1997-03-31-Inner Work
Topic: Inner Work
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Elyon, Malvantra, Aaron, Jessona
TR: Jonathan, Gloria, Simeon, Ginny
Elyon (Jonathan TR): The gathering of souls in a collective focus upon our Creator is a beautiful sight to behold, one that witnesses to the reality of the Supreme, that even in your material incarnation God is present and functioning not only alongside you in reality, within you as the Father, but likewise is functioning as you through the presence of the Supreme. When we witness your actions in this regard we also join you, for there is no greater pleasure than to be in embrace with the Father and joined with one's fellows.
I am Elyon. I will now allow my associates time with you.
Malvantra (Gloria): Today we will do another lesson on your inner work. This is Malvantra.
Inner Life
I see you struggle in some areas, each of you in your own thing, and in other areas you have become very strong. As your wills mesh with the Father's will, you will become stronger and stronger. This week I would ask you to work on releasing, as in the melting away of the snow, some baggage that you have that bubbles up each day and causes you problems in your daily living. You each know what your own baggage is. Choose one thing to work on this week. Do not try to dissolve it all but one particle. Do not dwell on the particle, but work through the will, work with the will of the Father in dissolving. Try not to do it by yourself, but allow the partnership to come in to give you the counsel that you need in order to become free. It may be something that causes you to react in a way that is not in harmony with your true self. It may be something that causes difficulties in certain situations. It may be something that simply gnaws at you constantly and will not go away. Choose one thing. Pull it out and see it for the illusion that it really is. Realize how small it is in actuality compared to the goal that you have set in order to prosper in doing the divine will of the Father. Feel no guilt, no shame, no unworthiness. Know instead that it is a healing process, a new level of existence to go to by melting away these particles that keep you stuck; it will allow you to go to new dimensions. Once you begin to see with what ease you can release these when working with the will of the Father and allowing that will to guide you, it won't seem like such a tremendous task, an overwhelming task, but one that you would look forward to to refurbish and cleanse yourselves with light.
I would like to take the time now if anyone would wish to discuss this or ask questions before we move on.
Jonathan: In The Course in Miracles anything that is not of God is not real because only that which God created is real. So the other things are illusions we have created. As you talk about our baggage, I relate to that as taking the beam out of your own eye, recognizing our fault rather than ignoring it. I'm battling with the possibility of denial in calling everything illusion that appears to be a fault in oneself. I sense truth in both views. What do you say?
Malvantra: When you are in your daily living and the negative part of you and the positive part of you are working against each other, and it feels as though the gears are grinding with no oil to smooth them, the negative is trying to force out the positive, and then the positive tries to become a stronger force to remove the negative; illusions become attached to both sides. The temptation is to go back into the negative and feel as though it is permanently attached to you, where in reality it is only temporarily attached to you and has been brought on from years of conditioning in the way that you learn to respond, react, and survive in the conditions that have been put forth.
When you can rise above it all and see it from the perspective of the divine will through your understanding at the level at which you are, it becomes clear in that you can see the mechanics of what is going on. When you can get in touch with the mechanisms as they are happening it is easier not to come into denial than it would if you look at it after the fact, when you begin to dwell and judge and sit upon it as in a victim state, blame state, or bringing yourself down, beating yourself up state. Rise above it as it is actually happening and see the reality in a truer light. Does that help?
Jonathan: Yes, it does, thank you.
Ginny: My understanding is that anything that comes up in our lives that we struggle with is a signal that we are not in balance. Rather than thinking of it as burdensome, we can think of it as an instance for learning and use it. I don't understand eliminating baggage.
Malvantra: You are understanding if you do use it in this manner. Many hold on to things deep inside of them and are in pain throughout their lives and are unwilling to let go or see it as something to grow through, a lesson. They will, as Rick said, be in denial or hang on to something rather than even make the attempt to let go. It is time to go deep inside of yourself and cleanse yourself of those things that you have been either unwilling or unable to let go of. On the day-to-day track many things come up that are simple to let go of or easy to see as lessons or a simple struggle that you know you can get through. But I am advising to go deep into those areas that you have not been willing to look at before that are holding you back. As baggage, you are pulling more weight than you need to because of some inner struggle that continues that can now be let go of. Does that help?
Ginny: Yes. Thank you.
Jonathan: I got this playful image of grabbing that luggage, pulling it open, and throwing the clothes all over the room, treating them more lightly. Denial comes in when we see our baggage as such a heavy burden, and it is if we refuse to open it and see what is rags and what is good clothing.
Malvantra: Yes. And some baggage is full of boulders. You can replace them with crystals.
Jonathan: The Course seems to say the baggage is empty. Maybe on a Paradise level, but on a human level I think we have all sorts of stuff crumpled up in there.
Malvantra: It requires an inner awareness that as the turmoil, action, the heaviness is happening, you can be able to deal with it at that point. Everyone has something that they can take at this point in time to release that has been a permanent fixture within them for a long, long time. It is those permanent fixtures that are the hardest to release. Once you begin to learn how to do that on a daily basis, you will no longer have to deal with the permanent fixtures so much. You will become more light beings and not so heavy physically.
Jonathan: I like that; if we eliminate our permanent fixtures, when the temporary ones come along they will be easier to unload since we haven't become so attached to them, letting them mold our identity.
Malvantra: Yes, you attach your temporary problems to your permanent problems, and they begin to grow. That is why many can go along in harmony for awhile and then everything explodes and a deep depression or the blow ups; it is because there has not been a maintenance level along the way. Gloria has the word "PM", preventative maintenance.
Jonathan: It causes me to think of Jesus' words to take no thought for tomorrow for today is sufficient in itself.[1]
Malvantra: You will do fine. You have a great gift in that you are aware of all the help you have and the love that is pouring and that you no longer have to do anything alone or struggle alone but can ask and you shall receive. It may not be in the way you had expected but in the way that will bring you fruit before the season.
Helen: This is Helen. I want to give a short comment to remind you when you are doing this work to be in a state of forgiveness for yourselves and for others for, when you get into those inner passages, things come up that you may have thought you had released or forgotten, but they are there waiting to forgive. Let go of these passages as you come to them. Visualize sweeping your hallways. As you sweep the light becomes brighter in each passageway through your systems in that your forgiveness perpetuates more forgiveness. As you feel the brightness come through your mind, your body, your spirituality, you realize what a gift you are giving yourself to be able to open yourself up, to be able to do this in a way that is lasting and not temporary.
Thank you.
Elyon (Ginny): There is another way to handle dealing with baggage, as you are using the term. As you sit in meditation, in stillness, as you spend more and more time in communion with our Father, the easier it will become to act in a Godlike manner. You do not need to be picking at your wounds all the time in order to heal them. Healing comes from within, deep, deep, within. The deeper you can go with your communion with our Father, the easier it will be to heal wounds. The love of the Father will automatically infuse your being with healing energy. Your work as such will be cut down, will be not so burdensome if you allow the Father to act in you.
A word from Elyon.
Gloria: Thanks, those words were really good. I was reading from Ham about control in the addictive process. I was feeling the controller at the gate. Can you address how I can open the gate and let the Father in there at the gate? I feel it's control; I have to have control, which is an illusion. It's not real but it's there. I need to break that control down to let the light in.
Elyon: I think you have already answered your question. Allowing is a key word. The Father knows what you need before you ask. He is more than willing to help you. Your daily practice of stillness will help greatly so that you can form a habit of being in God's presence, so that you will form a habit of acknowledging His presence within you. You know how easy it is to perform habitually, good or bad. Simply increase your good habits. Your meditations, your stillness, are good habits. They will take over if you do them often enough.
Jonathan: That's wonderful. The time of day is finite, only 24 hours. If we do enough good habits there won't be room for the bad.
Elyon: Exactly. You are not so much struggling to eliminate as allowing to be filled.
Gloria: That's right!
Tom: I'd like to ask Jessona if she has any comments she would like to share with us. Also, if Jeremiah is in the vicinity, is there anything he would like to download?
Jessona (Jonathan): I am Jessona, and I have comment for you, my brother. You are keenly aware of the sovereignty of your will, and your understanding of the need to petition our counsel is great. I would share with you the process wherein this truth becomes evident in action, that is through the use of the Master's image of a first and second mile. When you relent to go the first mile and recognize what you carry in your pack, you make obvious your request for help, and what follows is the second mile of correction, adaptation, and growth. Here is where we function more fully. There is a significant event horizon that is crossed at the second mile. When in doubt as to your direction, be less concerned for the results to be attained in the second mile but focus on that first leg of your journey wherein you will recognize, itemize, and identify the needs and the goals which are revealed when you cross over to the second leg of your journey. Many times the hunger for the answer is stronger in the drive to begin the search. Grab that hunger and direct it toward the search, and the answers will be forthcoming as automatically as the outworking of a formula.
I thank you for your request. I assure you that I am in partnership with you in your upcoming address to your spiritual brothers and sisters, and I have complete confidence in you.
Aaron: This is Aaron; I greet you, my friends, with whom I am familiar and do greatly enjoy your company. I merely seek to greet you, to, as you would so commonly do, hug each other; I hug you. That is all I intended to convey.
However, I will also now address your request for comment from your departed brother, Jeremiah.
He is currently in attendance with his earth mate and is tickled that you are thinking of him. Do expect his contact. The uniqueness of this Teaching Mission is that it is an out-of-the-ordinary procedure. It is pondered greatly by us what the implications are for a procedure as the Correcting Time, especially on an experimental planet. Your apparent planetary orphanhood has revealed to this universe the strength of the human being to manage his affairs, to evolve in spite of the lack of overt guidance from your celestial fellows. Now, as we re-establish our presence with you, rules are changing. Some permanently, though many only temporarily in this current correction cycle. This I convey to you so that you may be receptive. I am finished, thank you.