1997-12-06-Working In The Teaching Mission

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Topic: Working in the Teaching Mission

Group: Unknown


Teacher: Tarkas

TR: Unknown



Tarkas: I would encourage all of you to recognize that there is indeed this "element of risk" in your involvement with this Teaching Mission. You are risking much in the way of the assumptions that are held by the world, in terms of your own selves, and your relationships with any other level of created being. We do not take lightly your own personal concerns, or even worries, that you may have regarding your interactions with us, the celestial component of this Teaching Mission. We respectfully recognize that some of you, at times, still hold true anxiety or concern regarding the possible risks you face in opening yourselves to communication with "the unseen world." We do not become casual in our expectations of the price you pay to take your precious time, energy, even monetary and other material resources, and place them in this pool of combined effort and energy we make in this Teaching Mission.

There will be increasing challenges to be faced by all people on this planet in the years to come. There is "a time of trial" approaching on this world. I do not speak these words lightly, and yet, I wish to assure all of you that you are becoming well-prepared to face what lies ahead. You are not left defenseless, or without means to tackle what will be placed in your path. Do you remember the many times the Master, on the one hand, admonished his apostles that they needed to prepare themselves well for their work--that he spoke of events, spiritual issues, in his teachings, and they were being asked to make an immense commitment in their desire to be lead by him? At the same time, he continually comforted them with strong assurance of all the ways in which they were cherished and supported in their efforts for God. They were the beloved followers of the Master, and they were honored by the vast array of beings that watched Jesus as he led his life. Please, in your own efforts to help us, consider that you are watched and cheered on by many levels of celestial agency. You are not left alone in your work, and you are to be commended for any and all efforts you have thus far made in our behalf. And you will be fully supported in all further accomplishments as you progress.

I strive to hit a balance between the sense of necessity and, I would even say, urgency, in asking you to take up these labors with us. You are important in our work! You are valued members of our Mission, and I would, indeed, encourage you to recognize that this valuable work does, indeed, "come at a cost," if you will, in your own lives. But, what a gift to offer to the Father, to Christ Michael, that you are willing to help in this endeavor to save the beloved planet of his bestowal. Please think in these terms when you consider your allegiance and support toward this Mission. This is not, certainly, the only path you can take in any effort to increase the beauty of this world. There are many, many possible choices before you, but, this is, indeed, a powerful component of the planet's redemption. And you are important components in this process. You are within reasonable bounds to think of yourselves as apostles of Christ Michael. This is not an image to be spurned because of false modesty, my dear students. It is not overweening pride on your part to view yourself as one who wishes to work with Christ Michael in this campaign. This is a powerful and appropriate image to hold within your mind and heart, that you are, indeed, joining yourself with the beloved Master of this universe in redeeming a planet of great beauty and remarkable potential in his universe. What more noble and creative effort can there be with the work of your life than this, my dear students? "What did I do with my life? I lived it as one who redeemed my planet." This is an honest and appropriate way in which to analyze the choices that you will be making in the life God allows you on this world.

Student: Thank you, Tarkas.

Student: Thank you for the opportunity.


Tarkas: I am joyous in my own efforts with this campaign and I assure you that "joy" is the operative word in describing the temperament, the emotional response, that all of the Celestial Teachers hold in their combined efforts in this Teaching Mission. We do God's Work with zeal, with a sense of compatriotism, with a sense of conquest, that we are guided to do right by this world, and I, indeed, salute you in my respect that I hold for all of you as my brothers and sisters in this noble effort.