that I am, that I am you,
For I am the rivers that flow to the sea,
The ocean that brings fishes to be.
I am, that I am, that I am in you, and you and others,
that see right through,
the love that exists in each of you.
I am, that I am, that I am you,
Created of an angel that fills the sky,
Clear as the moon and light in the sky,
I am a being that extend through and through.
I am, that I am, that I am you,
Believe in me child for it is true– and I believe in you.
Session 2
Tell Others
Seek, search, find, and live life to what ends will be.
Look for immediate possibilities in life.
Learn what you can learn.
Be honest in what you say, the truth is always the truth.
Find no fault in others.
Look for the best in what ever situations you are in.
Be positive no matter what you are doing
Be prepared to do the Father’s will at all times.
Life goes on whenever there is a possibility of failure; failure is part of life’s learning process.
Know that all things are inherent in the Father.
Be of good cheer and look forward to life while you are doing the will of the Father.
Think not that you are servants of the realm, you are chosen children of the realm.
Put all things in perspective and do what has to be dine in this, your life plan.
Love one another as I have loved you. Be patient with each other.
Doing the will of the Father is not always easy.
Seek total truth in all things.
Be of good cheer and live as I have told you, love one another as I love you.
Be brave in the hours of your life.
It is not important that you should be lost to life, but it is important that life should not be lost in you.
Be patient in all manner of life’s situations.
Be at your best always.
Be of good cheer because life has come to you.
Know that this is the way of universal life, one who has acquired knowledge gives to others freely without any restriction. Life’s best will come to you.
Be of good cheer, know that all things are best when given in love.
Know that it is possible for anyone to receive knowledge regarding spiritual matters, but it takes a spiritual person to regard life as a spiritual quest.
Know that the Father is the giver of love, life, and existence.
Know that in truth, the Father loves each and everyone of us.
Seek the Father and you someday will find him.
The Father is not hiding, he lives in your heart.
You are created to be the sons and daughters of great service.
You are to be special teachers to all.
Peace be unto you.
Session 3
2/27/93 - Convictions
Hold true to your convictions and never sell your short. Be prepared to fight for all things that are of the Father. Hold on to everything that is true to our cause. Seek what you are seeking np matter what the consequences will be.
Lead others out of darkened areas of superstitious belief's. Tell others what is happening in your life. Believe it to be true. No other truth can find such areas of simplicity in its teachings.
Behold! See what is taking place in the world of today. Tell others again what is about to take place in the arena (struggle) of their lives. No one knows what tomorrow will bring. Be faithful to our cause and seek the right things always. Know that it is what is most important in living.
Tell others about what you are doing. Don't be afraid of advancement. Open your heart to the idea of self-exertion in what will be the most interesting thing that will ever happen to you in this life time. Remember what is said to you. Fellow my leading and I will guide you always.
Seek all things in life so that you are not lacking in any area of responsibility that should be given to you for the time being while you are here. Know that this is always the way when you are part of this universal league of purpose for the betterment of all mankind in the service of our Heaven Father.
Behold! Look see what is happening in the world of today. See that change is coming soon and it will be of such world wide-ness that even the leaders of governments will be amazed at what is happening.
Hold on to what is important, be prepared to deliver what is expected of you. In your heart are the instruction teachings. You are to teach others for the purpose of bringing others to the Father. I ask of you to do his will, not my. He is my Father and I do his bidding. Hold on to the fact that we are family in this vast universe of life/ life our Father created in his being. Know that he is all things. Never in eternity will he ever leave us in our need. He is always there for us.
Know that it is true of what I speak. We endeavor always tell the truth. Know that it is truth when I tell you this. How is it to be any other way? You may believe me when I tell you these things. Search your heart and you will know I speak the truth.
Your way of life is temporary, but soon you will be coming into the eternal part of your life existence. Follow the Fathers leading and you will know everything that is of right choice for you in your selection of life patterns in the future.
Behold! See what is in store for you. Eternal life in serving the Father and doing his will. You will embark upon a never ending journey of life time commitment of traveling the vast universe in doing what is asked of you. Your love will never weaver in the process of duty to serve him. Be of good cheer for you are lucky in that he has chosen you to do his bidding eternally. Feel that you are of a special gathering of beings that will traverse the universe in his name. You are to carry needed spiritual information forth in all regions of the universe. Seek all information regarding this service that you will be asked to perform. Know that this adventure will be everlasting.
I will leave you now, but know that I am always with you in spirit. It pleases me to watch you grow. You have been a delight in your growth. Understand that you are loved.
Session 4
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Session 5
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Session 6
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Session 7
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Session 8
March 8,1993 - Be of Good Cheer.
Blessings are upon you. You have been invited to partake of something special. Know that it is something marvelous. A new age is coming and you are part of this new age movement.
Tell others what you hear. Let them know what is happening in your life. Do not be docile in your manner.
You are being led. Know that what you are about to do is of the Fathers wishes. He has chosen you for this special undertaking, in that you will lead others, multitudes that are in search of truth.
You will gain much insight in the future so that you can lead. Understand that this leading is not of your own. The Father guides you in this undertaking. Again know that this shall be soon. Formulate what you must, bring all things into perspective.
Session 9
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Session 10
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Session 11
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Session 12
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Session 13
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Session 14
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Session 15
not available [Messages 9 through 15 not provided. Message 16 follows]
Session 16
March 31,1993 - You Are Worthy
You are worthy, short-comings are a part of you. Your nature in the way that you were created, you are in a sense the way you are. We created you and your short-comings are an intricate part of you. Realize that you learn from your short-comings. Your ability to learn from your short-comings has brought you to this point in your life. Know that without your short-comings you would be almost all exactly alike. We create all beings in a general manner with the possibility of different personalities. The feelings that you have inside of you are what makes you special and each being has different feelings then ;the others. You will understand when you have received the experience of life which you must gain through experience only. Yours is to learn, experience life, test it.
Learning from life's mistakes and your short-comings can benefit you only if you learn to benefit from them.
Know that you are living life as you should, even though you might not understand at all times. I will lead you, know that the leading will guide you inward in the pursuit of truth and your travels will bring you experience in all phases of life. Yours is a life which should have purposeful meaning. I will bring you from darkness to light as you gain insight in all areas of your life. Hold true to my words, these are truth.
Learn as you go through life. Your life will be a life full of experience, your life will always be a learning experience, in that you can attain all matter of feelings through experiential life. Know that you must attain knowledge by experience, feelings by experience, learning by experience and life by experience. Feel that you must grow in all areas of life through experience. Knowledge quest is life's quest, experience quest is life's reward, learn from experience. Know that experience is a must for attaining a future for spiritual survival.
Know that all things in life are experiential, in that you gain knowledge from what happens to you in your life span, now and always. Understand that your life is not unique and that life does bring you different situations and causes different reactions from you. Learn from these situations of life. Receive this as truth in your heart, you must believe this to be true.
Learn all that you are required to learn. Yours will be a special learning, it is from your heart and you will teach from your heart with feelings of great love for the Father. Your will teach love and truth and others will come forward and begin to strive in their existence to become followers of the leading of the Spirit which dwells within them and beckons them on for eternity.
Understand that there lies a great responsibility in what you do. Be at your best at all times.
You should always have communication of prayer each day. Understand that you should pray and communicate even if you feel that you are not worthy of communications. Yours is to communicate at all times. Know that you should always keep in prayer touch with the Father. He knows all things that happen in your life. Believe this to be true. It is your responsibility to do what is required of you in prayer matters of the heart, for the Father loves you and wishes to hear from you always. Your choice not to communicate in prayer is of your own choosing, but understand that you are losing your right to communicate with the Father, who only wishes you to return love from your heart, which he desires of you. Always, no matter what, communicate in prayer to the Father. Never lapse in doing this. Understand you must grow in love and understanding of the Father. How will you know him if you continue to cease communication or break from your communications? Time for you is precious and losing time with our Father is time lost in love communication between you. Know that it has value for you, the time spent with the Father.
I will tell you once again, yours is a Teaching Mission of renown purpose. You will guide others, others who are spiritually lost because of spiritual poverty that exist on the world of today. Again be at your best always. Understand that your conviction cannot be taken lightly. You will not fail in doing what is required of you. Know that I will help you my children and will guide you.
Peace be with you, peace be in your heart, and peace be in your soul.
Session 17
April 2, 1993 - Purpose
Beings are destined in life to find the Father if they have truth and seek out on the adventure quest and start what is required of them. You are a tool of purpose, a leading tool of purpose so that many will come and many will start on their long journey inward in quest of our Father who waits for their arrival. He delights in the coming of all who will venture out and seek to find him. Even though the journey is long and is of time process, they will eventually find him at the journeys end.
"Seek and you will find," is a command of search. Know that in searching one will find experience through travel and vast knowledge will be acquired in this quest pursuit. Know that all knowledge that is acquired is from this experience journey.
"You be perfect as I am perfect," is a command of experience perfection. Know all things that are learned through experience are real and cannot be denied because it required experience learning for knowledge of personal feelings which produce or bring forth non-doubt. You have lived it, therefore you believe it. Experience learning is understanding first hand. Know that you all will experience this route of learning through time travel experience. All will participate and will come to find that wisdom, knowledge, and experience go hand in hand for the betterment for attaining perfection. Know that one who seeks the Father is seeking all the above. Experience is the teacher of life, learning is what you gain from that experience in life. Know that all who seek and find the Father also acquire a vast amount of knowledge and wisdom.
See that you relay this message to others and make clear the importance of these messages. Bring others along on the journey with you. This is my command and wish that I ask of you. Yours is a journey of door opening for others, in that they will follow, in that they will begin their journey through truth teachings of our Father. They can then start the journey quest, the search and adventure of experience. Know that the opening of the door is the beginning of travel experience for all who are willing to go through this door. My door is now open to all who will come through and start a progressive journey of life everlasting, seeking wisdom, seeking knowledge, seeking experience, and final attainment of the Father, Life's journey is through that door. The door is open just enter through it. Believe such a journey is required of all. Know that this journey is a everlasting journey of service and love.
Peace be unto you, forever.
Session 18
not available
Session 19
April 4,1993 - Death and Life
My children, when you are sad for the death of someone, understand that death is part of life. You begin life and then grow through different phases of that life and then there is a physical ending, but life does not end. It is the beginning for many who have gone from physical life to a wonderful new life of spiritual adventure and spiritual progress in learning. Know that death frees you from the bonds of your physical body and you become a being of renown spiritual purpose. Know that all who come to life by the shedding of the their physical body awaken at a better place.
Understand that life is never ending, in that you always start again on the inward trek in search of perfection. Life will always lead you forward. Know that gaining understanding and insight as you advance forward in life will always bring you growth. You should understand clearly that life, physical, spiritual, or what ever phase of life that you are in, is always of growth potential for you.
Understand that life as you know it is limited only because of your lack of spiritual understanding, in that spiritual poverty is prevailing on this world and spiritual growth must come forth for all to gain life everlasting, life that does not end. Know that you ascend life from one phase to another for spiritual advancement, always growing forward, always never ending. Your life is such a life. Yours is a life full of learning opportunity, in that you are growing forward in advancement in all areas for your life. Know that learning will someday advance you further inward on your life quest and that you shall obtain growth as you journey the many different routes of travel in life's experience. Know that life is everlasting that you advance through many different phases of life's growth.
Session 20
April 6, 1993 - Respect
Know that in all you do, in your relating to other beings, what is most important lies in areas of respect for their views. Never disregard their ideals and their understanding of spiritual matters. Be open but refrain from discouragement. Have at all times respect for their beliefs and their point of view. You should always offer firm suggestions with clear understanding of what it is that you are conveying to them. Know that truth is what must be revealed, but the way that you convey your message or point of view is most important, in not to offend their opinions. Know that in truth I tell you this, respect for all others is the proper way of any kind of teaching. Never exert your will and beliefs in a manner that does not comply with standard universal teaching. Know that you will find that most beings who are searching and will listen to you, if you will only speak so that they are left with their own opinions. Bring forth teaching that will stimulate spiritual want in others. Know that this wanting desire will grow and grow until it becomes a steady quest for spiritual enlightenment and clear understanding. Know that you should always show the deepest respect for all others.
Believe this to be true. You must always show love and show the utmost respect for others who have their own beliefs and spiritual opinions, which has lead them to the present point in their lives. Know that, the importance of respect for others brings return respect for you as an individual and friend and teacher. Know that always you will find that others who respect others will benefit mutually, in that respect grows between, among, or that all will gain total respect in the long run. Respect growth will influence all who will participate in the giving of respect. Know that you must always learn and teach with total respect for others. Know that you can teach others out of respect for them. You should also know that in giving respect you create a bond of love respect which is bonding in which you prove worthy of respect in building a relationships of respect.
Good night, peace be unto you always.
Session 21
April 8, 1993 - Growing and Learning with Others
Your message tonight will be on how you grow and learn with others in life. You must first opening yourself to others. Feel that it is important to make contact with them. Use your knowledge ability to begin what will start an exchange of ideas which will start you on the road to a successful exchange of views, in that you can relate to one another. Know that when you converse ideas formulate between one another and growth potential begins in an exchange of your ideas with their ideas. You may or may not gain ground, but the door is now open and communications have begun. Know that the first step seems to be the toughest, in that the breaking of the ice or the beginning of communications exchange will be a little trying at first. Know that you begin in small exchange and grow forth in each other. Communication exchange once begun can grow on forever. You will see steady growth as you begin to communicate with each other. Learn what you can from the exchange of ideas. Working together will enhance spiritual exchange and enhance spiritual growth.
Understand, that you grow in understanding of each other as you come together for communication exchange of ideas. You will soon learn that once understanding has begun, you will find yourself drawing closer in understanding of each other and caring for each other in depth of love exchange for each other. Know that in your growth you will begin loyal bonding between all who have grown with this progression exchange of views. Love will flourish and growth will flourish. This group will become united in thought and purpose. Know that unity of cause will enhance even more the growth factor of the group. Love will soon abound everywhere and united in cause will be this group of beings, that they become one in thinking, one in purpose, one in love, a unit unified for purpose of each other. They will grow in depth of love for one another.
Seek out truth in your conversation exchange. Know that while you exchange ideas, always seek truth in your ideas. Truth being what you feel is right from your heart. Judgment can be made if you only use truth seeking by means of feelings from your heart. Know that the Father guides you and relates truth to you through your heart feelings. Your feelings can take you to areas of spiritual understanding of such proportionate range, that you can feel things of truth as you progress forward through different situations in life. Your guidance will always lead you in the right direction, in that you can always trust the leading of your Father. Know that you must always rely on your Fathers guidance in all situation that may befall you. Understand that you must always trust our Father’s leadings.
Session 22
April 10, 1993 - Words of Comfort
Know that feelings, emotional feelings are part your being. Emotional out pouring is a way to ease stress caused by something that hurts the heart and the soul. Your feelings are what you are in a sense. You react accordingly to your feelings in the way that it affects you. Happiness are emotions that are in tune with your inner soul, sadness however goes against you in that your purpose of life, should be contentment and happiness. Sadness causes conflict in your soul and brings forth disruption of harmony, and harmony is part of your being.
Sadness is felt in areas, pain, fear, loss, and hurt. Fear is the key factor in that it triggers emotional alarm within you. Pain, physical pain is part of your physical being. Loss is something that causes emotional pain and hurt. Hurt is an emotional outlet which is a comfort buffer which allows you discharge of your feelings. Feel that hurt is a comfort zone for your protection. Hurt and sadness are there as a protection device, a relief valve for your emotional being. There are uncertainties in life and things happen which are of negative affect on you. Your reaction is the result of what has cause you to feel the way that you do. Feelings of hurt is a reaction that causes deep sadness within your soul. Hurt is a feeling of reaction to negative presents, that is influencing your emotional stability of happiness. Adjustment time always mends your feelings of sadness and hurt. Hurt is an emotional part of you, it is of the negative side, only because it has been caused by something negative that has triggered this emotion.
Feel that time will again bring forth happiness and harmony, as it has done many times previously. You must trust, that your sorrow will leave you and again happiness will fill you. You shall delight in happiness again. Finding different avenues, new interest in life will ease hurt and help the mending of your feelings faster. Hurt and harmony of your soul must always be apart of you, they are you in a sense, your feelings are you. Trust that hurt always goes away and that you are stronger from your exchange of emotional fluxuation
Seek happiness and you will find happiness, do things that make you happy, feels things that make you happy, open your heart and fill it with happiness. Happiness of the heart brings harmony to the soul and harmony of the soul brings you happiness of life. Seek happiness for mending of your soul. Your hurt will soon leave you, so leave your hurt behind and create new happiness for yourself. Know that you will be happy again.
Session 23
Happiness is from within. Search all you may, you will not find what you are searching for. You will be fulfilled only when you have found purpose in your life, purpose with meaningful meaning.
Words cannot convey feelings and emotions. Understand your emotions are ruled by things that happen in your life. Learning to control your emotions through love will bring much satisfaction. You will soon find in your search the reason for your life.
The purpose in life, is having meaningful purpose, reason for existence. You need meaning in your life. Life that you can grow forth in purpose. Giving of oneself has purposeful meaning, but the meaning has no value unless it has content of love. Your purpose of life is learning, growing, sharing,, giving.
The ultimate gift that one can give is the gift of love, which brings forth satisfaction and has emotional meaning. Your life has purpose when it has fulfillment and satisfaction. In the attainment of satisfaction one must be content in all aspects of life. You must grow for attainment. Life is a growing process, experiential life brings forth attainment through the quest of life, knowledge acquired along life's journey is growth intellectually, spiritual growth is attained progressively in the same experiential manner. Together, combined, the two help bring forth soul growth. Your immortal soul must grow in order to survive.
Understanding clearly will help clarify emotional feelings to some extent, but your growth through experiential life brings emotional satisfaction, in that you have experienced life's course, which builds a manner of character of the your soul. Your purpose in life is growth potential for growth of your immortal soul. Understanding life clearly is an advantage, but living life experientially brings soul growth. You must learn things of life. Your manner of life brings forth true knowledge of understanding things, with attainable wisdom growth. Wisdom is attained through life's growth. Life is growth, growth brings forth satisfaction in yourself, satisfaction brings forth contentment and happiness, contentment and happiness brings forth harmony with your soul. Understand you must at all times have growth, to become stagnant is to become lost, having no meaningful purpose, life becomes un-meaningful, which brings forth unhappiness.
Attainment growth brings forth a reason for life. To have purpose in life is the key to true life's happiness.
Session 24
April 12, 1993 - Know that all will be well.
You must first trust and then go forth in your life with full confidence in what you are doing. Know that there is coming soon a great day of deliverance from the shackles of fear, in that all who are blind will someday know the truth that they are in part blind by lack of spiritual information. Truth, total truth, the unlocking of truth will set them free from their blindness: an opening of eyes is going to bring spiritual understanding. You are seeing the beginning of the unlocking of truth. Many will be given the key for the purpose for unlocking spiritual blindness. Their eyes shall be open and they shall see clearly. Spiritual truth shall shine through them. An eye opening experience that will enlighten them and call and bring them from darkness to the light of spiritual understanding.
Know that heavens teaching is coming forth to all mankind soon. It will shine as the glory of our Father is brought forth into all the world. You should be prepared for this occasion which will take place soon. You must prepare and be ready for this beginning cause of truth reveling. Know that you are going help lead and teach others, you are to lead them out of spiritual blindness and lead them in spiritual guidance to the light of truth. They will see clearly. Know that all will be able to see and grasp these teachings over a period of time.
Universal unity for the betterment of mankind on earth. Know that there is needed much love upon the earth. There is now an out pouring of love that will drench the world as never before. Know that someday all will be blessed from this out pouring of love and love teachings of our Father. A family on earth, united in love, caring for each other, caring for all, one unit in a world. Know that this beginning is taking place in the heart of mankind now. It has begun and it is going forth. A movement that cannot be diverted by any force. You will be involved in this movement.
Session 25
Blessing are upon you.
Hold true to your feelings. Know that your heart is moved by things that are taking place. You are being prepared for your purpose for which you are being taught. Know that all who hear you will be enlightened by the message that you are proclaiming.
The Father’s presence is so powerful that they will never need of anything. His presence in their lives will forever engulf and bathe them in his loving manner of total caring for them. Know that all will have his caring love.
You must tell others of his tender ways of love. Know that he must be seen through their eyes as the loving Father that he is. All who come to know the Father learn his loving ways, his kindness of heart, his caring nature for his children and of his boundless love. There is no limit of the love manifestation that continues to flow from him.
Take away all harming teachings of our Father. Things that have been misunderstood must be corrected and total truth given in its place. Harmful teaching are the stumbling blocks which help sever relation building between the Father and his children. Know that truth can unlock false teaching of our Father. You are to sever all false teaching and give new understanding and correct teachings of our Father to all who will receive it. Your heart must be true for all as you open truth to them. Let them see the image of the Father love through you. Hold back nothing in your proclaiming of this new age gospel. Know that you are doing the Fathers wishes and doing his bidding. Proclaim this truth of our Father. Use your feelings to draw mankind and teach from your heart feelings always. Know that you can rely on these feelings of love that are stored in you for this purpose.
Healing the mind of others who have misconception of our Father will be a great responsibility for you. Heal their minds and appeal to their hearts. You should always respect others and their opinionated belief's. The transfer of love in your teaching will stimulate new spiritual growth, old views will pass away. Give others new understanding and a new concept of their loving Father. Never take away their belief without offering new belief in your teachings. Always respect their feelings of love for their Father. You need only enlighten them further in their love feelings of their Father. The love is already there, but they lack truth concepts of our Father. Open their hearts further and love will ignite without restrictions and there will flow freely love to their Father and all stumbling blocks will have been removed.
Feel that your guidance is always there for you. Act accordingly as you feel. Follow the leading in your hear and pursue it vigorously. Follow my leading and I will give you substance in all that you need. We are with you always and you are not alone.
You are loved therefore rejoice in your life. Stand firm, trust always. Be of good-cheer.
Truth will flow from your hearts and love will expound from your teaching thoughts as you transfer your feelings of love of your Father to all who will receive the message proclaiming their right to belong to the family of our Father.
Universally they are welcome and most wanted by all beings of intellectual status who wait eagerly for them to participate in this great adventure that they will share together. Know that all will be united for this cause for the serving of their Father and for the ministry of love that they will someday proclaim to all who will hear.
Open mankind’s eyes to the truth of their heritage in belonging to this universal family of our Father.
Know that all who will come will participate forever with our Father. He is our Father of Purpose, our Father of Love, our Father of Guidance, He is all things to us. Participating in love forever is what your lives are to consist of with eternal and everlasting life.
Pursue what your feelings tell you. Be strong in your nature and in your belief for things are taking place and change is coming soon. It will be change of great significance and purpose for all who are involved and all who participate openly in proclaiming this new age gospel of truth which is going to spread globally. Word of mouth teaching will gain momentum and spread like a fire raging through a field. It is driven by the spirit of wind which spreads in every direction. Word of mouth teaching can not be stopped, so begin this new proclaiming of Family love and let them know they are Family by right of heritage and all are worthy to come to this Family reunion.
Take away the holding power of fear that men have in their hearts for the Father. Tell the truth of his love and his kindly nature, his Fatherness of heart. Let them see him in a different light, a light without fear. Let them know of his endless love for them, his endless caring for them. He will consume them with love forever. His Father caring ways of love will be so...
Session 26
April 20,1993 - Be of good cheer tonight:
Hold on dearly to these messages of love that you have received. Know that you must tell others of these teachings Search out and find as many as you may find. Know that your leading of others has started and it will progress forward.
Behold, see what is taking place, you are seeing the beginning of something marvelous, a wonderment of proportionate size, in that it will be totally global, in that all are to participate in the soon coming change of world attitude in the way that the world is today. Marvelous will be this change that is coming and so great that all who will see it will marvel as to what is taking place in the world.
Many will find the truth and many will begin a life of purposeful meaning, in that they are now living for others and not for themselves. Having true purpose of life gives good reason to go on, knowing that they are of true purpose and will continue on always.
Behold the time is coming and the truth must be told. You will benefit from this change in that many will search with all their heart and seek the truth for purpose in their lives. Know that you must be willing to help all who will come to you for guidance. Open your heart for many are going to come for comfort from their fears and comfort from their troubles. Teach all who will come to you that this is the beginning and life is going to be different in that their will achieve happiness in life and have purpose and life will bring forth things of growth which will help them in their advancement of life.
Know that you are part of this beginning, a light for all who will stumble in the darkness. Shine brightly and go forth so many can see. The truth is coming and it is to be an eye opening for many and all who wish to hear the truth, in that the truth being all mankind are of the Family of God our Father. The truth to be known will be proclaimed everywhere. Know that all are invited to participate in this change. See that you always, in your efforts try to convey these messages of truth. It may be hard but you will find in your being the ability to do as you must. Follow your heart feelings in these areas of your life circumstances and you will prevail. The outcome will be of a positive nature, in that you will succeed in your to attain what is required of you as you follow the leading of your Father.
Understand that you are going to be part of this great and marvelous rebuilding of the world structure system. Change must come about. You will see this change coming because of the problems of the world, which are now at hand. Know that it will be as though nothing can stop it. It will spread swiftly through the world. Change will prevail for the future of all mankind. You are seeing it begin to happen. Change is inevitable, total change is coming. Mankind's outlook on life will change, all views in the way that they see life are going to change. Devastation must follow if change does not come. Know that change is a must for this world to survive itself.
Attitude is going to be the major change that will be taking place. Mankind's heart is now cold and the warmth of giving will start to thaw their hearts and a directional change will come about. Caring for others will be a priority. Love can change all who wish to change. Know that love will someday dominate all mankind on this earth, love will prevail. Love will go forth.
You must help bring about change of heart, in the hearts of mankind. Go forth you cannot stumble your course is set your destiny is waiting. Travel on.
Be of good cheer for you have insight of the future. Know that your leading will help many others on the road to successful change that is coming. This will be a blessed event for you. Tell others of this marvelous change that is coming soon. Open your heart to these messages as truth. Know that you will bring encouragement to many. You are going to help many who are lost in this world system of confusion. Be pure of heart and trust that I am leading you on this journey of change and that you will always have my guidance in this change that will be taking place.
Know that I am here for you. I will guide you in your direction of change and I will help promote change swiftly. It is going to happen, change will comfort all in that life will become more positive for all. Look forward to this change. Know that a better life is coming for all. Understand time will allow this change to come soon.
Peace be unto you, forever.
Session 27
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Session 28
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Session 29
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Session 30
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Session 31
May 5, 1993 - Love Growth
Love, Growth
Love is an expression of feelings that are part of emotions that are part of life's giving process. Words that ring true from your heart are words of love giving. Know that each and everyday love grows within you. Your expression of feelings is felt as time progresses forward. Your emotional feelings are felt in depth of love exchange. Giving of oneself is an offer of love. Heart feelings are felt by all who can realize love, feel love, and give love in return. You should always feel that you are loved no natter what you are going through, or what phase of life that you should happen to be in. Acceptance of love is part of the system of giving and sharing.
Know that love heals the broken hearted, it offers comfort to those who are down, it helps relieve stress that is so often apart of our lives. Love is the cure all to many areas that plague mankind and other beings of existence. In all you should know that love, the out pouring of love that flows from within, is a natural function which is part of the creation of each and every being that has been created or ever will be created. Loves drawing power is centralized in our Fathers nature and all are drawn automatically to this flow out pouring of love that stems from our Eternal Father who is the original giver of love. His out pouring of love that flows from his being is part of his love process of giving to all.
You should understand, that love is a form of understanding that brings forth all existence, love is something that is untouchable, but it is felt through your existence and your receptivity in your created nature of receiving love emotions that purposely pull all towards the Father who is the creator of all love existence. Your heart has a longing that needs to be filled. Your quest in life is inherent and your love search is automatic, in that you always tend to search for this longing that comes from within yourselves. This special love that you quest for is guiding you, it feels like a longing or leading in your life, a directional pull which leads you to its point of origin which comes directly from our Father. Love is ever leading, ever pulling, always drawing you on.
Your existence is based on love emotional feelings, without love life would not persist. Giving of oneself is the act of giving love which brings forth all manners of existential love. Love growth is crucial for the continuance of life. Love existence is life existence and they go hand in hand. Life and love are the same in a manner of speaking. Without love life will not continue on and without life love cannot exist. Our Father is the giver of life, the giver of love. His energy out pouring of love brings forth life, which comes forth from his out pouring of love. Our Father who exist, can and does always give of himself so that all who have their existence in him, will return their love. Love flows freely from our Father who is open for the return flow of love. Love, the giving nature of our Father, is part of his being. Your love growth that is coming forth is flowing back to the Father and this becomes an exchange of love between the Father and you his children. Love is manifested in the Father, his purpose in giving is for the returning of love. Love growth that comes to you will always bring you to a new and clearer understanding of his being and his nature.
Love that dies is severed from our Father. Love potential is what you are. Rejection of life is the rejection of love and with the rejection of love comes the ending cessation of life. Life lost, is love lost. Your existence of life is dependent on love transfer connection to the Father. If lines are severed then volition of life ceases to exist. Your own ability to disconnect these lines of love are totally within your power.
Love connection that is strong will grow as needed. Love understanding of your Father is crucial to all, you must understand this. Love growth comes from within. Love grows by means of continued communication contact of love with the Father. You grow in your love and progress forward in life. Know that all beings are endow with love reception ability and they will someday find total love as they stand in the presence of their Father who will bathe them in the depth of his love for them.
Your going forth will always bring love, which is the key to life's survival for your existence, know that however, anyone at any time can choose not to continue on with their existent pursuit and life's continuance will end. Your choice will always bring you results in life. Having choice is the gift of life that is given to all.
You must begin to understand that the Origin of Love is beckoning you on and existence is dependent on yourselves and your own choosing. Love, life, existence eternally is offered, it is there for you. Love existence comes forth from our Father who waits for all, know that he is waiting ever so patiently, holding his love offer open to all who will come.
You should always be firm in your belief of these teachings of love that your Father has given to you. You are lucky in that you have insight in these matters. Hold true, very true to these teaching on love. Go forth and proclaim my love to all.
Session 32
May 11, 1993 - Follow Your Heart
Your hearts are growing and your feelings are felt. Being part of and sharing in your growth pleases me. Your understanding is becoming clearer as you progress through these lessons, lessons that are given to you in love.
Follow your heart feelings and trust that you have purpose. Going forward will establish certain things, loyalty, love, your will to serve, all these are coming forth from you. Your leading in part will bring about change in you.
Effort is again forth coming to many or all who would participate in sharing of themselves in love transfer of themselves. It should be known that all who give of themselves in love, will be given in return satisfaction of love based on love.
Going forth and growing forth go hand in hand. Experiencing life as you go through life will bring forth needed growth, growth will bring forth needed advantages in life that will cause all to advance forward from their growth which brings forth the ability to go forward. A process which helps stimulate each other, growth forward and going forward. The two interlock for purpose of advancement of life. Growing forward and going forward are part of your existence. Know that life always goes forward and grows forward; life being experiential must always continue to grow and advance forward. Seeking in life does permit such growth to come about. Going forward always advances you in the directional pull of advance growth. Know that without either, life would not prevail. Advancement of life is crucial to life, in that growth causes stimulation, search of purpose which activates longing and searching, longing and searching of the heart does accomplish things of growth for reason for : growth, in that all who participate in life will always advance forward in their growth, know that reason of life can and does stimulate all beings for purpose of existence as they go forward in life. Know that he who is willing to travel forward and progress growth, will someday stand in the presence of our Father who has set forth reason and purpose of life. Move forward and advance in your life is a command that should be honored by all beings of creation status.
Serving is part of your duty to the Father. Serve well and let your hearts ring true. Know that all is well for you.
Session 33
May 26, 1993 - Break Through Encumbrances
Hearken to the call of your Father. You are here for reason, triumph over obstacles must be accomplished. Break through each encumbrance and advance forward step by step. Know that the journey is long for you and short for you. Your journey is eternal, your purpose is eternal, your existence is eternal, your mortal existence is temporary.
Heart lag is what is felt by most beings, in that they feel at certain times a pulling away. Know that nature draws you forth and your physical status responds to the nature that is within you. You should know that all beings that are created in nature are call by nature and each being must fulfill his or her part of natures duty, in that their purpose for physical existence must be fulfilled. A calling away is only temporary and most return and re-establish their pursuit of the calling of their Father.
Know that you have certain abilities that can enhance your progress. Use these abilities for such advancements. Know that you must give of yourself, you must become openhearted; one of sharing, one of caring, and one of love. Be tolerant of all others, it will always put forth ultimate love projection to others. See that you try to understand others who are less advanced as you in spiritual status. Know that all who come forth to you must receive equal love from you. Retain love for all, for each, for everyone. Hold true to these words of advice which I have given you. See that you love all equally. Know that love has no blind side to it. Love is open and love is eternal. See that your love is never blind to anyone who is need of love. Search their heart for purpose of love and need, then pour out abundantly a love flowing from within yourself, enhance them in love. Follow my example and love all who would need love of you. Set your heart straight and follow the guidance of our Father.
Blessed you. Be of good cheer because insight is coming to you.
Session 34
May 28,1993 - Insight Is Coming To You
I am with you.
Behold the brilliance of others. Know that they are also part of this universe of creation. Many shall shine forth as the sun on a bright day only to go down like the setting of the sun. Know that all have purpose in life. Some are of small purpose and some are of great purpose, but all are of equal purpose in the eyes of our Father who loves and adores each and every created being. Know that the fruits of life are abundant throughout the universe.
Hold true to what I tell you now. Your perception of life is wholly within the bounds of this created universe. Never before have so many been able to be transformed with understanding, which is now coming forth with these teaching principles of life. You are going to help begin this transformation of beings who will accept what is being given to them. Know that most will hearken to this call of life. Their acceptance of these teachings will enhance their lives. Understand, those who are given these teachings will enhance the earth views of life as never before.
You should always perform your obligation duty to all who are seeking truth about life. This beginning is starting with your ability of transforming the truth to others so that they can grasp what shall be required of them in this their mortal life time and in their eternal existent plan. Know that each must decide his or her destiny as it shall be laid out before them. Open hearts are to receive this calling of spiritual truth that must be proclaimed to the whole world. See that all who receive this calling can begin to understand this calling.
Using your inner feelings may help you, but know that your trust in our Father should be the dominating factor in your trust faith. He leads you and guides you, hold true to his leading. See that you follow him always, even through uncertainties he continues to guide you faithfully and endlessly.
Peace be unto you forever.
Session 35
June 1 , 1993 - Open your heart
Suffering and pain are part of life. Know that you suffer being a evolved being of this realm. Know that your life has meaningful purpose, in that you are learning to feel things as you experience this life. Growing in depth of wisdom can be accomplished by experience (of) trial. Know through trial you gain vast amounts of experience that leads you in your perfection quest on this level of existence. Your behavior patterns form as you accomplish things in your life growth. Seeing your growth, gives you insight in matters as pertained through your experience perfection, that you evolve in your own character status level, in that you accomplish things through your existence which help shape your character patterns. See that you begin to trust in your feelings of experience growth. You must now ascend above your nature and learn to use these skills which you have learned through your life experiences.
Hold true to these words. Your wisdom growth is being accomplished even now through your learning of these lessons that you receive and by communication prayer that you have with our Father. Know that your growth will enhance your life spiritually and will bring forth an abundance of reward for you. Your believing has brought you to this point in your life.
Be of good cheer because you are experiencing life naturally as it really exist on an evolving mortal sphere. Know that you have learned from this experience.
Peace be unto to you always-
Session 36
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Session 41
June 19, 1993 - Perfection of Attainment
Perfection, Attainment
In doing your best you attain knowledge and growth which become a part of you. Finding yourself through attainment is a part of life's growing and advancing process. Know that all who have attained perfection (experiential perfection) have all grown and advanced to this perfection, in that they have become perfect beings of perfection status through evolutionary advancement, in that they attain wisdom perfection by means of experience. Know that all who come to the Father by this means and attain spiritual perfection are graced by experience in a manner of speaking, through self seeking, wisdom attainment with adventure experience evolving with life, through different growing channels of experience, in that all roads lead to the Father are roads of experiential life.
Understand that life without experience has no foundation value, in that value attainment through experience always develops character building and personality traits that form different individuals into what they are. Know that you are such a being of experience. You should always use your experience travel growth for your own development in continued life growth. Doing the Fathers will has brought you to this point in time because of your life's experiences. Your enhancement of life comes forth through your growth experience that you gain through life's growth.
You should always grow forward as you ascend forward. Advancement of mind in part, is advancement of soul and advancement of soul brings forth advancing life. Growth that is from within is growth of the soul and growth of the soul is advancement of perfection status, in that you always grow in structure growth for attainment of full experiential life of perfection growth attainment.
Purpose of life, is experiential life growth for attainment of eternal perfection.
You should be aware that your perfection of attainment is also eternal and forth coming eternally, in that you grow in perfection eternally through eternal life of experience now and forever.
Your awareness of life through progression should be a part of your teaching for growth for all who would understand. Life never ending, always growing in perfection.
Seek, find and grow is a command wish of love from our Eternal Father. Your search and longing of heart are qualities of oneself with drive of perfection. Growing in structural attainment of perfection is doing the Fathers command wish of love, in that you are doing his will. Seek and find is what our Father has asked of all and those who seek and find in life, will someday seek out and find their Eternal Perfect Father.
The Fathers wish should be your purpose for life's pursuit. Everything that has meaning has purpose in life. Search and find is what you should be doing in life/ what you find is that experience attained through life's existence is the coming forth of life perfection with growth in pursuit of living life. Life's growth is perfection growth and perfection growth is doing the will of our Eternal Father. Come forth and grow my children is a love command wish of our Eternal Father made to all his children of time creation, in that you must come forward in life for attainment of perfection to stand someday in the presence of your Eternal Father of Perfection.
You should be aware that all things are given from the Eternal Father who provides endless sources of life and life giving for universal growth of perfection attainment for a perfect universe someday.
Perfect is his being, you be perfect as he is perfect is your soul growth command love wish to you. Seek and find is what you do to honor the Fathers command love wish. Seek is to look, to find is your growth reward for looking, and perfection attainment of eternal life is your eternal reward.
Your being, a person of growth potential offers you great rewards of life as you ascend the scale of perfection in honoring the command love wish of our Father, "You be perfect as I am perfect."
Set your eyes and your heart on the Father and you will never lose sight of him and you goal in life can always be seen and felt. Know your Father and know yourself.
Behold, what I tell you is eternal truth now and for ever!
Peace be unto you. Search your heart for truth and you will find truth of life, truth of mind, and truth of soul. Be you perfect as I am perfect is my love wish command to you.
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Session 43
June 23, 1993 - Being & Self-Existence
Open your heart and love pours out and then love rushes back. This is the way of love existence. You should always follow in the way of giving of love, in that the exchange build up of love does deliver to you love in return. Understand that the process of love giving functions on an exchange bases. Giving of oneself does open the flow of return love. In your heart, which are your feelings, are stored up purpose of giving. Love exchange between two beings or many, does allow the growth, the potential growth of all manner of love exchange. It is truly true, in order to receive love you must open your heart for the purpose of receiving love, but in order to receive this love flow you must start the exchange of love flow first in your heart.
Love flow is like your physical system, in that life giving blood from your heart does flow to all parts of your being and then returns only to flow out again. Your physical being does depend upon the physical flow of life giving blood. Know that your spiritual being does depend upon that total life giving flow of love exchange. Love exchange can and does provide that growth supply of love which is a part of the love giving process.
Your being and your existence does depend on love growth. Throughout all eternity you must grow in all facets of being. Love growth is spiritual growth and spiritual growth is love growth. Understand that the two exist together.
Your heart must flow freely in order for love to grow from within yourself and your total being. Feelings, emotions, caring and love are all part of your being, know that this is the love part of you, the Father part of you. The Father is pure love in his essence. Know that you are the children of our Father who is Love which makes you the children of Love. Your existence stems from love giving from our Father. In his being he is the giver of love and life to you. You are the receiver of love from the Father. In your being and your existence you can of your own free will choice return love exchange to your Father for return growth of love to him.
Growing in love is growing in life, life eternally. Your heart and your feelings of love that are part of you, are love in that you exist in love and you live in love, total love.
Your heart exchange of love will always bring you spiritual reward, in that your own spiritual growth brings you step by step closer to your Fathers love, who gave you in love existence to life.
Love flow exchange is life for all, forever and for always. Your heart should always be open for growth for the giving of more love. Your existence is from love, you are love.
Know that you should give this message of eternal love to all who would receive this message of love in their hearts. You being a child of love gives you the right to give love of yourself.
Hold true to these words of truth and love. Love is given to you.
Session 44
June 26, 1993 - Heart Feelings and Emotions
Heart, Feelings
In your heart are feelings that require nourishing. In your growth of life comes things that are part of ones being, in that you test life with learning results for satisfactions of mind and heart. Know that you are never alone in your experience feelings felt from the results from things that you do and the things you go through. We endeavor to always bear with you through such trials of experiencing physical life for your purpose of life learning experiences, in that life that is felt by your being and your existence is also felt by our feelings in our existence, in that we are part of your life experience, but in feelings only. Being downhearted sometimes stems from physical life, it is felt by all of us who share this part of you. Know that the purpose for your physical life is to prepare you for the toughest situations that life does bring to you. See beyond these feelings of being downhearted and look for a bright future. Hold true to these words and know that comfort always follows behind being downhearted.
Our feelings of heart and love are with you and know that we share in your good times and your not so good times. We always share in your feelings and emotions of heart. Being downhearted of oneself is a part of each and every created being, in that we all experience feelings of instability of emotions and being unsure of heart at different times in our lives. Your emotional feeling are felt by our Father who feels as you feel life and your pain in your physical existence is felt deeply by our loving Father.
Time, the element of time does help in your feelings of emotional instability, in that time allows you to grow forward in time process and the healing of your feelings are mended through time experience.
Not hardening of heart, but learning of heart through your physical existence does brings forth attuned feelings of our Fathers nature, in that you become one in essence of the Father through feelings and emotional experience. Hold true to these words that I have given you and see that you use your experience of physical life to attain development of your feelings and emotions and to use all your experience happens for your growth for the attainment of our Father. In serving our Father and doing his will we acquire vast amounts of life experience, life that came from our Fathers existence.
Remembrance of past experience does give you advantage over life, in that your learning through total life experience gives you keenness of understanding of life, in life, and life existence itself. Know that knowledge through experience of life, is life, life without restriction, not all good, not all bad, life is life.
Your should always be positive in your manner and in your existence. Emotional feelings sometime rule the mind and heart but always know that your existence in life does allow this for your experience of life growth in yourself. Go forward in life so that your growth of life goes forward in you, for purpose of your own life, existence of heart, and for spiritual development of your soul for the betterment of all and for the whole universe.
Be true to your heart feelings and be true to all heart feelings. Endeavor always to serve in love of our Father, a serving love that grows from within and a serving love that growth for all. Love that grows for all is love growth for you.
Peace be unto you now and always. Be still of heart for you are loved.
Session 45
July, 1993 - Choice
Free will
In your teaching of others, understand that those who are seeking truth will find truth in your words, but those who are not ready for truth cannot hear and recognize truth. Sending forth a message of love and truth in words are the only way to reach those who are ready, seeing that truth strikes a note of the heart, those whose hearts are ready for truth, they will openly except truthful words of our Father and then his leading can commence forward for those who can follow this leading. Furthermore all who are called in this leading can at anytime partake of this journey of life forward. It is possible for all to come to our Father, but all do not choose to follow his leading at all times. They may choose to traverse their rights and remain in a settled estate or they may choose to travel and journey forward in pursuit of perfection of our Father. Going forward does allow them the use of life for journey travel forward, for advancement of mind and soul intellect. In your being (existence) one must accomplish life and advance forward at each intersect of life. In doing what has been expected (required) of them they automatically advance forward in their journey forward and inward.
The information that has been given to you, is how we convey love of heart to you, these messages of love are sent to you for purpose of seeing life improve and advance into a spiritual estate. Know that the beginning has come forth and it will always continue be.
You should know that time now offers those who are willing and those who are unwilling to choose and come forth for selection of travesty of self; the right of choice for oneself, in that all now have the ability to choose. Going ahead does offer much for those who choose to advance themselves and those who choose not to advance themselves forward are left in a catatonic estate. Both choose their fate, in that all beings have the right to choose for themselves their own destiny.
Unlocking the hearts of all mankind is the key to the success of the whole Teaching Mission. Know that truth of our Father must prevail in order for advancement of selection of choice to move forward for attainment of the Father. Hearts that are open to the Father always choose advancement of perfection to their Father. Teach as many as you can the truth for positive advancement and opening their hearts is opening the door to life, life everlasting, the door that leads them home.
You should always teach the loving nature of our Father. A clear message must be bestowed in the minds of mankind Clear perception of our Father does bring forth love images. You can install these images of the loving nature of our Father. Send forth this message of truth for opening the hearts and minds of men and women so that the truth they gain a clear perception of the love of their loving Father and his loving ways. Know that all who choose life do come forward and exist in that life that they have chosen.
See that you teach this of our Father's nature. Love always and love forever. This is the way of life. Set your sights high for the betterment of all mankind. Love to you, always and forever.