1997-05-26-Ham, Machiventa, Greetings
Topic: Greetings
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Machiventa, Ham
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Welcome to you, my friends. It is always my honor and privilege to meet with you. It has been a fruitful week concerning these lessons on the brotherhood, or fellowship within the family of God.
I can say with such gratitude that my fellows closest to me within the brotherhood have helped to sustain me in my spiritual education. My fellow co-workers have greatly lifted my feelings of being overwhelmed by the work before us. Bringing humor into our perception of the plan has helped to eliminate the fogginess of uncertainty. I truly feel a loved member of the brotherhood, and do count on my fellows to assist me in my view of the path that is before us. I would ask you to hear these words from Machiventa.
MACHIVENTA: My fellows within this great kingdom, I would express to you my gratitude for your support in perhaps doing those material things that we are not yet permitted to do. I would say a few words on my understanding of the brotherhood.
I have been most grateful to have fellowshipped with the Master, for He has helped me to see truth. With the assistance of my Brother\Friend, Michael, I am able to enthusiastically seek the truth. I, in His presence, fear not any possibility of default, for I am trusting in Michael's watchcare and love for me. I am aware that when mortals begin to comprehend this brotherhood it is not often thought that Michael is along side you in this great family. Michael is perceived as beyond the brotherhood, higher up, if you will. I can say from a personal experiential relationship with our Creator\Brother\Father that He is well within the brotherhood, and is always ever willing to promote truth in all our spiritual understanding. Michael has my best interest at heart and is always ever willing to lay His truth upon me in gentle fashion, always kind and tactful in revealing what I must know. His fellowship within our brotherhood is a gift of guidance and comfort.
I would also express my appreciation for all my fellows who would always allow me truth. I am always with my understanding, my opinions on subject matters, and my fellows seek not to change me for my own good, no. My fellows only seek to assist me as a part in the whole.
I am HAM. Yes. Greetings my friends. It is always a joy to connect with this branch of my family tree. It has indeed been a wonderful journey learning about the importance of the brotherhood. I find I am lifted by my fellows faith and good humor when I am deep within my own thinking. Their continuous support of me as a child of God grants me liberty to be my true self. My fellows may not always support my opinion, and yet, they support me as Father's own. I also give my support that they may be granted that same liberty to be their true selves. Do you understand Abraham's lesson in that there is not one within the brotherhood who would climb upon the back of another to reach Paradise first, no? Those that scramble within the world today understand not that one does not move forward without his brother or sister. I am always made to feel more at ease and balanced when I can gather in loving fellowship. Are you understanding that you are also my brothers and sisters that grant me liberty to be my true self? My love is with you each always. Farewell.
I am ABRAHAM. It has been our supreme pleasure to hear these honored guests this evening. My gratitude to you, Machiventa and Ham, on behalf of myself and my students. It is certainly wonderful to be a part of something much larger than myself. I am made to overflow with joy at the thoughts of my numerous family members. To know that those within our brotherhood seek fellowship and truth is quite comforting, also is it just as discomforting knowing those who choose isolation or perhaps to step on the backs of their fellows for gain. I would ask you this week to recognize your fellows as family members. I know there is not unity in thought or opinion, but perhaps there is a knowledge that there is not an expressway to Heaven.
I am departing you now, for I am due to meet with my brothers and sisters. Next week our time will be spent mostly on questions. It is my understanding that some have personal questions. I would allow next week to be a night of personal questions, while you also engage in brotherly interaction. My love is with you. Until next week, shalom.