1999-01-31-Many Assignments Father Sets Before Us
Topic: Many Assignments Father Sets Before Us
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. What a joy it is for me to be among you as your friend. I am entirely grateful for my mission work with you. I believe our group personality commonalties are what makes us remain steadfast.
As you discover who you really are and your talents reveal themselves, do you find yourself with mission assignments. Understanding the various personalities you chance to meet - is it so much easier to serve without worry of being ridiculed, embarrassed or cast out.
Those individuals who find themselves with particular mission assignments or callings sometimes magnify the importance of it or completely rearrange their lives to serve. Some believe self-sacrifice is necessary in order to answer their mission calling. One who is spirit-led and with desire to serve can find that their assignments are more of a ministering unto their souls rather than them being imposed upon.
The apostles of long ago took their callings quite seriously -- and well they should have. Though their much expected fanfare did not occur they indeed arranged their lives in order to serve with the Master. The Master's ministry was not long or particularly common for self-sacrifice, and yet, the apostles of that day made plain for all to see, how they had given up certain things in order to serve.
There are many assignments Father sets before us. Need for life rearrangement is not always called for. He asks you not to sacrifice anything except for maybe the desire for self-aggrandizement, the desire for glory for service. A pure and true mission calling will most of the time be spontaneous and done without a lot of thought.
These callings could very well be as long as a couple of years or as short as an hour. Life rearrangement is not always necessary in order to answer your callings. Father asks us not to save all the lost souls of the world, but perhaps just maintain positivity within our own environments -- to be a beacon to those around us.
How can one minister to a fellow who is homeless when at their own home, their children are neglected. Is service that is visual to the world more important than the service done in private for the Father's glory?
Mary Magdalene -- who was perhaps looked upon as belonging to life's under-belly, her experience in living had disaccredited her integrity. She appeared to be an individual who could not find light in her dark world, yet, thanks to the Master's ministries, she was made to find hope and encouragement. She could find the value in all that happened to her in mortal living. She could find value in the mistakes she had made. What a wonderful teacher this made her to be. What a complete joy it was for her to come up from such depths of darkness to be a revealer of Light! She cared not to be accredited with any praise or glory, for she know all her gifts were unified and well used by the Father.
In the days of old, women dared not to go forth and freely minister to individuals on spiritual matters. They could be found however, caring for the sick. You who have cared for the sick understand the darkness of it. You understand the realness of mortal living -- the things that would make ordinary men turn away from, and yet, Mary found she was quite gifted with the strength to help the sick physically and minister unto them with love and a softness. Her harsh living had endowed her with a strong sense of compassion and an understanding of the real world.
Mary would minister to those who were not considered to be worthy of help. Women of that era could be found doing particular jobs that could possibly not gain favor in the eyes of men, and still, these callings were as important as those who attended to the masses -- those who stood up on pulpits -- preaching words of comfort.
Mary and her fellow women were suited for particular jobs that their life experience had trained them for. The apostles were well trained by the Master to perform the ministries that they did. Do you see, whether you are ministering to one fellow or a hundred, your life experience had well trained you for the purpose? Those who would seek some form of credit would find their callings to be confusing and without open doors. Mission callings, for the most part, are temporary and changing as is your experience and training.
This week I ask that you ponder upon the service technique of Mary Magdalene. Understand who she was and what she became. Be aware of those small mission assignments throughout the week. Note their spontaneity. Note their ease of performing when you are truly spirit-led. That is all.
My love grows each time we meet and I will look for you throughout the week. My love is with you. Until next week, Shalom.