1998-08-17-What the Teacher Provides

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Topic: What the Teacher Provides

Group: Spokane TeaM


Teacher: Aaron

TR: Unknown



(Aaron is the speaker. Beginning was lost due to malfunction in the operation of equipment. I insert the first remarks of Rick here, so as to inform the reader of the content.)

Rick: Hi Aaron. I realized partway through your address here that I hadn't turned the machine on all the way, so for the sake of recapturing your opening statements:

I understood that you said,— that the teachers can provide words, however, in everyone who attends this meeting, (Michael's birthday gathering.) and I assume in every day life, that range from those who are all for this process, to those who are against it, it truly lies in how we are as people, how we behave, how we live, that helps to witness to them the validity or the reality of this experience.

  • Now begins the recorded part

Aaron: . ..And it is important for you to know in yourselves, and this goes for each and every one within Elyon's realm of understanding and mine, that you can do this. You know the values that the Master taught and lived. As you reach out and share those in a living manner upon those who are your friends and acquaintances, then you will serve and you will realize the beginnings of your service.

I thank you for the opportunities that offer me this time and I speak for others as well. I would share my heartfelt appreciation of your efforts towards organization and towards discovery of new paths and potentials.

In your action and your development on the giving level, then you keep the values we offer from becoming stagnant and crystal. As you give, then you give us as well, and we take great satisfaction in knowing that we have succeeded in a large way even beyond your conception at this time.

So go out and share yourselves, your experiences, and listen, for what will come to you from your friends. This will do much for the networking that will branch this effort. I would accept questions at this time.

R: Hi Aaron. I realized partway through your address here that I hadn't turned the machine on all the way, so for the sake of recapturing your opening statements:

I understood that you said that the teachers can provide words, however, in everyone who attends this meeting and I assume in every day life, that range from those who are all for this process, to those who are against it, it truly lies in how we are as people, how we behave, how we live, that helps to witness to them the validity or the reality of this experience. Did I understand this correctly?

Aaron: You understood very well friend, and it saves me much in reiterating myself. Thank you.

R: Thank you, and thanks to whoever said, "What about the pause button?" (Laughs)

A: Is there any special understanding or any special mission that you hope we three as a group will obtain from this weekend? (Note: Michael's birthday celebration.)

Aaron: As a group I would hope so, for you are three individuals that I care very deeply about. I would include E., and include as well, your friends from Coeur D'Alene and those that would come to the gathering. But as you ask, you direct it to three.

I would let you know that your combination is not entirely of chance, and though each connect with different areas of this mission in different ways and manners, that you truly as individuals have that service motivation, that organizational possibility, that want for development of this outreach in a more complete way so as to affect the entirety.

This weekend you will spend much time in developing connections, in opening yourselves to Michael's presence and His love. It will exude this affair. You will spend time in prayer and offer forth in thanks for all that is given you at this occasion.

Your togetherness will be seen on the levels of the combined personalities from both Coeur D'Alene and Spokane.

So you have possibility together, but in this effort, this outreach, your service is to be seen by others in your action, and you only define your levels of connection by the ways that you portray a common understanding in the Master.

Does this answer you?

A: Thank you, yes

Aaron: Thank you for your question.

R: I would like to say Aaron, that I feel as you do about those of us here that are working towards a Spokane effort, and helping to anchor the light, and I would just like to say that I am dedicated to that cause to work with A. and B. and anyone else, to make this area more active in fulfilling Michael's purposes here.

Aaron: And your dedication is noted. Your efforts make us exceedingly happy, for you spend much time in your development and for the development of others.

You can see now and know that this group here is only separated by the distinction of distance. Truly, Elyon's presence in this effort goes beyond one town, to a surrounding community, and as groups would go, this would include many that are forming as the time passes. Your efforts towards bringing this together will make for an assurance of purpose among those who will be coming.

(Pause)* Aaron: The time is drawing on for the expansion in these numbers, and I say now that when someone comes and speaks of occurrences such as these in any form or manner, then I would prevail upon you individually and as a whole, to include the efforts of this mission in their knowledge. It is by much proportional effort on our side that sometimes brings these personalities forward to you, and it is much for your benefit to not withhold too much information, unless of course the feeling is there of negativity.

Normally I would say this is not an admonishment, but tonight I would say it is an admonishment of direction, but not towards personal growth. Is this clear?

R: Yes it is, and you call to mind Elyon's admonition to my wife and I the other night, in pointing out we were tested. Though he didn't use these words, we felt like we had failed. So I hear you loud and clear when you say be bold, and let those who know or appear to be willing to embrace the concepts of this mission, to go ahead and let them know.

Aaron: Thank you for your understanding and it is much for my effort and much for your effort in sharing these possibilities. Would there be any more questions this evening?

A: Yes. Are you allowed at this time to share with me what my spiritual name is?

Aaron: To bring this to you would be no... To deliver this would be no effort upon myself, but to understand for yourself with an assurance, it is best to come to this understanding personally.

At this present time I would not prefer to draw B's clarity worries to the forefront, for the time being is much for us to try to push him beyond this.

In the beginning, as this mission outreach began there was much in offering forth the spiritual name, but as time went by, it was realized that this effort was much for some transceivers??? (transmitter/receivers) to push forward. In some cases, they can hear names very clearly, but in others the relation of names, numbers, and specific pointed facts were more for frustration to their efforts.

In your coming to your own awareness, both with your guide or with your connection with your Indwelling spirit, then you can understand the relationship of your spirit name to yourself with an assurance beyond an offering. Does this answer you?

A: Yes, I understand.

Aaron: I send you this message tonight of your service capabilities in pressing forth upon our mission purpose. I realize your continuing efforts to grow upon the foundations that are being set. In the time that will come, much of the uncertainties and fears and doubts that are prevalent now will be relaxing and this easement will provide the opportunities to step into another phase of growth for your development and your outreach.

It is known by us that you do have a purpose for being with each other. This goes for many of the groups that are formed and forming. Your understanding and the evolving of this purpose is dependent upon the steps you take now. We see a hazy outline that can only come into view when you step forward to the paths you would choose now.

I want you as friends to realize this, that your growth is not something to fear, that you will not have to deliver a sacrifice such as the Master endured in His lifetime. Your only bruising will come, or can come to your egos and in your views of reputation.

An old saying from children on your world comes to mind about sticks and stones breaking bones (Laughs), but you know that names and insults will never give you any spiritual harm.


Take this into yourselves and know that in your reaching you will certainly gain a level of respect beyond any that you perceive you have now. Goodnight.