1999-02-19-Scribbles from Lytske
Topic: Scribbles from Lytske
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Unknown
TR: Lytske
Take just one step at a time. It is a slow process, this intent to focus and for the mind to be still, in order for the Mystery Monitor, the God-Spark within, to commune with you. They will not be audible words, but you will know when it happens by the overwhelming Love flooding your being -- the unmistakable feeling of being watched over, nurtured and protected. You will feel the infinite surety that all is well; the peace, which passes all understanding. All this and more is growing in you.
We know how difficult it is to put pen to paper, and for you to express what you hear in the present moment, how you are feeling, and what you are feeling. This incredible peace you feel, and yet the longing to have this peace become a part of you, to carry with you in the hustle and bustle of daily life; to keep you on an even keel, emotionally, mentally and above all, spiritually.
This peace is nourishment for the soul; the lightness it brings whenever you are in need of mental/emotional stability. Think of this peace and it will be there for you to help you to Be. That peace will energize you, encourage you, and remind you of the Source of all things.
Feel the energy coursing through your system. Where does it come from, and where does it go? You feel it and begin to know about it. You are beginning to use it, and now you want to know more about it. How can you apply something that is totally free to the greatest benefit of yourself and others? There is no need yet to think about others. It is you, yourself, willing to delve into the mysteries of this invisible life-force.
You are an infant waking up, in wonderment about how it is that in your eagerness to help others you feel the flow of this mystery coursing through yourself; this force, willing to be directed or not directed by the human mind.
Ask this Energy to purify, to clarify, to stabilize your heart, soul and mind, for it is the First Source and Center that empowers it. This mighty Life Stream, flowing on and on, is doing the will of God. Flow freely with it, child, for it is yours for the taking.