1999-04-13-Three is a Group
Topic: Three is a Group
Group: Butler TeaM
Teacher: Gorman
TR: Gerdean
CHRIST MICHAEL: Greetings, my children, it is I, your Father/Brother, Michael. Come and sit with me for awhile.
I rejoice to bear with you in faithfulness to our association. It is a joy to be your friend, to be your teacher, to see your eager, radiant young faces lifted up to me, your tender souls connected to me. Let me embrace you.
I call you apart for a season to grow strong in my presence. I am your protector, your shelter from the storm. I am the living water which refreshes and cleanses and makes new. Wash yourselves daily in my living water. Reflect upon the peace which passes all understanding, and rest near my bosom.
The cares of the world will come and go; they are a part of this world. There are many matters of cause and effect which will come to pass because of decisions made long before you were. Bequeath to me these troubles and allow me to recommend them to our Father for His ultimate resolution. You need not trouble yourselves of these many things which bear down upon your souls as heavy burdens. Allow me to refresh you and enlighten your load.
See me in all that you do. When you know I am with you, you are strengthened and vivified. When you forget me, you become down trodden and weary worn. Abide with me. Allow me to abide with you. Hold my hand when you go into the ring, into the arena.
Lose me not lest you lose yourself. When you do, as you sometimes will, become embroiled in the vagaries of this life, recollect our time together and hasten again my presence. The strength of my presence in your life, in your very being, will lift you into realms of light and life which will give you new vistas, new courage, new strength, renewed joy, righteousness for your soul.
Gentle children, I beseech you in the name of Our Father, to remember me. [Long stillness]
TOMAS: Good evening, I am Tomas. Are we ready? Are we awake? It is clear that the visit by the Master has awakened an element of you which transcends the sound of my voice and the comfort of dinner. Indeed, His voice calls us up from the dead, out of the darkness and into the light. Gorman is here. He will speak with you first. One moment.
GORMAN: Hello everybody. I’m Gorman. I’m glad to be back. I am glad to see you have all been so industrious. I have not made the acquaintance of Joniel. Hello, young woman, how are you?
Joniel: I’m fine, thank you. Pleasure meeting you.
GORMAN: Thank you very much. I am a midwayer and I am helping these young people to bring into being their visions of effective growth-promoting product, that they may further everyone and everything concerned.
I will tell you, Joniel, these conscientious young people are concerned about making money on God. They have a reluctance to involve themselves in the kingdoms of men and the kingdom of God simultaneously, as if they were two realms in opposition to one another, inharmonious in their essence. And yet, in their own soul, the growing mortal attempts to integrate the human and the divine so as to provide a well-balanced personality. We aren't trying to create saints only for them to starve to death. We are trying to create with you light and life, enlightenment and enlivenment in a spiritual sense, and this involves integration of both worlds.
I have thus been chatting with them about their ideas and we are getting their ideas on paper. Already we are integrating that ethereal, conceptual, perceptual, reality that goes on in the mind and the imagination on very literal, material paper.
Already we are being effective and productive, and now I see this week your minds have been sprouting up many ideas. I am eager to review with you some of your ideas. What have we to put on the table this evening? I know your notebooks have been industrious. Who would like to go first?
[A book about The Mother; Fruits of the Spirit; A book about relationship; Children’s stories about invisible playmates; A booklet of prayers; “The part in red” from the UB as it was in the Bible; A discussion of Belief and Faith; Compare 7 Chakras and 7 Adjutant Mind-Spirits Comparing the kingdom to the 12 promises of AA; “Wouldn’t it be nice IF ….”; God as I understand God; A journal of travels, cultures; A collection of thoughts for the day; A bulletin board in the shop for networking and free advertising]
Rachel: I’m confused about how we get into group. We always seem to have individual ideas.
GORMAN: Group is more than two. A group is three people, working together. Three people or more working together can work harmoniously and contribute support, encouragement, stimuli and so forth, even when your individual projects are and remain, indeed, individual.
It is like cleaning house. One of you will wash the windows; one of you will vacuum the floors; and one of you will polish the furniture, but you all do these tasks at the same time and in such a way as you are all contributing creative energies at the same time in respect for your joint purpose. And so even here, this afternoon, as I listen to your outpourings, it is possible for you to all be engaged in a group effort individually and at the same time. But it requires cooperation and communication in order for the energies to work together instead of against each other.
And this perhaps leads us into the next aspect of assignment, and that is putting this into effect. I could not have asked for a better first act this evening than the Master himself, who came to remind you to spend, each day, some time with him. If you were to develop that vital habit, you would automatically return to your Source and as you return to your Source, you are automatically reminded of that which is important. The tertiary and secondary matters fall into place and the Father guides and counsels you in that which he would have you do.
If, as you have testified, he would have you be creative on his behalf, he will guide you in this as he has guided you into an understanding of what you can do, i.e., grapevines and books and movie reviews. These are indeed contributions you would make and could make if you applied yourself and just as Tomas has enabled you to get a grasp on your faith foundations, a glimpse of your morontial reality, I would like to help you develop your skills, abilities and talents in terms of what you can do as a man, as a woman, as a co-creator of effect and product, to-wit: stuff.
You are a material being, even more than I am, and you are in a material world with material people who have and enjoy a lot of material stuff. Books are stuff. Pictures are stuff. Angels are stuff. These things represent value. They represent something that will lead them into further God-consciousness or appreciation of value.
Remember that fad that went around not long ago of random acts of kindness? senseless beauty? Of course, beauty isn't senseless at all, but the idea of random acts of kindness enabled your society to at least temporarily take one huge giant step forward until it returned to lethargy once again. Even so, in our efforts we have seen it is most often two steps forward, one step back, but in the long run we are at least proceeding in the right direction.
Now I would like to see you work this next week on your schedules such that you sit for a spell with Jesus and or with Our Father, our eternal Source of all ideas and all stuff, all energy and all creativity, and allow Him to help you establish your true priorities. If you engage in this practice daily, regularly, you will begin to set up a pattern, a reality pattern, which will begin to take shape as a morontia reality in your very home, in your environment. This will be supported by each of you because each of you are earnestly longing for the same things -- a viable, visual, visible purpose. Thus, go to work.
TOMAS: Oh, this is quite thrilling. I have finally got myself a lab assistant. It is indeed invigorating and encouraging to see you who have steeped yourself in the greater reality and in confidence of divine overcare and guidance, to be taking yourselves into the arena as viable participants in the work of the Way.
You have been quite busy and it is a problem sometimes for you, I know, you who have not got enough time, to appropriately ponder and reflect on some of the many fleeting glimpses of insight or puzzlement that come to you as a result of our many sessions. The next one comes along and we forge ahead, and sometimes we leave thoughts and questions puzzling from behind, nipping at the heels. I would like to pause then in our presentations to ask if there are some things that you yourselves would like to discuss
Angus: You discussed something already, between you and Michael and Gorman, as far as the daily dip with Jesus. That's what I needed.
TOMAS: We are all quite consistent about that, and often fail to understand why it is that you don't run to the opportunity more often.
Angus: It befuddles me. It is as if I am not in control of my own life.
TOMAS: As if you did not have your own free will. That wonderful gift that allows you to be a free agent under any circumstance is the divine gift indeed. It is the one commitment that truly no one can object to. If you have placed a moment in time as a criteria of attainment, that being to experience the reality of the personality of your Creator, there is no one -- NO ONE -- in the universe of Nebadon that can object.
While I'm on the threshold here, pondering the majesty of our Sovereign, who having been incarnated as a mortal of one of his many sprawling worlds of time and space, how an essence of such grandeur and majesty can show such tenderness and humility to come to you and beseech your indulgence to spent a moment with him that he may invigorate you, it is almost inconceivable in its perfection and simplicity, to take you from such humble origins as he himself has known, and 1 i ft you up on high and ask you to co-create divinity with him. Astounding and amazing it is indeed. What a marvelous God he is.
And speaking of God, how about you who love good food, who love strawberries and whipped cream? Not just strawberries and whipped cream, but rich, ripe, red, sweet, homegrown strawberries, and whipped cream made of all the natural ingredients, whipped to perfection, thick enough to coat your tongue. Think of the delight of strawberries and whipped cream and the pleasure that it brings you, and think of how infinitely more wondrous is Our Father in heaven who can and does provide you with such delights in this world and who can lift you above such wants into another realm altogether of unearthly delights, transcending time and space, enveloping you in the cosmic all, embracing you in wondrous energies and giving you powerful sense of direction: a taste for eternity, a hunger for righteousness, bigger than strawberries, sweeter than whipped cream.
I am going to conclude my remarks for the evening and send you off to find dessert, for we have had a feast. We have our assignment and we have a beautiful invitation. I am happy to have been able to participate in this unfolding. Amen and farewell.