2000-04-30-Adjutants, Conflict
Topic: Adjutants & Conflict
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teachers: Tomas, Elyon, & Jessona
TR's: Sheila & Jonathan
Tomas (Jonathan TR): Greetings, this is Tomas. I would like to express to you my delight in witnessing your conversation, the manner in which you share your thoughts and how well you collectively contribute to discernment. This form of communication is what we teachers would love to see manifest throughout the world, that one another can sit, discuss, investigate, an issue or topic and emerge from the discussion each one enriched with greater insight. All too often on this world communication falls into dispute; sides are taken, and lines are drawn. But if human beings on this planet can learn that viewpoints expressed contribute to an enlarged viewpoint, then the threat of being at odds ideologically with one another will disappear, and greater community will be experienced, even that of brotherly fellowship.
A tabletop may be finished beautifully; it may sparkle; it may reflect the room; it may enhance the beauty of the wood. But it is rare that a tabletop is finished on the underside where it appears marked and scratched; even fingerprints of the worker may still be there. Yet that underside is at one with the uppermost surface. There can be no tabletop without the bottom, and many a table beneath-side is the structural and functioning element of the upper surface. Likewise do viewpoints work together. One viewpoint may be highly ideological, another wholly practical. The two come together to make a unit which is serviceable.
I am finished with my words, and I will leave you with Elyon.
Elyon: I greet you this day, my friends, this is your teacher and friend Elyon. I know of your desire to ask questions today. Rather than offering a lesson which would consume time, let us pursue your topics and derive lessons therefrom.
Harold: We were discussing the difference between pressure and conflict. Would you like to contribute?
Elyon: You have each done well in this discussion. I can contribute a third element that you seek in understanding the relationship of pressure and conflict. I choose the word to describe this third element as "drive". I would qualify this word with other words such as: standards, self-imposition, motivation; for, as you have noted, pressure can be distorting to conflict resolution and it can be motivating.
From within your own being, your self-imposed requirements, your standards of behavior, your list of values and ideals; condition your drive, your motivation, and purpose. When faced with conflict, pressure may force a decision short of its best resolution, and so, from within yourself your predispositions, inclinations, and tendencies may also inhibit as well as encourage the proper resolution of conflict. It is wise to assess these inward qualifiers, conditions, just as you would assess which pressures upon you are important in the decision and which are distracting.
Conflict does bring growth. It is not conflict that is growth; it is that you must change yourself in order to become the new being that growth brings you into becoming. Pressure may push you forward to take this step; it may distract you and hinder you from that step, and your own values, standards, prejudices, and inclinations can work toward or work against the same growth.
Conflict can be over an external choice, but spiritual growth comes from conflict that is weeding out tendencies within your character that do not improve your relationship with the Father and your serviceability to your brothers. Conflict is also worthwhile in helping you to discern personality attainment that you currently lack, though at this point in evolution, its absence is not wrong; it is only that you have a new level to which you may aspire. So not all conflict requires the removal of simply negative traits but also the acquirement of greater traits, not necessarily more correct traits, as the traits you have are fine. Rather they are amplifications, enlargements, refinements, of these currently held traits.
Conflict is ever-present. It is inherent in the tensions of time and space. Pressure is a time dimension. Your internal orientation qualifies how successfully you will resolve this time-constrained conflict. If you are exercising faith, if you are willing to be taught, if you are mindful of the elements that contribute to decisions, you will better be able to choose, given the presence of pressure or its absence.
I wish to hear your comments.
Harold: It sounds like its not a simple solution either way. Pressure has many facets to it.
Elyon: And I would add one more element and that is draw, the pull of the Father upon your soul, that magnetism that leads you into His presence, that encouragement to become as He is. This can be seen as a form of pressure, though "draw" is more appropriate, for it is this ever-present draw of the Father that will bring you growth if you choose to receive and to become like Him and all that He reveals.
Harold: So, in our conflicts we should look for the drawing of the Father as a direction.
Elyon: This is true. I may, if you will, offer this as a technique: to first seek the Father to ascertain His will. His will may not be a specific statement as to which way you must choose, but rather He will acknowledge His presence and involvement in your conflict, and that presence will affirm for you that the Father desires your growth in this arena. Without such you could then assume that your conflict is temporal in nature and solely a choice of preference for you alone to make, that is, free of the condition of whether the Father has taken a side on the issue.
Secondly, to discern your own internal climate, as I have stated, your inclinations or your prejudices, your motivations, those things from within yourself that will hinder or help deciding. Discern whether or not these conditions are themselves what need change and thereby resolve the conflict, or whether they are what has brought the conflict into being and that these internal standards must remain, and therefore the conflict must be resolved to uphold them.
Thirdly, discern the value of the pressures upon you to choose, whether they are contributing effectively to your making your decision or whether they are merely beating you about and preventing you from choosing as, if I may use an image, the shaking of the ground in an earthquake would make it difficult for you to negotiate passage through a door. Those pressures can be debilitating.
Fourth: Be bold and courageous and decide.
Trust every resolved conflict to the Father. Do so before you even choose, for the Father loves you regardless of your choices. Your decisions will lead you closer to Him or will reveal lessons and experiences that you require in order that you will become closer to Him. The wrong decision can bring the right result in due time, for in the experiential universe many things must be undertaken in order to uncover the deeper significance and the spiritual import of that experience.
Stalemate is debilitating. If you feel that you cannot move in one direction due to pressure and another due to your own constraints, you will stand still. Something must give. But the Father wishes that you choose, that the dynamic, the tension, of time may continue. The tug and the pull may go forward that you may, in this agitation, progress even if this progress is only the discovery of an error and a lack such that you may now discern clearly what needs to be acquired to move on.
Manifestation, Triad
Tom: I'd like to ask Jessona, in reviewing this year's transcripts and in our discussions at the Easter conference, I was struck by the number of times the word "attainment" was mentioned. We demonstrate our accomplishments not to prove our attainments but to refine them. The goal is not attainment but unfoldment. Attainment is associated with goals. Attainment may be a meaning and unfoldment a value. Attainment is like a tadpole wishing he were a frog and unfoldment a tadpole living each moment as a tadpole.
In the discussion of sincerity and dedication, like conflict and pressure, I smell a triangle here. They are all tetrahedrons with growth at the apex. All of these are two elements that are so wide open I could fit half a dozen into each of these. Could you fill in the triangle of unfoldment and attainment? and also sincerity and dedication? Am I just doing philosophic chin-ups?
Jessona: Your statements reek with wisdom. You have been pursuing these lessons diligently. That I would offer as a third element of sincerity and dedication is diligence, to not only be wholehearted in sincerity and wholehearted in your dedication, but to be diligent, to pursue. One may sincerely desire the will of the Father; one may dedicate oneself to spiritual purposes, but without the diligence to pursue in the face of conflict, one may retreat, may stall.
In seeking for a word to complete the triad of pressure, conflict, I would offer Elyon's word the "draw" of the Father, for pressure may push, and His draw pulls, and conflict can be a tug-of-war between these.
Unfoldment and attainment I wish to treat in a different manner, for attainment is a point of demarcation. It signalizes something that has transpired. When a parent marks the doorpost with the height of its child, that becomes an attainment. Yet the child continues to unfold physically, all the potentials were present even at the point of conception and are simply over time being revealed in its growth. Attainment is a mile marker in unfoldment. This way of looking at attainment is to understand that the potentials resident within you are simply now being activated. Much of spiritual growth is not acquiring, it is activating what you now possess, and I include the presence of the Thought Adjuster in this equation, which should allay your concerns that you may not be as equipped as you really are, that you think you lack when in reality you have the Father within you to compensate for any dimension of your being you may consider to be absent. That which you feel you must acquire is in reality only that which you need to unfold.
If I were to offer a word to triangulate unfoldment and attainment, it is application. The best lessons are not those which are understood, but they are those that are lived. What you attain you do so vitally, not theoretically. Unfoldment implies a certain degree of naturalness as would the opening of a bud into a full flower. Application implies that you put yourself to work, that you apply pressure of your own, that you exert. As you naturally unfold and as you deliberately apply, you will attain. Every attainment is a step in the ladder wherein you may continue to unfold and constantly apply yourself.
Does this provide you with much to think about?
Tom: It sure does. Thank you for those insights. I will study them.
Jessona: For the record, I assume you know this is Jessona.
Adjutant Mind Spirits
Evelyn: We were discussing the adjutant mind spirits. What more could you share about their function? Do they encircuit to varying degrees? Do insects have only one or all five but barely functioning? Do insects have not any, only higher animals? What more can you tell us about them?
Jessona: These encircuitments of the Mother Spirit in the minds of the local universe are a pattern, an avenue, through which mind functions. Their very presence distinguishes mind functioning from that of simple chemical brain responses. They are one of the reasons why mind can know another mind, where a brain of chemical response would not necessarily know of the presence and activities of another brain. This mind encircuitment connects an individual with another individual and is witnessed in the fact that you can startle a spider because you share an adjutant.
I cannot describe accurately to you which mind circuit is functioning in some of the other orders of animals besides yourselves, for there is a blurring of these circuits when you observe actions and reactions, for these actions and reactions are the results of various adjutant functions. When a scorpion charges you is that intuition or is that courage? The higher mind of a mortal may witness an action that appears courageous but yet may be simply an instinctual response to threat, and there is no bravery being experienced whatsoever.
Let me digress and stress another point, and that is that with the mastery of mind you can enhance the functioning of the adjutant circuits. You will not increase their presence or encircuitment, but you will improve their functioning as they are already present. I don't mean that you could improve the function of the adjutant of courage by leaping from bridges, though this may be somewhat helpful, but your ability to be steadfast, your ability to take a leap of faith, can contribute to the encircuitment.
All seven adjutants are present upon this planet and have been functioning since the times of the first humans. It is true that the higher animals are more responsive to the later adjutants and that the human mind is the only mind of the animal order of mind that responds to the highest. But the evolution of all creatures entails the evolution of animal mind. Every creature is a building block to the emergence of mortal mind, just as every creature was a stepping stone to the evolution of the human vehicle. The adjutants are not bestowed upon any type of creature by an act of will. They encircuit when mind attains a level where that circuitry is appropriate. They encircuit with an intensity that is appropriate for that level of mind function. The Mother Spirit has not decided that a particular creature will only have three and not five, but that that mind requires the intensity of each circuit according to its life requirements.
I hope this has been fulfilling as an answer to your question.
Evelyn: Yes, very much so. Thank you.
Tom: Can you petition a circuit? For instance in a situation that demands more courage can you pray to a circuit? Or would you pray to the Universe Mother Spirit?
Jessona: You must pray to the Mother Spirit. The circuit is present and functioning. What you need is a better ability to respond to the circuit. The circuit does not increase . .. a normal mind enforced by the adjutant of courage is present. The adjutant presence is why you would be so bold even to pray. It is an innate, fundamental, and supportive activity of mind, the courage element that permeates all events that contain potential for courageous response. One who is a coward is still equally encircuited with the adjutant of courage. It is a freewill decision or an unfortunate circumstance of life that the opposite behavior is exhibited. If you desire to be more courageous, this is a spiritual attainment that you seek. This is where your Mother Spirit will minister to you, but you can trust the adjutant to be ever present.
Though it may be somewhat inaccurate, the adjutants can be considered like a series of maps in your glove box. You have them. You can use them, but you cannot change them. They exist as they do. If you desire an atlas of all road maps, you must rise above the functioning of mind and seek the realm of spirit.
The adjutants can also be considered the very roads that these maps represent. This is the manner in which you travel in the mind arena. In the evolution of mind upon a world, roads, when established, signalize the activity of one of the adjutants. In the primitive forms of life few roads if any were present. It was all "off road". When a creature or series of creatures function mentally in a manner that establishes potential for a road, the adjutant encircuitment takes place and the road is established, and mind functions on that path. This unfolds all the way up to the adjutant of wisdom which in itself integrates all these pathways into a grid and makes it possible for mankind to comprehend and to correlate the broad range of mental experience. The adjutant of wisdom will help you to perceive from the mountain top the interconnecting pathways below.
Michael: Greetings to you, this is Michael. Joyfully do I witness the pursuit of truth, your philosophical investigations. I assure you of my support, and I encourage you wholeheartedly to seek and discern.
You know that I have said that you must have faith and trust as a little child. I in no way implied that you must maintain ignorance or that you must be blind, for every child is ever learning, always absorbing more of what life presents. Your investigations today exemplify the childlike attitude. I recognize this. I offer my acknowledgment to you, my acceptance. May you ever be encouraged by the discovery of deeper meaning of greater value as you ponder topics such as those you have discussed this morning.
I take my leave now and only by word and leave with you ever and always my assurance and love.