2000-11-12-Heart Room as Upper Chamber

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Topic: Heart Room as Upper Chamber

Group: Costa Rica TeaM


Teacher: Alana

TR: S. Butterfield



Group shares growth experiences.

During group sharing, S reported that her hand had healed considerably – there was still some stiffness, but the pain had gone.

TR : We open up our hearts and our minds to the Mother Spirit, Father, Son. We welcome the teachers. We are here to learn.

Alana : Welcome. This is Alana.

D : Welcome, Alana.


Alana : Welcome to the heart room. There is much peacefulness here today. (Yes.) We shall speak about peacefulness. The growth in spirituality is the growth of peace. Those who seek, but forget to love, will continue to seek. Those who pray for contentment and peace, but forget to love, will continue to pray without result. Open up your hearts now. Open up your minds. Open up your backs. Open up your hearts. Ask Michael. Dear Father-Son. Dear Mother. Come. Come to us. Come here. Come now. Fill the heart room with your love. (silence) I shall blow love in through those holes in your back. I shall blow love in through your back, through your heart, down through your arms and your hands. Out your fingers. Allow my love to pour through your hearts to the one across the way. Allow me to blow love into your mind.

  • (silence)

And there is another chamber. There is another chamber in this heart room. Lift your hearts and your minds up, up, up. See very, very high. Very high up there is a small chamber. Rise up into it with me. It is filled with light. Do you see the light? Come. Come with me. This chamber is for your very special concerns. Your concern to know the Father. Your concern to feel the Mother Spirit’s love surrounding and protecting. Come be with me in this upper chamber now. (silence with deep breathing) Feel the Mother’s love. She embraces you, now. Open up your heart to her. Open it. Place it in the palm of her hands. Place it high in the chamber of her heart. Invite her, now.

  • (silence)

So, my friends, it is when you are willing to surrender your fear and doubt, your concern to be loved, it is when you are willing to step into my heart room and raise yourselves up, up, up to the Mother, to the Father, to Michael, there, there my friends, you will be poured upon with peace.

So, we have rather transported your transmitter. (laughter)


D : Along with the rest of us, I might say.

Alana : Blessings upon you.

D : Thank you for the blessing of taking us on that journey with you. You have a special gift, Alana, for opening our hearts to love, to taking us on these journeys that tend to open us up to the Father’s presence that comes sparkling through you. I just want to say, for myself and for the group, the thanksgiving that dwells constantly within me, and us, for your presence and your help, yours and Legion’s and all. Thank you.

Alana : We thank you. Our dear S, you wish to speak?

S : I was almost speechless last week, Alana, after that exercise with the hands in the middle of the table. I can’t find words enough to thank you, but I know that you know my heart is grateful.

Alana : Most definitely. Place your hand in the center of the table. I will speak to you for a moment, you and your friends, about your experience. It was an opportunity for you and for each of them to encounter the power of faith. Your hand is most precious to you. You surrendered it to the heart room, to the well wishes of your friends, to me, to us, and to Michael. Surrender again, your hand. Turn your palm up toward the upper chambers. Open your palm. Feel each finger. Allow your pain, your fear, your doubt, your concern, allow it to arise from your heart and your mind, through your arm, through the palm of your hand, through your fingers, Up. Surrender. Up. Surrender. Up. Surrender. Up. Give. Give it to me. Give it to Michael. Give it to the Mother. Allow. Allow Michael’s love. The Mother’s feeling touch. Devina’s music. Allow it to pour down through that upper chamber down into our heart room, down through the tips of your fingers, through your fingers, into the palm of your hand, into your heart, into your mind. Surrender, S. Surrender, O. Surrender, D. (TR takes deep, deep breath.) Your transmitter surrenders.

Peace. Serenity. Love. All of these things are a conjoint experience. You cooperate with us, and we cooperate with you. You must open. You must seek. You must surrender. And then Faith, blessed Faith. Your faith is a daily, hourly experience. It is the blessing of your faith, my dear S, that you have slipped through the past week with joy.

It is your hand that opens and allows. When your hand grips and tries so very hard…

S : to hold on to the past..

Alana : Yes.

S : I’m getting it. (Yes.) Thank you for this, Alana.

Alana : You, particularly, have known the beauty of music. We will take that and speak about it for a moment. You are taught music, on your plane, most often by imitation, by beloved practice, by instruction. But when you discover the music in your heart, and you allow it, the music in your heart to pour through your fingers, you discover joy, yes? And when you allow the music of your mind to pour through into the music of your heart and then to pour through your fingers to play, you discover joy, yes?

S : My first direct experience with God, I think, was playing music.

Alana : Blessed. Blessed. Blessed. Play God for me. Play God for Devina. Allow. Allow music to fill your humble abode. Take a few moments, every day, my beloved, every day. I will not say ten minutes, but of course you might try that perfect ten. Take a few moments every day, be it morning, be it evening, it matters not, and sit, my beloved, with your beautiful hands and play God. Will you do that for me? (Yes.) I will be with you, my love.

And I will tell you that it was a very special experience for your transmitter. We watched. She allowed us to speak and to tell you and your newcomer and your group, she allowed us to speak to all of them and put your hand in the center of our heart room. And I will tell you she did this with a certain amount of trepidation. You can read that the week before she had held herself lacking, fearful, afraid she had not enough faith. So it is not exactly that we would say your pain was designed to serve, but still you served your beloved transmitter beautifully.

S : I am grateful for that.

Alana : And she too. And I. I am grateful you surrendered your pain to me. And you too my friend Mr. O. Your beloved, Daniel, he is so pleased that you weep so little now. Yes, he will come to you some day and speak, one heavy dude to another, yes?

(Laughter! Earlier , in the group discussion, O had referred to Daniel as one heavy dude.)

D : She cracks me up.

Alana : Your beloved manager loves it when I make it clear to him that privacy is a spiritual matter. I shall speak to you about that now. There are certain private chambers of the mind and the heart that are open to us, always open to Michael and our beloved Mother Spirit, but you give permission, yes? (Yes.) And you, you have given permission a long, long time ago. Yes? (D : Yes, if you say so.) You opened your mind and your heart as a young child to God’s love. Even when you turned away, turned away according to the acceptable practices and institutional practices, and the path that you had prescribed for yourself, even when you turned away from that, your heart was open, your mind was open to God. You have said many times, “I put God upon the shelf!” (laughter)

Think about that, my friends: “I put God upon the shelf!” What shelf would you say? (laughter and teasing of D)

Our beloved God never left you. (D : That’s true. That’s true.) And we will be delighted, should you study that for awhile and put it in your little lessons that you are writing. (D : Study what, Alana, please?) How you put God upon the shelf, and whether or not, indeed, that is quite what happened.

We would have you understand that experience in a way that you can explain to those who have also thought to themselves, “I set God aside,” because “God has disappointed me.” Or, “that is not for me because I can see God serves no purpose.”

Your life, I think you will tell people, was blessed in that time that God sat contentedly upon his little shelf. (Much laughter.)

D : You aren’t going to let up, are you. You got me there! (Laughter.)

Alana : You can tell people, each of you, because you know many who need to hear, “God is here. Right here and now, blessing you, blessing you, blessing you. Open your heart my friend.”

And now we will do a very small favor for God and your transmitter. Each of you, say, Yes. The TR wishes so for her beloved son to know God and to speak to God and to allow God to speak to him. So each of you, say a prayer for her son, now. And as you say your prayer, know that you are saying it for yourself and for all those you love. “For O’s son,” the TR is saying to me. “Say it for him too,” she says.

O : Heavenly Father, I wholeheartedly pray to (TR’s son, O’s three sons, and F) that they may know God every day better, and have a direct personal relationship with that energy that makes us calm, helps us to grow and to love more.

Alana : Beautifully said, O. Would you like to do that, D?

D : Father, hold (TR’s son) in your loving embrace, just as you hold us at this moment in your loving embrace, make him know that he is your Son, and make him feel that the universe is for him, open his awareness to your presence in his life, may he discover that you dwell within him. We have faith that he will come into this knowledge and this peace of mind. Amen.

Alana : Thank you, D. And now, my beloved, S.

S : Dear God, if I can share with (Tr’s son, with her birth father, with O’s sons) just one tenth of the joy that I experience here with you, I give it with all my heart.

Alana : Place all of your beloveds in the heart room now. May Father. Mother. Michael. Come to you. Be with you. Comfort you. And may each of you know his power, know her love, and bring it through you and give it to others.

And so now, now that you are gathered with me in the heart room, do you have any special concerns you wish to share with me?

S : R comes bouncing into my head as we talk about others we want to experience God. He is somebody who has put God on the shelf, at least he thinks he has. And he is very angrily resistant. I would like to have him find what I have been so blessed to find. (D : That’s what you want to share, isn’t it? Especially with those you love.) Yes. And I also have to say that a little bit of my resistance comes from my fear of what will change in our relationship. I have a little fear around that.

Alana : So, first we shall put that fear into the center of the heart room, yes? And then, blow love upon it. And now, I will ask each of you to take this idea of resistance, place it in the center of the heart room, S’s, R’s, and blow love upon it. Love your resistance, my friends. Love your resistance. Do not give it the power of fear and doubt. Love your resistance. Love your beloved R. Look upon him through the eyes of God’s love whenever he expresses “angrily” his disappointment in God. And I might say, you will probably notice his disappointment in No God!

God. The Father. The Mother. Michael. Is always and always and always here. You do not need to convince R. What you need to do, my love, is love R. As you love him, with your, as you call it, new found love of the heart room, as you love him with our love, he will find God in the joy that he can not escape. You fear, my love. You fear what will happen if I love more! Now is that not a rather, shall we say, amusing way to put it?

S : I don’t fear that I will love more. I’m just afraid that if I surrender everything (slow rising chuckle) that he will find me very strange. (D : Fear of being perceived as very strange.) I’m not afraid for myself, I’m afraid of losing him. (D : Oh, the fear of losing R.) Yes.

Oh, yes, I keep grabbing things with these hands, Alana. I’m going to try to keep them open.

Alana : Yes. I will say to you again, you are afraid to love more.

D : I love these wide open sessions we have once in awhile. There is something so joyful about them. Your presence feels more real than sometimes during the lessons. You are just so sweet, Alana.

S : When you say that, Alana, do you mean I am afraid to love more than I have been loving? Or that I’m afraid to love more than he loves? I don’t understand.

Alana : You have known love as something that can be given and taken away. This is a difficult problem, as you call it, on your planet. But the love that you have been seeking, and the love that you have “found,” we shall say, although I must always say it was never lost, this love is eternal. This love can not be taken away. This love is God’s love, and as you grow in your knowing God, as you grow in your capacity to surrender everything to this love, as you grow in your ability to spend your days in faith in God’s love pouring upon you and showering through you to others, you will discover there is no need to fear loving another.

You might consider speaking to Legion for awhile about the discipline of love, which is the discipline of joy. You have your TR and your beloved manager to speak also about this discipline and the effect of this discipline upon their relationship. Each of them had their particular difficulties with it. It is possibly true that they did not experience quite the form of fear that is yours, which is the fear you will frighten your beloved away, but they had their fear. It is not that you need to appear strange to him. What it really is, my beloved, is that you fear becoming strange to yourself. You have not known before so much love could come through you without having to struggle, or to have your bumps and your resistance and your anger. This is why we come to you and your planet. Your planet needs to know God’s love is here. Surrounds each one of you. As each one of you comes to know that God’s love is secure, as each of you practices God’s love and holds and carrys and brings your faith in love to others, so they will know, and so will you no longer fear.

Allow your bodies, now, to be fused, infused with this love of which we speak. And for a moment, be this “stranger” who comes to you only, only with love, who speaks through you only with love.

  • (Silence)

S : Let me be an instrument of love.

Alana : Yes. And we shall be an instrument of love for you. Yes?

D : What a wonderful benediction your presence has been for us today, Alana.

Alana : I will tell you the truth, I was very eager to be here today. Your TR’s heart and mind was so light today, she allowed me such a comfortable living room with you. Is there anything else, my loves, before I go?

D : We especially remember V, and N, and E, wherever they may be today, that they will feel your love, and our love, poured out to them now. (S : And T.)

Alana : Yes. Thank you. We will take a break now.

S : Thank you so much, Alana.

(Break. Group discussion.)

TR spoke about the leap forward in her faith in the past weeks. “When we came down here, to C.R., I was in a stage of my faith in my life…I’d been through some big losses of faith in my self and in God. When we came down here I was still quite shaken, I was saying to myself, I was “safe” due to his (D) angels, not mine. That if I could stay by his side, as best I knew how, I would be protected, that was how I was seeing it, and that I could come down here, which I saw as an enormous leap that looked very unusual to me, because I had absolute faith that he was protected, and that he was connected to God. Absolute faith in his connection. The leap forward now, if not just this week, has been a leap forwad…a coming into my own faith. Which is not to discount or detach from his faith, but to come into my own. And then, what I have been discovering in this week is a very big leap of faith in our relationship, in our mutual faith, our relationship-faith. I don’t know how to say this, separate and together. He has his relationship to God. I have mine. And our relationship has a relationship to God, too.

S : Coming into your own resonates with me. I have felt that this whole process has been that for me, bit by bit. Last week, after the business with my hand, I was afraid to think it might be some kind of a healing. I was trying to not make a big deal out of it. I was afraid to say, well it got healed on the table. But today, Alana made it so clear. The whole focus, again, on my hand, made it very clear that the hand, and the healing of my hand, is metaphorical for the healing that has to take place inside me. The surrendering that has to take place. The complete surrendering. It is an object lesson.

D : They’ll use anything at hand, so to speak.

  • (Agreement and laughter.)


D : So our love affair goes on. I think maybe we should acknowledge once again our gratitude to Alana and to the TR for our session today.

Group prayer.

TR : Gratitude. Gratitude. Gratitude. Thank you Father. Thank you Mother. Thank you Michael. Thank you Alana. Thank you Love. Thank you for love.

S : Thank you for the lesson of love in my hands. That is real good for me. It really helps me to focus. That I can practice through my hands, I like that.

D : I see a vision of you stroking R with your magical healed hands.


S : I’d thought of that, D. (laughter) Oh you are such a salacious ol’ bastard!

D : My teachers don’t say salacious, they say “boisterous.”

O : You might not have to convince R with words after all.

D : Thank you Father for all the laughs we have around this table, it is so healing to laugh together, to feel so much joy in our hearts, to feel so loved that we can let that energy flow over, like our cups are running over.

TR : The joy. The joy.

S : ”The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want…”S recites the entire psalm.

D : Father, we thank thee for the love and the joy you have given us this past week. Help us to learn each day that it is a matter of choosing joy.

TR : The mother and the Father be with us all. I feel their energy flowing in, down my back, out my arms.

S : It is very important for us, the connection we have together. It is so nice to share it.

  • (laughter)

TR : They just make me laugh.

S : (starts humming a hymn, All Men Will Be Brothers, the group joins in, she says the first line in German)

D : I love that one we used to sing in the Presbyterian church, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. A beautiful German tune. We all belong to that Lutheran tradition, protesting, protesting. Now wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, that’s not an ace, that’s a duece. (laughter)

(Many statements of I love you made to the teachers and to each other.)