1996-01-07-When In Doubt
Topic: When In Doubt
Group: Tallahassee TeaM
Teacher: Will, Michael
TR: Unknown
Michael: Greetings children, it is I Michael, father, brother and friend to all who live on this world. We are indeed coming into the time of a more unified and concerted push toward and beyond the threshold we have been approaching for so long.
You who have committed your hearts and your energies to this instrument of love, this evolving network of the heart, of which in truth, this teaching mission is only a small part, all who have been drawn, and who have indeed accepted this challenge and committed their energies, their lives to the spiritual upliftment are now being asked to begin the work they have so long been preparing for.
There will be those in this movement, as in all previous movements, who will believe they heard the call, who will initially step out and yet will falter when the real work begins. But the Father's plan is a grand plan, and -all- who work for Him on any level, are needed and blessed. When you begin, as many of you have already begun, to consciously push beyond the barriers you have allowed to hold you back, you will begin to understand more fully the ways in which the Father will work with you, the ways in which all who have been drawn to this planet, all who have been put in place to help with this transformation on this world, (there are many with whom you have not yet connected) will work with you.
In days to come your individual understanding will expand. All who work within this mission and understand, that that term itself is being expanded within your own conscious minds, all of these members will work on differing levels of involvement. Some there will be who will give their entire lives to accepting my call and pushing forward, moving the boundaries outward, helping to establish the new paradigms, working toward the beginnings of a New World. All who come have been accepted. It is never our place to judge our brothers level of participation, we judge best when we look in the direction of our own minds. As you begin to increase your conscious awareness you will recognize more readily those individual siblings that have been directed onto your path.
Each of these children have a gift to give, or a need to be filled. You are instruments through your commitment to love and peace and goodwill, the attributes that will become the catalysts to more quickly move this planet into a more God-centered world.
Know, beloved children, how blessed you are, and how in time, you too will have eyes to see beyond what you even dream you may now. Go with my blessing and my love and know that I am here, ever at your side. Shalom.
All: Shalom.
Will: The Love of God surrounds us, fills our hearts with peace, and leads us to Him. The beauty of God fills us with a desire to know Him more fully. The power of God supports us in all things. Wherever we gather, He is.
Greetings beloveds, it is I Will, your teacher who loves you. We are indeed a small group this evening and yet we are not. And the reason is two-fold. You who are gathered here have a power within your hearts that is magnificent to see. You will, and are accomplishing much. And you do increase daily in power and strength, and commitment, as your purpose unfolds, as your path becomes more clear, when you find the courage to step out. That is the first part. And the second is that in this room, and beyond, are gathered many who love you, support you, nurture you beyond your ability to understand, and lead you ever so gently, on this chosen path you have begun to walk. You will discover as indeed you may have already begun to sense, that you have indeed been well taught, and I do not sing accolades for myself, yet as your teacher, I understand that I have indeed played my part in your preparation as have others, both recognized by you, and yet unrecognized. All have played their part in your preparation. Much has crossed your path by design unbeknownst to you, that has played its part in your evolving preparation for this time. Never fear that you lack within the words, the knowledge, the understanding to help those who are and will be put on your path.
Remember as you have been taught, in times of doubt, always turn within and seek the guidance that is yours but for the asking. Your Guide can only participate to the level and degree you allow, as the Father's gift to you, the gift of freewill, is as you well know, yours to keep or extend the invitation of accepting His direction. So when those times come upon you wherein you are unsure of either direction, or ability to perform, know that your Guide is ever ready to take over when you allow it. You have worked hard in these past months in developing a relationship with Him.
Each time you reach to Him is this relationship, this connection between you strengthened. Continue beloveds to deepen your connection, for much more will be accomplished through you as a result of a more clear understanding of the role you play in concert with the God Fragment within. You have been taught the mechanism whereby through your open heart the Father works through you and reaches out to effect change through the equally open hearts of your siblings. There is a connection that you are instrumental in creating a beginning flow, from you to those you help.
And when the energy is allowed to begin the movement from you to another, it can be likened to plugging into an electrical socket. Once the connection has been made, the energy, the love, that began with you, as the Father worked through you, then connects with the other and becomes equally strong and equally life changing in the hearts of those you have allowed Him to connect with. Continue as you have in allowing this process to unfold. Open your minds as much as you can in love, accepting that all who cross your path, no matter their path, no matter their stature or from whence they come, from the higher echelons of your culture or from what may be considered the dregs of humanity...-all- beloveds are indeed sons and daughters of the same Living God, and through the channels, the conduits that you have become will this message of love be made known to all who walk and are met with your open hearts.
I leave you now, with love overflowing and many blessings to help you on your way. Go with God, and know He is ever near. Shalom.
All: Shalom.