1998-07-17-Nashville Conference, Discovering The Glory In Life
Topic: Discovering the Glory in Life
Group: Nashville TeaM Conference
Teacher: Tarkas
TR: Susan Kimsey
Tarkas: Greetings, my children. One of my compatriots, my students, J, has spoken for Nero. Therefore, I will utilize S’s body and mind, now. I am the Teacher, Tarkas, and I am most gratified to be here with all of you, in this excellent conference you have created for yourselves. I am most pleased to see the progress among you as a group. You have put forth the effort, and see the results. This is the way the world works. Nothing to be gained, unless effort is put forth. There is a --glorious design-- in this, my children. The Father knows well what he creates, and this is a very purposeful evolution that you now explore and discover in your days on this planet.
I wish to speak of the concept of discovery. In discovery we seek the adventure, the tantalizing prospect that there is something out there to be found which will benefit us. (Smiling) We do not seek to discover the worthless. We seek to discover the valuable, and this valuable treasure that you can find in discovering your life’s purpose, is that you are, indeed, a Child of God, able to be glorified in each moment you move through your life. Consider this. How often do you say to yourself as you move through your day, What can I discover now that may, indeed, glorify me? I question whether this is a normal mindset, even among rigorous students, such as yourselves. I would say to you, though, that this will be a perspective encouraged in you once you pass on. Therefore, why not adopt it now? Is it not the case that when you decide you are college bound, you get much more serious about the studies before you, that are still, perhaps, at a very elementary level? You are students who wish to advance, and in that regard, I would say, Let’s get on with it, then.
Where is the glory in this? Where is the glory to be discovered in those of my dear brothers and sisters with whom I will interact? Where is the glory in my marriage? Where is the glory in this precious child that I have been gifted with in this life? Where is the glory in the work I do each day? Where is the glory in my garden, in the view from the windows of my home, in my daily walk that I take with my dog around the block? Where is the glory in the relationship I hold with my neighbor? Where is the glory in the service I do within my own community? Where is the glory in the efforts I make to advance the programs of my church? Where is the glory in life, my students? This is an important part of your regimen of study.
I am a Teacher who hails from a planet of Light and Life. And I would say to you that finding the glory present in each moment of your life is indeed a mindset that we are encouraged to understand from the moment we become, I would say, truly conscious of ourselves, on the planet on which I lived. (Smiling) So why not adopt it for Urantia? There is glory here. There is always glory in life to be discovered. Once you make this discovery for yourselves, what next? Pass it on. Pass it on with honor, with integrity, with respect for the perception that you hold, with a humble gratefulness in your heart that you have been empowered through the guidance and blessings of your Thought Adjuster to perceive such preciousness in your life. Help others to see the glory in their lives. To those you love, let them know the ways in which you see glory between yourself and this person. Speak to your wife. Speak to your husband. Let them know the ways in which you find them glorious. Let those precious children of yours hear this from your lips, often, well, in detail. Say to your neighbor, as you turn and greet him on his porch, Al, isn’t this a glorious day? Look at that sky. Listen to those birds. My God, Al, aren’t we lucky to be alive? (Group laughter) (Smiling) Let Al ponder this, with your help. Perhaps, he may wish to talk about it a bit, and you’ve broached the subject. (Group laughter)
In each possible way that you approach your life with this sense of discovering the glorious, you, my children, will be providing a most potent, powerful and glorifying impulse to the planet. This type of example, of a way to live life, holds a most forceful impression. And, I hope that you will see all the ways in which your attitude of discovery of the glorious can indeed be the zest for your life, and for those who hear your words, see the way in which you go about your day. If you take my words, take my advice, and apply it in your life, mark my words, when you reach the Mansion Levels, you will say to yourselves... joking:
“That Tarkas, he was some Teacher! I remember him. He was one of my instructors, and he surely did a good job. “ (Group laughter) And believe me, my children, I will be most satisfied that I have indeed fulfilled my role of helping you to understand all the ways in which you can magnify yourself, and savor life for the remarkable experience that it truly can be.
Thank you so much for allowing this opportunity for us to be together. If you had not made the effort to come to this conference, I would not have had the opportunity that I have now had, and carry with me in my heart, of being able to connect with each and every one of you in this room. My greetings, my blessings, my encouragement to you, my students. Namaste.
Hi everyone. This is one of my most favorite Tarkas transmissions. Since I am celebrating being alive, I thought it was an appropriate transcript to share. :-) This is the first time I've posted it, because I just finished transcribing it. This was a large group session at the Nashville Conference. Love, Susan]