1999-10-18-Scribbles from Lytske
Topic: Scribbles from Lytske
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Unknown
TR: Lytske
Prayer: Dear Master, thank You for all blessings received. I am so grateful for all the opportunities You place upon my path. Sometimes I don’t know to whom I should express my gratitude, whether it is to You or to my Mystery Monitor with It’s infinite patience and gentle urgings and promptings. However, I am sure that I am being understood, and this understanding, this feeling I get gives me great peace and a sense of humility in my own perception and development, or is it the other way around? Thank you and praise be to the All That Is.
Dear one, entrusted to Me as the vessel of My indwelling, how deeply satisfying it is for Me, when you fleetingly get a glimpse of My Presence and you are overawed and humbled by this experience. Continue to grow, for this is the path I would have you take -- overflowing with opportunities and rich with growth.
How well I know when you flounder, and later regret your decisions or indecisiveness in acting as your human instinct takes over -- that primal instinct of self-preservation. Place your confiding trust in Me; your very own eternal Pilot on the stormy seas on the way Home.
Have I not guided you, whilst you disregarded My still Voice? How you still persevered, and suffered near-endless distress! Only I know of this. Your hunger to know truth has always kept you strong and going with undying hope and surety that all will be well, and that God is in control of your life.
You see, child, in your seemingly wrong decisions you have given yourself ample opportunities for growth. A steadfast and stalwart dependable character is being forged here between ‘hammer and anvil.’ The time is rapidly approaching for further growth opportunities. These are always ongoing.
It is My solemn promise to you, that I will never give you more than you can bear.