1997-09-02-Let Father Transform Fear Energy
Topic: Let Father Transform Fear Energy
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
My greetings to you. It is in humble gratitude that I meet with you tonight. I am with almost complete understanding of your efforts to attain self-mastery. As my history has shown, I too used angers negative energy to find some sort of satisfaction. It is still at times a struggle for me to find peace and contentment in tragedies. I am still in the practice of learning to lean solely on our Father's knowledge. As I experience, I always find Father is already in control of every situation.
In sharing your experiences with anger there is more feelings of being understood than believing you are so far from attaining self-mastery. You can each see your experiences will be somewhat similar, and sharing them here aids in finding positive ways in dealing with anger. Worry not on your failings concerning self-mastery. Look at each episode of failure as a moment when you can sincerely say 'I am teachable.' Look not on your failings concerning self-mastery with hopelessness, or as an impossible goal to reach, no. Know that each moment spent in humility is an opening for your Father to make correction.
Last week we discussed showing Father your anger honestly through whatever means you choose. This is only one way in which to steer the animal self towards the divine. No, anger is not a viscous animal to be locked up and hidden. Anger is an energy which must be directed, be available for transformation. Anger when transformed can lead to beneficial actions. Many positive things have happened out of someone's anger, someone's pain. Your striving to understand this particular energy will stem far beyond this world, but have no fear that as you attain levels of self-mastery, anger does become easier to direct towards the positive.
Closely related to anger is fear. Many individuals have become enraged by fearful events. Fear continues to dominate on this world. With all of the circuits reinstated there still is a mass fearfulness and confusion. I can help to bring some understanding on this particular spirit poison.
There has been since the beginning of time a fear of isolation and loneliness. Mortals have from the beginning needed one another to increase the joy in living. There was, as is now, a fear of being cast out and left alone. Urantia, up until the time of the Correcting Teaching Mission, has felt a collective fear of this aloneness. There was always certain societies mortals could link with to bring companionship and fear reduction. To be accepted within these societies one must maintain certain qualifications. There was always the fear of not living up to these qualifications.
With the dawning of the technological era there was available massive amounts of knowledge to be had. The competition for this knowledge was a driving force to mankind. The appearance of having more knowledge over your fellows built ones ego to great heights, and the absence of this knowledge produced great fear. Mankind, when pressured by this fear, is more likely to produce useless things, fake things, false things. People driven by fear are apt to live in falsehood. Until one is humbly gracious enough to invite Father to share their life, this fear will be overwhelming, uncontrollable. I do not say that fear will cease after Father has been invited, no. I do say however that fear is also like an energy which can be put to different uses.
Most fear stems from that age old feeling of isolation and loneliness. There are those without the comfort of Father who would go to great lengths to be accepted by others. I would say that the child who is believing in their son or daughtership with Father is more likely to first have self-acceptance. This self-acceptance is important in the reduction of those various spirit poisons, including fear. To be so faithful in your status as a child of God sets the foundation for overcoming the over-controlling feeling of fear.
If you would set yourself apart from your brothers and sisters as different, as not belonging, as perhaps unworthy, then would you be denying your status as a child of God, thereby loosing the upper hand on controlling fear. If you would set yourself apart as above your fellows, perhaps as superior concerning spiritual things, then again you would be in denial of your fellows status as a child of God. In that there also is the production of negative fearful energy.
I would ask you for this week to contemplate your levels of faith and status within the Kingdom. Ponder upon the fact that you are one of Father's many children. In the moment of a fearful thought go back to your first acknowledgment that Father existed. Remember that feeling of being born of the Spirit. Be conscious of how your fear looses its momentum to producing more fear. Fear can be sly, but it can also be fooled. Tonight I would take only a few questions.
ROLAND: Father Abraham, it has been about two years since we had a private session. I feel like I am at a crossroads, and some decision making perhaps you could help me with spiritual insight. Could that be possible?
ABRAHAM: That can be arranged. Certainly. Another question?
NORWOOD: Father Abraham, I just have a comment to make more than a question. A week ago last Friday I was getting ready for an interview for a job. I had a lot of anxiety and fear inside me. So I took the time to go into the stillness, and ask the Father to take this from me, and to be with me during that interview process. I could tell the moment I walked in the front door the fear was making me crazy. I just kept arguing with it, and saying, you are not going to control me. The moment I started the interview process my fear disappeared, and the Father took over. I don't think I have ever had such a positive interview in my life. I was also invited back for a second interview, and again I asked the Father to take over, and again He took over. I think this is just a testimony that when you ask for Father to take it and handle it for you, because you can't do it yourself, that good positive things happen. Later on that evening I was sleeping and I was awakened in the middle of the night with a very strong pressure on the right hand side of my head, just a little bit above my ears. I felt a long intense tingling feeling going into my brain. Was that just a nervous response from the pressure of going through the interviews and having such a positive response? By the way, I cheered and thanked Father for helping after I left because I was high. I was flying high. Can you respond to that a little bit please?
ABRAHAM: Certainly. That is certainly cause to be joyful. To be witness to Father's fingerprints is difficulties is a great comfort and producer of confidence. That was a wise strategy on your part to connect with Father to overcoming or at least controlling the fear and anxiety. I am aware now that the pressure you experienced was due to Thought Adjuster activity. Not to worry. It is common to experience these physical feelings during restful times when the mind is least active. I would suggest that you take great feelings of comfort during these times. The Thought Adjuster activity is only preparation for upcoming lessons or understanding lesson already experienced. Is this helping? (Yes. Thank you.)
RACHEL: Father Abraham, at the Teaching Mission gathering in Colorado, at the Melchizedek session Manturason said," Many things you have considered; the Melchizedek school, etc...many things will materialize that you did not fully understand. At that time when the circuits are fully connected and mortals can understand these possibilities, then there is the possibility of many of these things may yet become realized and made actual. You can actualize the Supreme Being." Now, I know our definition of actual and actualize, and I do in my heart believe that the Supreme Being is existing and real, but would you tell us your interpretation of that statement please?
ABRAHAM: Certainly. My understanding is that on a collective agreement things can be made manifest. Concerning the Melchizedek schools, the world is somewhat immature producing such a collective agreement. I would however say this does not stop or hinder the Melchizedek lessons to those individuals who would receive. Worlds such as yours experience numerous exercises in this collective thinking and it is entirely possible to make manifest things that are positive or negative. The Supreme Being does have a small amount of influence on Urantia and this is growing day by day. It takes many individuals to change worldly potentials into actuals, but that can also be said on a smaller scale too. As far as actual materialization, physical materialization, I am unable to comment, but on a spiritual level I would say that, yes, collective actualization's are indeed possible. Does that help? (Yes it does and thank you.) One last question?
ROLAND: (Inaudible) Seem to me like the Teaching Mission is based on very democratic experience, in that each person that is desirous of a teacher, one is available. I am not sure why we keep being challenged by this idea of materialization's of schools that are physical Melchizedek schools or universities, when, to my mind, the brilliance of being able to have a teacher that requires faith , and is immediately available to each person wherever they are, at home, on the road, wherever they are, is infinitely more efficacious to bring the world to Light and Life than would be physical universities that would require being there physically. To my mind this idea creates an anticipation of a school which is already here that we are attending this moment, and every moment during our existence. I would like to get feedback on that from you as to if I am completely off base, or that truly is the plan. Could you comment on that?
ABRAHAM: Yes. I am in agreement with you. Said Jesus, "Our kingdom is wholly spiritual." You are correct in that our Teaching Mission is an actualization of a collective agreement. Those who would lend an ear will hear our message. Our kingdom is spiritual. The Melchizedek schools are fully functioning, spiritually speaking. I agree with you. There will always be those desirous of seeing with their material eyes and not their spiritual eyes. Does this answer?
ROLAND: Yes it does. It makes it very clear and I appreciate you responding to it. I realized I actually had some anger about my own opinion, being one I cherish, that we continually seek to have a group of people who are looking for materialization's. I guess my lesson there is to be patient and tolerant, understanding that's their desire, as it was with the apostles of old, to talk Jesus into a material kingdom. You made that connect beautifully for me, and I thank you very much.
ABRAHAM: You're very welcome. A wonderful analogy of the paradox within our Mission. You are correct in making effort towards patience and tolerance, but certainly anger is understood. I would thank you for your input. Well done. I would at this time take my leave. I would remind you to ponder upon your first experience of being born of the Spirit to help in transforming the energy in fear. My love is with you each. Until next week, shalom.