1997-04-27-Good & Evil
Topic: Good & Evil
Group: Nashville TeaM
Teacher: Ham
TR: Rebecca
Greetings, children, I am Ham and I want to thank you for attending this lesson tonight. Tonight we are scheduled to discuss polarity or duality.
Polarity, Goodness, Evil
Opposites are really the manifestation of a singularity under different circumstances. What gives reality comprehensibility to the mind is these opposites. So there is meaning to truth, beauty and goodness, your minds must have the contrast of falsehood, ugliness, and badness.
Contrast is the essence in understanding, it's the means by which truth is absorbed and it is also the means by which ideals are formed. All of the subtlety in life's meanings grow from basic contrasts. All of your values are forged in this fiery furnace of contrasts. The entire ascension understanding hinges on the distinction between better and worse. There could be no evolving, no progress in the absence of duality in life because this duality is what makes the stairway. So then it is essentially this dual expression of reality that makes it possible for it to be progressive. By having minds, or partaking of mind, and yet being distinct personalities, you can progress through reality toward oneness by progressively choosing something better.
Visualize, if you will, a point with two rays going out in an angle, the further from the point, the rays are further apart from each other. So, towards the outskirts of the universe, the duality between everything, good and evil, light and dark, is wider, greater. But as you progress inward towards the Source, these distinctions are less extreme until finally all is absorbed into a oneness that is good, beautiful, and true even though its manifestation in some parts of the universe seem to be opposed to that.
So from man's viewpoint, the world is made up of opposites and he endeavors to choose always towards the oneness of truth, beauty, and goodness and to have these manifest in himself. From the Father's view, everything consists of truth, beauty, and goodness. This is the source of your great philosophical dilemmas. Because man can clearly distinguish the badness, the ugliness, and the falsehood in the world, and his dilemma is his understanding of why the Father would create a world with these elements. There could be no progress without them.
The drama of existence consists in the struggle between these opposing elements. One might even say the meaning of life, the reason for existence, is contained within this struggle. So it is the existence of opposites that make life, for the individual personalized creature, meaningful. It is this struggle that creates motion that creates progress that gives life its purpose. So having this understanding, all of life becomes a marvel and it is even a wonderful thing that limited suffering and evil exists because without it where would you put your feet? What would you have to stand upon? How would you progress? God does not allow unlimited suffering, he has not created a Hell and he has not created Hell on earth. So what suffering you do experience has an end. It is temporary. If there were no suffering at all, one wonders if the passion for life would be as strong. At this time then, are there any question.
Q: It seems like the ultimate polarity during the age of the supreme is partiality versus completeness and this would equate with what we think of as good and evil.
Ham: Very much so, yes.
Q: Does God see the falsehood and the ugliness and badness, or does he simply see the wholeness which is only the truth, beauty, and goodness?
Ham: We are taught that he sees only the wholeness.
Q: The darkness is just a place where . ..
Q: Ham, greetings.
Ham: Greetings.
Q: Is it my understanding that without contrast there cannot be choice and that on right choices progress is based?
Ham: Yes, absolutely, you are correctly understanding this lesson.
Q: On worlds that are settled in light and life, is progress much slower?
Ham: No, not at all. It is in fact quicker because they are in a place where the contrasts aren't so large. They must distinguish more subtlety and progress is faster.
Decision, Discernment
Q: What would be the best definition of a good choice?
Ham: This question, of course, goes to the heart of the matter.
Q: Would it be whatever makes you more aware of truth, beauty, and goodness, that would be the preferable choice?
Ham: No, choice must be in a way an anti-choice because always regardless of your preferences, you must choose the Father's will. And, understand that even if you experience temporary suffering as a result, that it is for the best in the long run. Choosing always to give your choice to the Father requires great discernment, it requires looking beyond the dualities of time and space towards the oneness of eternity. But, of course, in your daily living, in your conduct, choosing the better and more fitting ways to conduct oneself involves choosing something better each time. And distinguishing what is better involves extreme consciousness and awareness of both one's self and one's environment. is this helping?
Q: Yes.
Q: Are we led into certain experiences to create a contrast?
Ham: That is really the Provence of the though adjusters and I would not presume to pronounce a judgement on this. The adjusters have reasons for everything they do and for every experience you have, there is meaning.
Q: Can you suggest specific ways to improve our discernment?
Ham: It seems to me that most of you go through most of your lives like you were sleep walking always thinking of something else, always imagining future events, very seldom in the present time. The best way to improve discernment is to live more in the present time, the now, and then you will begin to appreciate the beauty and the specialness in more things.
Q: What exact manifestation of fear causes this now avoidance? I remember in dreams when I was a kid, when I was in a bad place, and later when I took acid, there was this awful horror of these choices, this terrible fear of choice, the necessity of making choice.
Ham: I don't think that you are afraid to make choices, maybe afraid of pressure, but . .
Q: Fear of making the wrong choice?
Ham: But, as far as being in the now moment, it is usually that you are in the habit of not being. It takes practice to bring your attention into the moment. The mind is naturally an unruly organ and it is difficult to tame.
Q: Black and white thinking and sometime impedes our progress. Many people take the good and bad and make extremes out of it when in reality black and white combine to make many shades of grey. Could you comment on that?
Ham: Probably you are looking at immature thinking. It is easier to have clear cut categories of good and evil than to understand the reality of their mixture. So I think simply maturing, becoming more understanding of the world, usually breaks down the artificial categorizing that usually occurs in youth.
Q: The avoidance of complexities.
Q: That is a good way to put it, people don't want to see shades of grey, they just want to see black and white.
Q: True discernment would have something to do with getting yourself out of the way?
Ham: No, it is more realistic to understand yourself and your reactions and understandings and how this interacts with your environment. There is no such thing as a true objectivity.
Q: But doesn't that in part create some of the contrasts that are necessary for us, the ego?
Ham: Yes, I would say this is so. It's one thing to have a self-forgetful attitude in life, but quite another to be apart from yourself, this is impossible.
Q: It seems like there is kind of a duality to individuation anyway, like it is either ephemeral or temporary . .. in the concept of oneness.
Ham: That individuation is temporary?
Q: This individuality is not totally real is it, these barriers or borders between souls? Ultimately, we all wind up as one don't we, but somehow retain the individuality. That is perhaps the paradox.
Ham: Yes, this is a subject for another time.
Q: In times of difficult situations, is it useful to dissociate yourself from the situation and even from yourself and try to view yourself from a distance, get a broader picture?
Ham: It is good to perhaps attempt to be unemotional and less ego-engaged, this is true, but again I would say it is impossible to not be you. Any viewpoint you have, is still your viewpoint.
Q: I have anther question regarding discernment. You said the main way to improve discernment is to be in the present moment. This question has to do with trying to understand the Father's will and make the right choice. Many times we project into the future and try to see what the consequences of the choices might be. Is there a contradiction? Do we need to be careful when we try to project the effects of our choices?
Ham: Yes, humans are time bound creatures who have a mind that is not so time limited. All your decisions involve projection into the future. But, really the only way to understand the consequences of one's actions and your decisions in the future is to again be fully aware of the present. Often, mistakes are generated and compounded by human's making their decisions based on their perception of the future. If you're making a decision for five steps ahead from a place, you are imagining two steps ahead, your chances of being wrong are greater than if you are making your decision based on the present.
Q: When you are saying the present, you mean a complete awareness of relationships and the environment?
Ham: And yourself.
Q: Of course, the only time we can experience God is in the eternal now, isn't it?
Ham: Yes, sure.
Let me create a contrast, When we are faced with a choice is it the Father's will that we think through the choice and try to make the better decision or do we say "Father I don't know what to do, guide me in this".
Ham: Every decision has elements of both. You have decisions before you that must be made and through your prayer and worship time you decide to bring the Father's wisdom into your decision. Perhaps he will give you an insight or a perception that you didn't have which will influence what you do, but ultimately the day to day choices are yours alone to make. You can give your will to the Father, but he gives it back as well. I know this is the most difficult part of our teaching, and it is the most difficult part of life as well, that boundary where your will and the Father's will come together.
Q: Each choice we make is to choose better over worse and that is the path we follow all the way in our ascension?
Ham: Yes.
Q: If it is our intent to do the Father's will, to do the right thing, is that a crucial elements if we make a wrong choice?
Ham: Absolutely, it is more crucial for your intention to be do the Father's will than the actual day to day choices wherein small and large mistakes are often made.
Q: What you were telling us is that without those mistakes, there would be no progress?
Ham: Yes.
Q: Sometimes, in my life, in the process of making a difficult decision, I have experienced what I perceive to be signs, with some divine aspect. Is this possible, or is it dangerous magical thinking to look for signs or when signs are seemingly presented to us to take them as evidence?
Ham: I would say that each person's thought adjuster works with that person in their own unique way, so what would be dangerous thinking for one person is perfectly fine for someone else. Ultimately, you and your inner spirit work together and he knows your thinking and I would not presume to pass judgment on anything like that.
Q: Is it an appropriate time for me to ask my usual question.
Ham: Certainly Jarad. You are always making progress even when it seems like nothing is happening. Do not despair of personality traits that seem to be weaknesses because they may turn out to be strengths. As you make progress in your self awareness, you will also come to be more self-accepting and tolerant with yourself. All is well, indeed, don't be concerned with your seeming shortcomings. You will be glad for them, someday.
Q: Anything for Rebecca?
Ham: Yes, Rebecca, all is well and you are making good progress in your thinking and art work concerning your task. All is well and the way will be shown you to accomplish what is ahead of you. Prepare in confidence everything is coming along.
Q: Did you have something for Esmirelda?
Ham: Yes, Esmirelda, time is on your side. Don't try to hurry and be perfect. The progress you have made already is tremendous, don't worry that you are running short of time. There is all the time you need to accomplish worthy goals. Don't worry. everything is much better than it seems to be.
Q: Elena called and asked if your would give her advice regarding her present situation?
Ham: Child, I understand your dilemma and advise only that you should follow where the Father is leading you and you will understand the way in your heart of hearts. Don't be afraid to be human. Everything will be alright.
Q: Ham, do you have any guidance for me this week?
Ham: Kellen, you have very decidedly come into a good joint venture in balance and equanimity. Both you and your wife know the value of maintaining balance and a quiet mind, and the two of you together when you achieve balance with each other then the rest of the family tends revolve in harmony. I am happy to understand that your life is coming into a happier phase.
Q: Do you have any feedback for me this evening.
Ham: Certainly, Brodan, there is always a precarious balance in your relationship as well and you two have give and take down to a science. Remember to also have romance and time together that is quiet and private focused on each other instead of everything else. I understand your romantic side and know too that you express it very tentatively, but it is a genuine part of your nature that needs expression.
Q: How about some guidance for me.
Ham: Edward, your life has been like a ship tossed on rocky waters going through extremes that you are not usually comfortable with. Your heart has been opened up lately and more extreme and passionate emotions are becoming manifest. Things are coming to the surface that were suppressed before. This is an emotionally trying period that will test your ideas of yourself and the world and how you think things should be as opposed to how they are. Through it all, be unafraid knowing that the sun is shining in the distance and the uncertainties of the present time will become more certain for you in the future. There is a harbor ahead where you can rest and gather strength before heading out to open sea again. Take this time of peace and tranquility for you will need it.
Q: Ham do you have any advice for me this week?
Ham: Yes, Suzie, this is the time for learning about yourself, for finding out what you are made of, on discovering strengths where before you saw weakness, and allowing yourself weaknesses where before you only knew strengths. What is certain, is you are evolving and growing and changing. The difficulties with relationships and life in general are showing you a new you, like holding you up to a mirror, and this new person you hardly recognize. You've been operating under old assumptions about yourself for a long time and suddenly you are realizing that you are not the ugly duckling anymore but the swan. So, take time to get to know this new you, this new person. Take risks and experiment. There will be new things that you like, and old things that you used to like you may not like anymore. Really explore your life in all its newness and find happiness in the now.
Q: I appreciate any words for me Ham.
Ham: Vontis, you are steadily making progress and always trying to do your best. The ups and downs of life are coming into a perspective and maybe even some control. You are not tossed here and there by the slightest wind any more. Your focus and steadiness are also improving and you are understanding that progress needs to be made in all areas of life, not just one. Continue to broaden your associations and have faith and trust that day by day everything in your life from business relationships to personal relationships to family relations are all getting better. This is all due to your own spiritual growth and maturity.
If there is nothing further, I will leave you with my undying devotion, my love, and my prayers for your advancement. Until next week, farewell.