1999-04-04-Commencing The Father's Business
Topic: Introducing Gorman
Group: Butler TeaM
Teacher: Tomas, Abraham, Gorman
TR: Gerdean
TOMAS: Greetings, children and co-workers. I am Tomas. Good evening. I will not be the one to deliver the message today. Your friend and mine, Gorman, is here; he has been long awaiting an opportunity and it seems the time is auspicious for you to begin your developing camaraderie with Gorman, who will help you in your group effort and/or group efforts. Abraham has asked to come and say hello before Gorman takes the podium, thus we have a rather full agenda for such an impromptu gathering, but you see, we lay in wait, and when we see your lights clearly shining, we pounce.
ABRAHAM: I have rarely voiced my presence with you, but I have of a surety been aware of your efforts, your most stimulating community and the good work having come from this area. It is our pleasure to observe how the various units begin to develop, the units that comprise the troops. Your unit here is small, but potentially powerful and already effective.
You cannot see fairly from your vantage point for you are all the while clouded by your personal prejudices and your short-sighted vision, but inasmuch as you have sworn to do the will of the Father and you have found each other to be comrades in the spirit, you have generated enough love energy to pull into existence a full regalia of reality. When you have gone from here, when you are in a place to do so, you will be able to behold your works on record.
I say this because I know mortals, having been one. I know you like to see your badge of merit. You like to see the medals and ribbons testifying to your valor; but in this army, we wear invisible medallions testifying to bravery and courage. You may polish yours, for assuredly you were them and you may wear them proudly for you wear them for the finest of Commanders in Chief.
I am interested now to observe your next level of development and I am assured our able corps of midwayers will be effective in working with you in some of these details of effort that will lighten up the ranks. Shalom.
GORMAN: Gorman here. What an honor it is, is it not, to work under such able leaders?
We are going to talk about work. We are going to talk about teamwork. We are going to talk about effectiveness in the work. You are eager to play. And you know how to play. But we will learn to work as if it were play.
In your work, you have individually developed disciplines. You have learned how to shine on what is praiseworthy and acceptable. You have learned how to hide and camouflage that which is second-rate or uninteresting. This is because you have found your praise and reward from those, for the most part, who are happy to get what they can and who have little interest in your moral worth, but we have come now to bring forth the best in you -- that which is of the Father, that which is of the Mother -- those qualities of righteousness that give you such strength and capability that you yourself will not be content with second best or “shoddy.”
Thus we are going to portray / present / establish criteria for you to follow that will enable you to rise up to your potential as a worker. In this sometimes invigorating and sometimes grueling process, you will find your greatest stumbling block in the man/ the woman next to you, for now we enter into teamwork, and as you bring your best, you expect also the best from others, and their understanding of their best may not be what you anticipate their best should be.
And thus we once again return to – as if we had ever left – the realm of religion and spirit association. Always will your faith foundations be called upon to contribute to your very being and to all that you have been able to portray and create on that in which you believe.
If we look at you all as independent little soldiers, expecting you to march in line, then we must realize that in order to get you to b e in alignment with each other as well as with the Father, it is necessary that you begin to respect and appreciate the soldier at your side.
As you work with your comrade, you begin to see his strengths and recognize, in love, his weaknesses, as he does you. In this man’s army, we do not hide our weaknesses. We acknowledge weaknesses so that they can be made strong. There is no failing in recognizing imperfection when you know that you are all imperfect, or only relatively perfect.
Working together takes practice. The practice eventuates in an ability to work more efficiently, even expertly, and this feels good. This is a finely-tuned machine, with all of its parts in good running order – the small part and the big part together, important to one another.
There is another aspect here, and that is that the parts of this machine are human and they have feelings, emotions, and we will not attempt to persuade you that emotions are weaknesses as some armies will do, but by being sensitive to the emotional condition of your peers, your co-workers, you will be able to determine the dependability factor of the machine on any given day.
Sometimes the machine will just not start up, and on those days you may need to revert to independence. In time, in eternity, this independence which you so covet today will not be so desirous. As you begin to learn to know the comfort of association and the inherent strength in effective associations, you will begin to regard your individuality as critical but your independence as a drawback, and these are healthy developments.
We might as well begin here and now. We have had some preliminary remarks. I feel and sense the molecules among you lining up. Poised and ready for an assignment, and I will await your word on this because you are the rulers here.
Rachel: Then I will say, please, Gorman, give us an assignment! Speaking for myself, I would like to learn to work more effectively in partnership, in groups.
GORMAN: Then let us find something interesting to do. I cannot tell you what that will be because you need to tell me what you are good at. This should be interesting.
Rachel: What am I good at?
GORMAN: What are your skills and abilities, as you see it, as you bring forth your best in service to Father and His children?
Rachel: I don’t know! Healing? Talking? I like to talk to people. Decorating. (Laughter) I like working in the antique shop, but-- I’m not sure what you’re asking me. I’m good at advertising, I guess, maybe. Selling myself. Services. I don’t know. What am I supposed to be looking for?
GORMAN: What can you do? What can you offer your comrades?
Thoroah: My experience is in broadcasting, marketing, writing, speaking, and the experience I’ve had working as part of a team, but as you have so noted, that the independence that I know I have seem to covet at times; by now I have experienced times where I have that independence and I am not enjoying it as much, as you said, so it’s beginning to happen already.
Gerdean: I am a word person. I like words, dealing with words. I like to think that words are my forte. I used to be organizationally skilled, but I’ve lost that skill. If I look at my character assets, as Gorman said, I have to add that I have some degree of tact and tolerance, of sensitivity. By the same token, I have no strength. I don’t have much curiosity. But he didn’t ask for my negative qualities.
GORMAN: The next question, as your friends in the Napoleon Hill ilk might query, is” Where is the need?” What do people need that you can provide?
Rachel: They need healing, the good word. They need to know they are loved. Good cheer. Hope. Positive things. Everything good.
Angus: they need to feel important. They need recognition. Not just on the human level, but knowing they are recognized by the Father. Most people want to be recognized and validated.
Gerdean: They want to feel comfortable, they want to eat. They want help. They want to be acknowledged, validated, they want to be loved. They want to feel relieved of guilt and onerous burdens. And I think they want something to do.
GORMAN: I think so too … just like you here are meeting and approaching the process wherein you can learn how to be effective in doing something, for it will give you all of the above. It will give you feed-back, acknowledgement, a break from independence, an opportunity to feel important in an appropriate sense, and an opportunity to serve.
Well, I am going to pull out of your filing cabinet a ream of material which has come from your teachers – Tomas, Merium and many, many others. These are raw materials, essentially, that are full of words, worthy of being made pretty, presentable, and broadcast or taught in any number of ways. As a matter of fact, as these lessons have become part of your reality, you yourselves are broadcasting systems of these same truths. You do these things in your daily lives; you assure people that the Father loves them, and yet the impetus remains to begin learning the art of teamwork, and in particular, the art of teamwork as it is practiced in the kingdom of God as compared to the kingdom of men as your world has known it.
Your group effort needs to be born of a group commitment. You are individually committed to serving the Father but you have not made a group commitment to bring about a certain product or a certain effect. This is the value, now, of group prayer, group worship, and group conference as to how to bring about the desired effect / product, for truly they are one in the same.
If you expect to do it in your realm and have it be a visible and viable reality within your realm as you know it, it must be sufficiently tangible, whether that be materially or emotionally or mentally, so that it can be counted as a reality to the materialist, to the scientist, as well as to the religionist. And so let us begin to understand our audience. It must include the non-believer; it must include the ones who won’t buy anything -- the hard sell. You need to appeal to all those who would seek what you seek. If you like it, they will like it, but don’t limit yourself to strict spiritually if you want a broad base.
This is the advantage of some of these – I’ll use the word “peripheral” Correcting Time movements. Your loyalty to your revelation and to your personal religious experience is so powerful and penetrating that you are permanently altered – and this is good! – but you are in the minority. You need a broader base. And so, some of these that speak the truth without using the words that cause such controversy, that alienate, are in a way more effective than those of you who are so purist. Will you believe that whatever you do, you do for the Father and He will help you?
Your options are immense. The opportunities abound. I think perhaps I need, at this point, to advise you that you will be advised. I will not do it. I am going to give that responsibility to greater powers than myself. It will come to you. I don’t mean it will knock on the door, but it will knock on the door of your mind. You will come with some ideas. When you come up with an idea, write it down immediately. You will have four or five ideas, one or two of which will be more exciting than the others. Ideas will begin to have banners flying off of them with secondary and tertiary filling and stuffing. Make a note of those as well. Give yourselves, oh, let’s say three days, and bring back your scraps of paper. This is Sunday; come back Wednesday. Perhaps we can even bring Nathaniel’s ideas to the mechanism-in-the-making
So have faith now, and fertilize those fields of possibility in your mind.
This is an assignment for you three people. Not for the berries and not for the pumpkins. Just this unit. This shall be fun. This shall also unify the home front. Agreed? Then, ‘at ease.’
TOMAS: This is Tomas. I thought I would sit with you for a moment before you head off to your various and sundries. It is a pleasure always to be with you and to enjoy your companionship. I am particularly eager to sit with you for a moment today because it is Easter Sunday and in your realm, in your collective consciousness, you have all been aware of the acknowledgement of the resurrection of our Lord Michael, the reigning Master Son of our universe.
What a privilege it is for us all who know him and love him to realize he is risen, and he is lifting us up into realms of divinity with him. What a magnificent Maker he is, that he affords us this opportunity to grow and be and become an embodiment of creation such as to reflect the glory of God.
I am also looking forward to our upcoming adventures here in this new season and this new era upon us. It is my pleasure to be your friend. Call on us anytime and sit often with Father in repose and in receptivity of his divine love. The Source of all that is is your source of renewal. Conjoin with Father and with each other in comfort of knowing you share this divine Source as your ultimate reality.
Amen and farewell.