1998-08-22-Love In The Works
Topic: Love in the Works
Group: At Large
Teacher: Michael
TR: Steve
Living Father, source and destination of my being, I sing to you with the breath of life flowing from the innermost dwelling place of the Most High. You and the developing being that I slowly become over the aeon of time, converse freely in this sacred space in my life. You are the loving measure that is poured out upon me in an endless flow of mercy, that I may learn to become my most compassionate self. As I watch your patience, and your love, and your compassion, and your understanding with me, and the decisions I make in my mortal life, it gives me strength and direction to become the fully human and fully divine being that you have destined me to become. As You see me in the perfection that I will become, help me to see others as a reflection of the imperfection of the life I currently live. As I fall short of You and experience the love of forgiveness, let me forgive those who fail to live up to my limiting expectations of them. You are the alpha and the omega. You circle my being with living waters of eternal love.
Response: Living son destined and ordained for service among the stars of eternity. Do not be alarmed at your seeming lack of progress. It is the same among all the children of time. A period of relaxation is interspersed between periods of tension. Growth spurts are leavened with slow assimilation of the lessons we learn. You are where you need to be. Spend time in stillness each day, it is the time in which I can contact you and teach you. In this time of quickening energies you must ride the whirlwind of change and adapt to the expansion of love and joy, or you must fearfully withdraw from the expansion of self caused by the shifting energies as the circuits reopen. You will all see those who will withdraw. They will close you out as their personal fears of the future closes their vision to the possibilities of expanded living. Others will blossom into new creatures with expanded sense of love in the soul of their being. These new ones will direct the energies and circuits that are flooding the world. So be at peace. Love each other. Concentrate each day on the true realities while you peacefully go about making a material living to support your material bodies. These little strides each day make the difference. My peace I leave with you.