2000-01-01-Collection, Bertram & Malcolm
Topic: Collection, Bertram & Malcom
Group: Hamilton TeaM
Teacher: Bertram, Muriel, Malcom
TR: Tara Logan
Session 1
- January 1, 2000
BERTRAM: I am Bertram, here with all your teachers; MuriEL, Malcom, and a multitude of hosts, who are also here present, to welcome you now into this new year, this new millennial age of progress and correcting.
Welcome children, welcome once more into this new age which has now fully begun to manifest itself into the thought concepts of all Urantians worldwide. May it be a new beginning, with renewed hope for a renewed planet progressing ever forward into the age of Light and Life.
We are indeed pleased to also welcome you at this new threshold to new phases of this teaching mission now firmly established upon Urantia. All has been in preparation, all is progressing as it should world wide.
Michael is indeed pleased with your efforts to launch his Mission during this Correcting Time and he calls upon us all now to rededicate ourselves to the work he has proposed. A mighty work which will indeed sow the seeds over all Urantia and bring in a mighty harvest of willing souls which will carry your planet into an age of unprecedented enlightenment.
The world is hungry and seeking for truth, for beauty and goodness. The people of all nations on this beautiful planet desire peace and harmony and safety and prosperity for all it’s billions of inhabitants. For that brief time, as January 1st , 2000 swept around the world, the world sang in harmony and hope for the future. That song was indeed heard on high and the celestials hosts sang with you in the hopes, and in the dreams and in the anticipation of a brave new world of love and peace.
We are here indeed to assist Michael, to assist Machiventa, to assist Abraham in this Teaching Mission. We are your teachers assigned to your realm, to your arena of service where you are.
We have come from afar to guide you and to lead you into all truth, beauty, and goodness, to indeed set you on the right path of love and light that leads to your Father, who waits to embrace you on your Paradise home. Accept now this basic truth that we are here now, that your planet is not forgotten, nor are you, his children. Each one is precious in his sight and the Father dearly loves each and everyone of you. Bring the realization of your brotherhood, worldwide and even cosmically, into your realm of understanding.
Your course of instruction now offered by MuriEl is so very important to your spiritual growth and understanding, not only for your present lives in the flesh but for all your eternal career as a glorious Sons of God, for indeed does the son ever reflect the attributes of the Father.
Christ Michael did indeed set you that perfect example while he was here in the flesh with all Nebadon looking on. He did not come just for your sake but for all his children in all systems and constellations.
The circuits are now open and new light, new knowledge, is flooding your planet as I so recently related to you. All is in progress to lead your beautiful planet out of its present darkness and into a new age of enlightenment. But indeed must you all do your part as called, inspired and directed. Indeed must it all be according to your own free will of offering yourselves in loving service to your brothers and indeed to yourself, doing what you can to correct and bring healing to your many and several inflictions in your personal lives, but yes as a world community also.
Reflect upon the lesson in December. Though your planet indeed suffers from the pollution of all its resources and the human mechanisms are indeed weakened from years of even deliberate or negligent acts of its so called leaders, there is indeed hope and stirring among your people to change and unite for the betterment of all mankind. You are coming out of darkness brought on by the [67:1 The Caligastia Betrayal|defaults of your original Planetary Prince]] and your Material Son and Daughter and the consequences of being in isolation until the time of the Lucifer Adjudication.
Now it is time to move forward. MuriEl is now prepared to continue on with her lessons, with the opening of the new year, now that her foundational lessons have been presented.
Christ Michael sends his love and blessings upon you all.
Your teacher and guide in his service,
I am Bertram, under the administrative authority of Christ Michael and Machiventa Melchezedek.
Session 2
- January 6, 2000 — “Fruits of the Spirit” Lesson # 7
TARA: Is there a new message regarding the continuation of our lessons of the fruits of the spirit?
MURIEL: Yes indeed my child. It is needful that we now continue on in our lessons, continue on in our loving service to you as called and directed.
We have now laid six foundational lessons for you leading into the next lessons to come. If you are willing we will now continue. Today you were lead to save references to a passage from the Urantia Book regarding a conversation that Jesus had with his disciple, Andrew. Copy and paste.....now.
At one of the evening conferences, Andrew asked Jesus: " Master, are we to practice self-denial as John taught us, or are we to strive for the self-control of your teaching? Wherein does your teaching differ from that of John? " Jesus answered: " John indeed taught you the way of righteousness in accordance with the light and laws of his fathers, and that was the religion of self-examination and self-denial. But I come with a new message of self-forgetfulness and self-control. I show to you the way of life as revealed to me by my Father in heaven. (143:2.2)
" Verily, verily, I say to you, he who rules his own self is greater than he who captures a city. Self-mastery is the measure of man's moral nature and the indicator of his spiritual development. In the old order you fasted and prayed; as the new creature of the rebirth of the spirit, you are taught to believe and rejoice. In the Father's kingdom you are to become new creatures; old things are to pass away; behold I show you how all things are to become new. And by your love for one another you are to convince the world that you have passed from bondage to liberty, from death into life everlasting. (143:2.3)
" By the old way you seek to suppress, obey, and conform to the rules of living; by the new way you are first transformed by the Spirit of Truth and thereby strengthened in your inner soul by the constant spiritual renewing of your mind, and so are you endowed with the power of the certain and joyous performance of the gracious, acceptable, and perfect will of God. Forget not—it is your personal faith in the exceedingly great and precious promises of God that ensures your becoming partakers of the divine nature. Thus by your faith and the spirit's transformation, you become in reality the temples of God, and his spirit actually dwells within you. If, then, the spirit dwells within you, you are no longer bondslaves of the flesh but free and liberated sons of the spirit. The new law of the spirit endows you with the liberty of self-mastery in place of the old law of the fear of self-bondage and the slavery of self-denial. (143:2.4)
The new law of the spirit endows you with the liberty of self-mastery in place of the old law of the fear of self-bondage and the slavery of self-denial.” For our lesson today, I have selected and as you have surmised from the quotation above is FAITH and CONFIDING TRUST.
We have stated in our foundational lessons, it is of utmost importance that you understand in faith and with confiding trust --- from whom ALL originates, with the recognition of your Eternal Paradise Father, and his co-creators --- Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit; with the recognition of the Creator of your Universe of Nebadon, your FATHER Christ Michael and his co-creator Nebadonia, your local universe Mother Spirit.
Yes, it is your personal FAITH in the exceeding great and precious promises of God that ensures YOUR BECOMING PARTAKERS OF THE DIVINE NATURE.
Herein must you have your confiding trust and faith as a little child in the word of it’s divine parents.
Only as you trust and believe in the promises of the Father, in the message brought to you by his Son Jesus, your local universe Father, can you begin to experience the renewed transforming of you minds, with the acceptance of the love and will of the Father into your life and thereby manifest his divine Fruits of the Spirit in your lives.
Jesus also told his Philip,
" I have come into this world to do the will of my Father and to reveal his loving character to all mankind. That, my brethren, is my mission. And this one thing I will do, regardless of the misunderstanding of my teachings by Jews or gentiles of this day or of another generation. But you should not overlook the fact that even divine love has its severe disciplines. A father's love for his son oftentimes impels the father to restrain the unwise acts of his thoughtless offspring. The child does not always comprehend the wise and loving motives of the father's restraining discipline. But I declare to you that my Father in Paradise does rule a universe of universes by the compelling power of his love. Love is the greatest of all spirit realities. Truth is a liberating revelation, but love is the supreme relationship. And no matter what blunders your fellow men make in their world management of today, in an age to come the gospel which I declare to you will rule this very world. The ultimate goal of human progress is the reverent recognition of the fatherhood of God and the loving materialization of the brotherhood of man........but you are the first volunteers of a long line of sincere believers in the gospel of this kingdom who will astonish all mankind by their heroic devotion to these teachings. (143:1.4, 5, 7)
If you, and indeed your world, are to progress forward, into enlightenment, into Light and Life, there must be confiding trust in God in his plan and the purposes he proposes for all his children in time and space, and a living faith in the true gospel message of Christ Michael, which he brought to you and taught to you during his bestowal on earth.
There is a Divine Plan in progress. Read – Paper # 32, sec. # 5, pgs. 364-365 in your text carefully. We have provided it for you in this lesson.
We have an eternal destiny as CHILDREN, as BROTHERS and SISTERS, in the eternal FAMILY OF GOD. It is important that you learn to love one another as family, globally and in your future destiny, cosmically. Develop now “the fruit of confiding trust” in your divine parents, in the truth set before you now to set you free as liberated Sons of God, no more shackled by the burdensome concepts of evolutionary religion. The Spirit of Truth shall surely set you free and set your feet firmly on the path of your ascension career of finding the Father on Paradise. Let faith and confiding trust in the Father’s love for you, be your guide day by day.
We will close this lesson now. Study together what has now been presented. Freely discuss together how you can practice confiding trust and faith in your daily life, while rejoicing in the great and sure promises of your future destiny as God’s children, ever developing and manifesting his divine spiritual qualities in your lives as you ascend homeward.
I am here in the service of our Fathers’ in the teaching and nurturing of their children here, who have come of their own free will to partake of the banquet feast now set out before them.
Your teacher and co-associate of Bertram, MuriEL.
Session 3
- January 13, 2000
TARA: Is there a message for this evening?
BERTRAM: It is Bertram here this evening, little one. It is indeed my pleasure to be with you this evening. Do not feel down hearted. We understand that you are seeking direction and trying to understand what kind of structure must needs be in place if we are to continue on in this mission here in our arena of service. You need only come to us and we will most certainly direct you. You need not be concerned because we know whereof we have been taught and directed.
It is only for you to be willing and to set aside the proper amount of time for our periods of communication with you. Be willing and allow it to transpire naturally. It is our desire that you set aside sufficient time on a regular basis, perhaps at a regular time of day when you know that you will not be interrupted for the duration of the transmission. You are developing your typing and computer skills sufficiently now and soon the thrill and novelty of your new computer will begin to wear off and we will settle into a regular program.
My base is indeed scattered some what, but we will accomplish our mission here. MuriEL is eager to continue on with her lessons. Malcom is here to assist you personally with any of your concerns.
I must caution you not to fall into the error of comparing our work here with that of others. Each mission base is different with different needs at different times and each base is evolving at different rates of progress and at different levels of attainment.
We will commence our lessons now on a more regular basis. We realize there was much apprehension regarding the turn of the new millennium as you count time and the great fears of many did not materialize. You have indeed begun a new era upon Urantia and great and wondrous accomplishments will manifest in the coming 1000 yrs.. stretching out before you.
Do not doubt your calling now and the work we will all accomplish together as Michael’s mission goes forward unified under his leadership.
The work that we do, that you do will not be in vain. Many will be called to also be sowers of seeds, planters of ideas and ideals that will change your world. Indeed must you trust and set your will and your desire to do the Father’s will in all you endeavours in loving service to all his children born and yet to be born. The work that we do in Michael’s present emergency mission, will indeed be a blessing to all of God’s children in the ages to come upon Urantia.
So do not lose hope, lose faith. Trust and we will lead you according to the Father’s will in all your loving service for him to be leaders, training leaders who will lead their planet home into the age of Light and Life. This is our calling, your calling, to be the true shepherds to the flocks of the Master.
I am ever your teacher and guide, Bertram – here on Urantia, in association with esteemed teachers, MuriEL and Malcom.
Session 4
- January 15, 2000 — “Fruits of the Spirit” Lesson # 8
TARA: Can I be of service this morning?
MURIEL: Good morning dear child, it is MuriEL here with you this early winter morning.
It has pleased me to see that in your study of your text this morning you have been studying the divine qualities and purposes of the Eternal Son and his Creator Sons, of the order of Michael, from whom is the origin of your very own Paradise Son – Christ Michael, Jesus of Nazareth.
I have endeavored in these lessons now progressing, to guide you in an understanding – first of your Eternal First Source and Center and his divine qualities of personality and character, his divine attributes and nature; but also his divine purpose for all his children in time and space. To truly desire to do the Father’s will and to strive to fulfil his divine mandate to his children of time and space, to “become perfect as he is perfect,” it was needful that you understand WHAT you are striving for and WHY.
Second it was needful for you to understand the avenue of achieving that transformation of mind and edification of spirit within you, that is, how you are to achieve such spiritual growth in the producing of these divine qualities and attributes within your own developing morontia soul. That approach, the only true and final approach is through his divine Sons, both resident on Paradise and his descending Sons, come down to you into time and space, to reveal the Universal Father to you. For indeed if you have seen the Son, you have seen the Father, for they are indeed one.
Their purpose, their plan for you is an ascension plan of great magnitude and adventure. It is an eternal plan that begins here and takes you to the very portals of Paradise, to the very presence of your Paradise Parents! If you are to become spiritized children of the Eternals, then you must indeed develop spiritual qualities in your surviving morontial souls worthy of eternal sonship!
My children this is why we have impressed upon you to study the life and teachings of your Master Son, Christ Michael in your text. You now have in your possession a near day by day account of his bestowal mission on your planet, his beloved Urantia in your Urantia Book. We are indeed pleased to see your group study of this portion of your text. Do continue on. Learn of him and in confiding trust allow his Spirit of Truth to transform and renew your minds, producing indeed the very “Fruits of the Spirit” in your daily lives.
I also urged you to seek the Father in the stillness daily. Draw close and commune with him there, for he indeed hears you and is there within you and you shall find him there to love and comfort and uphold you and strengthen you in your desire to do his will.
Have confidence and trust in him as a little child, believing and trusting, for he will not let you fail. There is no power in heaven and earth that can impede your progress or take from you your eternal destiny except your own free will of choice of final refusal of son ship.
In confiding trust share all your problems and difficulties and trials and disappointments for he hears you and he understands all and is your ever present help and sure guidance in dealing with all your temporal trials of living now in the flesh.
He also ever delights in sharing with you in all you joy of achievements and accomplishments of worthwhile pursuits that have spiritual value that edify your soul growth.
He loves you and delights in your free will gift to him of desiring to do his will in your lives daily and so producing his very lovable and adorable qualities in your own lives.
“By their fruits you shall know them.” Yes it is true -- by your very fruits of his spirit in your lives will men know that you are indeed children of the true and living God, and these fruits are manifest in your confiding trust and love for one another; in your daily loving service to all your brothers and sisters whom you should chance to meet in your daily walk of life beginning here on Urantia and indeed throughout all your ascending career to Paradise.
I was indeed pleased to see you further expand upon my lesson on confiding trust with the lessons from Teacher Tomas. Indeed we are to, and it is planned that we will incorporate his lessons in concert together as proposed.
Would you share now your experiences of confiding trust and faith, over the last month in your interactions with your family and friends and associates. Often times you do not realize the most certain and continual growth that is taking place daily in your lives and it is indeed good to focus upon such interactions and progress made.
If you have any questions I am now available to answer all as you desire and are willing. Your present teacher and guide in these discourses of the fruits of the spirit, MuriEL
Session 5
- January 20, 2000
TARA: My teachers, is there a message for us this evening? It seems like so many of God’s children are going through so many trials lately including myself and I have found it harder to stay focused. Do you have any comments that could help us to understand what is happening and why the trials seem to be so severe?
MALCOM: It is Malcom here this evening. Our little one, do not be dismayed at all that is happening in and around you and even at your door. Did we not tell you that such trials would be upon you and at your very door, indeed. These trials are indeed for your own soul growth as are all the trials and afflictions suffered by the children of men and indeed the children of God.
But be of good cheer for you are indeed privy to the foreknowledge and of the overview of why all this must come to pass for you are indeed in the confusing and tumultuous times of the fore warned Correcting Times to come upon Urantia. All has been progressing according to the plans of our Father Michael and you have nothing to fear.
The Father chastises all those he loves, but as a loving Father, not in punishment or in wrath, NO. Only as the old is brought up and rooted out is the way made clear to receive new knowledge and understanding, then are the blocks to growth dissolved asunder.
Indeed you must here develop confiding trust in the love and guidance of your eternal parents. Then can you manifest confiding trust in your brothers and sisters and they in you as you cope with and solve the trying difficulties which you all face together.
Always seek to comprehend the higher overview of why such trials are necessary for each and every one of you. Many such trials will be endured and corrections made by all mankind as you ever draw nearer to the age of Light and Life. It will not happen over night or in the twinkling of an eye. Recall the previous lessons we have given you. It is only asked of you that you ever draw closer to the Father in the stillness and come to know him and experience his love for you.
Be ever willing to experience the divine transformation of your mind as you submit your will to his divine will. There is no other gift more worthy than this that pleases the Father as this one precious offering as a trusting loving child. Only in this way can he bring forth and manifest in you the divine fruits of his spirit as you are spiritized into your divine destiny as true and perfected sons of God., finally made perfect in his image, perfect as he is perfect.
For now realize your present imperfections and work out your own salvation as he guides, directs and upholds you in all your trials, your birthing pains of spirit renewal and growth.
So be of good cheer, we are here also to aid and assist all who are willing and to ever offer to you our love and support. You can call on us at any time and we will hear. A personal teacher is here for each and every child of God who so desires his teacher. One need only ask.
I leave you now to think on these things. Your teacher and guide, Malcom.
Session 6
- January 24, 2000
TARA: My teachers, I feel somewhat confused after last Friday’s meeting. I feel we need direction as to where we are going with this endeavour. So I have come to you, my teachers. So much is happening in the Urantia Movement as a whole.
I am so new at this and I know you have told me not to compare other teaching areas to ours. I offered last years message to the group and there seemed to be a negative response. We don’t seem to be co-ordinated as to which night is a purely study night and which is a teacher night or do they or should they over lap? How do other groups handle this? Should lessons on the “Fruits of the Spirit” be part of the study nights of Part 4 of the Urantia Book? I know that it all relates to each other. I know that we are in a process of establishing ourselves here. Can you give us some clear guidance as to what it is you want us to do and how to accomplish it?
Thank you.
TEACHERS: We will respond to you in unison, as one, for we are all here with one purpose and one goal to achieve. That goal is the personal growth of each and every child of God as they each tread their own personal, spiritual path. It is the inner experience that each must strive for. It is that supreme experience of finding the Father within. That is the true religious experience. The eternal experience, the destiny of each child, is to find the Father of Fathers at his dwelling place, Paradise. To stand before him, a fully perfected and ascended son of God, fully spiritualized. Then are you fully trained, fully prepared for an even future destiny in the service of the Universal Father. This is indeed why we are here to serve you under the authority of Christ Michael and his appointed teaching staff under the direction of Machiventa Melchizedeck.
All is indeed in place. Continue as you are. All is working together for the spiritual growth of all who come of their own free will to partake of what is offered according to their will and according to their understanding.
You, my dear, know what is contained in your files, the lessons previously given, they do not.
Is it not true, that during the past year, they were only given the monthly message to the group for their meeting night? Offer again, as we direct you, what is needful as we progress through the year. Search your files for those lessons that can give added insight to the topic of study. That way they will be more meaningful and timely at the time of their presentation. Be aware that each have differing appetites and can only digest so much at a time. Over load is to be avoided, so be not discouraged.
We will guide you in the formation of our presentations month by month. Many others will be available to you to help guide and direct you also. Watch for their loving input and suggestions.
It is for you to work out your own salvation and indeed the mode of your own journey and your journey together. Nothing is written in stone. Of course, we will progress ever in accordance with the Father’s will and in accordance with your free will. As you are open to receive, only then can we offer to you the lessons here prepared for you, for the assisting of your soul growth.
Indeed is it true “when the student is ready, does the teacher appear.”
We are here, little ones. Are you ready?
MuriEL has been preparing you with her initial lessons and has now launched you into your initial lessons on the fruits of the spirit. Continue on, for there are more to come. All is progressing, slowly and surely, so be not discouraged. There is no race here. We will indeed accomplish our goal to enlighten you and inspire you onward and upward in your spiritual growth to spirit adulthood in the family of God.
Be as the little children of the Father that you are open and trusting, willing to learn at the feet of your local universe father, Christ Michael, who indeed loves each and every one of you with a deep and abiding fatherly affection, desiring only your ultimate good, your ultimate salvation into his glorious kingdom of peace and everlasting life.
This, our little ones, should be your focus, setting your will to become perfect as he is perfect, loyal and faithful, trusting children of the Most High God, even your Eternal Father on Paradise.
He is nearer to you than even your hands and feet, indeed, he even now dwells within you and is approachable there in the stillness of your heart and mind.
We are your teachers here to guide and assist you as you tread your own personal paths homeward. Bertram, MuriEL, and Malcom.
Session 7
- January 26, 2000
TARA: Is there a message for today?
BERTRAM: It is Bertram here today. It is my pleasure to be here with you once more, little one. I want to discuss with you today the concept of “oneness.”
Each and everyone of us are part of the whole, part of the very essence and reality of the oneness of the Father and all his creation. It is literally and eternally true that we “live and move and have our being in him.” Without him there would be no reality, no consciousness, nothing.
All comes from the Father of Lights and all returns to the Father. All is in circuitry through out his vast domains. He is the beginning of all things, our very Creator of all things and beings, all personalities, personal and prepersonal and indeed, non personal. From him is the manifestation of all physical reality, the crystallization of all material reality. And we are apart and included in that physical creation in the worlds of time and space.
You are not alone children, for you have untold numbers of brothers and sisters on other worlds in other systems, in other constellations, even in other universes! Great indeed is the magnitude of the Father’s household encompassing every planet, system, universe – local, super, central and even on Paradise! All is set in place for your exploration, for your learning, for your growth as you ascend heavenward to your final destiny.
So great and all encompassing is the Father’s love for you, for everyone of his children.
So great is that eternal love, that he has sent out to all his children nearly 700,000 Paradise Creator Son’s and 700,000 Creative Daughter Spirits (Holy Spirits) to create, administer and teach and watch over you in your local universes in time and space. Indeed are they here with their ministering hosts to create, nurture, raise to spirithood each believing child of God who seeks to be born into the Kingdom of God.
It is by choosing of your own free will; desiring to be a part of the family of God; desiring to become perfect as he is perfect, then, indeed, are you made ready for your supreme adventure of ascension through this your local universe of Nebadon, through your superuniverse of Orvonton and then onward to the Central Universe of Havona, and ever onward to Paradise. Indeed is it true that you must be willing, trusting, yielding as a little child, ever teachable and open to new truth and revelation to be continually revealed to you from the Father. Listen.....
You are apart of that one great plan of God that encompasses every ascending son of God, from every local universe within all seven superuniverses of time and space. Great indeed is the magnitude of that great and all encompassing plan that the Gods are outworking here and through out all creation.
When we say to you that all is going according to plan, indeed must you believe us, for indeed it is! All paths will eventually lead heavenward.
You can have absolute and full confiding trust in the Father’s plan for all his children. When you abide in true and living faith in the promises of God, in the teachings of your Creator Son, Christ Michael, your Jesus, then are you spiritually born into the Family of God. With the renewing of your minds are you encircuited into the spiritual circuitry of the cosmic mind, indeed the very mind of your Holy Mother Spirit as she connects you to the very mind essence of your Father through the Infinite Spirit. Indeed does his spirit essence flow to and within you, and becomes active within you through your Thought Adjuster, your Mystery Monitor, bestowed upon you from your Father on Paradise.
You are indeed a very part of the Father and he is a part of you. Let his love flow into you and out of you in continual loving service to all your brothers and sisters you meet each day. Daily express the love of the Father to all you meet, and in all you do, because you love one another in total unconditional love, as he has loved you.
The Father sent his Son, Christ Michael to reveal his love to you, to reveal his fatherhood to you, to help you realize that you are all brothers and sisters sharing your beautiful planet home, Urantia.
Now you have the Urantia Book, a true revelation of the Word of God in written form, to further teach you that you are also brothers and sisters of even a greater family, encompassing the whole of the Fathers Creation. Indeed if you let yourselves imagine it, you will also become elder brothers and sisters who will be brought into the Family of God from the now forming universes in the four outer space levels! The Family of God, the Kingdom of God is an eternal kingdom of love which truly embraces ALL creation for all time and eternity.
You are all part of one great creation, of one great Creator, your Universal Father of light and love. Think on these things as you study your text and your new lessons.
Be grateful for the love the Fathers’ have bestowed upon you, that you can be aware and comprehend even now in your evolutionary development, even this glimpse of the plan and purposes of the Father and your part in that great plan and the destiny that is yours for the striving.
Michael’s peace be upon you and give you that serene confidence and confiding trust in his love and over care for you as you journey homeward ever growing in the fruits of the spirit of your divine Father.
I now bid you good day. This has been Bertram co-teaching here this morning with MuriEl, contributing to this discourse for your learning and edification.
Session 8
- February 1, 2000
TARA: Is there a message this evening?
BERTRAM: Yes little one. It is indeed my pleasure to be with you this evening. I have indeed desired to be in contact with you so that we can continue on in our responsibilities here upon Urantia.
We are indeed pleased to see those faithful ones who have desired to attend the planned stillness retreat in the new northern location. It is very important, as we have taught you this last year, for each of you to seek the Father in the stillness and find communion with him there. Through your faith and your confiding trust in the realization of the Father’s presence are you indeed nourished and sustained in your process of spiritualization towards becoming perfected ascending Sons of God.
We would have you understand in full and confiding trust why we are here and what this Teaching Mission is all about. Our purpose is to assist you in finding the Father within, to set you feet firmly on the path of your ascension journey to Paradise.
Each little one in my teaching base is indeed dear to my heart and held in great esteem and love.
We desire to work in partnership with you. As team members we are serving in Michael’s Emergency Mission here on Urantia, working together towards the reclamation of his bestowal planet into the spiritual circuitry from which you have so long been isolated.
Contact is being made worldwide in many and diverse areas upon your planet. Preparation is being made for the time when divine contact will be openly made with the inhabitants of your world. Prepare yourselves for this time as if it may happen tomorrow. We are not here saying it will happen in the very near future or even in your lifetime, but all is in preparation as your planet draws nearer and nearer to the age of Light and Life. So often have you been told that you are even now entering the beginning stages of Light and Life as this Correcting Time continues on, preparing you and your world for this coming time of peace upon your planet home.
Our mission here is two fold – personal reclamation of your inhabitants and the impersonal reclamation of your physical planet.
All must be corrected and purified, reclaimed and brought into the Master’s fold, and once more taught the Father’s way of truth, beauty and goodness.
All is going according to plan as the Father wills, as Christ Michael wills, as each one of us chooses of our own free will to accept his plan for us.
How soon you unite in all your diversity, to strive for the betterment of your planet and work together as one united brotherhood on earth; that will determine the rate at which the new heaven on earth will descend upon Urantia.
— Do all that you can personally to see this come about beginning with your own change of attitude of heart and your own growth of the fruits of the spirit in your personal lives.
— Learn to love just one more person each day as you experience the daily love of the Father for you.
— Become that demonstration of righteousness upon the world. that light, that essence of the Father that dwells within you.
— Light the world with his love in loving service to all your brothers and sisters you are in contact each day.
— Learn to live the true and everlasting religion of Jesus as he has taught you, as revealed to you in your text.
I will now bid you good evening. May Father bring joy and peace and rest to you this night. Your teacher and guide in Michael’s service, I am Bertram.
Session 9
- February 4, 2000 Teaching Mission Meeting at home of Therese Logan, Cambridge, Ont.
- Present – Judy, Lorne, Jeff, Jackie, Victor, Therese.
TARA: I woke this morning feeling there was a message for today.
Yes, little one. We are gathering here in anticipation of your meeting this evening. You need not fear; all will transpire as directed. Let not you heart be troubled. I am here beside you and will uphold you and strengthen you in your service for me. We now embrace you in our love.
I have sent my teachers to administer to my flock here, my little ones, now in the overcare of this segment of my mission on earth today. I know you sense my presence. Yes little one it is I, Michael. Be not dismayed for I am here with you, to reassure you, that you are indeed a part of my mission to feed my flock. We have indeed been preparing each of you for your participation in my emergency mission now on Urantia today. I see your heart attitude and your love of the truth and your faith, your trust in me. You are chosen for this part in my mission because you are willing and desire to be of service to me and to my little ones. Your child-like attitude of heart is what is desired of all my children. For only then can I lead you into all truth, so that the spirit of truth which I send to you can do it’s transforming work with in your heart and mind. It is your confiding trust and faith in me that is your ever guide, your pilot to the transforming work being performed within your evolving morontia souls. It is that faith of a believing agondonter that will see you safely brought to the shores of Paradise.
No my child, you need not fear, indeed I tell you to be of good cheer for I am indeed here on Urantia, in your presence and ever shall be throughout our work here and far beyond the shores of this, your planet home. My arms are ever open to all my children. You can come to me at any time and I will hear the deepest pleas, the deepest cries of all your concerns that so heavily press upon you. You are not alone. My ministering angels ever enfold you, as do I, in our love and in our watchcare. Nebadonia, your true mother spirit is near unto you in your daily walk and her holy spirit will ever comfort you, even in your hour of trial. Yes, little one, you need not fear. We hear even the unspoken prayers of your heart and I am here this morning to give you this reassurance of our love and the divine certainty of this mission work to which we have called you, and are now this day calling others who will to do my will on earth today. Much needs to be done and will be done through your efforts, in service of me.
Little ones, feed my flock. Let my light shine through you into the darkness that so enshrouds our beautiful planet Urantia, my chosen one for my last bestowal. Continue to learn of me in your studies of the revelation I have sent unto you, for it is given to you now for your deeper understanding of me and of your extended Cosmic and Universal Family of Love.
I see the progress my children are making world wide in all my flocks and I am well pleased. This time of correction will continue on throughout the ages to come until this beautiful planet is settled in light and life and love.
My child, my love ever surrounds you. Continue in your loving service to my children now and in the times to come. Be of good cheer. Rejoice, and be at peace, Michael.
MALCOM: Little one, little one, know that we understand the feelings within you right now.
Michael has so graciously come this morning to lift you up and to reassure you of your calling and of the validity of his mission. Each of you, so dedicated to his mission are so loved and appreciated you cannot even begin to imagine it.
Our over care of you is our privilege and our duty, our service of love to our beloved Father/Brother Michael, our service of love to you.
With complete faith and trust now, prepare for our meeting tonight. All is well.
Your personal friend and guide, Malcolm.
Session 10
- March 7, 2000
Prayer by Lorne: Our Father, Come now in our presence and give us of your wisdom, we are eager and prepared to hear every thing that we need to know. We ask this in Jesus’ name for our sake. Thank you and amen.
BERTRAM: It is Bertram here. It is indeed my pleasure to be here with you, to share with you this evenings festivities, this time of learning and growing. We are all here to serve you, to guide you and direct you. As it is getting late, I will forgo a lesson at this time. I have had delivered to you tonight, what I would have said to you this evening. You may read that message in your leisure. Your teachers are here and are willing to answer any and all questions. So I will leave the floor open to them and you may direct your questions to each teacher that you would like to converse with. Again we thank you for your coming again this evening and may we have a fruitful interaction here tonight. Are there any questions?
VICTOR: MuriEL, I would like to ask a question if I may please, if you can give me some guidance and perhaps the others on how to create that discipline within ourselves to study and to read. It’s been a problem of mine to find the time and/or the discipline as there are so many other priorities, etc. The desire is there and the spirit is willing but the flesh seems to be weak. Could you comment on that?
MURIEL: Yes my son. First though I would thank you all for coming here and for you participation in this our Teaching Mission Base that has been delivered into our keeping and I am pleased to be here as a co-teacher with our esteemed teacher, Bertram. We have long desired to be here with you and to establish ourselves here among you. We appreciate your loyalty and your love not only for us but especially for our divine Michael. This is HIS Teaching Mission and we are here dedicated in his service. And so my children thank you for coming and we will now focus on this question.
My son, we realize that you are living on a planet that does indeed have its busy times. Your lives are not arranged as they should be. So many issues press down upon you. Life is not easy on this planet as you well know. This is not an ordinary planet. On other worlds not so deranged, you would have the time that you are looking for, that need to advance your soul growth. But here today there are so many issues to deal with, issues of survival indeed. So many counting upon you. But putting that aside, knowing that you have busy schedules with things that have to be done, dead lines to be meet, customers to satisfy. It’s imperative that you do take time for yourself, for your own soul growth and indeed set your priorities. For my son,
what is more important than your soul growth? Lift here is short enough. It is like a flash in the night and then you will be moving on to the Morontial Worlds. Lessons learned here will also be learnt there yes, but would it not be so much nicer to learn those lessons here now so that you can live in peace and prosperity, live above all the hassles, stress and strain of life that beset you? You can find comfort in your quiet times, maybe begin with your times of stillness and then lead into your study, your readings. Ask the Father to put into your heart a desire to study to know his will. Granted you can find the truth in many, many books. The truth is there in all of them in one degree or another, but my son you HAVE the precious pearl of great price, this precious, precious revelation delivered to you. This is of far higher learning than any you will read any where else. We know that you believe that within your heart, you know of the truth it contains and that it has been divinely sent. It IS a present revelation for your planet now. It is not total truth, it is not the complete truth because it could not be delivered to you as such at this time, because your knowledge has to be built step by step. Here and there you learn and pick up and build upon your knowledge base so that you can understand higher truths and higher values. Here in this revelation you will find truth, beauty and goodness. You will find how to develop your morontia soul. We could say set your priorities, put your studies high on that list, but that has to be your own free will choice. We would only ask that you have a willing heart to do the Father’s will and he will direct your path, and he will help you find the time that you need. Trust and have faith and have confidence that this is the truth you have found, that you are on the right path and it is leading you homeward. Has this helped or would you like me to be more specific?
VICTOR: Yes that has been helpful of course. I would appreciate it if you could be a little bit more specific on it.
MURIEL: At what depth are you...?
VICTOR: Where do I go from here? What . ... I’ve been struggling that over the last few months as to not really doing what I should be doing regarding the Father’s will. How do I find the way?
MURIEL: My son, we can’t tell you. Only you know to what degree you are following the Father’s will. Look into your own heart. Find the truth there within your own soul. It IS a matter of sitting priorities, setting your mind and heart to do what he wills. Self-discipline?
MURIEL: Now here is where you can learn and teach yourself confiding trust. Confiding trust in yourself. Do you understand what I am saying?
MURIEL: Your path, your studies, your private life, your relationship with the Father is between you and your Father. He knows, he reads the depths of your heart, the love that’s there within, for him. Just BE as he says, as a little child, open your heart and have a deep desire, a burning desire to learn his truths and what he wants you to know. But don’t forget you do learn from your daily lessons in life and if there is a lesson to learn he will bring it upon your path. And you WILL LEARN it, if not the first time it will come around again. But there is the easier way and if you follow that way it will be much easier for you. (Tape turned)
VICTOR: The question I have is can you comment on the Course in Miracles? Our meditation group has been going through this for the last little while and I am finding it very difficult to follow. I’ve got to admit, I don’t enjoy it. It’s writings seem to be missing me or I’m missing the points of the writing. I find it very difficult to follow the text and the lessons. Could you comment on that please.
MURIEL: I believe, my son that this would tie in with your previous question. Again setting priorities. How do you find understanding the Urantia Book?
VICTOR: Very, very easy. The writings are excellent. That’s what I’m so curious about because it is Jesus coming through with the Course in Miracles, that the lessons are so different.
MURIEL: Have you ever thought to think that maybe different writings were meant for different people?
VICTOR: Yes, that crossed my mind. Yes. You hear so many people commenting on it that it’s an excellent book. I’ve picked it up probably 6 times and it goes nowhere for me.
MURIEL: Then surely this book is not meant for you at this time.
VICTOR: I think you’re right.
MURIEL: So we would ask, why struggle with it?
VICTOR: That’s right.
MURIEL: Wouldn’t it be nicer to struggle with something you understand? (Laughter)
VICTOR: Indeed, yes. No, I was just wondering if there was some reason why it seems to be written in such difficult tanatares or what ever the terminology is. I find it very difficult to understand and read it.
MURIEL: I would say that you have a fellow sister that understands you completely (Victor laughs - I feel better now) because our transmitter here has tried to read that book also and did not get far with it.
COMMENTS: Also me...I read the whole course and I love the Urantia Book.....yeah, the Urantia Book is far superior.....oh, absolutely, there’s no comparison.....I studied the Keys of Enoch for four years and had the exact same problem....and what I did I just quit...it’s not for me...that’s it....find the book that’s good for you and follow it....just the Urantia Book.
MURIEL: You’re absolutely right, children. The Urantia Book speaks to your heart for a VERY definite reason. (Judy – definitely) and as you have heard tonight, Christ Michael has validated his Urantia Book and the work that is going forth on earth today. That does not invalidate other books of this nature. But if the Urantia books speaks to your heart and it is contributing to your soul growth then you are going forward in your development. Why then take your precious time to study something you find difficult? Do you need that challenge?
The Urantia Book is a challenge in itself? (Yes it is) So spend quality time with what you find dear to your heart and don’t frustrate yourselves! (That’s a hard lesson to learn– laughter)
But realize these other books are stepping stones to knowledge and truth and there is truth in all of them and if you read the Melchizedek papers you will understand that. Now here’s a place for you to start.
LORNE: I found the teacher’s manual in the Course in Miracles to be very rewarding. Could you comment on that?
MURIEL: The teacher’s manual was written to develop teachers. You understand? (Yes)
VICTOR: I had watched a video the other night on the Course in Miracles which was excellent. The women made her points and I could understand it and everything else but when I look at the book it’s almost like reading Chinese to me. I do not enjoy the grammar. I don’t enjoy the long paragraphs. It’s not....it just does not do anything for me. And so I think you are right, the truth is there . .. it’s just not as well put in my mind as the Urantia Book.
MURIEL: There are those who would grasp these different terminologies and it would speak to their soul and that is fine for them. But you have been called to a different level, a different plane of understanding. Rejoice and be thankful that the Urantia Book does speak to your heart and does give you inner guidance.
JEFF: Could you comment on the fact that I’ve studied all the Ascended Masters, the Keys, the Course in Miracles and everything, and they never touched me...period, and I don’t even have copies now, but I always thought that mortals on Urantia are at different levels in their spiritual growth and more than likely these books are just “stepping stones” for these mortals to grow in their own way...(MuriEL– that is absolutely true) and I don’t condemn them but that’s not for me.
I found the Urantia Book almost ten years ago and all these other books do nothing for me and I’m not going to waste my time reading them and that’s how I feel. If you could comment on that from the Teaching Mission just to reinforce it, I will appreciate it.
MURIEL: They are indeed “stepping stones” because they do have truth here and truth there and actually your are in training of your mind to pick out the truth, what rings true within you.
These books are there for a purpose so let them be. You have grown beyond that Jeff. Your mind is open to more truth and deeper truth. We would say that you are wise that do not waste your time in those endeavours now because you have found what speaks to your soul, and so let it be that others may find that those books speak to them. Above all, we should not be judgmental.
Assess your own situation and if it does not feel right, or is not right for you, then go on to what is. We have said tonight, and you yourselves have expressed that your time is precious. You have to prioritize properly. So we would indeed say put what is of prime importance at the top of your list. I would dare say if you did this, and you did do that number one priority in your life, say first thing in the morning, your whole day will go better. You will not be struggling with that thought....I should....I should....I should....why don’t I have time.....(comment–Just do it!) Do it. Yes. (laughter) There’s no time like the present. (comment — shall we report back to you?– laughter, MuriEL laughing) I shall be waiting with my report card! (I have a question)
Yes Judy.
JUDY: I would like to know about the activity at the top of my head which has been ongoing for quite some time. Sometimes the pressure is quite intense. Is this because there are circuits being connected, that I am being prepared for something that I have no idea about?
MURIEL: Yes indeed Judy. Are not all God’s children being prepared in the same way? Have you not read in the Urantia book that the circuits are now being....no. You do know NOW that the circuits are open and have been open for the only the these last few years. This is an absolute truth. You are being encircuited once more. The planet is being brought back into it’s rightful place and that’s why so many people are becoming more open to this new knowledge being brought through. It will take time for the equilibrium to come back within your minds.
JUDY: Does this pertain to future work or is this also to bring forth hidden gifts I may have and am not aware of?
MURIEL: Absolutely! Absolutely, Judy. Things are happening among God’s children worldwide and you will see and experience this more and more as time goes on. We understand that you have expressed a need and a desire to acquire a computer. A whole new world will open up to you as you will learn to share your experiences with others and you will see that like-mindedness is occurring worldwide. Great and marvelous things are happening Judy, so be open,
have that confiding faith and trust that all IS going according to plan and there IS a plan set in motion and you are ALL apart of that plan. Healing IS coming to your world and it will happen through YOU. You ARE our instruments of healing to the world. We can guide and direct you, but YOU must do the action. So follow what you feel within your heart what is right for you.
Study and show yourself approved. Further guidance will be coming to you. Just be watchful of it and prepare yourself for it. Seek it without and seek it from within.
JUDY: Thank you.
VICTOR: Is this something that we all should look forward to or expect that when something is going to happen.... like when Judy is feeling something in the top of her head, are these physical things then, or does it vary with different people.
MURIEL: It varies with different people within their own rate of growth, their openness, their willingness..... (Their physical bodies?) Yes, your physical makeup but also your mental and emotional makeup. Sometimes you can’t accept strong energies if you are prepared so you have to build. Just as in your acquiring of knowledge and truth, you have to build even . ...
JEFF: After that....the same thing that Judy spoke about, I feel a tingling sometimes on the left and sometime on the right side of my body, and it’s just as if I hit my funny bone and I feel it and I know that is something (energy) Yes, and Doreen Mitchell gets the whole top of her head is hot
(oh yes) hot (oh yes) and starts to sweat. We have discussed those kind of things and everybody gets these same feelings in different ways, and as soon as I feel it I know that there is a presence and that something is coming.
MURIEL: So you have proof within your own selves that the circuits are definitely being opened..(yes)..that more light and truth and love is coming into the earth....it’s flooding the earth. JUDY: I have one VERY important question for me about the psychic circles that the Urantia Book speaks of, that the majority, or most of us are in the third circle, however I sometimes get the impression that we may be second circlelers, that we have advanced?
MURIEL: That could be quite true Judy, but I am not here to judge or to tell where you are in your progression, for only the Father knows that, and you do realize that when you do reach the first circle that you will come to fusion. Some may advance quite rapidly here on earth but is not happening at this time. When we are closer to the Age of Light and Life many more will be rapidly advancing. But yes, indeed, those who are called now in this age now are advancing faster and how fast you advance will be according to your own freewillness. Most do not fuse until they reach Jerusem, as you understand, but you are in progression, you are going in that direction. So do not fear or worry about it at this time, just enjoy it.
JUDY: Just a curiosity question, because I definitely feel different than I did, lets say thirty years ago.
MURIEL: Absolutely, from that period till now, of course! Of course, you have grown. You have probably gone from the first to the third!
JUDY: It is really thrilling to hear that we are actually part of the emergency mission of Melchizedek. Of that I am very humbled to hear about that, that we are part of that and I can not
thank Michael enough that we have been found worthy of being accepted into this service of his Mission.
MURIEL: That is why we are here Judy, to prepare you, each and everyone of you, to be apart of that Mission, to serve in whatever way you are being called and directed. Indeed, it may be a healing service that you will have. Vic may have an architectural service. You do know that they are building retreat centers coming up in the near future and there is a wonderful opportunity there, for building new communities which will be new arenas of examples of light and life upon the world. Maybe there will be designs that our brother here could contribute to that work. There’s so many opportunities. Never be envious of each others skills or calling, because each one of you have your place in Michael’s Mission, what he has prepared for you and what he desires for you to do. It is only up to you to be WILLING and OPEN to accept what he desires of you. Your journey, your discovery of how you can serve is part of your growth and the enjoyment of that discovery. If we were to tell you what your future holds for you, where would be the thrill of your journey and your discovery? Everyone has their place and their part to do.
VICTOR: Yes, they have their own path and their own truth, don’t they? All paths lead to Rome.
MURIEL: You see, we are all diverse in our natures and in our understanding and in our skills, and in our knowledge and in our backgrounds, our experience, but we all work together now as teams and as groups and we are here now with our team here, as your teachers and guides to help you and direct you. We are not going to tell you WHAT to do because that is your own choice.
That must come from within your own heart, the path you desire to walk, what skill you want to contribute.
JUDY: So it is actually....since we REALLY don’t know what we are about, it is really moving one phase at a time. (that’s right)
MURIEL: Faith, confiding trust. You got it! (laughter)
JUDY: Courageous loyalty?
MURIEL: (laughter) That’s coming, that’s coming! Patience and tolerance. Always must it be in love service, not for private gain or for greed, or for self......
JEFF: Aggrandizement.
MURIEL: (Laughter) That’s what I...that’s the word...!! (laughter by all) Thank you! Even your teacher gets tongue tied!! I would say, always remember to have that child-like attitude of heart. Be open so that you can be taught and never forget that you ARE connected to that true vine. Your nourishment does come from your Father. You can do NOTHING without HIM! Unless you have that connection, unless you have that faith, unless you have that confiding trust that he will direct and guide you and lead you day by day, moment by moment. Trust that the lessons that you need will come to you regardless of where you are what you are doing. The Father loves you. He has called you. He has brought you into his fold. He is teaching you so that you can go out and be teachers and leaders in the coming world tomorrow. Much that you do now, you may not ever see the fruitation of it. You may not see all your plans come to fulfillment but you are setting the example, you are setting the pace, you are setting the direction.
Just have that confiding trust. We cannot say it enough. Have that faith in Christ Michael, in the work that he has set forth upon this earth at this time. It IS an emergency mission, he is reclaiming his planet, he is bring it into his fold of his universal family of planets. It is a great age to be alive and to have your part in what is occurring on earth today. But not only on this earth; it is also happening on the other worlds that were lost in darkness. Always try to get the larger view of what is happening, then everything seems to fall into place.
LORNE: Could you tell me...we are a study group of about a dozen people. Could you tell me how much of an influence we have in this area, this small group of people?
MURIEL: Have you ever stopped to think, Lorne, that Christ Michael had a small group of people. Twelve, and look at the great work they did at starting a worldwide movement. We know so much more today, you are being taught so much more today and your influence is greatly expanded. ONE person can do so much. This is because your world is so interconnected. It is not just the person you meet on the street but who you meet worldwide over your telephones, over the internet, which is now becoming so accessible to the general public. You can influence thousands by the click of a button now. It’s a different world today and a few can do so much if they are empowered with truth and knowledge and love. Let all your actions be in love so that you can be a demonstration to those you meet every day. That influence will grow and expand. You may not think so, but people remember. You are planting seeds, remember? It seems so simple to say, “be a light,” and “be an example.” What does that mean? What do people see when they see you? Do they see your kindness, your love, your generosity, your joy, your cheer, especially your love for them? Is that helping you Lorne?
LORNE: Yes. I wondered if the highly positive attitudes, loving attitudes that we have, does this go out as a radiating energy out into the world about us?
MURIEL: Of course. Of course and your prayers mean so much. United in prayer can mean so much to heal this world, because the Father does hear your prayers and then he sees the willingness of heart that you do want change. It was the prayers of your fathers before you that brought you your book. Do you understand this?
MURIEL: Change must come to this world and we are here to assist in the bring about of that change and you must know the way to do that. That is why we are here to teach you at this time.
Listen to us because we do come to you with knowledge and with truth and with beauty and with goodness taught to us by Christ Michael.
JEFF: Reminds me of the his words....”not my will, but thy will be done.” Oh Lord, my God.
MURIEL: That is true.
JEFF: That was his words and I think that we as a small group, all we have to do is to be willing to spread it, to sow those seeds wherever we may be.
VICTOR: Is there a cosmic intention to influence other movements, religious movements that are out there from the Teaching Mission point of view? Is there an attempt there?
MURIEL: Can you be more specific?
VICTOR: I’m just wondering if.....you’re working with the Teaching Mission with the Urantia the movement, with the group. Is there an attempt that the Teaching Mission would move into other religious movements, basic religious movements, basic Christian movements, the fundamentalists, the main stream movements?
MURIEL: Are you asking if the teachers will move into those movements?
VICTOR: Yes, are you going to be influencing or moving into those particular movements in one form or another? Is there any intention there or is it strictly working through the Urantia groups that the Teaching Mission will be coming forward?
MURIEL: What we have told you before is that you are our arms and legs. It will be YOU who will be going into these places. (Victor -- o.k. yes, that’s why I’m meeting with my group,... Jeff -- that is what I understood myself, I was going to interject that,.... Judy -- wherever there is an opening) We are not going to do it for you, my children. (sighs and laughter) It’s not that easy. (Victor – we sure have a big chore ahead of us!)
JEFF: But I think what happens that once the light is seen, people will just come. It’s not a matter of convincing somebody. That individual will see that light and understand that light and will want more. That’s what we just did today with Judy and the Urantia Books, and I said to myself I was not that I was not even put these books into the book store anymore. I was going to keep them myself and whoever I am guide to I will let them know they are there and that’s it. With the bookstore, I didn’t like how it worked.
JUDY: I think then that we prepare ourselves to give the fruits of the spirit in Unity, that it is wonderful to have books available for those people who are really interested.
JEFF: Well what I am saying is that I am going to keep them at home and what happens is they can get one. (Judy – and we can always order more)
MURIEL: My children, you do not cast your pearls before swine! (laughter – yes, one of my favorite lines!) And remember, when the student is ready the teacher will appear and you my students were ready and your teachers are here. When your group, when your church, when the people that you meet are ready, their teacher will appear. Even the books you mentioned earlier are teachers to those people who read them. That is where their readiness is. (Yes)
LORNE: I was under the impression that a Teaching Mission is not exclusive to the Urantia Study Groups. Is that true? (That’s what we read)
MURIEL: The influence of the Teaching Mission is influencing many, many worldwide. People are hearing their teachers. There is a personal teacher offered to anyone who is willing and desires one. When that individual is ready for their teacher they will hear these messages as well, whether they are in the Teaching Mission or not. You understand?
LORNE: Thank you. I thought so. Yes.
VICTOR: The truth comes in many forms I guess.
MURIEL: Yes, God loves this world. The Father is here in his Thought Adjuster, in each mind and heart working with each individual. The TRUTH IS TRUTH. Each person has the Spirit of Truth working within them to bring them to the knowledge and understanding that they need at their precise moment on their path. Do you understand what I am saying?
LORNE: Yes, yes.
VICTOR: It’s just that our lives are SO short. (laughter Judy -- you can always ask for another sixty-five, I’ve asked so...yeah)
MURIEL: But life ISN’T SHORT my son. Only your physical existence....(yes) here. (Victor – laughing all... yes that is what I was referring too....Jeff – be careful Vic....precious)
We ask you to bear fruit but it may not ripen for quite awhile.
Just be assured that the Father loves each and every one of you and he desires that you become perfect as he is perfect because then you have inner peace and joy that HE experiences. He wants to share ALL with you and as you grow and mature and develop your own Morontia Soul and survive to the worlds beyond, you just have no idea what awaits you, what he has prepared for you. My son, go read it in the book.
VICTOR: I start tomorrow.
JUDY: The Jesus teachings are WONDERFUL. Especially when he is with the Indians traveling all over....(Vic – yes, yes I remember those) oh my, I am just blown away by how Jesus conducts himself with all the different people he comes across and I say “Oh God give me that insight into other peoples souls so I know what there need is so that I can help them better.”
MURIEL: Well my dear Judy, you have that insight because you have the mind of Christ working within you and he will guide you and be with you as you deal with each person. You KNOW that, you understand that.
JUDY: Yes, but in my home circumstances I don’t go very far and that despairs me sometimes.
MURIEL: Well, Christ Michael can empathize with you there can he not?
JUDY: Yes, and he is with us anyway and he is in our house too.
MURIEL: If God be FOR us WHO can be against us? (True...Judy singing — we are walking, we are walking in the light.....laughter)
MURIEL: My, I do have a happy class here, do I not? (MuriEL laughs with all)
In closing I would say, it has been my privilege and my joy to be here with you to night.
JEFF: It has been ours also to be with you..
MURIEL: And I have waited SO LONG to have this opportunity to be with you in this way, to share with you and to get to know you and for you to get to know me. For I do LOVE YOU dearly each and every one of you.
VICTOR: Thank you and God bless.
JUDY: And thank you VERY much, we are deeply honoured.
JEFF: Thank you very much
MURIEL: Good night, my children. ALL: Good night.
Session 11
- March 10, 2000
TARA: Our next teaching mission meeting is this Friday night. Is there a message for the group that will be attending?
BERTRAM: Yes little one, we have a message today. We have need of your services now as we move forward in this emergency mission today. We are glad to see you returned safely to your own home base, settled once more and ready to continue on.
MuriEL will now continue her lessons so I will leave now, and turn this period of time with you over to her this morning. One moment please.
MURIEL: Greetings, my child. How I have longed to be with you once more and how I look forward to our meeting planned this Friday night with the students in my charge here in our conjoint teaching base. You live in a very beautiful arena on Urantia and it is our pleasure to be here with you at this time, and at this crucial time in your planetary history.
Indeed is it important that each of you draw close to the Father in your stillness with him. This does Michael’s Mission stress over and over again. Never underestimate the value of this time spent in the presence of your heavenly Father who indeed loves you so much, and ever watches over you in more ways than you can ever know or even come to fully understand.
I want to recap for you the path that our lessons are taking. We endeavoured to first lead you to understand your First Source and Center, your Paradise Father who is indeed your final destiny of attainment, but also to reveal to you that you do indeed, this very day, have access to that ever- loving, divine and eternal Father at all times, at any moment. All you need do is call on him and know that he is there ever willing to guide you and love you and help you in you daily walk of life.
You are never, never left alone in all your struggles, in all your joys, in all your endeavours or achievements. He rejoices with you, he agonizes with you in all your trials of life. He is your Father, your friend, your partner in life. His Father fragment, your Though Adjuster, is ever there within you, to guide and direct you as you seek to do his will, and to ever live according to his will.
He has sent his Son, our Master Michael, Jesus, your local universe Father to ever love and nurture you along with Mother Nebadonia, our local holy mother spirit who ever loves and comforts you and sends her ministering angels to watch over and care for you in your daily walk of faith and trust. No you have nothing to fear for as you have so often been told, you do indeed live in a “friendly universe.” Michael is your Local Universe Father, your own Creator Son of Nebadon. He is your “link” to the Father. No one comes to the Father except through him and this is spiritually and literally true. He is the true and living vine by which you ascend from your earthly world of Urantia, and through which you climb in your ascent through your local universe into the Superuniverse and beyond towards Paradise. He has set the example, he has shown the way but he is more than that. For he IS the way, the truth and the light. He is indeed your very life. Through him do you receive your nurturance of truth and knowledge.
Has he not sent to your world five revelations of truth? It is indeed unfortunate that your world has had to suffer so from the defaults and the rebellion of the past, that it still dwells in the aftermath of the divine plan temporarily gone astray. But all is not lost and indeed was your planet home graced with your sovereign son’s final bestowal. Little Urantia, a beautiful blue and green shimmering jewel of such exquisite beauty, chosen to bear witness to Michael’s ultimate victory and accomplishment of qualification to become your sovereign ruler of all Nebadon.
No, no indeed my children, you are not forgotten, and the eternal and divine mandate gone out to all the inhabited worlds of space in every local, and every superuniverse, does indeed include your world, Urantia. The Universal Father has indeed decreed that “you become perfect as he is perfect” and that perfection is an eternal goal to be achieved day by day in your ascension career if you so choose of your own free will.
So indeed are we, am I here, to guide you in these lessons of the “fruits of the spirit,” for it is fitting that God’s children develop these divine qualities in their lives if they are to God-like and live a godly life according to his will. He wants you to have these “family qualities of truth, beauty and goodness” which ever flow out from his heart of divine love to all his children in all his creations. So must you develop these sparks of divine truth already resident with in you via his spirit fragment within. It is truly a matter of morontia soul development that we are all about.
As you experience, and grow to know and trust the Father within to guide you in you walk each day, you will naturally begin to express his godliness from within. You will radiate his love naturally in your life and truly it will be said of you “By their fruits will ye know them.”
You ARE the children of the TRUE and LIVING GOD! So let your light shine before men that they may indeed see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
This you will do naturally as you grow and develop in his love, living in that love, experiencing that love, expressing that love to all your brothers and sisters no matter who they are. Then indeed are the “fruits of the spirit” nurtured and developed within your character and personality, and indeed are you prepared for the next phase of your journey homeward .
This my children is why we have come, to aid in this mission, to help turn the hearts of the children back to the Fathers, to reestablish this beautiful cradle of nativity back into the universal planetary systems of your Father Michael. What you do now, what you accomplish now, will not be in vain neither for your own ascension career nor for your planet home’s ascension into Light and Life as well. We have called you “pioneers,”-- “way showers,” for indeed you are, or shall be, if you so desire. Urantia indeed, needs such examples of true righteousness in the earth.
Let your love, the Father’s love, flow out through you as you become tender hearted and loving to all you meet along your path, treating one another, loving one another as you would want to be loved and treated. Yes “do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
Continue to have faith and trust in the Father and in his son Christ Michael, in their promises to you and in their support and over care to see you safely brought to the portals of Paradise.
Learn to have confiding trust in one another, your brothers and sisters in the light, in the truth, in all the earth, as you go forth in loving service each day.
This is not a new lesson today, but a recap of what we have covered so far. We want you to see as clearly as possible why it is so important that you develop these divine fruits of the spirit in your own spirit essence, for these qualities you will indeed carry with you upon your departure of Urantia.
For now you must root out your predisposed animal tendencies and supplant them with spiritual qualities which will remain apart of your morontial and spiritual being forever. This is indeed your own “personal correcting time” as you prepare to be of ever increasing service in the ongoing Correcting Time now taking place upon Urantia.
You are now dismissed, and it would indeed be beneficial if you could discuss what has been presented here and if you have questions this evening I will be glad to answer.
Your new teacher and friend, MuriEL.
Session 12
- March 13, 2000
TARA : I sense that there is a message for the group tonight from Bertram.
BERTRAM: How intuitive you are this morning, little one. Indeed, I do have a message for these, my students, in my arena of activity here on Urantia. It has been some time since last I addressed these little ones here, who so faithfully come for nourishment and enlightenment.
First I want to say how delighted I was to see the attendance of those who made there way to the Stillness Retreat at Silver Springs last month. This was indeed a step forward in your understanding of the significance of learning of and partaking of the lessons on the practice, on the discipline of communing with the Father in the stillness of your mind.
At first it will seem like a disciplined act to be practiced and practiced again and again, but this is indeed the way you learn to sit in the silence and to build that confiding trust in the Father that he is there, and that he hears you and is communing with you. Do not loose hope or faith that he is there, or that he hears you. Have confidence and trust that he IS there and he DOES with supreme love, does hear your every word, understands your every thought, every cry and sigh from your tender heart-soul expressions of love and worship, understands your deep desire for understanding of truth, beauty and goodness in all life. In time it will become a natural means of communication at any time of the day or night when you call upon him in your daily walk with him. In any trial or difficulty always realized he is ever there within to guide and direct you on the path you should take, or even the words you should speak to your brother or sister in need.
You are growing into partnership with your Thought Adjuster within, who will indeed become a very part of you for all eternity if you so choose that it be so. So get to know this Father fragment within you, for in fusion you will become eternally as one. Learn now to come into harmony with this Father Spirit Fragment within and align yourself with him as you grow in the divine attributes of the Father, thereby expressing those divine fruits of the spirit in your daily life, in all your relationships with your brothers and sisters.
These lessons, these messages that we endeavour to bring to you are always for your soul growth.
Truly you are as babes in the Father’s household. Now has your civilization evolved to the point that higher knowledge and truth can be revealed to you if you will but listen and seek understanding with that open and child-like attitude of heart that the Master, and indeed MuriEL have taught you.
Do take these lessons seriously and apply them and work with them and see many changes come into your life as you learn to become and to be naturally more and more Christ-like.
It is not a way of life that you live only on certain days or with certain people. It is “real life living,”— truly being all that the Father requires of you, as you are able today in this realm of your existence. It does not happen over night, no. It does not miraculously happen at death, no. You do not wake on the Mansion World One completely transformed, no. You are embarking on an eternal long journey to perfection attainment, so be loving and kind to yourself. Your Thought Adjuster is there, and will be there eternally to guide and direct you, so now must you reach out and together embrace one another in love and faith, and indeed in confiding trust in a growing eternal commitment — to EVER GROW in the divine attributes of the Father.
We are pleased to see you continue on in your studies of the “Life and Teachings of Jesus” in your Urantia Book. He did indeed show you the way, revealed to you how to live the Godly, the Christ-like life by the way he lived his life. He has set you an example. You will gain much benefit from your studies and in your application as we go along, if you will set your mind and heart to study and apply these teachings as they come and as we go along this year.
We understand life can become very busy and chaotic at times, but always try to set aside time daily for stillness, prayer and study and then the application come naturally.
Remember you are not in a race, Jesus was never in a hurray. Always take time out for the needs of your brothers and sister, for in your loving kindness and service to them do you not only love and serve them but you set and example, and may indeed whet their appetites for truth, beauty and goodness in their lives also. In this way do you lead your world ever closer to the age of Light and Life and to the coming of your own Magisterial Teacher Son now waiting to come and minister to your world. The present millennium will see great changes upon Urantia.
Little ones, go forward this night with renewed hope, faith and trust that all is well and going according to plan, world wide. Progress is being made and the banner of Michael will very soon be unfurled for all to see; signifying the glorious family of God on earth, teaching and leading the way home as it was always meant to be.
I will now take my leave, and leave you to your final preparations for the meeting this evening.
You teacher and guide, friend and brother, Bertram.
TARA: My teachers, I am in such need of your guidance, my heart is breaking in regards to my children. How can I help them, especially my son Brian this morning?
MALCOM: Our little one, we feel your pain and understand the stress of the circumstances that so heavily weigh down upon you. This situation does concern us all here, for we see such pain everywhere upon your world.
Your little one is indeed suffering in the multitude of his losses. His desire to die, to escape his pain is understandable. He sees no light of hope, no way out of the pain of mind and heart he is experiencing. Well you understand the place he is at right now. Please know he will be alright, no matter what path he now takes. Do all you can to express your love for him and stand by him as best you can. Realize, little one you are not alone in this hour of trial that you all face. Do not blame or judge the reactions of others to this situation, as each has their own free will decision of thought and action.
You know in your own heart that love is the answer, so be there for him in this, his darkest hour. Give him your complete and unconditional love and compassion.
You, yourself, cannot correct the mistakes he has made in his life. This is his own work to do, just as you have done yours over these many, many years. Each one is responsible and accountable to the Father on their own behalf. We would only counsel you to go forth in faith and trust that all will work out according to what is ultimately best for all in each situation with which you are concerned.
You, yourself, can only do so much. Just set an example of your own trust and confidence in the love of your Father for you and all his children. Be a shower of the way by your own life, by your love to all, by your prayers for them in your private times. Let them know you are there for them always and unconditionally. Should the worst happen, your fears come to past, know that he is indeed in the safe keeping of the Father, and this life is not the end for this little one borne of you. Remember now, to love him and comfort him and be by his side with your support and understanding.
You can come to us at any time and we will be here for you.
Ever seek the Father within now and rest in the assurance that he is ever there loving you and supporting you, infolding you in his tender love and mercy.
Christ Michael is ever there by your side to comfort and aid you in all the hours and days ahead in all your loving service to your family as they go through these dire transitions in their lives.
I will leave you now in the comforting and ministering love of Mother Nebadonia and all her angels of mercy and love.
Your personal guide and ever constant friend, Malcom.
Session 13
- March 26, 2000
TARA: My teachers, I feel so lost. I haven’t felt worthy to even approach you. My mind is so confused and I feel pulled in all directions. My children need me, my grandchildren need me, even my sick cat needs me now. There is so much to do here in preparation for the move. I feel I am letting Sue Tennant down but I just can’t concentrate. Now I’m afraid here that I will fail again as I did at our last Teaching Mission Night. I hear so much bickering going on online at UBRON now and the Foundation is so busy suing every one who tries to do the work they feel called to do. What is happening to us all? Is it a pattern developing here? The only thing that does seem solid is the mission. I was so glad to read the post of Fred Harris last night. If I am still a part of this mission please help me to understand and what I can do with my life right now and which way I should go.
MY TEACHERS: Little one be not dismayed for what is transpiring all around you at this time. Did we not tell you that you are going through the beginning stages of the Correcting Time? You would do well to read that novel once more by Mr. Harris. We are here to aid and assist in this mission work of Christ Michael on Urantia today, to see your planet home safely brought into the coming age of Light and Life. Each day you are learning new lessons, valuable lessons that will see you through the trying times just ahead for you and for your planet home.
Continue on as you have, little one. We are not task masters, no indeed. You will be just fine. You are going through a time of adjusting and transition, and can only do as you are able. Do not set your expectations so high as to set yourself up for disappointments and a false sense of failure. All is in the Master’s hands and all is going according to his plans for you and for his beloved Urantia. You have nothing to fear for we are with you and you can call on us at anytime and of course we will hear you and come to assist you. But you must make the effort for we will never impinge upon you or interfere with your own free will. This is a universal mandate that we will not violate. So do not be so filled with worry and anxieties. All will be well and you will find the rest and peace for your soul and your children will be fine, learning the lessons most needful for them at this time as well.
We will now leave you as you have a long drive ahead of you now and must be on your way now.
We will watch over you and see you safely to your destinations. Just be mindful and alert to your driving and do not overly dwell on these issues that you have at heart right now.
Our love we extend to you now and do not doubt your call to this work and part in it in the service of the Fathers’
We ever remain your teachers and guides, Bertram, MuriEL and Malcom.
Session 14
- March 26, 2000
TARA: My teachers, I feel so lost. I haven’t felt worthy to even approach you. My mind is so confused and I feel pulled in all directions. My children need me, my grandchildren need me, even my sick cat needs me now. There is so much to do here in preparation for the move. I feel I am letting Sue Tennant down but I just can’t concentrate. Now I’m afraid here that I will fail again as I did at our last Teaching Mission Night. I hear so much bickering going on online at UBRON now and the Foundation is so busy suing every one who tries to do the work they feel called to do. What is happening to us all? Is it a pattern developing here? The only thing that does seem solid is the mission. I was so glad to read the post of Fred Harris last night. If I am still a part of this mission please help me to understand and what I can do with my life right now and which way I should go.
MY TEACHERS: Little one be not dismayed for what is transpiring all around you at this time. Did we not tell you that you are going through the beginning stages of the Correcting Time? You would do well to read that novel once more by Mr. Harris. We are here to aid and assist in this mission work of Christ Michael on Urantia today, to see your planet home safely brought into the coming age of Light and Life. Each day you are learning new lessons, valuable lessons that will see you through the trying times just ahead for you and for your planet home.
Continue on as you have, little one. We are not task masters, no indeed. You will be just fine. You are going through a time of adjusting and transition, and can only do as you are able. Do not set your expectations so high as to set yourself up for disappointments and a false sense of failure. All is in the Master’s hands and all is going according to his plans for you and for his beloved Urantia. You have nothing to fear for we are with you and you can call on us at anytime and of course we will hear you and come to assist you. But you must make the effort for we will never impinge upon you or interfere with your own free will. This is a universal mandate that we will not violate. So do not be so filled with worry and anxieties. All will be well and you will find the rest and peace for your soul and your children will be fine, learning the lessons most needful for them at this time as well.
We will now leave you as you have a long drive ahead of you now and must be on your way now.
We will watch over you and see you safely to your destinations. Just be mindful and alert to your driving and do not overly dwell on these issues that you have at heart right now.
Our love we extend to you now and do not doubt your call to this work and part in it in the service of the Fathers’
We ever remain your teachers and guides, Bertram, MuriEL and Malcom.
Session 15
- June 10, 2000
TARA: Is there a message this morning?
MALCOM: Little one, it is our delight to be with you again tonight. It has been a very long time and we do understand the straits you are in right now, so do not fret. All is well and you are not forsaken, just as we know you have not forsaken us nor Michael’s Mission, for surely the Father looks upon the heart of all his children and knows their sincerity and their heart intent.
You need not fear, for we shall get back on track soon. You are much needed just where you are little one, so take your rest and do all that you must in the service of your physical family also.
Do not doubt. These are our words communicating to you and you are just as surely a part of Michael’s Mission as you ever were. Situations such as this happens to all. You are not alone in your trials and in your periods of transition. All are being place where they can be of best service.
You question as to whether you are still in Bertram’s teaching base where you are living now? Yes, little one. It will be made clear to you very soon why we have indeed placed you where you are now. Urantia is indeed a very large planet and leaders and teachers are being called out worldwide during these foundational years, to set in place the building blocks of the future, for the leading of your planet home into it’s coming era of Light and Life. This is just the beginning of a glorious future for your planet as it is swung around once more into harmony with the celestial administration of the kingdom of God. No more are you in isolation, the circuits have been opened and the work of God on earth is going forward as never before. Planet wide God’s children are awakening gradually, yes but surely indeed. Urantia IS in good hands and you do indeed live in a friendly universe, but more than friendly, one that loves you and cares for you and that is here to lead you into your destiny of truth, beauty and goodness as the Spirit of Truth is poured out upon you and increased enlightenment enfolds all of God’s children worldwide.
Now is your planet beginning to truly live in the essence of light and life and indeed true love as it is manifested in all the hearts of God’s children one by one. So let your own light continue to shine forth in love for one another. We are here to help and assist you, so do not fear nor fret nor worry. We will not let you falter in your life struggles here. You must indeed live in your world amidst all of it’s hardships and toils, but also in it joys and triumphs and moments of supreme happiness.
Enjoy and savor the new birth of your new grand daughter Rachel, who has now entered the realm of Urantia. Each child is unique in beauty and personality and these little ones will teach you many lessons just as you will teach them in the years to come. Indeed do you love the grandchildren now in your charge. They will demand much of your time but the work you do with them now, the love you show, your tenderness and kindness will be ever remembered in the years to come as you set their feet upon the path of truth and love, beauty and goodness. We do indeed understand your decision to come and assist this family for they are indeed your flesh and your legacy to the world. How they impact the future and how they live their lives is indeed imprinted with these early experiences in life. Treasure them and love them and rest assured that this is also a part of your calling during your sojourn on Urantia. The work that you do is not in vain for your physical family nor for your extended spiritual family.
So little one, return to your rest. We will be in contact once more very soon. We are never far away and always remember Michael is ever near and the Father is indeed there with in you to guide and lead you at each and every moment. Turn to him, turn to him little one, for he loves you dearly and is ever there to help and comfort you and guide you in all his ways of love and righteous living.
Good night little one and be at peace. Ever your guide and friend, Malcom.
Session 16
- July 18, 2000
TARA: I feel there is a message this morning.
TEACHER: Good morning Tara, It is Malcom here. We have long awaited your return to us. First let me reassure you that you are indeed still enlisted in the work we have set out to do together. So set your heart at ease. There is no race here. All is progressing as it should.
During these many months you have continued to grow in knowledge and understanding and in your many computer skills; have become acquainted with others in this mission calling, this new and expanded work of Christ Michael on earth today.
You are in school little one and we are your teachers, and indeed sometimes your spiritual nannies especially I, myself, your personal teacher. You have never been left alone and indeed do you learn many, many lessons in the school of life on Urantia. So do not despair, we will now go forward once more and complete the course set out before us.
I would like to comment on your new found friendship with Terry. Yes, we have been in contact with this dear soul for some time. It is good that you have made this contact with one another. It is meant to be, and together you will help each other grow towards light and life.
You are indeed kindred spirits and together you will compliment and support one another in the years and eons to come. Never do you leave behind such blessed relationships of the flesh.
You have need of one another as you grow in spiritual perfection in the Father. You both have serious health issues to deal with right now and we want you to know that you are lovingly watched over and cared for and you need not fear.
We are ever here in our love and support and guidance daily. You can call on us at any time. Ever remember that Christ Michael himself is ever near to you, closer than hands and feet and dear Mother Nebadonia constantly enfolds you in her love. Your Thought Adjuster, a very fragment of the Paradise Father of All is with in you and a very part of you, there to comfort guide and lead you forever and always on your journey homeward. Yes little ones you are not alone in your spiritual journey homeward. All along the way you will encounter those who love you and are sent to you, prepared to teach and guide you on you way to perfect perfection in God-likeness. Yes, your journey starts here as you climb to spiritual maturity and adulthood.
Yes, you are indeed children in the household of God and as children play and enjoy your beautiful garden home of Urantia. Drink in the beauty that surrounds you and rejoice at all that Father has supplied. Envision this new age coming to it’s full potential of light and life, filled with beauty, truth and goodness.
Do all that you can now to bring the Father’s will to fulfilment on Urantia by growing in the fruits of his spirit daily in your own lives. Let love and peace reign in your own hearts, in your own lives, in your own homes. Make this your worthy goal
of life here and in so doing bring peace and contentment within your self, your family, your greater family and community and national arena as well.
This dear ones is the way to world peace as you come to realize the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God, that you are all one family, one kindred community within the family of God.
Some day your world will even come to realize its kinship in the Universal Community of Light and Life. Your world will regain that cosmic reality of what and who you are and where you belong in the scheme of things universal. We are all apart of this great purpose, this great plan of God being worked out across the broad expanse of his great universal fields of spiritual and physical realities.
Brotherly love is the answer to all the problems plaguing your world today and all it’s problems begin within the very heart of man himself. Think on these things little ones.
We are pleased with the sisterly love developing between you and your new found sister. We are ever here to guide and direct you daily. What an adventure lies before you!!
I will take leave of you now. May peace reign supreme within your hearts today and always. Your friend and guide, Malcom.
Session 17
- Sept. 7. 2000
My teachers. Is there a message today?
Yes, it is our pleasure to be with you this afternoon. As always we are here to love and support you in every way. You need not fear at all. We have not forsaken you. We realize that you have many, many issues to resolve. We wait upon you knowing that when you are ready all will progress again as it should. We are not in a race little ones. Many, many years lay ahead in this mission work on earth today. Today we are planting seeds. Yes little ones indeed we are, seeds that will sprout into great and wondrous works that will aid in directing Urantian’s into Light and Life. We would ask that you try and see the whole picture, the whole perspective as you are able from where you are now in the scheme of things....yes we realize that sometimes that is quite difficult. As we have so often said before you are just now entering into a new age of spiritual growth for your planet home.
You will see great and wonderful beginnings of projects that shall greatly speed up the edification of your planet. Do not despair, all is going as directed. You are not forgotten nor forsaken, such a jewel you are in the heavens of Michael’s Nebadon. Indeed you are all most loved and blessed above all planet homes in his wide domain. So let not your heart be troubled....we will continue as before when you are ready, when all has settled and you find yourself at peace and stillness with in. We look upon the heart of each one of you and know that your desire is to do the will of the Fathers’ in heaven. We know that you love your planet home and desire that all that dwell therein should come into a knowledge of the truth as brought to Urantia by Christ Michael Himself! Yes little ones, your own sovereign ruler and king himself came to you, choose you of millions to be his bestowal planet....here conquered and overcame the instigators of the rebellion that rocked your sector of his universe.
You are indeed blessed with the understanding that you possess this day! Blessed indeed! So dear ones go in peace, deal with the affairs that now concern you and when all is sorted and set right once more we will continue as before.
We greet you in love and peace, we leave you surrounded and loved in that peaceful enfoldment of the Master’s love shed abroad in all the hearts of those who love him and seek to serve him according to his will. We all desire to be of service in the Kingdom of Heaven of which you too are even now loyal subjects, faithful agondonters striving ever to live according to the will of his father in heaven as do we all. Welcome to the family of God little ones, we are here to serve you now and always....so have no fear all is in good hands and we will go forward ever renewed and refreshed once more in the mission set out before us.
Your teachers, Bertram, MuriEL and Malcom.
Session 18
- October 1, 2000
TARA: Is there a message tonight? I feel I am floundering in my spiritual growth and as to my worthiness to be apart of this mission today. Please give me personal direction tonight as I feel so out of control. Thank you.
MALCOM: My child, our little one. First realize you are not forgotten. We are all here around you supporting you, enfolding you, loving you in all your daily walks of life and living.
Yes, indeed, you do make your walk more difficult for yourself by your decisions you make each day. We would not interfere with your own free will choices that are yours to make each day, each hour, each moment. We are here only to guide and teach you as you are willing and as you ask. You have asked tonight and we will give you guidance here as requested....
First and foremost we would impress upon you the importance of stillness, that time with Father in the quietness of your mind, in that quiet sanctuary where mortal meets spirit in loving embrace.
Here will you find Father and the peace and tranquility of life you are looking for. Here will you be renewed and refreshed to meet the challenges and responsibilities of life pressing down so hard upon you. Here will you find rest for your soul and renewed vigor to carry on. Here will you drink the water of life and be filled with love overflowing. Here will you be able to lay all your burdens down and never have to pick them up again. Here will you ascend into the supreme experience of love and praise and worship of your loving Father as he brings you into his eternal embrace. Yes, this is the first and foremost advice I can give you tonight. Do not now neglect this most important practice. Set time aside daily and establish a definite time or times to go to the Father in earnest prayer, supplication and worship. This is needful for you, for your growth and spiritualization.
Second, we would advise you to schedule a time to meet these, your first commitments to Michael’s Mission. You have been called, little one, to serve as a receiver of our lessons. We all have a work to do, of love and service to mankind. We saw into your heart as you read the recent transcript from Daniel’s group. The reality of this Mission and it’s work touched your heart and brought you back to us. Though you feel your Teaching Mission Group in Hamilton is splintered right now, it is not so. All will be corrected and the meetings will go forward again.
Transition and change is difficult. There is no race but time is marching on, on your sphere of existence....much work is to be done and MuriEL is still waiting in the wings for her lessons to commence once more. If you are willing she would like to pickup where she left off and even now compile the lessons as planned before your group. They could now be formulated and prepared for later presentation. Here again we must ask you to set time aside for this project on a regular basis. We are here to assist in every way that we can without infringing upon your free will.
Third, we would encourage you to get out of the house and SEE the world about you. You need contact with other personalities of your own age and maturity. We do not say this at the expense and neglect of your daughter and grandchildren, no. We are only suggesting that you find balance in your life for your mind stimulation and expansion and for the opportunity of service beyond the inter sanctum of your home. Yes, loving service to your children and grandchildren are important indeed, indeed they are, but you must broaden your interests and outreach.
Fourth, you must attend to your health and your living environment....yes, these areas are in need of attention. Pay attention to your diet which contributes to your overall health. Exercise and fresh air are most important....winter will be upon you very soon now, so take advantage of these warm autumn days. Rest is most important for you. Ensure that you get sufficient rest as you do need it to cope with your present health issues.
So you can see little one, I have been addressing all aspects of you life, spiritual, mental, physical.
To find balance and harmony all sides of your being must be addressed. We do realize that you have been in a confused state of existence due to the move and the ongoing renovations which are now nearing completion. Soon things will settle down and that stress will be gone and you will be able to enjoy the peaceful and beautiful getaway area you have been striving for. Make it your private sanctuary for prayer and study and times of stillness with the Father. From that starting place each day you will find the peace and strength to carry out all your multiple responsibilities of the day. You are in good hands, little one, and we are here to help and guide you whenever and wherever you ask. It is our assigned duty and loving service to you each and everyday. You are the flower, we are the petals that surround and enfold you and care for you each and every hour. You are not alone, dear one. We are here to ever serve and guide you as you make your way home, beginning right here on beautiful Urantia.
Go forward now into this new day, this new month of October, into the closing months of this first year 2000.
I am your teacher and guide, in loving service, Malcom
Session 19
- October 13, 2000
Teachers Bertram and MuriEL: It is with great pleasure and with great desire that we join in this communication with you this morning. It is of utmost importance that you, our elect, be aware of what is now transpiring in the Middle East. Watch therefore, for indeed grave times are just ahead of you now....and you must all be prepared for what shall transpire. Above all realize that you are all in good hands and nor will you ever be forsaken, now or ever in the future as world conditions continue to deteriorate and escalate to the culmination of this present age of human rule.
Indeed are you in a long transition period leading to Life and Light for your planet home, our beloved Urantia. You need not fear for all must come to it’s full fruitation. We are ever here now to guide and direct you as you call upon us of your own free will. We have been given the over care and teaching of, and the charge of preserving the Children of God, his elect, on earth today, all those who willingly choose the will of the Fathers in their lives.
Now do we call upon you to draw ever nearer to the Father in the stillness, ever place your trust and hope in him. Let his light surround you, his love enfold you, his power protect you. There, draw upon the power of the Father to strengthen and sustain you always, now and in the times to come and indeed for all eternity. Indeed will this be a time of testing and trial and growth for all God’s children on earth today, but you dear ones; you are the children of light upon the earth today. You must let your light shine to those around you by the life that you lead, guided by the truth you know and understand and have made apart of the very essence of your being.
Indeed it is true that your daily living is your witness to the world. What is your witness? That the eternal Father of all does indeed dwell in the heart of man, transforming and molding him into his eternal children of light through the power of his love, that love shed abroad in the hearts of all his children. Only when this world sees and understands the one brotherhood of all, the one supreme Fatherhood of God of all, will world peace come.
Now rest in that assurance of Father’s love for you and your eternal place in his family and be that example of God-likeness to all your fellow siblings. Ever do we encourage you to grow in the “Fruits of his Spirit” for these are indeed the very basic attributes of his perfection, that perfection he has asked you to become, to shine forth these attributes into the world, beginning right where you are on Urantia. Begin in your homes, in your relationships, in your community, in your work place but most importantly begin within yourself to live according to his will and his will for you is to “Become perfect as he is perfect”. It is true: “By your fruits shall you be known”.
We leave you now, to ponder our lesson this morning. Consider how you can allow his will to be manifest in all your daily activities, and in so doing lead your world one step closer to world peace and into the coming age of Light and Life.
Your teachers and guides into the age of Light, abiding in the Father’s love, Bertram and MuriEL
Session 20
- October 27, 2000
Bertram: Let us begin, little one by saying that you need not fear this evenings activities. We are here to help and uphold you in every way....we will do the work....all we ask is that you be our open and willing conduit of the messages we shall being.
Your burdens feel heavy at this time and time seems so short to accomplish all that weighs down upon you, but you do not need to be anxious as this you have done before and have done valiantly. Our focus will be on the road that lies before us and the avenues we shall soon trod once more. We would advise you now to find some rest and relax and bathe and seek the stillness in preparation. Much are you in pain and we realize this and you have the long drive just ahead of you so take your leave now little one remembering that we will all be by your side this evening as we once again commence our work in Michael’s Mission in this my area of assignment. We see your commitment and love and desire to serve though weighted down with all your responsibilities but you will do well and we will see you through this time set apart for Michael. We bid you good afternoon now. Your teacher and guide, Bertram.
(To transcribe message )
Session 21
- October 27, 2000
Message from Machiventa for Tara, T/r — Judy Nyland
This is Machiventa speaking.
Dear little one, your struggles are noted on high. You are bogging yourself down with guilt feelings. We know the heavy burdens you saddle yourself with in helping your daughter walk her walk. However, better times are coming and your load will be lightened with more time being freed up for the Master’s business. Set yourself to your daily tasks with a glad heart.
A change in perception is needed here.
Let go of guilt feelings. The Father knows your intent, for He sees all, knows all and wills all.
It is the human in need of learning to listen to and discern God’s will, which is the path with the most love in it. You are walking that path child, but your heart is heavy, because you lay the burden of guilt upon it.
You have your sister, Judy, here willing to attend to you on our behalf, so you can unburden yourself in the lap of Mother Nebadonia.
This will help you to relax in your body and mind which deserves some attention too.
Start doing some relaxing exercises which will invigorate your body. You will both be guided, as to which one is the most suitable to start out with.
We desire that you start honouring your body more and start paying attention to it’s requirements. Perhaps a check into allergies. Certain foods need to be avoided.
To be of service in the Master’s Mission, soul, mind and body all need attended to.
We desire for you to attain a greater degree of health, your zest and joy for living shall increase.
Do not think that you must “do things.” Yes, I know that ugly head of guilt would prick you.
It is also learning “to be.” First and foremost to relax the total system and yet be invigorated rather than exhausted. Take yourself in hand, you owe your body and mind that, and in return they shall serve you better.
In love, I remain, Machivenata, the loyal Prince Regent of Urantia
Session 22
- November 1, 2000
Little one, let not your heart be troubled. Mortal flesh is weak indeed and that dear child is why we are here to aid and assist you in your personal growth, in the edification of your surviving immortal soul. We did not call you because of your perfection but because of your willingness to be our tool, our mouth, our hands, our feet. Perfection is an attainment that takes time in the realm of time over the course of many, many extended lengths of time. This you are coming to realize, to understand through your studies and your personal enlightenment.
You ARE CHILDREN. Children in the Family of God here on earth. The Father has many, many children, indeed we are all his children in all his vast domains stretching all the way from Paradise, even to lowly darkened Urantia. If you could but see how we see you from our perspective, you would not feel so troubled, and in despair. Yes, you err and make mistakes as do all children as they grow, but these are not errs that would expel you from the family. No, little ones. Do not entertain such a thought. Which of you would cast out your children because of little mistakes made in the growing process. Such happenings are bound to happen as they learn and practice the art of living the human life, as indeed you also err as spiritual children, learning the art of spiritual/morontial living. As you grow; children, adolescent, adult, so do you grow as a human, a morontial and as a spiritual being, all in their designated courses of time.
How often have we called ourselves your nannies? We are here teaching the spiritual babes of the family and it is indeed our joy and supreme privilege to do so. We have been sent to you trained and qualified for the job at hand and we will do our part as you willingly allow us to do so.
Children, it is the Father’s good pleasure to give to you his Kingdom. He desires to give you ALL. You will in time little ones, experience all, see all, enjoy all there is, all that has been prepared for you, for all of us. What awaits you is beyond your wildest expectations or your most inspired dreams or highest thoughts. No, you cannot comprehend what awaits. Neither have we, your teachers seen what lies ahead....We too wait in anticipation of what lies ahead in our journey homeward. We can tell you that what we HAVE seen is awesome and beyond what we had ever expected, even on this present level of evolvement.
It is so very important that you come to realize that this is just the BEGINNING, the very, very smallest of a beginning of your ascension journey home, the first wee baby step. Words here cannot describe fully for you what an awesome journey lies before us all that we have been privy to understand on this side. We are all on this magnificent journey together as your companions and guides, who are only just a little ahead of you and are reaching back to help you in your own growth in preparation for this ascension journey home. We choose and were chosen to come to assist in this great Mission of Mercy to prepare you for that awesome adventure.
Let us daily teach and guide you along the way. We are dedicated to your upbringing as growing siblings in the family. We do not sit in judgement when you err, no That is not our job. We only desire to see you reach out and up when you falter, brush your self off and start again. You can have faith trust in the love and mercy of the Father. This we can attest to.
It is Michael’s desire that you grow in the fruits of his divine spirit and this we will help you to aspire to and become proficient in.
It is with great joy that we see your group studying these divine attributes of the Father this past weekend.....and now as you look to the life of Jesus, our Michael Son, you will learn how he applied these fruits in his own human life while on Urantia. This will be a learning experience indeed and well worth the effort. As you recall this was the very direction that I was guiding you last fall. Yes, it is MuriEL communing with you this afternoon. Having laid the basic lessons, we were then launching into the fruits of the spirit and as we dealt with each one, to study how to apply them in our daily lives, following the example of Jesus set forth and revealed by the midwayers in your text, the Urantia Papers.
If you are now willing, we will continue on once more with these lessons. Please now review these lessons to bring us back into harmony of thought and we will begin again with the next lesson.
It has been my pleasure to be with you in this communication this afternoon, to reestablish this contact, to renew our commitment and dedication to Michael’s Mission together. I am your assigned teacher and it is my pleasure to lovingly serve you in this manner in partnership with my esteemed and beloved brothers, Bertram and Malcom.
We bid you farewell this day and eagerly anticipate our next encounter.
Now I bid you good day, little one, MuriEL.
Session 23
- November 11, 2000
Greetings little ones, how pleasant it is to greet you on this snowy afternoon in your little corner of Urantia nestled in the great falls area. Blessed indeed are you all to be living in such beautiful and diverse areas of this great continent of North America, for here in this most bountiful land have the seeds of Michael’s Mission been planted, stirred and cultivated, nourished and protected. From such a small seedling were you transplanted here out of the new zeal of your brothers on far distant shores for in our tender loving arms did we bring you, plant you near the salt lake. Now have you grown spreading your boughs far and wide and upward to the glory of the husbandman.
Now you make ready for further growth as we stir the ground and prepare the soil, prune and feed you. Yet are you most tender plants and each new seedling must ever stay rooted in the truths delivered to you, stay ever attached to the divine vine that feeds you, forever to bask in the radiant sun and first source that gives you life and purpose and the divine essence of his love.
Our precious little ones, know that you are in the loving hands of those who have been sent to you now, to guide you into this new phase of Michael’s mission. Many more new helpers are arriving daily upon your world to aid in this mighty emergency mission, even your wayward cousins now redeemed and rehabilitated, eagerly desiring to aid and serve, are returning to aid in the very correction of the legacy left behind by their rebellious actions.
(To be continued)
Session 24
- December 1, 2000
Malcom: Little one, hear our plea. We have long desired to be in contact with you. You are indeed dear to our hearts. You are LOVED. We all surround and enfold you in the Father’s love.
Little one, little one, how heavy are the burdens you bear but you need not carry them alone.
We are here and we will assist you. A multitude encompasses you in love and understanding.
Trust dear child, that we are here, sent by your Father on High, and by his Master Son of Nebadon, your Christ Michael and he is here to speak to you himself. Listen and you shall hear him.
Michael: My child, lift up your head, I AM IS HERE. Be of good cheer, rest your burdens upon me and I will give you peace.
I see your striving and despair, your fears and sorrows but always know you are never alone.
I have sent you my teachers, who love you and are there by your side to assist and help you in your daily walk. My Spirit of Truth will light your way. You need not fear for we are all here now to guide and direct you.
Listen and be aware of our calling you to service, for I have called you and placed you where you can serve in love and compassion for now as you grow and develop in preparation for greater service tomorrow.
These little ones in your care need you now for their nurturing and for the setting of firm foundations upon which to build their lives, for they will be of great service in the years to come on my beloved Urantia. Love them and nurture them and set their feet upon the higher way of life. Yes, dear child, the work you do today is most important and we have placed you so.
So now, do not despair. Live each day to the full in love and service. My teachers, placed with you, understand and do not judge you in your struggles to balance your life in meaningful service to all. Now must you learn to serve yourself also. Your body is my temple; nourish it and care for it so that it will serve you well, for here do we dwell with you, sup with you and enlighten you from within. Feel our presence and know that in the Father do we live and move and have our being. Let his love fill you to overflowing out to all you embrace.
And now do I embrace you in my love. I know that you now feel my presence within you, surrounding you, embracing you in my love.
I AM HERE, child. I AM EVER HERE, and ALWAYS HERE, your Father who loves you.
Now rest my child and be at peace. Take my hand now and doubt no more. I call you to even greater service in my Father’s Kingdom, in my Father’s family of Love. Prepare yourself now and follow me. I AM Michael of Nebadon, Planetary Prince of Urantia.
Tara: Thank you Christ Michael, thank you.
Malcom: Little one, we are indeed pleased that you were visited this night by Michael, himself.
Now doubt no more. We will assist and guide you in every way that we can according to the Father’s will and in accordance with your own free will. Ask and you shall receive.
We are your teachers, your seraphim angels, your midwayer companion, all here to aide you in your daily living of loving service and in your work as an apostle in Michael’s Mission.
Never again underestimate your value, each of you, in Michael’s Mission on earth today.
All is unfolding as it should. We are your real friends, your brothers and sisters of the spirit realm. YES, we are REAL, ALIVE and HERE to aide and assist you in your spiritual growth and service assignments.
Now little one, rest and be refreshed for the coming day. We bid you good night.
Malcom and your teaching companions.
Session 25
- December 10, 2000
I am Bertram, your teacher. Little one, let not your heart be troubled. We do indeed have a work to do and it is not for you to worry or to be concerned as to how all shall be fulfilled.
We are not in a race, little one. We will fulfil our calling in due time. We want to put your mind at rest. Take to heart the message brought to you recently from Christ Michael, himself.
We all have our assigned positions and the work we do daily; we do in loving service to all.
Dear child, you are doing all that you can under present circumstances. Indeed, you are going far beyond your capacity due to your health compromises and you are indeed putting yourself at risk and jeopardy.
Both Michael and Machiventa have personally admonished your to take action regarding your health, as has your personal teacher, Malcom. We will help you, but you must also be willing to follow our leading and guidance daily.
Fully do we realize your condition is weakening, and you are correct in desiring to seek professional aid tomorrow. This do without fail. You are needed where you are for yet a while, a work you are called to do there on your home front, but also in service here in Michael’s Mission.
Tara: Bertram, what about your teacher base in Hamilton? I am so far away now and with the weather and my headaches and physical debilities, how can I be of service there, being so far away? Do we still have a teacher base there?
Bertram: This, my child, you must not concern yourself. All will progress and work out as planned. All will proceed according to the will of the Father and Father Michael in due time. Lessons of great value are being learned by all. Only now must you prepare yourself in healing and personal spiritual growth of soul and spirit attitudes. Live each day to the full and ever be assured that you are not alone in this flesh, nor will you ever be alone in your ascension career homeward, even in the morontial worlds beyond this life.
So take heart, dear child. We will lead and guide you over the next winter months in your service as an apostle in Michael’s Mission. Just be open and willing when you feel our presence and realize that we have a message for you to transcribe for the children of Urantia who will open their hearts to receive it.
You have had a very difficult day today and now I bid you farewell. Take your rest now, little one, and be at peace.
Your teacher and friend, Bertram, teacher of the Hamilton Teacher Base for Christ Michael.
Collection from Cambridge,Ontario, Canada