2000-01-14-Scribbles from Lytske
Topic: Scribbles from Lytske
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Unknown
TR: Lytske
Prayer: Dear wonderful God within and without. How great and marvelous You are. How mysterious your ways with the human soul. I am open, receptive and responsive to your living truth and energy in me. Please help me grow more into the person You would have me be.
Dear one, allow yourself to be. How does a tadpole grow into a frog? One day at a time.
Cultivate your Silence daily to be in the holy presence of your God within. Accord this Spark of God a greater space in your consciousness, for this is meant by walking with God.
Your human soul cries out all the time. It is insatiable in its developmental growth. Your past trials and tribulations have forged you onto a solid footing.
A greater growth, a greater flourishing is unfolding. The more you abide with your God within, the greater your spiritual fragrance becomes.
Be ever ready to listen to the prompts from your Thought Adjuster. All is unfolding according to plans set in motion a long time ago.
All willing souls are being prepared.
Listen, listen, listen.