1997-06-19-Sharing & Stillness
Topic: Sharing & Stillness
Group: Pittsburgh TeaM
Teacher: Tomas, Merium
TR: Gerdean, Hunnah
TOMAS: Let us pray.
Heavenly Father, who is in the universe, you who have created the peoples and the nations and the worlds and the universes of space and time, we thank You for our place in your creation. We thank You, Father, for the awareness of our association. We thank You, Father, for the companionship that You provide in your ever-present all-encompassing love. We thank you also, Father, for the gift of association. Be with us this evening, Infinite Creator. Enlarge our minds, expand our souls, and enhance our spirit capacity to love, to be loved, and to know the love that You would have us know. We seek these things for service to your Son, who has given us this life this day. In his name we pray. Amen.
TOMAS: Good evening, my friends. I am Tomas. I am a supernal companion, my dear [speaking to a guest from Romania]. All of my flock here already are well familiar with me and I am truly honored this evening to be permitted to meet you. You have been a superb example of an ambassador of His kingdom and that which you have had enlivened in your soul, your consciousness, in your exposures this evening, you will even more act as an ambassador.
Teaching Mission
I would like to address you this evening, of course, but I would like first to state rather by way of explanation and by way of some apology, that it may not be apparent to you but we in the spirit realms become very excited. We are completely privy to and participants of the positive feelings with which you are familiar. Unfortunately, I have overflowed my excitement into the circuits to which Gerdean, who serves as my mouthpiece, has been sensitive, very much as if she has been leaning against a vibrator and seeking surcease. It is a relief now that we have begun some focus, for the coordination of energies, even mental energies, is bringing harmony to her as well as to the entire spectacle of our congregation here this evening.
There are many, many in attendance. Much of the accent is on the international facet of our guest. It is interesting, and we will share with you, Michaela, that this which you have stumbled onto [the UB] is a revelation to your planet, Urantia, and those of us who attempt to assimilate its teachings into a practical working way of life are involved in what could be construed as the workbook, and we call ourselves the Teaching Mission.
This mission is that we teachers will enable you, hopefully, in our teaching, to become teachers also, teachers of concepts and of truth through your living behaviors, your loving emissions of that personal spiritual experience which you read of this evening in Jesus' discourse, and which you readily identified with as simulative of your own cognizance of true reality.
This world is in need of this reality and we are in need of teachers. We are in need of believers. We are in need of greater love and greater faith in this living reality. This living reality has the power to alter the face of Urantia and indeed it will, but it needs guidance, it needs nurturance and it is the role of the teachers, supernal and human, that are attempting to bring into effect these revelatory teachings in practice in truth.
With me this evening is my associate, my colleague, Merium, who has brought in her ministrations an advantage that I did not have when I taught here alone, and that is an aspect of socialization, and so we co-work, she and I, and our co-working has brought a facet of community to this group of individuals that has enhanced our community value and our unity aspects.
We have come a long way in our development in this group of believers. That you have found these people rewarding is because they are sincere in their attempts to find the will of God and to live it in their lives. We all look to Jesus as the example of how we might live our lives. He has been our inspiration as a Son of Man and a Son of God. He is our Father/Brother, ever aware of our efforts to spread the good news.
Merium, would you like to contribute this evening?
MERIUM: Indeed I would. Good evening. It is good to be with you again this evening. I have certainly enjoyed the delicious conversations that you've had and our ties. I have been so pleased to have our lovely guest with us.
As I listen to each of you talk, I am aware of your very gentle growth of dignity and self-worth, as you are indeed tuning in to your inner needs. And as Gerdean pointed out this evening that she was aware that she had been abusing herself physically and as there are needs for you that have to be protected, she will develop the spiritual muscles to attend to this. And, as Hunnah pointed out, take the opportunity directly, and attend to something that was draining you as soon as you possibly can. Watch for your opportunities to renew or -- as they say in computer talk — to re-boot, so that you can maintain your line of integrity and focus.
You are also developing an increasing awareness of the worth of the individual whom you are addressing. It does not have to be a conscious thought before you constantly. As our guest pointed out, you develop almost a web or wavelength of gentle good will, a poise, that will allow people to feel that they can be themselves and be trusted, that they can trust you, and this unity will develop so that what is good in each situation can come forth. You will not have to wear this new awareness like armor. It will be a gentle blending into your personality and it will develop itself as "effortless effort." You will not be cognizant when you are taking on a task or delivering this expression of integrity; it will simply appear in a timely manner for you. And this is all part of the good will. You are going to feel the flow of this good will increasingly as the days go.
I would like to comment also on this expanded awareness, the stretching of the mind. This, too, is not an assignment; it is a fact. This is something that is happening to you and you will occasionally, like Leah, say, "Oh, that must be my expanded awareness," but this is simply a matter of fact. In the past you heard Caroline speak to you in the sense that you were raised an octave. We have not used these terms, but let me tell you that this is simply another way of saying that there is spiritual growth or that you are expressing your morontia being-ness in your daily life.
Be lighthearted. Take time to smell the roses, to hold hands, and to be kind to yourself and this gentleness will be recognized by others. There will be a clearing of those thinking lines around your brow. You will indeed appear to be more at peace and more poised.
And that's really all I wanted to tell you this evening, the fact that this good will is going to be your good nature, and it is not something new, it is simply the timing. It is as the flowers out there. You saw them in their intent of developing a bud. There seemed to be an energy in the intention. You are now coming into a flowering state, and you will emit a fragrance that is uniquely your own, that will compliment your environment, and bring about a lightness and a feeling of good will to those about you. So enjoy your peace-making days and thank you. That is all.
TOMAS: Are there questions? (Long pause)
MERIUM: Tomas?
TOMAS: Yes, Merium.
MERIUM: Perhaps their intellect has taken a holiday. They are expressing fragrance. They worked very hard this evening.
TOMAS: No doubt. They have given it to their Mother for a holiday. Merium and I frequently jest in order to establish a rapport that is more accessible to the human consciousness. It is necessary for us to step down and for the mortal mind to step up in order that good will may be generated and followed through with, if we are to be sociable in this process.
The Teachers, Support
Elizabeth: I'd like to ask a question. Will you be in Vancouver, Tomas or Merium? Is there a chance that you'll come to observe?
TOMAS: It is understood, Elizabeth, that we do not miss any of these functions, for we are on "cable," you see. We miss nothing. All activity on-going in your human interests that impact upon spiritual revelation has our undivided attention. You think humanly when you ask if we will be here or we will be there. I will be in Romania, I will be in Thailand, I will be in Canada, and I will be in Pittsburgh. I will be here. I am not going away.
Elizabeth: And are you going to go to Yellow Springs, Ohio?
TOMAS: Without question. (Laughter) If there is a light burning, I will be aware of it.
Elizabeth: Do you ever pop in through the week into any of our lives?
TOMAS: I do. I am aware of your lives. I am privy to a large circuit of associable personalities who have business with you, as do we. It is not that we invade your privacy, if you think that, but it is to observe your efforts. Even when you feel you are being lazy you are active, for you have realms of reality that you are not even aware of, and yes, we are aware of you all the time. It is not to invade your privacy but we are cognizant of you as the Father is cognizant of you. If you want to be alone, you are in the wrong club. (Laughter)
Celeste: Tomas, is it alright if we say, "Are you here, Tomas?" I often do that.
TOMAS: It is okay to do that, and do not be surprised if you sense an alteration in the atmosphere as an answer to your question, for until you begin to perceive that we can communicate, that you can sit down at your typewriter and we can have a correspondence, or if you learn how we can have a conversation in your mind or on tape recorder, you can become more and more aware of my presence and/or the presence of other spirit guides and helpers.
We are very companionable. The midwayers are most often around assisting you in your daily life … in your spiritual life, that is … and other energies and personalities also. It is a very busy atmosphere. It is particularly busy since the circuits have reopened. And whereas you may picture Urantia as one-time having been a set whereupon you all had at least one puppet string to the Father through your Thought Adjuster, you now have an array of living robots surrounding you, like a city street, hither and yon.
Already I see your literal-mindedness has tripped me up. I heard you, I felt you say, "Robots!" and I swear, it is so difficult to communicate with you when you do not even try to understand what I am trying to say.
MERIUM: Tomas?
TOMAS: Yes, Merium.
MERIUM: May I bring in a lighter touch?
TOMAS: You may do what you can.
MERIUM: Perhaps many of you saw the movie Snow White, and the cartoonist has put the little birds about that help. One would lift the end of her ribbon and another would have the other end of the ribbon and before we know it, it would be tied. In essence, this is saying that there is help at hand, and help at hand can be, for the sake of human understanding, cartooned. As you have moved into another realm of higher dimension, then you can accept the fact that there is an essence of support at hand all the time, and that because of the times and communications, that this has been compounded.
You are literally unable to be without this benevolent assistance, this intelligent interaction, because you are an extension and there is a positive dependent inter-action here. Remember, you have drawn the light, and this light, as you look at it in its complexity, could be very complicated. And the word robot is true, because it is automatic. It is there before you realize that you have need of anything, and so when you say, "Are we there?" Absolutely we are there.
In Hunnah's memory there was, in her mind, an "ugly" picture in children's books called "This is the watch-bird watching you." This is the watch-bird watching a child that is behaving and one that is not behaving, and this conditioning has, of course, been long by the wayside and her imagery now is, "I am with you always." This extension of the truth of her being is being magnified and identified in every aspect of her life in interaction, so please accept this watching you as being with you, supportive, an extension of yourself -- your new, wonderful morontia self, and all that that entails.
So when you are given anything to do, you can do it in confidence and know that it will be more wonderful than it could ever have been before because you have been stretched and you have been allowed to find out that the all of God is at hand, with you, and that you are truly blessed and your names are written in heaven. How was that?
TOMAS: Wonderful, my co-worker. Thank you. I have concluded that the difficulty is that I have a male mind and you have a female mind and they understand buttons and bows better than robots. (Group chuckle)
Unfortunately (or fortunately) this is (you are) my assignment, and I love you and I will work with you in spite of our lapses in communication. I have faith in you as I know you have faith in me. I am, again, most appreciative of the assistance of my companion, Merium, who has acted as a buffer in our budding and thriving community.
Are there any other questions? I understand that Gerdean is concerned about the late hour and the full sessions that we comprise here; however, I am a teacher. I am here to help you understand your understanding of spirit reality. If we only talk about buttons, bows and robots and do not touch base with spirit reality, then I feel that I have failed. Fortunately . .. (pause)
Celeste: Tomas.
TOMAS: Celeste.
Celeste: Some of the people are leaving. Could you just excuse us for a moment?
TOMAS: We will be in recess.
- Intermission
TOMAS: It is no secret that it is late. It was mentioned earlier that your evenings are quite full. It was a particularly wonderful evening here, however, for us to behold someone of such a receptive and responsive spirit nature who could carry the Urantia Book into Romania. It was and is important. It's not like she lived in Beaver Falls and could be here next week, you see.
These attempts at spreading this revelation to other countries and other peoples is a responsibility that is initially that of you who speak the language into which the Book was brought. There was a purpose for the Book to be written in English, and with its being in your lap, so to speak, there is a certain responsibility. If it were a principle such as democracy or virginity, I can imagine you would be quite supportive, but it is perhaps beyond your realization of what this Book is all about and how it will affect Urantia.
Indeed, I will reiterate, the purpose of the Teaching Mission is to spread this gospel by the living of the truths that are set forth in this epochal revelation to your planet, not just this county, not just in the realms of conferences that are already familiar with it, but in third world countries, in previously communistic countries, in countries that are without an active networking of believers and students of this Book and its philosophy.
I am glad that we had occasion to touch base with her [Michaela] and no doubt the Spirit of Truth will have strummed a chord within her. May I again pray to Our Father that the Spirit of Truth indeed take hold of her awareness of the importance of this Book and its purpose and our intent.
I am sorry if I was impatient with you this evening. It is one thing to be old friends, but it is also important to remember what we're here for.
I will defer to my companion once again for any assignment, for I am in a crotchety humor and you would probably not enjoy any assignment I would come up with. Merium, will you assist me?
MERIUM: Indeed, I will assist you. I would like to introduce you to an experience this week of reminding yourselves that you are at rest, and that there is a shower of goodness in proper timing that will smooth out the feeling of having to accomplish something and to see results. I want you to rest in the beauty about you at this special time of year. You listen and you watch for the opportunities that will bring warmth to your heart and appreciation.
This will not be a working assignment; this will be a resting in beauty and pleasure of appreciating life about you and the people who you interact with. Go in confidence, like it would be recess, and let yourself extend the wandering eye to the wonderment of the world in which you live. Have a lovely week. We will be with you. Good night.
Group: Thank you so very much, Tomas and Merium.