1993-10-03-The Mission Task
Topic: The Mission Task
Group: Oklahoma City TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Rebecca
I thank you all for attending our meeting today.
Our motivation is guided toward the over-all extension of our highest intent, that is the fuller and more complete comprehension of our mission task as it proclaims and sustains our Master's work. I am Abraham. I understand your uneasiness concerning your individual contributions because I, myself, have experienced these same emotions. Yes, and I further have laid down human barriers that create human despair. Readying ourselves in our vessels of clay surely increases our flame above, even that flame which has so recently begotten you. Yes, certain undecided litanies steady their hands and steel their hearts to the pleas all around, even as our humble plea comes begging. Listen, and so you are listening, (everyone surely can listen sometimes) to a still, small voice who also comes begging at your door. Anyone who has heard Him can never afterward be about His great undertaking without certainty.
Certainty bestows herself upon a noble and generous character, (even upon less than perfect characters) as her intimate companion. Her every guidance produces a result. Every inner whispering leads the boy along toward universal manhood. Even that certitude which comes in passivity guides, leads and bestows. Lend an active heart that is certain, sure and destined its active role to play. Play your active part as though an angel held your hand and whispered your lines into your ear. Such human bravery does this human drama require. Cease your two-bit crises that hold fast the mind in allegorical chains. Create instead with the humble and mortal tools of the mind an opera-house of great passion. Express emotion through the mental refinement of great songs.
We who occupy or have occupied the mortal tabernacle, regard it as the greatest and most exciting privilege. You, Rebecca, have often desires it's release and the greater heights of morontial life. Don't dream away the life you're living, child, while waiting to advance. Never will you find adventure so keen nor excitement so glorious as this humble mortal start, or beginning.
(Abraham then proceeds to read everyone present the riot act) All of you have needed our reprimand at times. As I have the responsibility governing your station, I elected to shoulder this burden today. Look ahead! The entire work that is asked of you has already been done for you. Everything that is to come has already previously been arrived at through wisdom and understanding. Your assignments have the advantage greater than even the Apostles. Realize and recognize that all of your way is rather straight. When a man is given great talents, his argument against those talents is foolish.