1999-01-03-Spiritual Magnetism
Topic: Spiritual Magnetism
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Elyon, Evanson, Jessona
TR: Mark Rogers, Jonathan
Elyon (Mark TR): I greet you once again. This is your friend in service, Elyon. I would return a volley to you today and put back in play one of your creative suggestions. I would offer you this image:
Magnetism, Attunement
You are aware of the chemical and physical properties of a magnet. You have been told that the individual molecules in a magnet have aligned themselves with each other and that this unification of alignment causes the overall material to become unified in its magnetism. When this is applied to the image of a compass and the magnet is the pointer, it will unfailingly seek the direction of its orientation. This has been an observable phenomenon for quite some time on your world and taken for granted that this will remain accurate and true. It has proven itself throughout time to consistently choose the correct direction. I would now enlarge the image to include each of you and all your individual molecules. Every decision you make to approach the will of the Father causes your own individual particles to align themselves consistently and together. When enough of your individual molecules have aligned themselves in this fashion, your direction is like that of the compass, straight and true and accurate.
You have each been magnetizing yourselves throughout this lesson period, have been consciously aligning separate aspects so as to work in cooperation with each other. You have consciously proceeded with this objective as well as unconsciously. The net result is that you have become charged and much as the compass, if passed around an object of interference, the needle of a compass may waver slightly in one direction or another, but when the object or impediment is removed the needle steadies itself and accurately points in the correct direction. You may liken yourselves to the needle of this compass. You have no real options in your future existence other than to point in the direction of truth, in the direction of the Father. You may and will waver slightly as you encounter various obstacles, various charges around you, but when unobstructed you will most clearly point the way. Realizing this tendency of your soul to point towards the Father, you need not fear when these episodes of wavering slightly occur. Though at any instant of time your needle may be slightly to one side or the other of true, it is an insignificant difference, and you will return to center as your experience enlarges.
The work that you do in these groups and individually, personally, is a constant process of aligning your parts so that the whole[1] is in alignment and ever pointing in the direction of the Father. In this way you constantly magnetize yourself and ever become stronger in your ability to pick out the right direction. This act of alignment is the desire of your Thought Adjusters who are ever attempting to draw you toward their home which is your home. When you agree with their leadings, your needles are straight and true. When you encounter difficulties and are off balance, your indicators may waver. But rest assured that a sufficient degree of alignment has occurred within each of you to trust in your indicators as you trust in your mechanical compasses.
I always appreciate your efforts to bring forward ideas and topics of discussion. Your suggestions are oftentimes utilized in our lesson plans, and they give us great enthusiasm for upcoming topics of discussion. I would withdraw to allow for others or for comments or suggestions of other topics.
Mary: I was visualizing the magnetic pull of Urantia in the universe. Are Descending Sons more pulled by the darkness, by the spark of light which is in each of us? I was imagining the planet reaching Light and Life when our magnet is connected to the universe magnet. Descending Sons come to us when our light is small; we may be more attractive to them when our light is dimmest. Maybe magnetism works the opposite for Descending Sons than for ascending sons.
Elyon: You have deduced correctly in that the attraction is the greatest when the need is the greatest for this order, that a state of Light and Life and great accomplishment offers little in the way of challenge and service, and far greater service and challenge are required on a world further away from this state. This is a great attraction and has its own magnetic charge, if you will, for a variety of orders of beings who thrive on these service opportunities and therefore would flock to accommodate these conditions more readily than a planet accomplished in its stages of Light and Life.
On your world you are used to but one magnetic field in which your instruments indicate but one direction. Outside the influence of your magnetic and gravitational fields, there are numerous forces to attract, to draw universe personalities in various directions, but in the entire scheme of all reality there is one universal pull more encompassing than all the others and that is the abode and will and desire of the Father. Other universes and other worlds have their own fields which register differently, and other personalities have their own interests which seek out their own drawing forces, but all are under the umbrella of the master force of the Father.
Jonathan: As you head north with compass in hand, what is it like to stand right over the pole? Does the needle spin around? I see how Paradise is that north pole. The far stretches of the universe are the south pole; I think of the Supreme. The Paradise gravity circuits, the mind gravity circuits, the personality gravity circuits[2] could all be woven in, the drawing power of the Father, the Infinite I AM. The omnipresence of God is like standing at the north pole.
Elyon: I appreciate your imagery and your return of the volley. It is indeed a many layered image to think of the many circuits involved even here on your own world, the most obvious being the magnetic pole of your compass. But you are correct that the omnipresence of the Father and the direction of your pursuit provide you with an image of all encompassment. These are fun to theorize and appropriate to visualize in that they provide you with some idea of forces which are intangible to your physical being and yet very real. It is your purpose to not only accept these forces as real but to then seek to manipulate and align your being so as to maximize effectiveness of these circuits on your being.
Would there be any other volleys today?
Jonathan: The downside of magnetism is that you don't want your tape heads to get magnetized. Along the lines of purification, healing, renewal, we may in our finite ways wrongly magnetize ourselves and stillness practice would demagnetize us so we can be re-magnetized with the Father's presence.
Elyon: This speaks to the statement just presented of manipulating yourself so as to align and receive maximum benefit from these fields. If you speak in terms of appropriate magnetism, then you must also accommodate inappropriate magnetism.
Your example of stillness to demagnetize this scattered and random energy field is an excellent choice. There builds up a static force from your existence as mortal creatures on this world. This is, as mentioned before, an impediment, an obstacle, at times to your indicator. The most effective way to manipulate this field in your favor is to discharge it appropriately so that the remaining particles that are you are then aligned in unison.
Does this make sense?
Jonathan: Yes, it does. The wear and tear of self-importance is that charge of static magnetism. Time with the Father will cleanse that erroneous charge. Then you become truly important in the eyes of the Father.
Elyon: Well said and it is true that this erroneous charge has a detrimental effect on the instrument that you are. It causes your indicator to waver by means of interference, and therefore, the image of discharging unwanted magnetism is a good one, and may be helpful to you as another reason to validate the practice of stillness in your lives.
Mary: As magnetism relates to motive, in ministry when we seek to spread the gospel, people will be attracted to the attributes of God that we show. He is the true magnet pulling people to the truth. We should not be distracted by thinking it is us that they are attracted to. Our motive is to align ourselves to the magnetism of God's will.
Elyon: Very well stated. I would only embellish slightly by referring back to our image of your individual indicators and how they are effected by your positive charge for the Father and also effected by the errant and negative charges of your material life. Those around you may be experiencing greater degrees of this errant energy causing their indicators to waver back and forth, unable to be still in their direction. When you act as a conduit for the Father's magnetism, you in your partnership have the effect of calming the needle, of stilling the indicator even if for a brief moment. The magnetism of the Father is so great that when shown to those around through your willingness, it has a drawing effect so powerful as to, even if only momentarily, calm this wavering indicator. They will not understand that this is what has happened; they will simply be attracted to it. If it is your intentional purpose to provide this pull, they will undoubtedly align themselves with it if only subconsciously. That is the great attractive force we speak of when we ask you to go out and touch your brothers and sisters, not so much with your lessons, with your words, as much as with your conduit of magnetism for the Father.
Jonathan: Considering descending and ascending sons, we know opposite poles attract. Those who come from Paradise are attracted to us. Our magnetism in ministry adds to the idea of teaching those just behind you and learning from those just ahead. In The Urantia Book they say the power centers or physical controllers can divert the powerful Norlatiadek currents, even the ability of midwayers to make things visible, all these instances of personality placement come to mind.
Elyon: Thank you. That is what the game is all about, the sharing. If you can view a random, scattered image before you, say a mass of humanity, of people, each one with their own individual purpose and their own drive, then picture this same image, this same number of human beings, all arranged together, all pulling on one long rope. You now see that alignment and purpose has everything to do with the difference in these pictures. In one picture it is scattered; it is unproductive. In the next image it is focused, concentrated, and the power is enormous. In both pictures the same number of individuals is present, and yet it is not until alignment and focus occur that the great power then occurs.
Jonathan: In The Urantia Book it says that, while preparing for worship on Paradise, sometimes the whole Isle is engulfed in spontaneous worship.(27:7.7) It sounds like the alignment is so strong, why prepare?!
Elyon: This speaks to the ability to recognize and utilize these fields of alignment which exist as reality around you and above you. As you transcend your levels of reality you find it easier and easier to align yourselves because, not only have you honed your own individual alignment, but the fields that surround you are more evident and are stronger still. Therefore your individual indicators are routinely locked in the same direction.
Evanson (Jonathan): I greet you also today; this is Evanson, and I would like to present an idea and that is a different perspective on temporal life and eternal life. We of human origin often tend to think of temporal life as that finite duration between birth and death and eternal life as the on-going living of the after death experience. In the morontia state it is taught that the most important element to any life is your connectedness to the Father, that really temporal living is the intermittent connection between the Father's presence within you and your breaking from that. Once you fuse you are eternally connected with the Father, and like your lesson on magnetism, if you see yourself as a bee-bee and you touch your Thought Adjuster and fuse, you have connected with the magnet that at the other end is the Father, Himself, but nonetheless, you are eternally connected to the Father though you have yet a long paradise journey.[3] This everlasting connection is your goal until then you will wrestle with the temporary fluctuations. This is the temporal life where you are here and only now faced with the struggle to experience the presence of God continually. I assure you it will get easier. The eternal life is that accomplishment.
This is all I have to share. Thank you.
Tom: Could Jessona speak on alignment as regards healing?
Jessona: Much has been made on your world of the value of the laying on of hands[[4], of touch, in healing. Though your own insight would reveal to you that it is a spiritual phenomenon, the directing of divine healing toward another, that it can take place without your physical presence, the touch itself is a concrete demonstration of your inner faith and your acknowledgment of connectedness between the messengers of healing ministry and those in need of receiving this power.
I am one who directs a branch of the reserve corps. We seraphim function as if one pole of the magnetic circuitry of which the reservists of this world are the other. This creates an alignment of its own nature. Thus every field of focus that we are assigned to has this magnetic alignment. You here in this Teaching Mission program are experiencing a communication alignment, and it is in function similar to the healing alignment.
Michael said that if you be lifted up he will draw all to himself[5]. When experiencing the power of divine healing through your being, understand there are two aspects. There is the inflow of the healing power, and there is the drawing out of the absence that is the disease, be it physical or a mental aberration. Sometimes to be an effective conduit you must be an attractive force, a drawing force, rather than a projecting force. This is actually a natural occurrence, one you need not concern yourself with switching one direction or another, but simply maintaining that spiritual receptivity will allow the celestial forces to choose the direction that is beneficial.
This is Jessona, and I thank you for requesting my comments.
Tom: Thank you.