1999-05-07-Parable of the Radish
Topic: Parable of the Radish
Group: Butler TeaM
Teacher: Gorman
TR: Gerdean
Angus: I’ve never like I was being watched before, but …
GORMAN: Do you feel like it’s an invasion of privacy?
Angus. No. No, it’s very comforting, thanks. But it does make you kind of think about it.
GORMAN: I want to tell you that there are many things about you that don't interest us, [Group laughter] so it's not like we're hanging around watching you all the time. There is a great network of communication, however, that takes placewith the permission of your Thought Adjusters and we help out in many of these situations by relaying information of a sort 'through the circuits to otherpersonalities and they are thus able to communicate with your personal teachers asto your personal growth at the time, and information along these lines about yoursoul development as well, and so there is a general handle on what you're going through, but like an egg that is being hatched, you don't have to watch it constantly. It just requires a little time and a little warmth and it will emerge on its own naturally. We might show up for the emergence, but it's not necessary we have·a party.
Angus: It's still amazing to me all the effort that goes into caretaking my soul.
GORMAN: You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, Angus. [Group laughter]
Angus: Overwhelming. Yeah, I guess that’s the idea, is to let everybody feel how that feels.
GORMAN: The very fact that you now know that you are not alone is going to take a long time to grow into – a millennia perhaps – before the entire human races is made aware of the inner life and how to effectively bring it into being. But there will be pockets of light and life emerging far before that and you yourselves have begun to glimpse these moments and these periods of time, so isn’t it great that you don’t have to wait to get your reward in heaven? You can take it as it comes.
Angus: We were just talking about that earlier tonight, like the idea of the Zooid colonies and whatnot, how these things have to evolve. It’s going to have to start with small groups, small pockets.
GORMAN: Yes, but it is the brotherhood emerging and extending and the reality of the Father is incorporating itself into your realm in such a way as to cause/effect permanent change. It's exciting. It'sa lot of fun.
Angus: I'm intrigued by how this age of light and life, which basically a behavioral kind of evolution, and how certain behaviorsaround the globe are all being influenced by different entities or influences or whatever but the result is to be a common behavior that will come out of all of THAT.
GORMAN: The time has come! It's rather like the radish when the seed is planted in the early spring. The radish germinates andgrows up to be a radish, red and hot and juicy, with green leaves, ever the radish, but it can't be ready until it's ready. It can't be readyin the wrong time of the year because the temperature must be right, the water fall must be right, but if you plant radishes whenit's time to plant radishes, you're going to have a whole field of radishes.
And what has happened is you have reached a point of emergence into the new era, the new age, which embarks upon the mind, giving you an opportunity to think and create in ways that will affect your response to life, your relationships with other people, the work that you will want to produce, and the effects your new attitudes will bring about in your world.
That’s the evolutionary part. It’s inherent. But the revelation part is that which ascribes it to divinity and the wonders of the creators, lifting it up into a realm of morontia appreciation that is not appreciated or understood by radishes.
Angus: That makes sense.
GORMAN: It would probably make sense for me to sign off. I can sense that you are all quite relaxed and happy, full and yet pregnant, and so I will allow the birth of that idea, that concept, that baby, that new one, to blossom. In time, like the radish, it will emerge and it will be perfect because we have devoted this time to its furtherance.
Catch you later, guys! Good to see you!