1999-02-01-Scribbles from Lytske
Topic: Scribbles from Lytske
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Unknown
TR: Lytske
You had better write down some words, child, in order to retain your focus. You know how that is, practice, practice, and practice. The truly most wonderful thing to keep in mind is the holy instant in your present-centered awareness. To be in touch with the All That Is, is the joy of life; that incredible journey in the flesh in human form, during which one can get glimpses into forever, which is formed of holy instances.
The present-centered awareness is where all the action truly happens; the intent, the focusing, the timelessness of everything. Build on the worthwhile things in life. Do not waste precious energy by dwelling on the past. Develop a greater consciousness around how you think, why you think, and why you think whatever it is you think.
It all takes energy. Build the super-highway of concentration in your mind. Then take notice of the words you speak. Become mindful of what you say, and how you say it; words to eliminate, and anything that causes negativity and regression in respect to past events.
The only Holy Instant there is, is always in the present. Experience the present with a deep joy, and life automatically becomes more joyful. You know that this joy does not come from material things, from worldly things. No, true the joy bubbles up from a place so deep within. You could call it your sanctuary, which is overflowing with thankfulness towards the Creator of all that is.
This is the remembering of the soul to its Connection; the Source of all oneness. Dwell upon these words; precious moments spent with the Eternal Eternity -- the Source of all Joy, Pure Love, Pure Consciousness. They are moments such as these that nourish the human soul -- that precious eternal part of you that opens your mouth in a willingness to sing songs of joy and thankfulness to the Great Source and Center.
Saturate yourself with these loving memories, and let it all sink into your cellular memory. Each and every soul is precious. Feed and water each and everyone from the deep well within. Your own thankfulness and joyfulness will keep the well replenished.
Lytske’s more recent work, contemplation of which allows one to come into closer contact with the Spiritual World, can be found here: https://www.1111angels.com/TheLight.html