1996-07-29-Spirit Vision
Topic: Spirit Vision
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings and welcome to you. I am lifted up by your willingness to understand and share these morontial lessons. Know that we stand by to assist. We have discussed being lead by the Spirit and I mentioned that this was fairly simple to attain. You will see that this practice will become more natural with time and experience. Tonight I wish to say a bit on Spirit vision.
After you and your Father have reached an agreement to travel this spiritual journey assisting each other, you may note that your perception is moving from a mere hopeful wishing to a confident inner knowing. With the circuits having been replaced the Spirit vision will be compared to those that lived before the Rebellion. For a time this vision will be confusing and appear to cause some mental anxiety, but I can assure that this is absolutely natural for a planet of your evolutionary status. I can say with certainty your new eyes will amaze, possibly astonish you at times, and yet it will appear as though you have always seen with the eyes of the Spirit.
We discussed before about obtaining Spirit vision therefore lessening the temptation to judge yourself and others. Being endowed with a broader view of your earthly experiences leaves room for understanding of yourself and others. One who has obtained Spirit vision is less likely to criticize based solely on ego perceptions. One is still within the boundaries of truth and yet seeks not to criticize for self aggrandizement, but to serve your fellows.
To work in unison with the Spirit of Truth while becoming accustomed to your Spirit vision is helpful in the fact that Michael, His Spirit, is always revealing our true natures. The Spirit of Truth is incessantly working to shed light within the dark corners of the human mind. I would say in your steps to becoming God-like frequently talk with the Master. Ask that He cleanse your heart and help you to gain courage for what you must know to advance spiritually. Michael is an excellent counselor during this time of self-understanding and being lead by the Spirit. In your times of confusion invite the Spirit of Truth to shed a little light. In your desire to be Spirit lead you not only are less likely to judge, but more likely to understand. To have understanding for your fellows is to open the circuits of love between you.
With your Spirit vision you are learning to release your control over others and know that they too are on a certain path. With your new eyes you can see the watchful hand of Father working in everyone's life. You are filled with the knowledge that, yes, God is trustworthy, for He values His mortal children and seeks to draw them to Him. To see with the eyes of the Spirit is to focus upon your own learning and leave your fellows to theirs. You know by now that a space within you is reserved for Father and you cannot fill Father's space for another. You are helpful to your brothers and sisters while continually leading them toward their own inner Father. You can encourage others to have confidence in their abilities to locate Father, but I say, you may not impose upon another to understand what you yourself understands. Your Spirit eyes teach you that we are all on the path to Paradise and that alone broadens you vision manifold.
On the worlds of Light and Life mortals are unknowing of the contrast between spiritual blindness and spiritual vision. It is only through history that they are familiar with your experience. Yes, you are living in an excellent era for planetary understanding and evolution. Yes, you are unique in your experience collectively. No, you have not been alone in your isolation status, but I say the worlds of the universe are almost as unique as individuals. Your experience at this time in Urantian history is indeed carefully observed and recorded. This world has much to offer in the way of setting the course for others who dwell in isolation. Upon obtaining your Spirit vision you understand this concept easily. You are knowing of the importance of mortal experience leading to planetary oneness and effects upon the Supreme Being. Your Spirit vision shows you that Urantia is no longer a world of sorrows to be pitied among the universe, but a world of darkness that survived to see the light of understanding and inspire parts of the universe.
As your desire to be lead by your Father increases so does your amount of spiritual intake. Your vision is broadened to integrate your thoughts from individual to community to country to world and so on. In your morontial lessons you will understand what your spiritual vision will allow. At moments of darkness it is your decision on how to locate the stream in which you dip your cup for spiritual sustenance. Yes, this is all personal and you each are best suited to decide where this stream is for you. I say it is not sinful to dip your cup from anothers stream when you've asked permission. This is what Jesus taught to His apostles. When another seeks your understanding in moments of despair it is indeed your ministry to assist. Friendship is always refilling an empty spiritual cup.
Yes, as your spiritual vision develops your expanded understanding will help you to focus upon the mortals in need of service. This, my friends, is your ministry, to serve if it is your desire to be Spirit lead, to obtain spirit vision, to view this world as a part of the whole then is it your ministry to serve. I say broadened spiritual vision indeed increases your understanding of your fellow leading to the desire to be of service. Christ said, "love one another as I have loved you." I say this will be much more easy with your expanded spiritual vision, not a obstacle you must reach in order to advance spiritually. The love Michael asks us to have for each other will come more naturally because you have learned to look past the human flaws into the soul that is a child of God.
I would ask you what other benefits might you recognize with the use of your Spirit vision and how may it help you to be of service? I would ask if it is so desired please discuss this amongst yourselves. I am standing by always and I leave you my love and assurance that you each have full use of this Spirit vision. Until next week, shalom.