1997-04-29-Observe & Discover
Topic: Observe & Discover
Group: Butler TeaM
Teacher: Tomas, Merium
TR: Gerdean, Hunnah
TOMAS: Good evening, pilgrims.
Group: Good evening, Tomas.
TOMAS: I am Tomas. I am glad you recognize me. I have been enjoying your presence, your individual presences in company with your personal teachers, and I with my companion Merium have also been appreciating the presence of other spirit helpers and, not to be excluded, are the voices of the angels and of the birds.
I would like to speak briefly this evening regarding discovery, for as you go about your day, you overlook so many of life's wonders that you could be re-discovering in light of your new truth. You have become habituated to your senses, your sensory perceptions. You are depriving yourself of much of the joy of your human experience by not allowing yourself the thrill of discovery of that which is around you.
It is a good time to bring this subject into focus, for Spring is here, and there are new things each day to discover. The leaves have burst forth on many of the trees, those same trees that were mere buds last week, and mere bare branches last month; now there is the discovery of green, new life. And so it is a good time to think of discovery, for there is much to discover, even if you remain in the most obvious of realms.
It is a matter of taking for granted your life on one hand, and that is fine, but you also take for granted many of the potentials in the human experience that have become ho-hum by-products of your life. I would ask you now to look at your material environment, your Urantia, and see its wonders and discover its gifts anew.
The truth is that you become conditioned to follow a pattern, and although occasionally something will catch your eye, you overlook so many of creative gifts of the Creator Parent by not allowing the beauty to penetrate your consciousness. For you are allowed to appreciate the wonders of your natal sphere.
Indeed, it is one of the rights that you have as a human being, to enjoy life's offerings in the material realm: the way a light will shine on the bark of a tree, casting one side in deep shadow and illuminating the ridges and valleys of the crusty bark; the many colors and hues that form the bark; even to the life that circulates in and within this living tree. What cities and citadels of activity and grandeur take place in one common square inch of creation!
How long has it been since you have indulged yourself in a half an hour of looking at Mother Nature, of giving her your full and undivided attention and appreciation, of allowing yourself the experience of being enveloped in the sanctity of your native sphere, touching upon the atoms of nature and becoming one with nature, hearing the birds and the beasts, the insects, seeing how they play one upon the other, hearing water, hearing wind? What an environment you experience here! But you become so busy in your duties that you pass this by, this treasure, and wonder why then you feel hungry for something and you don't know what it is.
Problem Solving
MERIUM: Good evening. Tomas has brought forth great stimulus for me because there are so many examples of appreciation here that I could touch upon in Hunnah's records, and there is one especially that is an activity that I feel would benefit many of you and it is to develop the appreciation of discovering new ways to do something, alternate choices for solving a problem, or for the use of some object. And when a challenge comes forth, to step back and say, "Wait. I do not have to go with the immediate response. There are many views of this situation and I am allowed to consider them all."
The answer that comes rapidly in from your intellect is frequently the one that must be shelved to allow you an opportunity to see the many faceted examples of how something may be solved or how you may respond to a given situation. The versatility of this skill is like an all-purpose tool for you. It can be a pleasure; it can be amusing. In Hunnah's recent experience she was playing Scrabble and she was not able to use all the letters; she left the scene and went about doing something else and came back and went to the board and saw a fresh opportunity using the same number of letters that she previously had but thought would not work.
And this is the way it is in life: you have in your hands certain information or choices and if you struggle with that, you seem to deplete the versatility of your ability to see new opportunities and I must say that you can glean the pleasures of your environment around any given situation the way my friend has brought to your attention, and especially with this time of year.
Some people have the ability to see challenges as opportunities as a part of their natural make-up. For others it is quite stifling, and it is a muscle that they have not developed, and therefore I have brought this to your attention in case you may be one of those who is simple-minded in problem solving, and if you develop diversity of problem-solving, then you will certainly be able to develop diversity in your celebrating of your environment and those who are around you. Thank you.
TOMAS: Interestingly enough, my colleague and I have both suggested to you a way of stepping aside from your routine to reappraise your approach to life, and this was the practice that the Master used and that he encouraged his apostles to use. Every Wednesday they would take a recess from their teaching labors and go apart for relaxation and recreation; he himself would partake of stillness and solitude with the Father to review his circumstances, to return to the challenges and opportunities at hand refreshed and renewed, and bringing with it then the inspiration brought about by the absence itself.
When you return from a walk in the woods, or a walk by the pond, you re-enter your environment with a new appreciation for your environment in the large, and when you accomplish a new solution to an old problem, or find new ways of going about routine efforts, you have brought refreshment to your soul and delight to your mind. Our encouragement for you today, then, is to allow yourself discovery, not only in your spiritual realms, in approaching your personality and the personalities of others, but in the areas of your mind where you can discover delight even in what you would have considered tedious or in your environment where you can consider the miracle of creation where once you would have only seen a common scene.
MERIUM: I was thinking that I might send you on a treasure hunt, and it would be not one of material goods, but one of observation. And on your treasure hunt it will not require any effort. I would simply like to have you be willing to observe how many times you are aware that a kindness has been extended to you or that you have reciprocated, perhaps not to that person who gave you some good gesture, but that you allowed yourself an opportunity to be cooperative or helpful or perhaps simply appropriate in a light way and that you can observe the results.
This is an embellishment. This will embellish your day, the routine. We have talked about "lightening up," I guess you could say, Tomas. We are asking you to carry your responsibilities in the lightest way possible. Therefore, you will be able to be about the Father's business. At the beginning of the evening Gerdean read in the transcripts about Christ Michael's acknowledgement of the smallest deed. The smallest deed brings a smile to him because he collects them like treasures. He knows that this is the magic of life; it does not lend itself to heaviness, but it is a blending and development of fellowship and silent celebrating.
And I hope that you will be able to come back next time and tell us about the wonderful treasure hunt that you have been able to experience this week. Thank you.
Are there any questions?
TOMAS: I am going to follow up, Merium, on your most excellent suggestion and clarify that this lightening up is in appreciation of the joy of being a companion of the Lord.
Your early appreciation for this very serious subject and for the very deep suffering around you, caused you to carry this heavy beam, this cross, upon your own shoulders and present yourself in a ponderous way, solemn and sober. And there is certainly an element of importance involved, but there is also the truth that his yoke is easy and his burden is light, and how can you induce your fellow men into the companionship of this heavenly kingdom if you present yourself so seriously that they cannot regard it as inviting or enticing?
Remember that the Master himself recommended joyousness and happiness among his followers. Not to the point of frivolity, perhaps, but light-heartedness indeed. And when you are with each other in the understanding of his love, his love for you and for your peers, your brothers and sisters -- the security of knowing this should put you in fine humor. Not that you would gloat it over those who remain unsure of their spiritual footing, but that you can envelop them in your loving embrace, but lightly, that they may not feel threatened or intimidated by your strength and by your courage. Indeed, it is a socializing process, an extension into community, for all that is necessary to become a member of the brotherhood is to acknowledge that God is the Father.
Tell me, children. How have you been? How have you been faring in discovering your own personality?
Leah: Well, I found that I'm a lot more judgmental than I thought I was. But . .. I had said this once before … but I just see something that strikes me as distasteful in an individual, at least on the human plane, and I come to the realization pretty quick that this is a holy son of God. And instead of my humanness kicking into criticism, I just . .. it's almost become like a knee-jerk reflex to do a re-evaluation to say, "Bless you, holy son of God" in my mind when I encounter something that I don't care for. I'm only speaking of appearances, of course.
TOMAS: You are in the process of changing a habit response, and although these are time-consuming at first, eventually they will become second nature and you will not find your fellow men so offensive. Indeed, you will begin to find they are delightful, even in their ignorance; even in their clumsiness, they are still endowed with an Adjuster and with personality. There is always something intriguing to observe. Even when an individual is distasteful, they can be appreciated for something.
Leah: This is a fact. This is true.
TOMAS: I would ask you, Leah, to not be so judgmental even of yourself, for when you embarked upon your response to my inquiry about your study in personality, you judged yourself as being judging. I would like also for you to begin to find qualities that are fragrant. I will invite an intermission and a temporary assignment for your pleasure this evening. I would like for you to assay the individual to your left and tell them what one quality you ascertain is apparent in them and that you find delightful.
Remember that these fruits of the spirit are part of each of you, and that besides those fruits of the spirit that we discussed at length, there are many characteristics of a personality that you understand in normal terms that will apply. Express to your neighbor, then, how you enjoy them, what it is about them that you enjoy and appreciate and find of value.
As you are told this, believe it, for it is how you are perceived and it is true that sometimes you do not perceive yourself as others perceive you, and so allow yourself the discovery of how you are perceived by your siblings. Let us then recess.
- [Recess]
TOMAS: Again we greet you. This study of personality, this observation of personality, is an observation of the gift of God -- in which you are and in which you are unique --your personality. What you have been discussing this evening, as aspects of personality, are characteristics, are character facets of the personality.
Like in [[[Welmek]]'s] analogy of the personality being the Christmas tree and the character aspects being the decorations upon the tree, some of you as a Christmas tree have an abundance of blue lights and silver foil, and this is how your personality presents itself. While another of you might be white flocked with red ribbons, and this is how your personality manifests itself through your character of white flock and red ribbon. And each of you as a personality is unique, depending upon your characteristics, your character. And you are in large part responsible for how your personality is decorated, for you have free will in choosing many of your characteristics.
If, for example, you discover that you are big on judging others, you can recognize that and do something about it. You can eliminate those branches, those ill-formed branches, from your tree. Prune your tree of the ill-formed branches. And those of you who find that you have an abundance of one ornament, and seek another, can allow that other to impress your life that you may develop yet more characteristics and qualities. Even so, you will always be your own personality. There will be never another personality quite like yours.
But the character traits, the characteristics, the fruits of the divine spirit, are such that you can develop them, polish them and to a great extent decorate your own tree. When you behold a personality who is decorated differently than you choose to decorate yourself, observe them as if you were making a new discovery. Allow yourself to appreciate how they have opted to present themselves … how the Father has opted to present Himself through that personality. And even though indeed there may be branches that need pruning, observe the character of the tree as it is and see if you cannot find beauty and potential in that tree that the Father has made.
This exercise in observing qualities about each other is trust-inducing. It enables you to accept each other and to testify to each other what you love about each other, and this is acceptable behavior. You can freely enhance another's existence, not by saying, "Oh, I love your dress!" or "My dear, how becoming is your hair-do," but rather by taking that deeper and saying, "Your tenacity is admirable" and "Your patience is inspiring" and do that with true sincerity and give your peers, your brothers and sisters, a new look at themselves. Allow them to hear their value that perhaps they have not heard before.
Merium, did you opt to add to our discourse?
MERIUM: No, I think everything has gone really well. I'm pleased with the evening and I trust that all of our suggestions will be passed out into all those who have gathered and will be read in the transcripts.
TOMAS: We have been discussing the community for several weeks now and there was some trepidation that we would no longer focus on the individual, but that the individual would be swallowed up in the socialization aspects of the community. This is an on-going enterprise, for, as you understand, indeed, your personality becomes more and more fine tuned, but even so, you become more and more of the greater whole. You begin to operate as a part of an organism, more than as a separate entity, your separation syndrome vanishes as you ascend.
MERIUM: I would like to comment. Perhaps in our next session or in a session in the future, I would like to have us talk about ways that we may initiate change when it is appropriate. Change that resists the community as an extension of the individual, of development.
TOMAS: Very well. One moment. And so you see that our embarking into community, into teamwork, has not at all put you in a position of non-involvement, but rather, your involvement becomes even more acute, for it is now not a singular isolated personality, but a personality which conjoins and commingles with its peers. And indeed we shall venture into how change can be brought about through the cooperative living organism of a vital and vibrant community, particularly a community of believers. There are, of course, other projects that can be accomplished, social services, cultural events, merciful ministries and so forth, but we will broach these areas in due course.
It has been appropriate for today and for these several days, that we discuss the relationship that you share in your community with each other, for as you learn to love each other, to acknowledge the strengths that you have and that you appreciate in each other, the trust and the faith in each other is augmented and cemented.
It becomes easier, then, for you to pray for guidance for your fellows and for yourself and for your relationship when there is difficulty. You have the sensitivity of the guidance of Michael to help you when your communications falter, for we yearn to return to the fellowship of sons and daughters of the living God in human community such as we experience when we see you experiencing these moments of genuine friendship.
And so we will leave you for the evening, having a replete agenda under our belt. A full repast has been presented and digested. Continue through your days and your observations of personality, the marvelous discovery of creaturehood. Enjoy and farewell.
Group: Thank you. Farewell.