1998-02-23-Our Mother
Topic: Our Mother
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am Abraham. Greetings it is always a pleasure to be in your company.
Mother Spirit, Relationship
It is your faith and desire to learn that brings me back weekly as your teacher. It is your kindness, love, humor and openness that brings me back as your friend. I am filled with such gladness when I am seeing the bigger picture that Father has put before me. Our mission is growing beyond Teacher/student relationships, to personal relationships. In a friendship, we put away those shields that would guard against anything undesirable. In a real friendship there is more understanding to gain by the trust and love therein.
This moves us to a more enhanced method to learn by... how our trusting friendship broadens those lessons Michael has planned for us. I am able to reveal a little more we are learning to utilize Michael's forgiveness regarding our fellows. Michael's forgiveness is not weakness, or tolerating or even mercy, no. Michael's forgiveness is complete faith and trust in Him who upholds the universes. Michael, having experienced the many bestowals, has a vast amount of experience to which you may draw upon, yes. Michael's bestowals were viewed by many who were able to use this information via the circuits. Urantia having come through the period of isolation, being reinstated into the fold of Nebadon, have available to them the knowledge of Michael's bestowals. In all his experiences with the different orders of life, you here now, have access more so than ever before to the mind and experience of our Creator Son.
Mother, his divine co partner, makes available to you increased knowledge from the experience of the Supreme Being, to have an inner knowing of universal evolution, as well as planetary evolution. She is a wonderful guide to you that would evoke her ministries of how the universe operates. Mother is indeed one of Michael's resources that is available to you. Our lessons have concerned forgiveness, but I would take a moment to reflect upon the relationship of Michael and his co partner the Creative Mother Spirit.
Michael who portrays perfect humility, would not assume to sit on high, and receive glory as one who is in a superior position. Michael is always telling us that he did not become the Creator of the universe through his own doing. There were those upholders that enabled him to take leave of his administrative duties to gain that experience that would deem him ‘the Creator' of the universe. Without the support of our Mother, Michael would not have attempted to go beyond his own limitations. Mother was a support and upholder of all he accomplished.
Our Mother, in knowing Michael, had a deep and abiding affection for him. Not just because he gave her the utmost respect and love, but just from knowing him as a single loving personality. Michael gave equal credit concerning the happenings of the universe. Michael and his closeness with Mother saw no other choice than to give her his supportive affection. The pair was and still are a wonderful ideal in which to strive for regarding your own relationships.
Mother and Michael are such perfect co-ordination because they know of one another's personal closeness, not because of the power each possesses. There is an upholding of one another, not a type of holding back or jealously because of status no. There is a team work that adds to each one's abilities to move and be in the universe. Each one is made better by the support of the other.
It would appear to some that this loving and equal relationship is unlikely, here on a world such as Urantia. I can say to you, it is possible to become close to this measure of mutual devotion, and yet, this is only a possibility.
I can give you a guarantee that this type of relationship is entirely possible with your creative parents. To receive the mutual affection from our two loving and devoted parents is yours for the taking. To receive love just to receive love, based on our personal being and not on what you possess. To receive love in the highest measure just 'because you are' is a guarantee owed to you, bestowed upon you by your divine sources Mother and Michael. To be upheld in your human undertakings by such infinite sources shall indeed make you to rejoice to be upheld, not hold back. To have liberty and spiritual creativity is a gift to you.
We are moving into a new and expanded level in our teachings. This will require more hands on experience, which does bring about some discomfort and yet, I cannot describe the extraordinary results that will be produced. I would ask that we keep question time limited for you to discuss these words. Questions?
Teaching Mission
RACHEL: Father Abraham, Saturday is our 7th anniversary of the Teaching Mission/Correcting Time mission. Of those first four participants that first meeting, two are still active. How many spiritual beings were there on that occasion. Also, Rebecca says you were there to help train her mind. Any words about this event?
ABRAHAM: My understanding is that this mission training was in the making for some years. Before you started there were various spiritual helpers consulting with mortals to bring about a mass correction. The years that were invested had brought us to that night of contact, which was the first of many dominoes to fall, that would connect a human network with us on the unseen side. What great strides we had made and yet, our experience was not always pleasant. Our ‘Correcting Time' was not a time of ease, and yet it was not as difficult as some had thought it would be. I am certainly grateful for your participation my daughter Rachel. Your efforts were likened to those of our Creative Mother, the one who upholds and enables us to progress. Does this answer? (Yes and thank you Father Abraham.)
Cults, Urantia Book
CALVIN: David from Tulsa (that's because I still can't remember how to say his last name) asked if you would comment on the story to be aired on DATELINE tomorrow night. His questions in specific... Is Tony communicating with "Gabriel," and.... Is Sedona, Arizona the spiritual planetary headquarters for Urantia? Also Abraham, I ask for your understanding on this program, how it will affect the Urantia Book's credibility by the thousands of viewers that will watch this report? (from memory, I don't write my questions, but I do his answers)
ABRAHAM: It is my information that the Urantia Book will not be cast in a negative light and viewers will understand this story to be another common occurrence. I am told this area is not the spiritual center of Urantia and does not receive any more assistance than any other participants in the Teaching Mission. There was real spiritual potential in this area and with regards to that, there is bound to be those who crave personal glory and attention. This story will not be taken seriously by most of the viewing public, but will indeed cause individuals to turn inward for their own bells of truth. That is all.
I would ask that you discuss the divine relationship between Michael and our Mother during the week. Take time to study their parental aspects towards you and be observant concerning our new level of learning that is taking place. My love is with you each. Until next week, shalom.