1997-08-31-Your Choice To Advance
Topic: Your Choice To Advance
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Elyon, Andrew, Jessona, Michael
TR: Mark Rogers, Michael/tr, Jonathan
Elyon(Mark TR): Greetings, my friends. This is your associate Elyon. I wish to begin today by conveying to you how very impressive are your actions. You have all done so great in following the desires of your hearts in manifesting the direction you perceive to be of most advantage in the overall gain in the Teaching Mission as well as your own personal, spiritual advancement. You each exhibit such faith that the onlooker cannot help but be moved and impressed at how steadfastly you appear to adhere to your direction, your intent, your purpose. It may take many forms; it may take travel; it may take hosting; it may take coordination, facilitation, or simply offering yourself up at any moment that appears right to be of service to your fellows. Realize that you do these acts of your own freewill with the faith that you all possess. If you did not have faith in the process of this Teaching Mission you would not go to such great lengths to participate. Your faith is the force that propels you forward to act as you do. It is your faith that brings you the rewards of growth from its action. Indeed, your faith skills are becoming so honed as to become a primary tool in your progressive work. You have reaped many benefits from your faith but still you reach farther, try harder, extend yourselves further and further. You will carry this valuable tool with you throughout your entire ascension career. It will be your adjustable wrench which you may grab at any time in lieu of any of your other wrenches, as it may be made to accommodate your task.
It is indeed a pleasure to witness you disperse yourselves to accomplish what you all perceive to be the Father's will and to reassemble again as you perceive to be the Father's will. You may be led here or there to do this or that, but in faith you will act, you will do, you will manifest the highest ideals you are capable of. This is all that could be asked or expected of an individual, and the level at which you all participate in this is most impressive.
I desire to offer each of you an additional pearl for you to keep in your possession. I harbor no doubts or apprehension as to your commitment to the Teaching Mission, to the teachers, and ultimately to yourselves. Therefore, since I perceive it to be your desire as well, I desire to more actively engage with each of you.
There has been a mandate spoken here this morning that would indicate that a quickening of advancement would not be perceived on a large scale. (We had read Margul's address to the Colorado conference, 8/23/97. ed.) I offer to you today that each of you has desired this upstepment between you and me, between you and the other teachers, between Michael and yourselves, and ultimately between the Father, through His Fragment, to you. While it is true that an overall upstepment may not be imposed upon individuals who do not thus desire, you do desire to climb the next rung, to take the next step. This shall be granted you. As it is your desire, so it is ours. You may proceed as you so desire; we will honor this request and acknowledge that it is entirely appropriate. I am quite sure each of you will find a yet greater appreciation of spiritual contact, an enhanced capacity for receptivity. These will prove to even further motivate your desires to be about the Father's will.
You are all choosing to augment your progression. We have not dictated any of this to you; it is by your own freewill. You desire to advance; it is simply our acknowledgment of your desire that enables us to proceed forward. Ask and you shall receive is indeed accurate, for we wait to perceive in you the favorable conditions and desires.
You are all coming to realize that this is not an awesome process to be separated as spectacular or unusual. Rather this process is becoming more familiar to each of you, more accessible to each of you. This is as it should be. You each will enjoy a more relaxed approach to spiritual wisdom as you allow this to happen. In the beginning of this Teaching Mission it was an unfamiliar process to all of us. It carried with it respect and reverence and uncertainty. Now as your experience has shown to you, has proved, there is no need for overawe, as the more this process transpires, the more normal or average it becomes. Those coming into the Teaching Mission will still be struck with its different nature. It will be up to you to demonstrate through your demeanor that this process is not intimidating, that it is merely another facet of your human existence. It is by your reaction to this phenomenon that many others will gain their perception. Therefore, it behooves you, and us as teachers, that we become more familiar.
Many lessons you have received that you are no longer in need of our assistance to deliver. You will show those around you that spirituality is alive and living. It is internal within yourselves, and it is also external, without yourselves, accessible by yourselves. You will demonstrate this phenomenon, and others will have many fears quieted by your approach to this phenomenon.
You do such good work on behalf of Michael and the mission. We are all most pleased with your direction and your purpose. Continue on with your leadings, as there is no concern with false direction. Your signals are too strong at this point to be misunderstood, and you do well to listen to those leadings.
I make way now for other personalities. I am available to you as always should you so desire.
Angrew (Michael): I wish to speak; I am Angrew, and I would like to add to the words that you have heard.
Over the years you have all practiced and developed your skills at receiving spiritual input. You have become quite skilled at this endeavor. You have been incorporating the teachings of your text and your teachers into your continuing consciousness, keeping a constant and smooth burn. Your motivations are always colored with your spiritual intentions, and this is as it should be. Now, after so much time of receiving, you feel an urge to put out, to allow the abundance of goodwill to be felt throughout. This is the thrust of my words, that I would suggest that, as you take your moments of time everyday for reception and stillness, that perhaps it is time to take time everyday to practice and perfect your abilities of bestowal. Take a short time everyday and ignite the flares of your spirituality. Burn them hard for a short time either alone or design circumstances for your radiance to be outpoured, at least for a short time everyday. There may come times when this skill will be handy. There may come times when the bestowal of your love will be needed for longer than a moment. So we wish that you begin your preparation for the acquiring of the abilities so that you can be the beacon we have spoken so often about. Take the opportunity daily to increase your good cheer to even greater cheer. Manifest it on the material plane as brightly as you can for a short time everyday. You will discover that this enhanced illumination that you bestow will create the opportunities of service that you desire.
I am finished.
Jessona (Jonathan): Greetings, this is Jessona, and I am here to amplify through a visual description your understanding of citizenship and sonship. It may by chance give further insight into the messages of this morning.
Picture a sphere. It is obvious that the center of this sphere is the Father. Every radial line to the surface of this sphere is your sonship. Every connecting link to every point upon the sphere is brotherhood in relation to your sonship lines to the Father. Picture now this sphere covered with marbles. As you do unto another you individually react with adjacent marbles, you being one of the many covering the sphere. This is ministry in a familial sense.
Citizenship, on the other hand, is global and awareness in an ecological sense of the total. Every action you make affects every marble on the entire sphere. You understand the distinction between brotherhood and citizenship in this way. Citizenship is brotherhood in action. It is more than the awareness of your interrelationship in the arms of the Father. It is your decisive actions based on this awareness.
You can have citizenship without the understanding of the family of God, but you would be left with a hollow sphere. Every individual has an important position. Though some of you may rise as do your great mountain ridges upon this world to heights that stand above others, and though many of you are pooled as in the great oceans of this sphere, seemingly to appear so similar to others, every region contributes to the entire makeup. Be not concerned over what you may dream possible to accomplish. Be rather focused on what you are immediately capable of accomplishing, knowing full well the repercussive effects upon all others, both in immediate vicinity and across the entire sphere.
Being one who is keenly aware of the global conditions of civilization on this world, I encourage each of you to broaden your cosmic awareness.
This is all I have to say today. Thank you.
Elyon (Mark): Elyon would return and leave you with one thought for you to consider.
You are all becoming aware that, although you may have many occupations, you have but one career, an eternal career. Realize the perspective this provides for you and embrace this this week. Thank you.
Tom: Last week there was a discussion concerning ego. I understand that all spirit is minded and that my own soul is the product of the Father and my own mind. Is that minded? Is the ego minded? Can it respond directly to conversation or admonition?
Elyon: Your relationship with the Father indeed has a cooperative mindedness in which gradually you assume more and more of the Father's mind. This aspect of the ascension . ..(tape flipped)... rose from first coexistence into united existence. The ego has a presence. It is, as I stated during our last lesson, subservient to the divine mind. It may appear at times as though it is a runaway personality, but it is at all times subservient to the divine will, to the divine presence within you. It becomes recognizable as a separate aspect of your creation, but it does not function alongside your mind with a separate mind. It is as a part of the whole to be viewed as, perhaps, a vital organ to the body. While on the one hand an integral, necessary aspect of the whole, it would be more appropriately viewed as a lesser vital organ, not in competition with the higher brain functions which dictate the regulation of the internal organs.
Does this help to put the ego in perspective for you?
Tom: Yes. What I was thinking was that the soul is the product of my mind and the Father. Is it possible that the ego is a product of the soul and my mind? If it is totally subservient to the Father, why is it such an unruly member?
Elyon: The ego is not a product of your soul or your mind. The ego is an aspect of your being. It is not a creation of yours. It is merely an arm of your being to be exercised and utilized appropriately. You do not create the ego from within, from your soul. The ego is an aspect of you to be harnessed and exercised much as a muscle group. Therefore, do not think that you are somehow creative of this aspect of your being. Rather you must in your existence learn to function in harmony with this aspect of your being and, indeed, reign supreme, giving over the lesser aspects of your being to the higher aspects of your being. As stated before, it is not a desired goal to eliminate the ego, just as it is not desirable to eliminate the lungs. Rather it is appropriate to work in harmony with the organs of the body to create an overall whole, all the time the higher, supreme aspects reigning, controlling, and regulating the entire body.
Is this any clearer?
Tom: Yeah, got it. Thank you.
Mary: I feel inspired to make a request.
Elyon, Angrew, Jessona, and other beings present, as well as my friends material present here with me, I humbly ask that you all join me in prayer, and I also humbly recognize that Michael might also join us in this prayer.
I ask the Father that You bless us with the ability to ever more finely tune into the knowledge of Your will for us in our individual lives. I also ask that You continue to bless each one of us through grace with the ability to derive wisdom from these experiences we have pursuing Your will, and that we may coordinate this wisdom into further actions and experiences which draw us ever closer to You.
Each of us on all of our different levels all experience the profound desire in our hearts to pursue to the completion of our desires. It is awesome to realize that we will accomplish this goal not only as individuals, an experience we have for ourselves, but as a group that accomplishes this goal together with the father and mother of our local universe leading us on. We all follow to the final pursuit of You on Paradise.
Michael (Jonathan): Upon you this day is given, but alas, upon you each day is given the grace fulfilled blessings of our Father; your daily bread, forgiveness for your transgressions. The desire for the kingdom of heaven on earth, even your hunger for righteousness, is planted within you with certainty by Him. I pray that each of you receive wholeheartedly His touch, His gifts. Receive them with no attached requirements, agendas, obligations, or responsibilities. Simply accept. Upon a wholehearted reception of His bestowals you have completed 90% of your purpose, beyond which the remaining 10% of your function as his son upon earth will unfold naturally.
As I have said, today is enough for you to deal with. Let tomorrow be. This day receive His gifts. This is all I ask of you. Michael.