1999-10-28-Scribbles from Lytske
Topic: Scribbles from Lytske
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Unknown
TR: Lytske
Prayer: Dear Michael, I am deeply grateful for the insights you bring me, and for my slowly increasing understanding of matters eternal. I am humbled to discern that slowly my capacity to understand is enlarging, and I know for certain that you fill my cup to overflowing. What joy this is!
Thank you, my child. This is how the soul progresses in eternal life, in ever widening circles of understanding and increasing joy. Praise, thanksgiving and true humility are automatic partners in this growth process, together with a growing anticipation of what else the Eternal Father God has in store for you.
You will gain confidence by speaking out to others in sincere honesty. The way to do this in greater measure is by waiting for prompts, and listening to the still gentle Voice within.
I have told my apostles of old, that they have nothing to fear, that I will give them the words to speak. And so it is with you, and with all my awakening children of this earth.
Let the earth resound with the mirth of my little ones, who are opening their mouths in joyful song unto the Lord God Almighty.