1998-02-15-Status On Urantia
Topic: Status on Urantia
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Elyon, Malvantra, Jessona
TR: Jonathan, Mark Rogers, Mary Rogers
Elyon (Jonathan TR): Greetings, friends. We greatly honor this time of silence which you provide for our communication with you, for this is the very essence of the program that we teach about becoming more familiar, even familial, with the Father. Your group worship is valuable, as valuable as is your private times. You would benefit greatly from increased activity in this way.
I am Elyon.
Light and Life, Growth
Your world is making progress though it is currently in a rather broad transition zone between older approaches to conflict solving and newer methods for reaching harmony. It is a large arena wherein much confusion and much reaction takes place. This transitional phase can seem like your phrase "one step forward, two steps back". But in reality we make three forward and experience one back. This is because of mankind's insecurities and the obvious lack of planetary guidance due to isolation. How might any one of you contribute to making it through this transition is a question I'm sure you all hold. Events of the world are on a scale that do not directly impinge upon your sphere of activity.
Picture, if you will, one of your little games, a board with depressions in it, enclosed in a plastic box filled with many balls. This game's goal is to settle each ball into a depression. As you move them around some dislodge and become mobile. Your goal is to bring them all to rest without unseating another. If we were to view Light and Life as all these balls settled into depressions you could say that Light and Life may end up rather boring, static. What we teach regarding Light and Life is that this constant motion of the many individuals is a dynamic settling wherein it is acceptable that anyone of you be settled into your position for a time while others are in great motion. It is acceptable to unseat yourself and be moving about.
Planet Urantia approaches this motion oftentimes without the understanding that, as you collide with one another, you are actually transferring your energies to each other. You are providing changes in direction for one another. It all can be viewed as positive contributions to the entire system. An habitual pattern exhibited today is that when you collide you conflict. If every civil, religious, economic, familial situation were to be viewed as collisions which contribute to growth rather than conflicts that must at some cost halt the course of another in order that you stay your course, this world would improve. This dynamism of harmony, this eventual age of Light and Life, will be wonderful. I have had opportunities to observe spheres that are stationed in this age, but I assure you, you will still have conflicts. These conflicts are incentives to grow. It is comparable to your experience of consuming food. It is pleasurable but requires energy exertion to do so. This is Light and Life, pleasant but exerting.
Now that I have expressed myself, I am interested in your feedback. I know that my teaching associates have comments to make as well.
Kirk: Elyon, thank you, thank you. I've been waiting four days to hear that.
Elyon: You are welcome, my friend.
Mark: I also find it pertinent to my thinking this past week. In relating us to the whole, I want to share an image of our sphere of influence being a small pond where we generate waves that ripple outward. With enough of us making these waves we would alter the wave patterns by canceling, enhancing , or changing the other waves.
Elyon: I appreciate your input for you have illustrated in another form the similarity of my image regarding cooperation and harmony even in the face of apparent conflicts. You can go about doing good, of overcoming evil with good in your projection of waves from the center of your being. Your image does well to underline the truth that God loves the sinner and hates the sin, for your crest may cancel the trough of negativity, but you have not eliminated the beacon that is pulsating, that is, one of your brothers. When all waves reach harmonic resonance, we will witness Light and Life.
Evelyn: Are the system capitals and other headquarters essentially in Light and Life? Is it just the evolving worlds that aren't?
Elyon: No. I could simply respond by repeating the master's phrase that the first will be last, and the last will be first, for the planets contribute to the settlement of the system. It is an ascending process rather than a descending process where Light and Life is being further revealed down levels. It is in reverse. Does this clarify?
Evelyn: I see ascenders becoming more spirit-like, the way we would be in a Light and Life situation. Descending beings are more nearly perfect to begin with and only gain experience. What would a spirit being lack that would be needed for a Light and Life state?
Elyon: For the entire grand universe to attain Light and Life, as you know, implies that the Supreme attain maximum expression and fulfillment in its growth. This implies active participation from God and His perfect creatures as well as experiential participation from his imperfect children. Light and Life is the infusion of both. It is easy for an ascending creature to confuse the state of Light and Life with the ascending goal of Light and Life. If you are a creature, the goal is to reach perfection, to become spiritually stable, mentally balanced, and physically evolved. But this is only one side of the coin, for Light and Life does entail the infusion of perfection and its functions into this finite realm. To a descending creature Light and Life is attaining the integration of perfection with imperfection and reaching mutual exchange. Since perfect creatures have their state settled, your attainment of Light and Life facilitates their attainment of Light and Life. Light and Life is not brought to a world but emerges from it. So, even if the headquarters spheres were settled spheres, perfect in all respects, Light and Life would not be their condition until the surrounding satellites and evolutionary orbs are thus situated.
Does this clarify?
Evelyn: I think so. Thanks.
Preparation, Progress
Malvantra (Mark): I would engage you today, this is Malvantra. First I would make even more clear to you my commitment to your higher learning, as I would maintain my commitment to the overall mission, for which we are together engaged. As a progress report, I would state that I am thrilled with your willingness to show your dedication to do your homework and your motivation to be about the business of these Melchizedek school teachings.
I come amongst you again today bringing you inspiration to realize that, as you are well aware, there are peaks and troughs to any given individual or group's motivation levels. We witness the beginning of another peak in your collective motivational levels. I would ask that you think of this next peak as a wave you see coming in from the ocean. Any one of you knows that to maximize the ride of surfing on a wave it is necessary to catch the wave. It is necessary to show some preparation, some anticipation of this next forward momentum. I would point out, as you have probably already personally observed, another wave is preparing to crest. It would behoove all of us within this classroom to begin paddling in preparation to ride this wave to derive the maximum benefit of forward momentum. You are familiar enough with these cycles to see plainly when the time is right to maximize the ride. Today I bring this observation to you so that we may all be on the same wavelength and be mindful of all the momentum possibly derived from this wave of energy about to descend upon us. Each one of you has felt stirrings within your being coincident with this next energy wave. Realize, recognize, and utilize this stirring to maximize the benefit. You are at this time engaged in various activities conducive to this end. I say to you, let's all paddle a little harder, a little stronger, and perhaps even in unison so that we may maximize each stroke to its greatest potential.
Jonathan: Thank you. Once the wave crashes, and there is just white water, it feels like you can't swim. Then we are in the sandy grit of life. Even though we perceive undertow to be something dangerous, in a more positive light undertow is like the strong circuits of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit pulling us toward themselves, setting us up for the next wave.
Malvantra: I thank you. I would also point out in this analogy that when the wave has crested and the ride has finished, you are free to choose whether you grab your board and get out to simply enjoy the fruits of your labor for a short time before heading back in to catch the next wave, or whether you're so motivated and invigorated as to immediately turn around and pursue the very next wave. The choice is yours. Often it is helpful to catch your breath, regain composure, remove the sand from your swimsuit, and head out afresh. At other times you are so invigorated by the ride, you want another as quickly as possible, disregarding any resting period.
Melchizedek Schools
As you are beginning to realize in our teachings, a material classroom would be of little consequence to you in these Melchizedek schools, as the lessons we teach are outside the realms of your materialism. Many of the teachings require you to turn away from your materialism, your structures, your preconceived limitations, and turn to the loftier spirit realms. I know some have desired to be physically present in the Melchizedek schools, and I say in this hour you are. The walls of the schools are the parameters you set for yourselves. There are no limits to the degree of higher education available to you within these confines except those which you place yourself.
Once again I send my encouragement and love for you all. I am one who is greatly involved in your progression in these lessons in this movement forward we have chosen to engage in together. I desire as you desire to move forward together, and I look forward to our interactions as nothing but positive and beneficial and fruitful. I say let's be about our paddling.
Evelyn: When you said paddling "in unison", are you just saying we are working on the same project or do you have something particular in mind?
Malvantra: By the "in unison" I do not intend that we think as one mind or even as one project, but that we function cohesively as one classroom, that we come together routinely, regularly, with intent, with purpose, and with direction, as one. Indeed, it is quite beneficial to come together as one in our classroom and then disperse into so many different directions and then to reassemble with the benefit of the experience gained by so many contrasting directions. It is richly rewarding to have both aspects side by side.
Jonathan: I appreciate what you said, that the walls of the classroom are the parameters we set. If we adjust our parameters we can enlarge the classroom. The parameters are also the specific focus. In a math class you don't discuss history. We can intensify the learning in an area. It's up to us what we learn.
Malvantra: Very true. If you think of the analogy of the classroom, the instructor writes on the blackboard on the outer perimeter of the room., literally describing things outside the room on the outer perimeter of the room. So, realize that there are individual parameters, limitations, and there are group parameters. When we assemble together within the confines of this classroom, we do so under our collective, chosen, group parameters. We may then seek to reach beyond those parameters both individually and, as a consequence, collectively. It is important that all individuals address for themselves what their particular parameters may be. When we assemble and have to operate under collective partitions, that we do so . .. of enlarging those parameters. We are being about that business in a satisfactory fashion, although each one of us within the classroom desires to excel beyond one's current level.
Tom: It was mentioned that love is the Supreme manifestation of God in time. I see the gospel as the parameters that we work under. The Master first taught us to love one another. Then when he left he said to love each other as he loved us. What were some of the earlier levels of that, if any? Are there others still to be formed, perhaps in Light and Life, always showing a new face?
Since each Paradise Son reflects the Father, Son , or Spirit to some degree, does the gospel have slight variations in other local universes ?
Could Jessona comment on this since I haven't heard from her in a while.
Jessona (Jonathan): Greetings, creature/teacher, Philip. This is Jessona. The gospel as presented by our Creator Son is not unique to Nebadon. It is a teaching that all of the superuniverses promote. It is the simplest explanation of Supreme unfoldment. When Michael requested that we love our fellows as he loved us, he suggested that we step out of our own orientation long enough to value the orientation of another with the eyes of that other's Creator. The phrasing of the gospel changes depending on the conditions of the planet wherein the truth is taught. Michael's shift in focus in loving another does raise some interesting considerations. Naturally a creature like yourself may be disinclined to equate yourself with Michael in seeking to love another, for how could one apparently so lowly be able to love as Michael does? This approach of loving as Michael loves is an enhancement to your own being as well as a great blessing to the one receiving your love, Michael's love handed through you to another.
Now might I challenge you to reflect on love in this rather engaging way: you all seek to love Michael. Have you tried to love Michael as the Father loves him? The mere entertainment of the idea makes the creature waver with thoughts of inadequacies, but it can likewise instill a sense of great expectation of personality attainment. But this is a difficult effort for incomplete beings. Know full well that your simple efforts to love another as Michael loves him is approaching the love that the Father has for all.
To a non-personality being, one who does not experience the values and relationships that personalities do, their rally call to service would be more along the order of: Stabilize the universes as the Universe Controller does. But the gospel is the best teaching for ascending personalities to grasp, to realize, and to enact in their lives.
I hope this has been helpful.
Melchizedek Schools, Worship
Malvantra (Mark): This is Malvantra back again. I am compelled to make an observation on the statement you made earlier, that we function under the parameters of the gospel. As has been illuminated, the gospel is the simplest statement of Michael's teachings, the barest element. This, of course, has many levels to rise to. I would state that it would and should still remain a lofty goal for each and every one to truly live the parameters of even this gospel, that there is much to be learned and much to be implemented even to assimilate this most basic of teachings. If we ever come to a point of fully living this gospel, then we will have innumerable levels to rise to at that time. We still must fulfill this primary obligation. So, while we have many levels to look forward to, we have not completed this grade yet. I would encourage all to complete all phases of the current exercise in anticipation of the next steps ahead of you.
That is all I have to offer.
Tom: Could you expound on paddling in unison? Does the gospel fit into that?
Malvantra: It has more to do with group motivation, and most certainly the gospel is a vehicle to provide framework for the outworking of that motivation. It speaks to the intent and the purpose with which we conduct these classes more than the actual service projects or physical outworking within your personal lives. It is more the commitment to the activities of the classroom, the meetings, the doing of the homework assignments. If you choose to do any given project as a group, that is all well and good as additional time spent, but I am not specifically steering you toward any particular outside engagement. I am rather speaking of the assembly in unison as a class of one mind to be taught higher teachings. To attempt this together as a group is extremely beneficial, as you are your own best tutors and can, as students, help each other to progress individually and as a group. You may safely assume that I or any other teacher will never intentionally advocate uniformity but will continually advocate unity in your approach, in your working with each other, and in your working with me, us, the teachers in the mission , and in the Melchizedek schools. Does this clarify?
Tom: Yes, it helps.
Jonathan: I'm hearing you say to be cautious, but, reflecting on Elyon's comments on group worship, is this something we can do in unison?
Malvantra: An excellent example of unity and not uniformity in that you collect together of one intention and one mind, but each one of your prayerful attitudes is entirely personal and distinct. However, they all contribute to the exercise of the whole. It is extremely beneficial to have diversity in the mix of group activities to derive the maximum benefit in worship, in service, in prayer. In most all group activities diversity is a valuable characteristic. While you all come to this classroom bringing your own perspectives and your own motivations, the sum total of your collective is far greater because you assemble your motivations and your perspectives in a collective pot from which to make the most enticing stew.
Jonathan: So, it's better to say we worship as a group than we do group worship. The latter implies a formality we conform to. You're indicating we bring our unique qualities to the time of worship together.
Malvantra: Excellent observation. This clarification may help many to understand the value and benefit of your own personal experience and interests. No one would ever suggest that each one in this room has the same interests , the same experience, the same attitude of prayer. It is refreshing and helpful to each throw your contribution into the potluck to make for the widest satisfaction to all. If each of you were exactly the same, the potluck would be but one dish.
unidentified (Mary): I'd like to address the idea of the balls of truth that get batted around in life. I offer the suggestion that if you find yourself on the receiving end of ball that's been tossed to you, and you are having difficulty in life receiving this serve, take this ball and acknowledge your difficulty and ask to receive assistance in rotating this ball so you can receive fresh perspective on it. Actively ask for that assistance. Imagine yourself turning this ball to see another face of it, that you might have a more complete picture of the truth that life is bringing before you.
Difficulties are common, as you know. This suggestion is offered to perhaps help you cope with the more difficult serves so that the game you engage in might be a challenging game and that you might learn a technique to more fully adapt your approach to the difficult challenges. It is, indeed, a fun game when you recognize the ball and you can easily return the service. However, the more growthful times are when the ball is hit back to you in a way that you didn't anticipate. These are the times you likely find yourself stumbling. I suggest that you notice that you are having difficulty and accept this challenging service. Try dealing with it by changing your perspective on it. This change can be aided by your teachers, your Thought Adjuster, your various helpers. Take advantage of this particular set up in the game. Indeed, enjoy the simple volleys as you become familiar with certain truths that now come easy for you to work with and play with. But do expect and learn how to more smoothly cope with the more challenging and difficult volleys ahead.
Thank you.