1999-10-19-Good Cheer Equals Faith
Topic: Good Cheer Equals Faith
Group: Butler TeaM
Teacher: Tomas
TR: Gerdean
TOMAS: Good evening, my friends. I am Tomas, your teacher. Your mechanical connection gives rise to my introductory comment that you can see how critical it is to have the correct equipment in order to have a good connection. This aspect of having the right equipment in order to have a good connection has to do with yourselves as being a conduit for Paradise. How can the Word find its way through your circuits into high fidelity if your batteries are low or if your connection is faulty? And so it is an opportunity for me to remind you of the importance of keeping your condition in workable order -- your human condition, that is, which, in many ways is the machine through which we transmit our messages from On High.
It is good to have you with us again this evening, Tom. I am glad that you have found the proceedings to your liking and that they have fed your mind and soul sufficient for you to voice the very fundamental truth that if these realities were to be incorporated in the minds of mortals today, your planetary aspects would be changed at once. It does not take long for the Spirit of Truth to operate within those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, those who long to be, yearn to be in the loving embrace of deity.
The difficulty you see is that you have as a people been taught to fear God and that deep-seated conditioning is such that the fear of God stands as a barrier against recognizing the love of God. Those of you who have a hunger for greater reality, have a need for divine love. Now, at base, this need for divine love is a seed which is planted in all people by and through the indwelling Spirit, that spark of God which resides within all humanity, all those who are able to recognize truth, beauty and goodness.
The fear grasp upon your fellows is terrible indeed, more terrible than the perceived God of their forefathers. Be at peace about this, my friends, for until such time as they are willing to assume a greater share of their inheritance as children of God, they will find the cover of darkness comforting and the habiliments of fear their raiment. Your task is to, as much as possible, live in joy and in understanding of the love of our Divine Parent.
As you know within the love of the Father and aspire to become closer to him, as you then take on those qualities of godlikeness which will allow you to manifest His fruits, His character in your lives, you will be literally and gradually eroding away those barriers of fear which have held them back from the light.
Be of good cheer then, in your daily doings, and when your heart pauses to feel a compassionate pity for those who know not the glory of God and the mercy of His Sons, share your care with Our Father in order that your compassion and His may be enjoyed to create a greater hope, a greater impetus, a greater swelling of the Divine Heart in yearning for His fear-ridden sons and daughters to come home to their rightful place at His table. It is not an easy task that you are given. It is not easy to be of good cheer all the time, and so we could discuss indeed what it means to be of good cheer.
It does not mean telling jokes all the time, nor does it mean acting the clown. It does not mean wearing an artificial smile and acting as if you felt good when you don't feel cheerful according to someone else's definition of cheerful. Those of you who understand the comfort inherent in knowing Our Father, those of you who realize that your challenges and opportunities for growth will give rise to greater insight and further enlightenment for yourselves and for others, have cheer in your heart, even in the throes of moral growth, having this as an understanding.
Knowing that your destiny is enchained to perfection is and gives rise to a stance of cheer, deep cheer. Recognizing that there is a lesson learned and a silver lining on each dark cloud, a light at the end of each long tunnel, allows you to know cheer in your heart. Essentially, my children, cheer is faith, and to have faith is to have good cheer.
Thus when you seem serious to your peers and when those who fear the power and glory of God sense Him in you, assure them by your steadfast good faith and deep cheer that you do not fear your God but that you bow before His greatness and His majesty, in awe and in humility of the wonders of life that you have and that will unfold for you as you follow His guidance, His leadings and His urgings into greater paths of mystery and discovery. Such an unending adventure toward divine love can only bring to the heart the most radiant joy, the most soulful song to sing. Good cheer, indeed!
Understand this in your heart, and take this understanding of your inherent good cheer with you into your life that you might reflect upon these words and on this value lesson in order that you more cheerfully endure the trials of His choosing, the experiences in His universities, the lessons in His experiential classrooms.
Welcome to this humble classroom. How are you this evening?
TOM: Just fine, thank you. It's an honor for me to be here.
TOMAS: I as well am honored. It is an honor to be in the family of God and to meet with my associates, to be assigned to this corner of the universe where I might engage with you in stillness, in sessions of understanding and friendship, as we seek to know His will and His way. Are there questions this evening or commentary?
TOM: The way the world is today, some aspects of it had to have been set in motion many, many years ago, and I just feel so unfortunate that, as a people, they didn't see that coming and if you had been here at that time, that would have all been avoided.
TOMAS: It is understood, my son, how it is that you feel this deep regret that things at one point long ago have gone awry and certainly from your vantage point, yes, you are correct it is most unfortunate, and if others had been nearby perhaps we could have altered the course of history. What we hope to do is begin to alter history as of now, for even though much damage has been done, it is time to turn it around.
The issue is one of free will, and those who have power and selfishly turn power to their own way, are, while an abomination to their fellows, nonetheless allowed to do that if there is no one to interfere with their behavior and influence them to the contrary. Even so, those who err and those who consciously embrace evil are allowed this opportunity if only to witness for themselves the results of their decisions. If you were to see the scope of things from a more divine aspect, from a more transcendental view, you would recognize the opportunities which are created in this kind of challenge. It is not always allowed; it is never encouraged; but it does happen, and when it is allowed to happen, it is because it is being executed as an example and as a growth opportunity.
Now, the growth that you are experiencing on your world -- and many of you can argue that there is no growth at all, or that your growth has been severely retarded, set back, been twisted out of shape because of the errors of certain predecessors -- the magnitude of the strengths that are being forged by you, by each of you who have the courage to see with eyes to see, to question, to seek, you are adding to your heritage a degree of experience and wisdom such as few in the universe experience.
You will emerge from this experience, this life experience here on this world, as superior quality students as a result, a direct result, of the difficulties which you have had to endure because of the experimental status of this planet, and the experiments which have tested you all so severely. You will grow up, my children, to be great ambassadors as a result of what you have experienced and what you learning, how you are garnering wisdom in this challenge.
My words may be small comfort and shoddy compensation for you today, but I hope to allow you to feel encouraged and hopeful and indeed of good cheer, for although your life's journey has been fraught with great anguish, it is being forged as a pearl is forged, from a grain of sand, through eons of friction, to become a gem of luminescent perfection. Be patient with yourself in your growing, for you will surely behold your shell open and the light will come forth from your very being.
And this begins today with conversations such as we are sharing, with embracing what is our potential, and, through our will, making those decisions which will allow our perfection to become actual -- not in further rebellion and difficulty, but in aligning with those purposes which are true and beautiful and good for ourselves, our fellows, our world, our universe, Our Creator, God Himself.