1994-12-04-Concerning Christmas
Topic: Concerning Christmas
Group: Half Moon Bay TeaM
Teacher: Olfana
TR: Susan Kimsey
Christmas is the symbol, the image, of the star in the heavens, which announces the birth of God-Energy as an immense gift to this planet! This is a story of hope, a story of awakened possibilities, of change, and renewal. There is this strong sense, in the imagery of the small, helpless babe, of the immense hope and faith placed in this child. The growth that will come from the inception of this child's life is awaited with anticipation, and yet, there is still this sense of "the mystery." The plan of redemption held in this small child is still unknown, not yet evidenced in the events of it's life.
We ask you to sense this mystery, this hope, this anticipation of change, and renewal, which now comes again to Urantia with this Teaching Mission. Gather into yourself, during this season of celebration of the advent of Jesus' life upon this planet, this sense of anticipation, this sense of exhilaration, which, indeed, the angels, and all celestial beings who watched that birth, experienced. Although you, indeed, know this occurred on a different date, imagine the drama of the moment! The date is not the focus of the story. The emotions present within this event--this is the focus of the birth story. And as you participate in this Mission, imagine that you can, indeed, partake of this sense of anticipatory exhilaration--that, "Ah, the change has now begun! The birth has blessed this earth!" Move through your path in life holding to this sense of the miraculous which is, indeed, a part of this marvelous event we call "Christmas"--the birth of the Savior Child on your planet. Thank you for your attention to my words.