2000-08-28-Prayer To Father
Topic: Prayer to Father
Group: Half Moon Bay TeaM
Teacher: Olfana
TR: Susan Kimsey
Father, You are the Light which guides us to each new day.
You are the Warmth, which fills our beings, and gives us comfort.
You are the Deepening Love, which fills our hearts,
and lets us know that we are beloved of You,
and worthy of love from others.
You are the Source Point, Father, for all the ways
in which we become more resplendent in our own soul growth.
You bind us together, Father, in ways which can benefit
each and every one who reaches out to the other.
You are the Source Point of All of Creation, and we wish, now,
to be glorified in our understanding of the ways
in which we truly are the Manifestations of God
upon the plane of the Supreme Experience.
You, Father, are what we most essentially seek now in ourselves.
And we thank You for this true self-awareness
that You have given us of our eternal destiny.
Let us be filled with joy, with hope, with comfort,
that we go back to You, Father,
now joined together in our love for each other,
bonded together as spiritual beings,
who sense in ourselves our community
of brotherhood and shared destiny.
Let us, Father, trust in all the ways
in which we are Seekers of the Light
And let us honor this same urge in all others
that we meet in our days of existence.