1997-07-09-Experiencing Spirit, Loveland, OH Conf.

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Topic: Experiencing Spirit

Group: Loveland, OH Conference


Teacher: Tarkas, Elisha, Andrew, Tomas, Welmek, El Tanere, Iruka, Olfana, Bakim

TR: Unknown



Teaching Mission

TARKAS: You . ... are the Heart of the Message. You have the hands and hearts here on Urantia. Our hearts have been mortal hearts as well, and we now are part of the heart of the universe. We remember well the challenges you face, though not to the great degree of suffering we see here on Urantia, for we are sometimes overwhelmed at the magnitude.

You are the heart of the message that this must end. And indeed it will end through faith. It will only end through our cooperative, collaborative, correlative coalescing, through all of us working together.

You have seen many nuggets of shining opportunity spread before you at this gathering. You have seen diamonds. Do you recognize them? But what is a nugget, what is a diamond, what is a spark, what is a light?

Those things are you. They become you, shining examples, shining streams of evolutionary growth, when you make choices. There is no escape on Urantia. There is only life. And life is what we make it. You are the heart of this message.

Our hearts have been with you in mortal form and in that time we borrowed a piece of the Universal Mind and we used it, hopefully well, for we are here. We are here to help those who come forward in the ascension plan. We reach back with hands to you, and with hearts to you. But fear not of Urantia. You are of Urantia. And this message is about Urantia. And it has swelled the hearts that are resident in you. The mind which you share with all mind has begun the task. You must do a large share of this work and you are, each of you in your own way. We are proud and pleased to be part of this reclamation, this cleansing, this bringing to light. Today we have a program lined up before you representative of teachers of the East. Truly this movement needed to move east, for much of its energy has solidified where potential and openness were ever-thriving. And now we look East, we look to you to give the heart of the message in these new geographical locales.

Use this meeting to come together. Use this meeting to choose one or two diamonds or nuggets. The point is that you must choose. Choose the thing that you can give your heart and mind to, to. help in this cleansing, in this reclamation of Urantia, to Universal Love, Truth and Beauty, in search thereof.

ELISHA: Feel this energy, feel this flow Every step across these green pastures you go.

This is Elisha. I am a personal teacher assigned to this vessel and I will explain to you very briefly the nature of your celestial friends whom you now have aligned before you. Some come to this conference with true spiritual contact of which they can make no reason. The Teaching Mission is very personal. You carry it with you as you carry all other worthwhile treasures of the heart. Your Indwelling Spirit always, always, always, always, always. The Spirit of Truth, conviction of Christ Michael, residing within you, so that he may come back to the affairs of running this local universe.

Ah! . .. but left behind this light within . .. conjoined with the Father.

All yours! And all within.

.... Please think about the offerings of this conference and use that which rings true to your heart. You can bring within the nuggets and diamonds that will make your life worthwhile. To use these things, put your heart and mind into them and make them work.

.... Make no mistake. We are individuals with personalities, with styles, with our perceptions of what is true and what is beautiful and what is good. They are our perceptions. We would only share them with you. We would not compel them to you. We would be your friends. We are another rung or two up the ladder. We work here with you, in spirit, I think. From just a rung or two up, we can reach you with our hands and help you step up the ladder. We have not reached the top. We do not know absolute truth. You can find the closest thing to absolute truth in your text, which we have followed by some years. The simple message is: You have personal spiritual guidance. And with incremental openings of energies projecting and expanding truth and beauty and goodness comes your own incremental openings of your treasure chests of nuggets and diamonds. There is more truth that you can perceive! Bringing a smile of delight . .. a little more feeling of goodness inside.

Ahhh! I feel better. A greater intensity of beauty, appreciation of beauty, desire to spread that beauty to those in squalor and make no mistake, the poor and suffering see so little of beauty they can understand it not at all. You must bring them beauty. It is a tool of the Teaching Mission and all other spiritual progress. Bring them beauty as you service and nurture the poor and unfortunate. Bring them beauty as you plant a flower garden or a vegetable garden or to appreciate the giant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elm elms] in their park. Especially the children..If these thoughts are useful and helpful to you, be assured that the thoughts of our personal guides and teachers, as you would adopt them as your guides and friends, will give you . .. Love. The reason we are here. And you know when . .. in the Stillness.

The Stillness is the antidote to the spirit poisons which we will not even mention by name. You have taken steps of faith, often through hard adversity, to get to this conference. Two things to know: If time seems problematic, trying, troublesome, frustrating, please, please know in faith that these are lessons that you need to learn, and when you learn them, you will grow so much stronger in spirit that you will know these lessons are worthwhile. Being human, it is hard to recognize sometimes what the lesson is. It is hard to say. Take one of our beautiful spiritual guides home with you. Ask her name if you choose. Or feel in your hearts that this is something different, which is the same, and that is . .. spirit love. However you put words to it or phrase it.

We think you like to personalize it, so we are open to you, our personalities. Share this ascension. We would like to reach back and share with you.

Know as well that we will be with you. Always. By this I mean that our friendship will never be broken on this other side. If the skeptics and cynics are able to inject in you these poisons of distrust, not to have faith in yourself, in your mind, in your ability to discern what is real . .. if they would question you . .. If you would fall into despair, you may break this friendship, but we would never do so. There are no doubts on this side. We know that we want you to be our closest friend and we think that you will continue in this friendship, not only through your mortal lives here but through transition. We will be friends from now on.

Ask God -- most humans feel more comfortable asking God. The word gets back to us, the doers. Ask God for the kind of guide, teacher, companion, friend, on our side who would help with these specific things and you may be able to write them on paper.

It may be your desire to fulfill artistic ambitions; it could be the ability to cope with addiction. Ask for the teacher who will most help you. A teacher will be given to you, to join with these other lights, nuggets inside, to carry you through these momentous times on Urantia. Oh! It is okay to feel these things. Many in this room, believe me, have to think about them. Think if you wish; your minds can do so. Or feel thus, the presence of the Holy Spirit, and many messengers of love working for this Holy Spirit to pervade this time and space with you.

This is Elisha. I have been so pleased to share these thoughts with you. Go back, now, into the silence and see if we can broadcast one who sends you a greeting from afar. We will pause for a few moments.


ANDREW: This is Andrew. I would not miss this occasion to again make contact with my beautiful parcels of friends from two cities..My heart is in the East for you again. You listened to my messages and indulged me greatly. We had some laughs together.

Sure, we know that many humans cheapen the very idea of faith and sense of humor. Humans have a tendency to cheapen, even vulgarize things which are, in truth, great gifts. Great gifts! In your relationships with others, to touch, to hold, to hug, to embrace. Sexual liaisons can be, oh, so much more!

These are adventures in the senses and the cause of many problems. You have not been able to open yourselves fully to these tools of growth. There will come a time but, too late for some of you. Transition will come and you will be over here working with me, perhaps, to continue exploring a sense of humor on Urantia.

Sense of humor. It is a sensual experience. And if you ever recall the tickles that brought tears and laughter and you could not control it. It was just so ecstatically humorous. Well, this is sensual, my friends. Humor! There are nuggets, there are diamonds here. Cultivate those!

Don't dig in the cold depths. Cultivate the highest humor. Self-effacing, maybe. Never angry. Never destructive. If so, go out to that person and hug them; don't be afraid to touch them! Don't be afraid to hold them! Don't be afraid to look -- look at people's eyes. Therein you will see much that now is escaping your attention.

But can you do that? People look in your eyes and you look in their eyes. Is there a sense of humor between you? Can you smile? Can you joke? Are you tuned in to the human race? Do you love these people?

You are love. Living in love is the most glorious adventure you could imagine, and you will get there. You will get there.

I understand that some of you are wanting to make some poetry. We can make a verse or two. We can make it hard, or we can make it easy. You participate. Let's do a hard one.

I think the love upon these grounds is obvious
I think the love that permeates all is from the Father's great . .. omnibus.
I think that love touches . ... all of us.
The oil of love is . ... salubrious.
The warmth of friendship is . .. glorious.
Just slide right through because it IS so salubrious . ...

Well . .. I think that's obvious.

I have enjoyed being with you, my friends. Tarkas is dozing in the wings. I will ask him to come forward again. I only want to say to my old friends in Pittsburgh and here in Cincinnati, I often visit to alleviate the state of moroseness that Tarkas brings in his lectures. (Group laughter)

Tarkas and I have served together and we are like little boys wrestling in the grass, around and over and tumbling, and we are good buddies, and we get up and shake off the grass. Hand in hand we go together to rescue some other beleaguered planet. I don't mean to make too much of it..We will be your friends forever. We choose our friends broadly and wide across all the universes of the Father's time and space experience and we love them all, we love them individually. You must know this.

Often you feel yourselves to be small. What is small? Some of the most beautiful creations of the Father are the smallest, some only seen through microscopes. They are beautiful and you are beautiful.

More beautiful than you know. Most people do not know the beauty they are in. Awaken!

This is a time to awaken on Urantia, This is the time to take one of these teachers home and be buddies. You can wrestle in the grass. She will go with you into the garden to pick tomatoes. She will help you appreciate picking those tomatoes. She will help you appreciate the beauty of that tomato. Anticipation of the rejuvenation of spring time which brings, yes, new tomatoes. The diversity of the garden, the flowers that come with the fruit.

But you are my children. You have not come to fruition. You are only coming to fruition. She would have you appreciate the moment. She will help you appreciate the kitchen where you create culinary works. She will go with you every day. She will inspire you to go to new places.

You can see her smiling in your mind’s eye. Yes, we know there are some guys who are teachers, too. Sometimes these languages get in the way, but you are all man. Wo-man. Man-man. Kind. Kind.

A kind. Be kind. Be loving. See the beauty in yourself. Pick up some diamonds. In your beautiful, glorious life to fruition on this garden of Urantia.

... Take the lead. Oh, there are so many dark, dark and darker places. There is love to give these people, if you only could, but one thing you must do: you must work with your own heart, hands, feet, with your own tools, one day at a time, with patience, one outreach at a time. One on one.

This is how things are built.

I say this because so many despair of planetary problems. Be done with frustration. The planet is not yours to heal. Heal yourself. Heal those you love. And continue to love more and more. Find a new person to love each day. When you arise and yawn and speak to the Father, do whatever you do, have the name of one person you will want to love this day.

As the list grows, you will find that you will have to deal with that person in your mind’s eye and each time you adopt another person to love, truly love, you make a step in progress, you make a step of faith. Each step of faith activates energies, of which you cannot know all, and these energies come right back to you.

They have to come to you, for you are the Heart of the Message for Urantia.


WELMEK: Greetings, to all of you. I am your friend and teacher Welmek. I am most pleased to be with you today and with all my brothers and sisters. As we each take our words to you, I am ever amazed at how we wish to tell you the same thing, but we do it in such different ways..Is this not part of the beauty of the Father's universe? Do we not see such great beauty in this diversity?

My words to you today will be brief. I ask you to think about this opportunity that Our Father has given to you, to come together with so many of your brothers and sisters. You are truly blessed because you read in your Book about the Father's love, about the presence of God in others, but when you come and you gather with others, you realize that these are no longer words, mere words, but what the words of your text tells you are real.

For you see in the eyes of your brothers and sisters that God does love you. You see in their hearts, in their mercy, in their compassion, in their tenderness, the flow of love of God through them to you and through you to them.

Taste this experience, my friends, and hold it within your memory. Hold it within your heart. For it is what builds your faith. All that you hear, all that you need is real, is true. I and my brothers and sisters live every day in peace and in love and this is your destiny, this is your future, but we are here to say to you, "Do it now. Begin it now," for you know the feeling that this brings within you.

And why would you not think that every one of your brothers and sisters in the flesh would not want to be here to experience the love and the goodness and the joy that you find here? So I offer you this challenge: when you return from this experience to your lives, and when you are faced again with anger and frustration and unhappiness, that you see on the faces of your brothers and sisters, let it pass. Look deep within their eyes and say to yourself, "Would they not have enjoyed this time? Is not the spirit of God deep within them? Do they not simply understand what joy and what beauty lies before them?" Do not become upset and angry by their words, for if they knew better, would they not be here to share this type of experience with you?

Let these things pass from you. Let the love that you feel here flow through you to them. Let that love soothe them. Let them see in you that there is something more than their anger and their frustration.

Do this and you do it for all of us, you do it for the Master, and you do it for the Father. Thank you, my friends.


TOMAS: I am Tomas. I am one of the voices East of the Mississippi. There are many others. The circuits today are hopping, as they have been for some time, in excitement and in response to the agitation which you have allowed by your eagerness to grow, to ascend, to face yourselves and aspire toward perfection.

I would like to regress briefly, my friends. Our co-teacher Daniel has been checking in with us regularly as have Ham, Will, Olfana and many of your other favorite friends in the spirit realm. We have obviously close contact, and your proximity to each other in this range of experience. Wrought by such gatherings of believers, has brought to us many reminiscences of our experiences here in the Teaching Mission as it has among you. And we, like you, are eager to share our observations of the growth and development of the spirit on Urantia.

I must say that Daniel and I, when we worked together regularly, would banter about and tease each other on occasion for being such windbags, but I believe that I am now in the company of a champion, and you know I make that testimony in deep affection.

Like our colleague, Tarkas, I am easily picturized as I have described to my Pumpkins, a bit of an elder philosopher, sprawled in an easy chair, and I appreciate it when you can perceive of your teachers and spiritual elders as being so companionable, for it will the more readily allow you to experience the benefits of the association of the Morontia Companions as you open yourselves to the more sensitive and "divine" communications, as you are led and learned in these techniques of communication, even among your mortal selves.

I ask myself why it is that you will so eagerly sit in relative calm and poise to hear the ramblings of we teachers when you have no patience with even a paragraph from each other! I wonder, is it perhaps because of our "mesmerizing delivery,” for surely and truly each of you in the heart of your message have your own truths, your own reflection of your own God Fragment within, to share with others.

As you learn by your association with spirit, in this teaching format and in other ways conducive to spiritual growth, you will begin to learn to love the sound of the comfort of each other, the joy and the laughter inherent in you each, the wisdom and the knowledge and the knowing of the mortal who has lived this life in search of and in mastery of himself.

I have seen a picture now, of the forest, in which there are many trees standing and you who have seen advertisements for yellow pages, if you have not seen Zen Buddhism, will recognize that if a tree falls in this forest, will it be heard?

And I offer to you that you are the trees standing in the forest. Will you be heard? Not unless there is someone there to hear you. And so make your-self easy to hear. Allow yourself to be heard by being approachable. If you would have friends, prove yourself to be friendly. Friendship is something you can perfect by having the Great Friend as your constant companion.

He will teach you how to be a good friend to others.

I don't believe that any of the teachers that I have worked with have tried to judge your behaviors or your political opinions, have tried to sell you a book or have tried to change your costume. I know very few who will criticize your vocabulary, and yet you among yourselves have found this to be a common pattern of communication because it is your inherited understanding of communication, much like magpies or parrots.

I know you are more than birds. I know you are greater than trees. I know you have this deep capacity for understanding, for you sit in peace and reception of these teachers who talk ad-infinitum, like sponges, eagerly acknowledging words which provide you with food for thought and a comfort and solace in the turbulence of your daily existence.

In conclusion, my friends, I would like to honor you as beloved people, you who are witness to the unfolding of the new time, the new day. I acknowledge and we acknowledge your budding unity, your developing tolerance, your ministries as you go about your business, for in your magpie ways and in your hawking your wares, you have among you a thread, a core of ministry which is a sign that you have known the Master, that you follow that great truth which is love, for your side-effects of service and mercy are apparent.

How glad we are to have you as an assignment, as a friend, as an adventure and as a topic for our conversation. We could not find a more diverse and unexpected group of individuals if we had planned for it ourselves.

What an adventure you are. What a challenge we have. And I know that the challenge which is yours will also be well met, well received, and well born.

Thank you for this opportunity to publish, and I look forward to our next opportunity to share. Farewell.


EL TANERE: This is El Tanere. The love of God uplifts you. The light of God surrounds you. The power of God protects you and the presence of God is with you always.

To begin, it was just a short while ago, perhaps two years of your earth time, that I spoke through my receiver in a little corner of your Northwest America at another such gathering, and I recall suggesting that the best of the celestial teachings be compiled and published for the masses.

Know this: it is not necessary to take the celestial teachings exactly as they have been presented to you. What you have learned from these teachings is what you can present to the world in publications.

Do so by editing them, reducing them, bringing some clarification to them, by eliminating any contamination of the human mind that may have slipped through.

Fear, Love

Your intentions are sincere. The universe has heard and will arrange to accommodate these sincere intentions as part of the mission of the Correcting Time and the Teaching Mission. The second thing I wish to enforce among all of you is to make a sincere declaration to your Father and the universe to replace all fear with love.

Do you not know that with the elimination of fear, you will have no more terrorism? Your cancer will be eliminated. Many, many diseases will no longer be. It is the fear emotion that you earth entities express which is the food that allows this to take place.

We recognize where your fear came from, where it originated, in the very beginning of time, in the beginning of evolution. The fear of survival and the unknown.

You who are fortunate enough, with open minds, to have received and welcomed and understood the teachings in the Urantia Papers no longer need to be concerned about either survival or the unknown, for it is truly truth that you all know.

Teach this. Practice it. Every time a little teeny tiny fear enters into your mind, emotional self, put a red circle around it with a red slash through it -- cancel it. And immediately replace it with love, for love is God and God is love. Love is all, that's all there is. And it is true that you mortals on the earth plane think of love as you find it in relationships or in parenthood, or something that you just like. You love it! You love your home, you love your job.

But love is an energy.

Become aware that love is an energy, powerful! And know this -- you have been given this. Use it!

Always, always, for the highest and best choice that you can make. Become aware, aware of every-thing that you think, say and do.

Therefore, that is the Trinity within you. First the thought, then the expression, and then the action. Become aware of the results and the outcome on yourself and the world, on everything that you think, say and do.

Be honest! Totally and completely honest. In every endeavor. In everything that you think, say and do. To thine own self be good. To thine own self be true.

It was as the Master said, follow the golden rule and apply it. Responsibility. Be responsible for what you think, say and do. It is not necessary to blame anyone or anything. Take the responsibility for your own thoughts, your own expressions and your own actions, for you see, it all begins with you.

And when I say that it all begins with you, to use one of your colloquial terms, "begins with you", for you are all one. Love your work, love the elements. Love the elements! You almost destroyed them. In your movie "E.T." -- which is sometimes what you refer to me as -- if you recall, the little alien E.T. was resurrected by love, by the energy and the emotion of love.

So then will your elements and your trees and your forests and your water and your land and your air and your soil, everything will be renewed and revitalized with love. You came from the earth; love it with your energy force. That is very powerful.

Relationships of all kinds are extremely important. For in relationships will give birth to wisdom. And loving relationships will give birth to wisdom.

I, El Tanere will leave you now with the peace, the peace which passes all understanding that is there for you, from your Master, Christ Michael that you know as Jesus. I leave you with His peace.

Amen. I am away.

Creativity, Expression

IRUKA: Good afternoon, my friends. I am Iruka. I am a Teacher and a friend. What a glorious afternoon this has turned out to be. As you look out across the scenery, notice how the light changes the whole picture, and as you look at yourself and your life, notice how love changes the whole picture. The more love, the brighter, the warmer, the more confidence.

You are a creative expression of Our Parent. See yourself as beautiful, as marvelous. Know that as you allow yourself to create, become an artist, that this will flow through you, a created beautiful being, to create more beautiful things around you, to create art, to create things that reflect Our Creator's love, his joy, and his peace, his beauty, the wonderment of who He is and what part of who He is that you have.

This is like the flow of love, the flow of life, this creativity, that you might think is separate and apart, but it is not. It is all a part of the whole. And we are focusing on this part this afternoon. It is not separate. You can think of it as being separate to learn about it, to study it, to incorporate it into your life so that you can live creatively, but know that it goes along with everything else, like the rainbow that has separate colors in it, they must all be there to be complete.

You wouldn't want to leave any of the colors out, and yet you might study one color all by itself for a time and then move on to another color, but ultimately the rainbow has to have all its parts to be the beautiful complete picture.

And so as you learn about your creative expression, remember to put it back into the whole picture of who you are. Good afternoon, my friends.


OLFANA: Good day, my friends. I am Olfana. This is the first time I have transmitted through this unmoving vessel, who prefers the stationary sanctity of the word.

We have worked with this vessel to make him more appreciative of the word, for that is what we ask him to give . .. more enthralled with the voice as instrument, for that is the instrument we would have him use.

But I am Olfana. I come before you in a lightness, in a lightness, in a lightness that you can all share. There is a lightness to the sun each day. This miracle comes down and washes you each day, though the Father must cloud the terrain to bring rain to wash and cleansed to be bright again. The light is both expansive and illuminating. There is no end to light, and light also represents density.

Oh, yes, you are so dense! (Group laughter)

That is not what I mean, although in humor, I knew you would think of this. You can experience lightness by going inside to find the Father who will uplift you to lightness into the light. The light is expansive; it is oneness; there is no end. And your lightness rises up into the light and you become one with it. This is the oneness of all.

Make your oneness embrace all the children of Urantia. All of them. They are all nuggets; they are all diamonds; they are all little children of the Father. They are faith children. They are one with you..Separateness? Oh, that is an outdated concept, my friend, from where we come from. When you see separateness, then the light does not expand to all on Urantia and they are not light of heart, light of being, light of kindness and sweetness and compassion, and so they are heavy and earthbound.

You can rise in lightness, in the lightness, in the light. Then you can light up this whole world with your light and it all becomes one and as you rise up in your lightness, you begin to see more, more sprawled out in front of you a big blue, full of water, speck -- of lightness, a sea world.

Yes, we live here. I see it, see it! I see it higher; I see it lighter. I see; I see, and I see that I must choose to be a viable part by giving my truth, my beauty, my goodness to all, to share.

Oh this is so selfish for it brings such peace and joy and love to yourself! We sometimes even think, can we take any more? Dare I give any more so that I can receive some more?

The release the Father gives you is great. The release is in the eyes, like all the other mirrors; the eyes, the tears, are the release, release. You will feel incredible.


Transmitter/Receivers for these messages were from Urantia study groups in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.