1994-01-14-Foundation Building
Topic: Foundation Building
Group: Pocatello TeaM
Teacher: Daniel, Tomas, Ham, Abraham, Michael
TR: Rutha, Gerdean
Opening prayer
DANIEL: Good evening friends. I am Daniel, your guide and your teacher. I am overjoyed with the remarks that have been made by you this evening. Indeed is it inspiring to the teachers in understanding that they, too, have been instrumental in helping to bring the love of the First Source and Center into a more understandable language, understandable feelings, and that you are taking into your own lives and bringing forth a growth, bringing forth this love to others.
As you have discoursed this evening about the last two years, there is, of course, much more than has been superficially stated. For underneath there is much that has occurred, much that you will think about again and again. Indeed has our time together been a time of foundation-laying. And in building that foundation you are and have steadily been able to grow in your own perception of who you are, the child of the First Source and Center. As you have come into the knowledge of this wonderful understanding you will continue to grow in confidence. This confidence will spill out in bringing others into the same reality. I am overjoyed that you have taken my words to heart, that you continue to work to know the Father and Mother; that in knowing you will serve, in serving you will readily recognize the First Source and Center at large on this planet. We have many visitors here this evening. This is a special occasion, not only for this group but for all who are involved in this Teaching Mission. These little anniversaries are the stepping stones, the measure by which we can fully appreciate the endeavors of the celestials and, most importantly, the endeavors that you, the mortals of this realm, have put forth, the effort and work you have put forth. We will hear from several tonight. One moment.
HAM: I am Ham, greetings. Two years ago this group was beginning a journey that would bring into your individual lives a new sense of purpose and a new challenge. Thankfully this group has weathered the storms of the challenge. You have steadily approached your study and your commitment to that most important commitment of all, of knowing that there is much more besides a material existence. You have taken the challenge to find that which is the divine. And in so doing your perceptions and understanding of life's purpose has grown immensely! Day by day, week by week, you have traversed many obstacles. You have had many joys. All in all, this is part of life. The unfolding is not to be known; but through faith and trust you have allowed life to lead you into areas where you have been asked to make choices. It is students as yourselves, globally, that are making choices that seek a higher road that will bring about the change, this Correcting Time.
Correction must initially begin with the individual as you have so wisely stated this evening. And as the individuals themselves become strong and steady, then you will be able to be that example and that one who will, perhaps, plant the seed that causes the individual to take note, to change course, to grow in a much more divine and wise way. I, Ham, am always happy to address this group, to check with Daniel and others about the progress that is taking place.
As you begin this new time, let it be a time that you will continue to grow individually. And as you see, there is a more group collectiveness that is developing. This is what the next step of your mission will be, to work toward individual development whereby becoming a group that will unite and work for more community and global enlightenment. These are my words this evening. I send you love and I am, again, saying to you, your willingness and your openness have been noted, even on the broadcasts across the many realms of space. Good evening.
Group: Good evening Ham.
TOMAS: Greetings, I am Tomas. I am pleased to share this celebration with my peers, as there are many in the Teacher Corps who assemble in acknowledgement of this eager, growing group of children committed to following the Master. I am pleased and privileged also to witness and experience words from our head master as these lesson plans which have been formulated over time and are constantly adapting and adjusting to the needs of the moment and the individual are truth which we have lived and sought for a millennia and more. It is privilege for me to share this celebration of a two year teacher base. I am honored to be part of this community and look forward to our combined work to come in correction.
ABRAHAM: Shalom, I am Abraham. Children, I send you greetings this evening. I have but few words to say. The surefootedness and steady mounting of God-consciousness will continue to be your greatest ally. Do not let the storms of discontent and disharmony, intolerance or hatred take away from the beauty of the First Source and Center. As has been stated to you very pointedly, love does conquer all. I know from where I stand as a mortal on this realm, and as an overseer of the Teaching Mission. I send love, greetings, and ask that you stay the course. Good evening.
Group: Good evening Abraham.
MICHAEL: Precious ones, how my heart swells in gratitude of your willingness to receive me and your openness to my teachers, my truth. I say to you, love one another. For in loving one another you are manifesting me in your lives. Radiate your love, which is at the wellspring of your being. In your time with our Father bring forth that peace, that compassion, that concern, that gentleness which I have for you. We are begun. We will proceed working together, boys and girls, men and women, brothers and sisters. We are closely and quietly moving our sad planet forward into joy, into peace. My peace I leave with you in your righteous celebration of knowledge of my mission, our mission. I walk with you and I also sit with you in your rest. Hold my hand.
DANIEL: We, this group, are indeed honored by all of our guests. I have been asked to give a message from our Teacher of Salem, Machiventa. His love he asks to convey that receiving love you, too, will know the value and the gift of giving back. I, Daniel, have a few closing remarks.
Let it be known that while Kent feels that I won many an argument with him that it is not I who strive to win arguments. Rather, that I lay down ideas that help you, Kent, in realizing truth. And, therefore, it is you that is the real winner in the end. My dear friends, it is only the sureties of the Divine that last. It is only the sureties that will sustain you. Seek that time of peace within that those sureties may sustain you all the days of your life. As we begin our third year together, let us hold hands in prayer.
Our prayers this evening are not prayers for ourselves of foolishness, self centeredness or selfishness. We ask that our love be given to the members of our group that are not here today, that their lives can be strengthened by the love that we feel; that the trials that they are now going through will be nurtured. We ask that the prayers that we have as a group will be those things that will guide and direct that we may be those seed bearers, those apostles that we have chosen to be. Let not our self-doubt, let not our intolerance, our lack of forgiveness be those things that will be roadblocks. Rather, let us always recall that in God and in the love that He has for all, that we, His ascending mortals will know real peace, real love, real beauty, real goodness, and ultimate truth. Amen.