Topic: Obsession
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. How was your week of learning about inner beauty and it's effect on your immediate surroundings? Yes, this lesson is ongoing and takes time to learn. I wish to say a few words on obsession .
Obsession is that overpowering yearning to possess something. It may be a material yearning to possess. It may be a person you wish to keep control over. It may be a spiritual level you have yet to attain. The feeling of obsession leaves you feeling as though you are controlled by the thing you obsess over. This negative feeling is not quite healthy. I would tell you first to relax, let not this item you obsess over rob you of your energy. It is a difficult thing to release a specific yearning to Father, but I tell you, you must make your best effort to try.
I must say, all obsessions are not negative, some come in forms of creativity. Some driven emotions that overwhelm you are possibly a message from Father. Many mortals who are in this Correcting Time feel so driven to do good and that complies with Father's will. I must say, when your expectations to do goodness are too high, many times they can not be accomplished and leaves you with a discouraged frame of mind.
I know that you have been taught that balance is a valuable personality trait to possess and I agree. I would also add that it is acceptable to act upon your driven desires if you perhaps foresee a positive outcome. And I would also say, your obsessive feelings are not iniquitous, they are perfectly human.
There is so much rapid living in this world, there is not enough time set aside for the pondering of the self, who you really are, what makes you the way you are, where does an obsession stem from. It only takes a few moments to honestly look within and intellectually discover what it is that drives you. I know that the words, `turn it over to the Father,' are easier said than done.
So I would also suggest daily writing would be most beneficial in your understanding of who you really are and what motivates you to pursue the path you have chosen. I am aware that too much of a any one thing is not helpful in your quest for spiritual enlightenment. I would include that study of spirituality - religion, too much in this area leaves your cup overflowing and causes confusion.
I can remember a time when I had first grasped the one-God concept and discovering His, the Father's, the true, truly loving nature, and I tell you, I could not learn fast enough. I had this overwhelming desire to take in all I could. Over time that balanced out and I learned that the spiritual, the intellectual and the social, all interconnect to provide a balanced life.
In your attempts to release negative things that have hold of you, resist them not. Take time to reflect and search your mind for this inner yearning. I would remind you to try to relax, feel not anxiety ridden, because the child that truly desires answers will receive them honestly. Some questions?
P.: I have one I guess. The Urantia Book says, "Since this inner life of man is truly creative there rest upon each person the responsibility of choosing as to whether this creativity shall be spontaneous and wholly haphazard or controlled, directed and constructive." I am sure that means creativity in the broad sense, but is it also true of creativity in the specific sense, such as painting or writing or drawing or whatever? If it is true in the specific, how do we tap into this inner creativity and control it and direct it in a specific means, such as writing or whatever, for something constructive?
ABRAHAM: Yes, this is a excellent question. Creativity, comes like waves on the ocean. At some times there will be desires to be creative and this is an excellent time to do so. At other times there appears to be no waves of creativity. This is not the mortal's fault. This is just a natural occurrence. To become more connected with creativity you may have to trust more in your intuitions, for it is in that mind frame that the circuit transfers creativeness. I would say this is not difficult and creativity may not always be artistic. It may also be an attitude in which you live your daily life. I would recommend the best time for creativity is when you feel the first wave. Does this help? (Yes. Thank you.)
If there are no more questions, I would ask you, let not anxiety stand in your way. You have eternity, try not to rush through it. Shalom.