Topic: Hope
Group: Spokane TeaM
Teacher: Solonia, Unknown
TR: Daniel Megow, Jill
Solonia (TR Daniel): Greetings dear ones. This is Solonia.
The greatest gift that you can give your brothers and sisters on this world, aside from Love, is Hope. So many are without Hope---hopelessly going from day today feeling unseen, feeling insignificant, feeling at the mercy of everyone and everything. You cannot give to them your Faith, for Faith is a very personal and individual matter between you and God. All that you can do is to Show them Your Faith, and in That, you give them Hope.
As you step forward in determination, absorbing and exuding the Love of our Father, it is enough to bring Hope into the forlorn Souls, into the Souls of those who feel forgotten, who feel alone, who feel discouraged. To see loving and exciting Faith portrayed by another helps them to rediscover the excitement for living. The Faith Step is always one that is taken in Hope---Hope for a better more perfect way. When you have a strong and active Hope, it is far easier for you to take the step of Faith towards fulfilling those hopes, towards fulfilling those dreams.
Put a little Hope into everyone who’s path you cross. Show them that there is something to hope for. Share with them your own Hopes, your own dreams. Be the spark of Hope which ignites the flame of their Faith. In doing this you are indeed sharing Love, so at the same time, you are sharing the Two Greatest Gifts that you can share with another personality. You are sharing Love, you are sharing and giving Hope, and in the process, you are also sharing the Third greatest gift. You are sharing Yourself.
Put a little Hope in someone’s life every day, and accept a little hope into your own. There is Nothing that the Father cannot do, and according to His will, everything is done. Everything that the Father wills, Will be Done. You may participate in the unfolding of Father’s Will by your choices and by your desires to become more and more like Him.
That is my lesson for tonight. I will not be taking questions, but perhaps there is another who will do so.
Jill: This is kind of like the, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” I have a question that keeps going over in my mind, so I’m not sure whether I should just ask it and then the appropriate individual will answer, or wait for another teacher speaker and then ask the question. But I’m feeling like I just want to ask the question because it hasn’t been on my mind, but it came to my mind with Solonia’s lesson. The question is, I’ve been introduced to a new sister for whom I’m to provide service in Kellogg. I see her suffering so horrifically, that I don’t know where to begin or how to instill hope because my eyes so far have been too human and I’ve been caught up in her pain and not seeing much hope myself. I watch “Touched by an Angel” in hopes of getting insights of the beautiful ways they instill hope in people who are hopeless. If you could give us insights that are pertinent to our personalities, of how to give hope in the face of apparent hopelessness in so many ways, I would appreciate the guidance.
(There was about a 30second Pause here.)
Jill: I don’t know who is coming through with the concept, but it is very clear that...
Unidentified (TR Jill): First we give the Love. First we make that Soul-to-Soul contact to awaken the far distant memory that there is something lovable and wonderful about who they are, and there is no rush. Those whom we would meet who have been suffering for many years will not be able to take more than one simple expression of Father’s Love at a time. And that is where you draw on your compassion that you have learned, and the knowledge that God’s Love is in no hurry. So do not be in a hurry to communicate with words when these greatest suffering brothers and sisters come to you. Be there with the warmth of your Father’s Love, through your eyes, through your smiles, through your nods. Hear their story, share your own stories, for it may be the first real conversation this brother or sister has had in years. So be Love, one unto the other, and simply in that course of communication does the Hope begin to manifest. And it is like a seed in the womb. It’s there but it is not developed. The details of the outworkings cannot be seen and yet there is that sense of wanting to live.
So start always with the Love. And in that Compassionate Love, and in that desire to know deeply your brother or your sister, Hope will naturally spring forth, and it will spring forth for the both of you.
Jill: I don’t know who shares through me, but it certainly feels Wonderful, and Wise.
Note From The T/R: Hi Loved Ones! Daniel here... Since Jill and I have found it extremely difficult to get to the Elyon group meetings due to a conflict in time with doing the Sunday Services, we decided that we would have regular sessions on Monday nights. The first, other than telling us that we were beginning a New Class on Manifestation and Bearing Fruits, was about very personal matters that were not intended for sharing with the lists. This is the Second Session of our New Monday Class